SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT VIJAYAWADA DIVISION OPEN TENDER NOTICE NO. 04/MEDICAL/GCs/BZA DIVISION/2014, DATED 25.7.2014. Sealed tenders are invited by the undersigned for the following work at the following Stations from the contractors who have previous experience in carrying out similar works: Name of the Work :- (i). Removal and Disposal of Garbage from various premises of Railway Colony/Vijayawada and dumping at nominated place. Sl. Name of the Period Approximate Cost of Tender Earnest Tender No. No. station of Value (Rs.) Schedule(Rs) Money Contract Deposit(Rs) 1. Vijayawada 2 Years Rs.20,05,613/Rs.3000/Rs.40,120/- B/MD/52/BZA COL/GC/2014 Railway Colony Name of the Work :- (i). Removal and Disposal of Garbage from various premises of Railway Stations & Colonies and from tracks on either side from end of platforms upto home signals including entire station yard (i.e. Rag Picking) and dumping at nominated place. Sl. No. 2. 3. 4. Name of the station Bhimavaram Town Palakol Tanuku Period of Contract 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years Approximate Value (Rs.) Cost of Tender Schedule(Rs) Rs.4,93,986/Rs.4,93,986/Rs.4,94,298/- Rs.1000/Rs.1000/Rs.1000/- Earnest Money Deposit(Rs) Rs.9880/Rs.9880/Rs.9890/- Tender No. B/MD/52/BVRT/GC/2014 B/MD/52/PKO/GC/2014 B/MD/52/TNKU/GC/2014 Details of Tender Cost, Submission & Opening schedule of tenders: 1. Cost of Tender Form (non refundable) by post: - {Rs.3000/- + Rs.500/- extra for S.No.1 {Rs.1000/- + Rs.500/- extra for S.No.2, 3 & 4 3. Last date and time for issue of tender schedule in person: 28.8.2014 up to 17.00 hrs (Saturdays up to 12.00 hrs and all other working days up to 17.00 hrs). 4. Last date & time for issue of tender schedule by post: 25.8.2014. 5. Last date & time for receipt of tender schedule: Up to 15.00 hrs on 1.9.2014. 6. Date & time of Opening of tender schedule: At 15.30 hrs on 1.9.2014. The Tender Box will be kept in the Office of the CMS/Dept of H & FW/Railway Hospital, Vijayawada on 01.09.2014 from 10.30 hrs onwards and up to 15.00 hrs only for dropping of Tender Schedule in the Box in person. For complete details please visit our website at or contact in person at tender section, CMS Office, Dept. of H& FW/Railway Hospital, Vijayawada. /Chief Medical Superintendent, S.C. Railway, Vijayawada ..................................................................................................................................................................... No.B/MD. 52/GCs/BZA DIVN/2013 Office of the CMS/RH/BZA Date: 25.7.2014. ..................................................................................................................................................................... C/- CPRO/SC. Six copies of Tender Notice are sent herewith. It is requested to arrange for publication of the same in newspapers for wide circulation preferably in local language of respective stations and nearby cities like EE, BVRM & BZA on or before 31.7.2014 and paper cutting may please be sent to this office for record. Allocation: Stations :Rev – 09 (G) – 298 – 32 ; Colonies : J.314-32 .A/c Unit: Sr.DFM/BZA C/-CMD/SC for kind information. C/-Sr.DFM/BZA for information please. He is requested to depute one staff to attend sealing and closing of the tender box at 10.30 hrs & 15.00 hrs respectively on 01.09.2014 and tender opening at 15.30 hrs on the same day. C/- Sr.DOM/BZA for information. C/- DC (P)/BZA for information. - He will please collect the cost of tender form & EMD from the tenderers and arrange to issue cash receipts. C/-Notice Board/CMS Office/RH/BZA. C/- : Budget file/CMS/O/BZA. C/- All Health Inspectors/BZA Division & SMR/BVRT, PKO & TNKU for wide publicity thro’ notice board.
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