MINUTES - Elko County

Elko County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)
General Membership Meeting
February 20, 2014 - 1:30 pm
Great Basin College – Health Sciences Building - room 107
1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801
Wells GBC classroom
In attendance: Pat Anderson-LEPC Vice Chair, Dan Allred-LEPC secretary, Robert PhillipsBGMI, Joseph Echegaray-BGMI, Becky Sharp-NNRH, Tamera Allred-NNRH, MaryAnn
Laffoon-CERT, Sherri McCarthy-Central Dispatch, Donna Holladay-Central Dispatch, Joel
Conwell-Noble, Chris McHan-ECAS. Ben Reed-EPD, Dylan Rader-BLM, Cliff Banuelos-Elko
Band Council, Karla M. Jones-Carlin VFD.
There were no Wells’ participants via tele-conference.
(NNRH-Northern Nevada Regional Hospital, BGMI-Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc., NDF-Nevada Division of
Forestry, CERT-Community Emergency Response Team, BLM-Bureau of Land Management, ECAS-Elko County
Ambulance Service, ECSO-Elko County Sheriff’s Office, EPD-Elko Police Department, Noble-Noble Energy Inc.,
GBC-Great Basin College, VFD-volunteer fire department)
1. CALL TO ORDER (Non-action Item): The meeting called to order by Vice Chair Pat
Anderson at 1:37 PM.
2. INTRODUCTION (Non-action Item):
Attendees introduced themselves.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JANUARY 16, 2014 (Discussion/For Possible Action)
– The Committee will review and approve or deny the January 16, 2014 LEPC meeting
minutes. Comments from members of the public will be considered.
Vice Chair Pat Anderson corrected an item in section 12 of the minutes. The minutes were
reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes by Mary Ann Laffoon. Seconded by Becky Sharp.
Motion passed unanimously.
4. TRAINING (Discussion/For Possible Action) – This item addresses LEPC training
requirements, i.e. – what drills are needed and what drills are wanted for the next year;
discussion on upcoming trainings and/or reports on training that was held. Comments from
members of the public will be considered.
Becky Sharp-NNRH asked that NNRH host an active shooter training scenario. Chief ReedEPD highlighted Elko County law enforcement, multiple agency drill held in Elko County
during the Christmas 2013 holiday break. Becky explained that NNRH has to conduct two
drills per year. LEPC Vice Chair Pat Anderson added the GBC was conducting a drill on
Thursday. LEPC secretary Dan Allred volunteered to participate in the planning meetings
and drill. Dylan Rader-BLM added that GBC, BLM and USFS would be hosting a
firefighting academy (consisting of on-line and practical training) to certify for wild land FF2
and ICS 300. Robert Phillips-BGMI added that Barrack Goldstrike was hosting a variety of
training for EMS CEUs and other agencies are encouraged to call and attend their training.
5. FY2013 & FY2014 GRANTS (Discussion/For Possible Action) – The item addresses the
status of all current grants as well as upcoming grants. Comments from the members of the
public will be considered.
Pat Anderson explained LEPC’s participation at the Elko County Commissioner meeting.
2014 Officers were approved. LEPC also received approval to apply for CERT, HMEP,
UWS and mid-cycle grants during 2014. Pat added that the Commission highlighted LEPC’s
role of not just preparing for, responding to and supporting hazardous materials related
responses; but was prepared for other non-hazardous materials emergencies as well.
6. CERT Update (Non-action Item): Mary Ann Laffoon-CERT classes start next week at the
Elko County Sheriff Office and last for seven weeks. West Wendover training is upcoming.
Ely and White Pine County training are in March. South Fork and Elko Bands and BLM all
contacted by CERT.
7. COMMITTEE REPORTS (Non-action Item)- Reports from any standing committees to
a) Grants Committee –The committee had a meeting and determined what items would be
submitted in the SERC Grant.
b) Mutual Aid Agreement Committee – Dylan Rader wanted to know if mutual aid
agreements covered hazardous materials related responses or all emergency responses.
Robert Phillips noted that most of the participants listed on the agreement were no
longer affiliated with those agencies. Karla Jones-Carlin VFD noted the old mutual aid
agreement was HM only and not for other incidents. Eureka County does not
participate in this agreement. Robert requested that we address this next meeting.
c) Hazmat Plan Committee – Dan Allred noted that NV SERC has their “state” meeting at
a later date.
8. PUBLIC COMMENT (Non-action Item) – No action may be taken upon a matter raised
under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an
agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comments are limited to three
minutes unless the Committee elects to extend the comments for purposes of further
discussion. Comments will not be restricted based on viewpoint.
There were no public comments.
(Discussion/For Possible Action) – The item is to review, confirm and document member’s
standing and contact information and each organization’s primary and alternate members for
Elko LEPC and SERC membership lists.
Pat Anderson read down the agency list and members confirmed the primary and alternate
member names for their agency. Members representing several agencies were not in
attendance. Members attempted to confirm/dismiss the current contacts for agencies not
attending the meeting. Follow up to complete the list is still needed.
10. ADJOURNMENT (Discussion/For Possible Action):
Pat Anderson asked for a motion to adjourn. Becky Sharp made a motion to adjourn and
Tamera Allred seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 1440 hours.