Campus Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tactical Action Community (CCDEI TAC) Summary of Accomplishments through October 2014 TAC/PAT Name Campus Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion TAC (CCDEI TAC) Accomplishment Description Planning and Development of PATs: *Center for Faith, Beliefs, and Ethics PAT (CFBE PAT) *Diversity and Multicultural Action Plan PAT (DMAP 2.0 PAT) *Campus-wide Equity and Civility Initiative PAT (CECI PAT) *Universal Information Technology PAT *Improving Campus Access PAT *Multicultural Mindedness - Undergraduate Education PAT *Graduate Student Recruitment and Retention PAT (additional support and critical need for collaboration) Requests for proposals for W.K. Kellogg Foundation diversity, equity, and inclusion assessment grants: Awarded nine in the amount of $21,984. These grants intend to facilitate increased ownership across campus. They allow assessment at the unit or department level, which was not a function of the campus climate study. Requests for proposals for W.K. Kellogg Foundation Diversity Change Initiatives: Internal Implementation of Assessment Recommendations, two rounds: Awarded five in the amount of $72,982 in the first round. Awarded four in round two in the amount of $57,736. These grants increase the focus on transformational systemic change instead of offering programs. Increased awareness of strategic planning, measuring outcomes, and transformational systemic change through meetings with: *Assessment and Undergraduate Studies (Dr. Dave Reinhold) *The Evaluation Center (Dr. Chris Coryn) *Institutional Effectiveness (Dr. Jody Brylinsky). Scheduled Dr. Roger Worthington, campus climate study external consultant, to return to WMU on Nov. 13 & 14 for action forums and report on the progress from the campus climate study recommendations. Commitment from Dr. Damon Williams, Senior VP for Programs, Training, and Youth Development for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, to come to WMU to offer professional development opportunities to increase capacity for strategic diversity leadership at WMU. Added assessment grants to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion website to promote visibility of campus climate work. Applied for the American Council on Education's Award for Institutional Transformation Presented at the Lee Honors College W.K. Kellogg Foundation Racial Healing Planning Grant event Promoted events and collaborations surrounding diversity and inclusion through the TAC meetings and email messages T:\Summary of Accomplishments\10.29.14 CCDEI TAC Summary of Accomplishments Campus Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tactical Action Community (CCDEI TAC) Summary of Accomplishments through October 2014 TAC/PAT Name Accomplishment Description Center for Faith, Beliefs David Louder and Dave Paul chair PAT, gathering participants from faculty, staff, students representing diverse worldviews and beliefs. and Ethics PAT Planning document and charter submitted to establish an administrative unit to address matters of faith and belief in the University community. Among these concerns are matters of equitable and hospitable worship and gathering space, attention to matters of discrimination based on beliefs, integration of international students into the university community, and education about beliefs and worldviews in an increasingly pluralistic culture. Student faith organizations consulted about needs for hospitable spaces and special concerns. Discussion of survey to determine university's "faith identity profile," to be done through personnel at Lewis Walker Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnic Relations Mission and purposes document developed defining the intended audience within the community and the specific focus for the unit. Meeting with Dr. Diane Anderson to discuss proposed unit. Suggestion that elements of project be incorporated into faculty development groups. Fetzer Institute expresses interest in convening key stakeholders to flesh out the vision for the overall project. Began contact regarding sources for outside funding Contact Haenicke Institute for Global Education for input Drafted document to be used as a grant proposal for submission to outside funding sources and presentation to interested administrative personnel. Campus-wide Equity and Civility Initiative PAT (CECI PAT) Jane Baas and David Paul agreed to co-chair the CECI PAT. Charter and planning form completed. Input was sought from various employee groups and students by members of the PAT regarding the need for an Anti-Bullying Policy and a process to address incivility and bullying behavior. Overwhelming support from across campus for the need for these items. Agreement from Office of the Ombuds to help facilitate a GAPDAC-like process for reporting and determining consequences for incivility and bullying behavior. Initial draft of process and nearly final draft of policy complete. Policy draft presented to TAC leadership team twice for input. Policy draft presented to entire TAC twice. DMAP 2.0 PAT Created an interview-style tool to use with campus departments/units. Received "no review" response from HSIRB. Received approval from Dr. Warfield and Dr. Brylinsky to proceed with the pilot, beginning with non-academic units fall 2014, and then academic units beginning in January 2015 after the completion of Academic Program Review. T:\Summary of Accomplishments\10.29.14 CCDEI TAC Summary of Accomplishments Campus Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tactical Action Community (CCDEI TAC) Summary of Accomplishments through October 2014 TAC/PAT Name DMAP 2.0 PAT (Continued) Accomplishment Description Pilot study with the College of Aviation in regard to the interview-style tool and our data collection process. Pilot study interview with the College of Aviation Diversity Council. Secured a graduate student in literacy studies to transcribe the interview. Received transcript from the College of Aviation interview, which will be used to edit/revise our interview tool as well as update the DMAP Sent an email request to Diversity Councils in order to increase PAT membership. Increased diversity and inclusion web presence with the College of Aviation. College of Aviation will be inviting a Disability Services for Students presentation in Battle Creek. Universal IT Access PAT Presented to Academic and Information Technology Council and Faculty Senate Executive Board. Created a PAT with appropriate representation. Created a self-study computer lab accessibility tool after significant research into literature and available tools. Gained approval from Provost Greene, Dr. Gilchirst, and Dr. Warfield to move forward with the self-study computer lab reviews for accessibility. Secured the support of an external expert. Secured the support of a Disability Services for Students Graduate Assistant to facilitate scheduling of the self-study computer lab reviews for accessibility. Received agreement from ODI and EUP to share the external expert consultant fee. Received approval from Greg Lozeau, Director Information Technology Policy and Communication, to move forward. Presented at the College Representatives Meeting. Conducted over half of the self-study computer lab reviews for accessibility. Presented at the LAN & Systems Specialist meeting. Increased awareness in OIT via College Reps and LAN meeting and by having Arnold Taylor, Director Information Technology Customer Service, as a PAT member. Increased awareness in EUP through having Andy Holmes, Executive Director of Technology Extended University Programs, as a PAT member. Met and received partnership with Dr. Reinhold to promote the work. T:\Summary of Accomplishments\10.29.14 CCDEI TAC Summary of Accomplishments Campus Climate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tactical Action Community (CCDEI TAC) Summary of Accomplishments through October 2014 TAC/PAT Name Recruitment and Retention PAT Accomplishment Description Meeting between Graduate College, Graduate Student Association, Residence Life, Dr. Diane Anderson to discuss possibilities for improvements with regard to graduate student housing opportunities. Collaboration with College Counseling Collective (CCC), RSO to plan and implement a pilot event aimed at improving transitional challenges for incoming graduate students in the CECP College Counseling program. Program was held in September, 2014 and included a Fall Welcome event with panel discussion with current College Counseling students, an informational and resource brochure, and an invitation for an ongoing connection with the CCC for future networking and support. Outreach activity to the Graduate Students at the Grand Rapids campus. Attended and was on the agenda at their Fall Orientation. Purpose was to welcome incoming graduate students and encourage them to connect with graduate student body at-large and encourage feelings of connectedness and inclusion with WMU community and main campus. Production of an informational welcome video (now available on the Graduate Student Association website), that provides information on the student advocacy activities and links to pertinent support information for new graduate students and others desiring more information about GSA and WMU. Multicultural Mindedness Undergraduate Education PAT Identified Undergraduate Education as one place to increase infusion of Multicultural Mindedness Agreed to pilot infusion of multicultural mindedness into First Year Experiences through First Year Seminar Fall 2014. Dr. Toni Woolfork-Barnes agrees to serve as PAT leader Consulted with Lewis Walker Institute about curriculum planning for increased infusion of Multicultural Mindedness into First Year Seminar. Agreed to collaborate, but were not able to meet timeline for May 2014 training for Fall 2014 courses. Explored possible partnership with ERACCE to meet planned implementation for Fall 2014. This avenue was cost prohibitive. Adjusted timeline to implement in Fall 2015 instead. Identified broader base of collaborators to support planning for May 2015 in preparation for Fall 2015. Creating Campus Access Mapped institutional opportunities, barriers and successes relating to campus access for students, employees and visitors. PAT has defined access PAT broadly to recognize that people of color, people with a disability, LGBT people, people who speak English as a non-primary language and many others may experience barriers to access at WMU Researched current institutionalized practices that support campus access and opportunities to institutionalize campus access in building design, curriculum development, and web support Reaching out to One Stop organizing offices to discuss opportunities to create a more accessible One Stop for future semesters that take into consideration language, mobility and inclusive practices. T:\Summary of Accomplishments\10.29.14 CCDEI TAC Summary of Accomplishments
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