BOUCHARD Bruno - Université Paris Dauphine

Professeur des universités
[email protected]
Tél : 01 44 05 44 05
Bureau : B514
Site web : Site web
Poste actuel et responsabilités à Dauphine
Responsable d'un programme de formation : M2 MIDO/MAMD/MATH. DE L'ASSURANCE DE L'ECON. & DE LA FINANCE
Département de rattachement : MIDO
Centre de recherche de rattachement : Mathématiques (CEREMADE)
Responsable éditorial d'une revue :
Finance and Stochastics
Formation et qualification
Mathématiques appliquées et applications (2006 - Pierre et Marie Curie)
Mathématiques appliquées et applications (2000 - Paris-Dauphine)
Master (Recherche) spécialité : BFA (1997 - Paris-Dauphine)
Curriculum vitae : BOUCHARD Bruno
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Domaine d'enseignement, de recherche et d'expertise professionnelle
Domaines d'enseignements
Mathématiques financières
Mathématiques appliquées à l'économie
Contrôle Stochastique
Probabilités Numériques
Domaines de recherche
Mathématiques appliquées et applications
Contrôle stochastique
Probabilités numériques
Domaines d'expertise
Contrôle stochastique
Finance Mathématique
Probabilités numériques
Encadrement doctoral
Nombre de thèses encadrées et soutenues : 6
Nombre de thèses encadrées en cours : 2
Curriculum vitae : BOUCHARD Bruno
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Publications de Bruno BOUCHARD
Réveillac, Anthony ; Elie, Romuald ; Bouchard, Bruno . BSDEs with weak terminal condition. . 2014. pages 39. Université
● Nutz, Marcel ; Moreau, Ludovic ; Bouchard, Bruno . Stochastic Target Games with Controlled Loss. Annals of Applied
Probability. Volume 24. n° 3. 2014. pages 899-934. Institute of Mathematical Statistics. DOI
Documents de travail
Biagini, Sara ; Bouchard, Bruno ; Kardaras, Constantinos ; Nutz, Marcel . Robust Fundamental Theorem for Continuous
Processes. Universtié Paris-Dauphine . 2014 .
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Chassagneux, Jean-François ; Bouveret, Géraldine . A backward dual representation for the quantile
hedging of Bermudan options. Université Paris-Dauphine . 2014 .
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Elie, Romuald ; Moreau, Ludovic . Regularity of BSDEs with a convex constraint on the gains-process.
Universtié Paris-Dauphine . 2014 .
● Nutz, Marcel ; Bouchard, Bruno . Consistent Price Systems under Model Uncertainty. Universtié Paris-Dauphine . 2014 .
Chassagneux, Jean-François ; Bouchard, Bruno . Valorisation des produits dérivés: des théorèmes fondamentaux à la
couverture sous contrainte de risque. . Economica . 2014 . pages 304 . ISBN 978-2-7178-6674-2 .
Bouchard, Bruno ; Nguyen Huu, Adrien . No marginal arbitrage of the second kind for high production regimes in discrete time
production-investment models with proportional transaction costs. Mathematical Finance. Volume 23. n° 2. 2013. pages
366-386. Wiley. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Dang, Ngoc Minh . Generalized stochastic target problems for pricing and partial hedging under loss
constraints - Application in optimal book liquidation. Finance and Stochastics. Volume 17. n° 1. 2013. pages 31-72. Springer.
Documents de travail
Soner, Mete H. ; Moreau, Ludovic ; Bouchard, Bruno . Hedging under an expected loss constraint with small transaction costs.
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Nutz, Marcel ; Bouchard, Bruno . Stochastic Target Games and Dynamic Programming via Regularized Viscosity Solutions. U
Gobet, Emmanuel ; Geiss, Stefan ; Bouchard, Bruno . First time to exit of a continuous It^{o} process: general moment estimat
discrete time approximations. Univeristé Paris - Dauphine . 2013 .
● Nutz, Marcel ; Bouchard, Bruno . Arbitrage and Duality in Nondominated Discrete-Time Models. Université Paris-Dauphine . 2
Bouchard, Bruno ; Vu, Thanh Nam . A stochastic target approach for P&L matching problems. Mathematics of Operations
Research. Volume 37. n° 3. 2012. pages 526-558. Informs. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Dang, Ngoc Minh . Optimal Control versus Stochastic Target problems: An Equivalence Result. Systems &
Control Letters. Volume 61. n° 2. 2012. pages 343-346. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Elie, Romuald ; Moreau, Ludovic . A note on utility based pricing and asymptotic risk diversification.
Mathematics and Financial Economics. Volume 6. n° 1. 2012. pages 59-74. Springer. DOI
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Warin, Xavier ; Bouchard, Bruno . Monte-Carlo valuation of American options: facts and new algorithms to improve existing
methods. Del Moral, Pierre; Oudjane, Nadia; Carmona, Rene A.; Hu, Peng. Numerical Methods in Finance. Berlin. 2012.
pages 215-255.
Bouchard, Bruno ; Dang, Ngoc Minh ; Lehalle, Charles-Albert . Optimal Control of Trading Algorithms: A General Impulse
Control Approach. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. Volume 2. n° 1. 2011. pages 404-438. SIAM. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Touzi, Nizar . Weak Dynamic Programming Principle for Viscosity Solutions. SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization. Volume 49. n° 3. 2011. SIAM. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Vu, Thanh Nam . The obstacle version of the Geometric Dynamic Programming Principle: Application to the
pricing of American options under constraints. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. Volume 61. n° 2. 2010. pages 235-265
Springer. DOI
● Elie, Romuald ; Imbert, Cyril ; Bouchard, Bruno . Optimal Control under Stochastic Target Constraints. SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization. Volume 48. n° 5. 2010. pages 3501-3531. SIAM. DOI
Chapitres d'ouvrage
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Bouchard, Bruno ; Jouini, Elyès . Transaction costs in financial model. Cont, Rama. Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance. .
Communications / Conférences
Bouchard, Bruno . Portfolio management under risk contraints - Lectures given at MITACS-PIMS-UBC Summer School in Risk
Management and Risk Sharing. MITACS-PIMS-UBC Summer School in Risk Management and Risk Sharing. Vancouver.
Canada. 2010.
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Lehalle, Charles-Albert ; Dang, Ngoc Minh . Optimal control of trading algorithms: a general impulse control
approach. 6th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society. Toronto. Canada. 2010.
Chassagneux, Jean-François ; Bouchard, Bruno . Representation of continuous linear forms on the set of ladlag processes
and the pricing of American claims under proportional costs. Electronic Journal of Probability. Volume 14. n° paper numéro
24. 2009. pages 612-632. Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Elie, Romuald ; Touzi, Nizar . Stochastic target problems with controlled loss. SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization. Volume 48. n° 5. 2009. pages 3123-3150. SIAM. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno . A stochastic target formulation for optimal switching problems in finite horizon. Stochastics. Volume 81. n°
2. 2009. pages 171 - 197. Taylor & Francis. DOI
● Menozzi, Stéphane ; Bouchard, Bruno . Strong Approximations of BSDEs in a domain. Bernoulli Journal. Volume 15. n° 4.
2009. pages 1117-1147. Bernoulli Society. DOI
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Touzi, Nizar ; Elie, Romuald ; Bouchard, Bruno . Discrete-Time Approximation of BSDEs and Probabilistic Schemes for Fully
Nonlinear PDEs. Schachermayer, Walter; Runggaldier, Wolfgang J.; Albrecher, Hansjörg. Advanced Financial Modelling. .
2009. pages 91-124.
Communications / Conférences
Bouchard, Bruno . Weak Dynamic Programming Principle for Viscosity Solutions. Istanbul Workshop on Mathematical
Finance. Istanbul. Turquie. 2009.
● Bouchard, Bruno . Optimal Control under Stochastic Target Constraints. Symposium on Optimal Stopping with Applications.
Turku. Finlande. 2009.
Bouchard, Bruno . Optimal reflection of diffusions and barrier options pricing under constraints. SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization. Volume 47. n° 4. 2008. pages 1785–1813. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. DOI
Chassagneux, Jean-François ; Bouchard, Bruno . Discrete time approximation for continuously and discretely reflected
BSDE's. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 118. n° 12. 2008. pages 2269-2293. Elsevier. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Elie, Romuald . Discrete-time approximation of decoupled Forward–Backward SDE with jumps. Stochastic
Processes and their Applications. Volume 118. n° 1. 2008. pages 53-75. Elsevier. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Ben Tahar, Imen . Explicit characterization of the super-replication strategy in financial markets with partial
transaction costs. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 117. n° 5. 2007. pages 655-672. Elsevier. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Ben Tahar, Imen . Barrier option hedging under constraints: a viscosity approach. SIAM Journal on Control
and Optimization. Volume 45. n° 5. 2006. pages 1846-1874. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno . No-arbitrage in discrete-time markets with proportional transaction costs and general information structure.
Finance and Stochastics. Volume 10. n° 2. 2006. pages 276-297. Springer. DOI
Pham, Huyen ; Bouchard, Bruno . Optimal consumption in discrete-time financial models with industrial investment
opportunities and nonlinear returns. Annals of Applied Probability. Volume 15. n° 4. 2005. pages 2393-2421. Institute of
Mathematical Statistics. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno . A version of the G-conditionial bipolar theorem in L0(Rd;P). Journal of Theoretical Probability. Volume 18.
n° 2. 2005. pages 439-467. Springer. DOI
● Temam, Emmanuel ; Bouchard, Bruno . On the Hedging of American Options in Discrete Time Markets with Proportional
Transaction Costs. Electronic Journal of Probability. Volume 10. n° 22. 2005. pages 746-760. Institute of Mathematical
Statistics and the Bernoulli society..
● Touzi, Nizar ; Karoui, Nicole El ; Bouchard, Bruno . Maturity randomization for stochastic control problems. Annals of Applied
Probability. Volume 15. n° 4. 2005. pages 2575-2605. Institute of Mathematical Statistics. DOI
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Bouchard, Bruno ; Touzi, Nizar ; Ekeland, Ivar . On the Malliavin approach to Monte Carlo approximation of conditional
expectations. Finance and Stochastics. Volume 8. n° 1. 2004. pages 45-71. Springer. DOI
● Zhegal, Amina ; Touzi, Nizar ; Bouchard, Bruno . Dual Formulation of the Utility Maximization Problem : the case of
Nonsmooth Utility. Annals of Applied Probability. Volume 14. n° 2. 2004. pages 678-717. Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
● Bouchard, Bruno ; Pham, Huyen . Wealth-Path Dependent Utility Maximization in Incomplete Markets. Finance and
Stochastics. Volume 8. n° 4. 2004. pages 579-603. Springer. DOI
● Touzi, Nizar ; Bouchard, Bruno . Discrete-Time Approximation and Monte-Carlo Simulation of Backward Stochastic Differentia
Equations. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume 111. n° 2. 2004. pages 175-206. Elsevier. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Mazliak, Laurent . A multidimensional bipolar theorem in L0(Rd;P). Stochastic Processes and their
Applications. Volume 107. n° 2. 2003. pages 213-231. Elsevier. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno . Utility Maximization on the Real Line under Proportional Transaction Costs. Finance and Stochastics.
Volume 6. n° 4. 2002. pages 495-516. Springer. DOI
● Bouchard, Bruno . Stochastic Target with Mixed diffusion processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Volume
101. n° 2. 2002. pages 273-302. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Touzi, Nizar ; Kabanov, Yuri . Option pricing by large risk aversion utility under transaction costs. Decisions
in economics and finance. Volume 24. n° 2. 2001. pages 127-136. Springer. DOI
Bouchard, Bruno ; Touzi, Nizar . Explicit Solution of the Multivariate Super-Replication Problem under Transaction Costs.
Annals of Applied Probability. Volume 10. n° 3. 2000. pages 685-708. Institute of Mathematical Statistics. DOI
Documents de travail
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Bouchard, Bruno . Option Pricing via Utility Maximization in the presence of Transaction Costs: an Asymptotic Analysis.
Université Paris-Dauphine . 2000 .