Department of Information and Operations Management INFO 209 – Business Information System Concept ISYS 209 Section 501 Monday 3:55 – 5:10 Room 115 Section 502 – Monday 5:45 – 7:00 Room 113 Section 503 – Monday – 12:45 – 2:00 Room 184 Instructor: Wanda Curtsinger Office: Wehner 301 B Phone: 979-845-0810 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. or by appointment. CATALOG DESCRIPTION Introduction to the use of computers in data and document management and as a problemsolving tool for business; fundamental concepts of information technology and theory; opportunities to use existing application software to solve various business information systems oriented problems. May not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business. COURSE PREREQUISITES Prerequisite: For students other than business and agribusiness majors. Learning Objectives 1. Students will learn and utilize information technology (i.e., Excel, Access, HTML, CSS) as a tool for solving business problems. 2. Students will identify the types of information systems and their uses in business. 3. Students will identify how information systems provide value for organizations. 4. Students will recognize the components of an information systems infrastructure, and how they should be managed and protected in an organization. 5. Students will identify how organizations use electronic commerce to achieve their goals. 6. Students will recognize the tools and techniques used to develop information systems. 7. Students will identify unethical and illegal practices in the use of information systems and technology. 8. Students will learn the components of computer information systems. COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES The primary objective of INFO 209 is for you to familiarize yourself with how information systems (IS) and technologies (IT) are applied throughout society. The course objectives are listed: 1. To develop an understanding of the current managerial issues in effectively choosing, deploying, and utilizing information technology (e.g., technology assimilation and outsourcing) 2. To develop an understanding of computer hardware, software, and telecommunications technologies 3. To understand the various types of computer-based information systems used in organizations, when each is appropriate, the technology required to implement each system, and the types of system development approaches that should be used 4. To develop an ability to identify and exploit information technologies to gain competitive advantage, both at an individual and organizational level 5. Generate computer skills through hands-on experience using technology hardware and software. 6. Gaining an understanding of the nature and impact of information systems and related technologies upon organizations in general and the organizational decision process in particular 7. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the use of information systems to provide competitive advantage. 8. Becoming familiar with current trends in IS/IT, especially e-business/e-commerce, and understanding the implications of these trends for people and organizations Required materials: ISBN: 9781259228070 Short title: LSC COL9 ISYS:PPK LL CT+ AC Author: Baltzan Edition: 4 Copyright: 2014 Occasionally additional materials from outside sources may be required or recommended. These sources will include, but are not limited to, recent newspapers, business journals and monographs, and the World Wide Web. GRADING AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS Exams: There are four examinations. Three exams are worth 150 points; one exam is worth 100 points and 25% of your final grade. Examinations will cover material from text readings, class discussions, guest lectures, and outside readings. Exams are not comprehensive. Only material covered between exams is included on the exam. The final exam is worth 100 points and 25% of your final grade. The final exam will be taken during the final examination week in our assigned classroom or online. I will schedule make-up exams as needed for any “university excused absence” (see “Make-Up Work Policy” below). For information about what constitutes a “university excused absence,” see Rule 7 of the Student Rules ( Make-up exams for unexcused absences are at the discretion of the instructor. Exam grades are FINAL one week after they are posted. You may review the results of an exam within one week of posting of exam grades. Format of exams will typically be multiple choice and true/false questions. Exams will not be available after taking the exam on eCampus. Homework Assignments: Through the homework assignments and projects, you will learn to use three different personal technology tools: HTML, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access. You will have assignments for each technology. These assignments are designed to help you learn the tools necessary to effectively use these programs in both your academic and professional careers. You should always look at the directions for deliverables to be submitted on do not rely on the video’s deliverables. I will post specific details for each assignment on the website. All work on these assignments is to be completed by individual effort. By uploading assignment deliverables on the course website, each student attests to the “Aggie Honor Statement” (see Aggie Honor Code below). Assignment grades are final one week after they are posted. Assignments are 20 points each and 10% of your final grade. McGrawHillConnect assignments are 10 points and worth 15% of your grade. There are 3 projects worth 100 points and 25% of your grade. You will complete a project on Excel, Access, and HTML. Late Assignments will be accepted with 10 point deduction on assignments. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal, anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, Disability Services ( The Office of Disability Services is located in Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of examinations and additional required course work that may fall on religious holidays (Student Rules: Rule 7 and Appendix IV at If possible, please speak with the instructor in advance of any such observances to make appropriate arrangements for missed work. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND AGGIE HONOR CODE “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” Upon accepting admission to Texas A&M University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the Aggie Honor Code, to accept responsibility for learning, and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Aggie Honor System. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the TAMU community from the requirements or the processes of the Aggie Honor System. You can learn more about the Honor Council Rules and Procedures as well as your rights and responsibilities at the following URL: For each project submitted for grading in this course, students are required to affirm their commitment to the Aggie Honor Code with the following statement. “On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.” By submitting your electronic course deliverable, you affirm your adherence to the Aggie Honor Statement for that deliverable. “Texas A&M University students are responsible for authenticating all work submitted to an instructor. If asked, students must be able to produce proof that the item submitted is indeed the work of that student. Students must keep appropriate records at all times. The inability to authenticate one’s work, should the instructor request it, is sufficient grounds to initiate an academic dishonesty case.” ( The instructor will follow the steps and processes outlined in the “Aggie Honor Council Rules and Procedures” in all cases of academic misconduct in this class. FOOD AND DRINK IN THE CLASSROOM We have beautiful, state-of-the-art classrooms in the Wehner Building. We want to maintain the high quality of these classrooms for current and future students. Thus, it is necessary for you to adhere to the established policy of no beverages (except water), food, tobacco products, or like items within the Wehner Building Classrooms. This policy will be strictly enforced. INFO STUDENT SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS PORTAL The INFO Student Services Office (SSO) communicates with students in our department (i.e. MS-MIS, PPA-MIS, MISY, and SCMT) via eCampus. Students are made aware of important deadlines, scholarship and job opportunities, announcements of student activities and CMIS events, etc. through the INFO Student Services Communications portal in eCampus ( Students will see “INFO Student Services Office Communications” listed under “My Organizations” upon logging into eCampus. When accessing the INFO Student Services Communications portal through eCampus, students will see the following folders in the Course Content area: Announcements, Internships, FullTime Jobs, and Local Part-Time Jobs. Information from the Department will be posted in the appropriate folders, and all students within the department will be able to access the posted content at any time. In addition, there are four separate distribution groups within this portal: MS-MIS students, PPA-MIS students, MISY undergraduate students, and SCMT undergraduate students. The same information that is posted in the folders will be sent to students through the e-mail function within eCampus; however, the messages will be sent only to the students for whom they are directly relevant. These messages will be sent to students’ TAMU e-mail accounts. Finally, important events/deadlines will be noted in the calendar in eCampus. Students should check the calendar frequently for important dates! If a student is not receiving messages from the SSO, he/she should contact the SSO at [email protected] to request to be added to the distribution list. The student’s full name, UIN, TAMU e-mail address, and major should be included in the message. CLASS POLICIES Office hours provide an opportunity for you to obtain specific guidance and help with your understanding of the material. I expect you to use them as your needs demand. I tend to be unsympathetic toward individuals with grade problems at the end of the semester who have never attempted to get help via office hours. Office hours are available to assist students in understanding course material in general -- not to improve project grades. You are all welcome to visit me during office hours to ask clarification questions about class materials, to go over problems that we've worked in class, or to go over problems you have worked in addition to class assignments. Let me know, as early as possible, if you have trouble with the material, ask questions during class; come see me during office hours; send e-mail messages to me; etc. In short, if you are doing the work and need help, get it! I cannot help you if I am not aware of the problem. Teaching assistants will host consultation hours in the open access computer lab (OAL) located on the first floor of the West Campus Library (WCL). I will post the hours that the TAs will be available to the eCampus course. The TAs will sit at (or near) the desks with the “INFO 209/INFO 210 TA Desk” sign. You should use these resources as necessary to complete your projects. Arrive on time and stay for the duration of each class. If you must be late to or leave early from class, please let me know beforehand and be as unobtrusive as possible. It is very disruptive to have students walking in and out during class time. Attend class: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what material, homework assignments, schedule changes, etc. you missed. You must attend class to complete the inclass assignments. Do not come to my office later and ask, “Did I miss anything?” (Assume I would answer “yes” to this question.) The University views class attendance as the responsibility of an individual student. Attendance is essential to complete the course successfully. University rules related to excused and unexcused absences are located on-line at" Do not engage in disruptive behavior in the classroom. Interfering with your fellow students' ability to learn will not be tolerated. Do not carry on conversations with your classmates during the class time. Be prepared. Each student is expected to come to class fully prepared to discuss the scheduled material. I expect students to have read the assigned material before class and rely on their preparedness to drive class discussions. Maintain back-up copies of all work. You are responsible for retaining back-up copies of all your work. When you submit your projects for grading, you should ensure that you have a duplicate back-up copy of the assignment (both hard and soft copy). .. Take exams during the scheduled time. I will follow guidelines as established by the TAMU Student rules regarding excused absences (Student Rules: Rule 7 -- Students with excused absences will receive adequate time and opportunity to make-up missed exams after they provide proper documentation and notice to the instructor. Students with unexcused absences may be allowed make-up exams at the discretion of the instructor. Course Specific Grading Policy: Your grade is averaged by using a weighted formula. You cannot use total your points to determine your grade. Weighted Assignments: 3 Exams – 150 points 1 exam – 100 points - 25% 3 Projects – 100 points - 25% 10 (Inclass/Excel/Access) Assignments – 20 points - 10% Final Exam 150 - 25% McGraw Hill Connect Assignments – 15% Standard Letter Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = <59 Assignments Excel Assignments Small Submit Chapter 1 Connect Chapter 2 Connect Excel Project (located on Appendix A Connect Exam 1(Chapter 1,2, & Appendix A) Small Access Assignment (submit to Chapter 3 Connect Chapter 4 Connect Access Project (Submit on Chapter 5 Connect Exam 2 (Chapter 3,4, and 5) Chapter 6 Connect HTML Project (submit on Chapter 7 Connect Appendix B & C Connect Exam 3 (Chapter 6,7, B&C) Chapter 8 Connect Chapter 9 Connect Exam 4 (Chapter 8, 9) Final Exam COURSE SCHEDULE Assigned Jan. 13, 2014 Due Jan. 27, 2014 Points 60 Jan. 13, 2014 Jan. 23, 2014 Jan. 27, 2014 Jan. 22, 2014 Feb. 2, 2014 Feb. 10, 2014 20 20 100 Feb. 3, 2014 Feb. 9, 2014 Feb. 8, 2014 Feb. 12, 2014 10 150 Feb. 10, 2014 Feb. 24, 2014 20 Feb. 13, 2013 Feb. 22, 2014 Feb. 24, 2014 Feb. 21, 2014 March 1, 2014 March 10, 2014 20 20 100 March 2, 2014 March 16, 2014 March 9, 2014 March 19, 2014 20 150 March 20, 2014 March 24, 2014 March 26, 2014 April 7, 2014 20 100 March 27, 2014 April 4, 2014 April 9, 2014 April 3, 2014 April 8, 2014 April 12, 2014 20 20 150 April 13, 2014 April 19,2014 April 25, 2014 May 2, 2014 April 19, 2014 April 24, 2014 April 27, 2014 May 5, 2014 20 20 150 150 Date Jan 13 Jan 13 – Jan 22 Jan 23 – Feb 2 Feb 3 – Feb 8 Feb 13 – Feb 21 Feb 22 – Mar 1 Mar 2 – Mar 9 Mar 20– Mar 26 Mar 27 – Apr 3 Apr 4 – Apr 8 Apr 13 – Apr 19 Apr 19 – Apr 24 Topic Introduction/Course Syllabus/eCampus/Questions Chapter 1 Management Information Systems Business Drive Chapter 2 Decisions & Process Value Driven Business Appendix A Hardware & Software Basics Chapter 3 Ebusiness: Electronic Business Value Chapter 4 Ethics and Information Security MIS Business Concerns Chapter 5 Infrastructure: Sustainable Technologies Chapter 6 Data Business Intelligence Chapter 7 Networks: Mobile Business Appendix B & C Chapter 8 Enterprise Applications Business Communication Chapter 9 Systems Development & Project Management Meeting Class Dates: January 13, 2014 January 27, 2014 February 10, 2014 February 24, 2104 March 24, 2014 April 7, 2014
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