Patient Relationship Group PRG Minutes - 4th February 2014 – 2:30pm 1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES Present – Jane Franklyn (JF) (Chair), Bob Pells (BP), Sandra Simpson (SS), Lynne Taylor (LT), Wendy Randall (WR), Sharon Moore (SM), Jennifer Edwards (JE) Jo Gilford (JG - Practice Manager), Lizzie Shisler (LS - Operations Manager) Apologies – Albert Bowser (AB) 2. CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT All had signed a confidentiality form 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST JF declared that she had asked to be involved with the brokerage for Nene Commissioning 4. MINUTES 31st OCTOBER Agreed 5. MATTERS ARISING Website – Members were concerned about the lack of visible phone number on the home page and also thought that “Book an appointment online” needs to go above appointment times rather than below. ACTION LS Lots of problems expressed with London Road pharmacy. JG advised that DMP have spoken with the pharmacy in an effort to resolve these issues and are currently contacting the Regional Manager for Boots. JG also advised that although the pharmacy is nothing to do with the practice we were also concerned that the level of service received reflects on the practice. 6. WORKSHOP ON ANNUAL REPORT/PATIENT SURVEY JG is currently collating the Practice Annual Report for 2013/14. LS to provide JG with current practice profile. ACTION LS Patients survey – The survey results were discussed. It was noted that the results were lower than last year but agreed that this may be because this year’s survey was not marketed as extensively as the year before. Appointment availability was thought to be a problem by some members who suggested that the practice need to look at this. LS said that appointment availability is high priority for the practice and that we always endeavour to provide as many appointments as possible. It was agreed that DNA’s are still a problem with between 30 – 50 patients not attending there appointments each week. A text cancellation service was discussed as an easy way for patients to cancel their appointment. JG agreed that the practice will look into the possibility of introducing this service. It was suggested the next survey is split in half and given out to patients twice a year as there are quite a lot of questions to wade through. It was also suggested that the results in spring/summer would be improved on results in autumn/winter as people tend to be more optimistic at this time of year. It was thought that a couple of the questions should be changed for the next survey although JG pointed out that by changing questions you lessen the areas for comparison. It was agreed that different audiences need to be targeted for the next survey, particularly younger patients. Perhaps members could do a ‘clipboard’ survey in the waiting room? To be discussed at a future workshop. It was agreed that the next survey needs room for a comments box. LT asked that the raw data from the survey is made available in a presentable format. JG agreed that it would be although the raw data will only be available on request and will not be incorporated into the annual report. ACTION JG Chairman’s Executive Summary – The chairman’s Executive Summary was passed round for comment/amendments prior to inclusion in the Annual Report. Key Achievements 2013/14 o Helped to market website o Met with MP Chris Heaton-Harris o Raised profile of practice o Helped with Saturday flu clinics Action and work plans o 2 workshops to be arranged to: Review survey results Discuss the next patient survey Look at practice leaflet Compile PRG information for the next practice quarterly newsletter Review display material in the practice Service of Independent Living sale of 2nd hand goods to be added to noticeboard Review magazine policy Discuss approaching other PRG groups re 828 Compile PRG information for the Jayex board Agree dates for the years meetings 7. FEEDBACK Daventry North Locality meeting o Prior Approval Scheme – If a patient needs an operation the referral first has to go for Prior Approval. JG agreed to forward the Prior Approval Scheme letter to the group. ACTION JG o Finance/budget - CCG Nene, who ran over their budget by 8 million pounds, are now in severe financial crisis and have been put under special measures. They need to find efficiencies to cut the 8 million pound deficit and will be monitored on a weekly basis for the next 3 years. o A&E attendance – Thanks to GP’s looking after their patients in the community Daventry North Locality was named as the best performing locality group who have met all their targets. Practice Manager o Awards – JG reported that the Practice was delighted to win awards for Research Practice of the Year and also for Non-Clinical Researcher of the Year. JG also reported that, although we unfortunately did not win, the practice was proud to be a Top 20 finalist for GP Practice of the Year and GP Practice Manager of the Year and had enjoyed an Awards Ceremony evening at the prestigious Lancaster Gate Hotel in London. o Nene Transformation – Nene are trying to force practices to work together to reduce efficiencies and although DMP was happy to do this they have been frustrated by other practices who have not wanted to co-operate. o 828 – As above, DMP was the only practice in the locality willing to have a go at 828. JG admitted that not all our GP’s were in favour but that they were prepared to give it a chance. It was suggested that DMP PRG should approach other PRG groups in order to put pressure on their own practices to join the scheme. To be discussed at the workshop. 6. BUSINESS ARISING Anticipated OOH change from April – SE Health Ltd are currently commissioned to run OOH. This is due to change from April 2014 whereby there will be no cover in Daventry from midnight to 8:00am. Nene are looking at the details of the contract and JG reported that she will be attending a meeting on 11th February and promised to report back to the PRG. All agreed that it would be a travesty to lose the OOH service from Daventry and as soon as the consultation letter goes out the PRG will hold an emergency meeting. JF to draft letter/press statement in advance. JG will find out whether she is able to circulate the fortnightly Nene CCG Board minutes to group members. ACTION JG AND JF PRG Notice Board – for discussion at workshop Review of Constitution – for discussion at workshop Display material – for discussion at workshop Care data – for discussion at workshop 8. Any other Business Email from Vivienne Rust -coffee morning – unfortunately no members had been available to attend. Comment from Patients – chairs in reception – numerous patients have complained to the practice about the PRG arrangement of chairs in the waiting room. LS reported that after the last Saturday flu clinic she had changed some of the chairs so they were forward facing in order to provide a choice for patients. Email from Cll Chris Long The 3rd Public meeting to return the Cardiac Rehabilitation Service for Daventry and the South Northants Area to Danetre Hospital was held at the Holiday Inn, Flore at 6.30 on Wednesday 22 January 2014. No one was able to attend from the PRG but notes had been circulated to advise: The meeting was very well attended Unfortunately our local MP Chris Heaton – Harris, a great supporter of our cause, was prevented from attending due to parliamentary commitments. It was noted that no member of the Nene Clinical Commissioning Group (Nene CCG) attended the meeting. Thanks were conveyed to Daventry Weekly Express, BBC Radio Northampton and BBC Look East for their generous help and support in raising the profile of the campaign. Although progress may seem to be slow many actions had been taken since the last meeting. These had included the involvement of the residents of Daventry and District in the campaign through the petition that was raised, Chris Heaton – Harris bringing the existence and strength of the petition to the attention of parliament, a protest walk through Daventry and gaining the support of Healthwatch Northamptonshire for our campaign. A meeting between the Chair and some past users of the service with the representative of the Nene CCG responsible for commissioning cardiac services was held. At that meeting the group were able to express, to the Nene CCG representative Nisha Patel, their concerns and also explain how, in the past, the community based service had worked to the benefit of users and their families. The meeting had given a certain optimism that views were being heard Future action plans were discussed: o Bombarding the Chairman of the Nene CCG with letters of protest o Re-establish a contact point with Nene CCG. o Linking with the Daventry Health and Wellbeing board and with Dr. Matthew Davies, a local GP, Chairman and clinical lead of Healthier Northamptonshire. o Survey to be undertaken Everyone agreed that this campaign must stay focused on the aim of returning the Cardiac Rehabilitation Service for Daventry and South Northamptonshire to its community base at the Danetre Hospital. However Wendy had attended a meeting the previous day which indicated there was work to bring the service back to Danetre being undertaken and that the PRG Group should focus more on the possible reduction in OOH service. Meeting closed at 5.00pm. Workshops arranged as follows: Thursday 20th February 2014 – 9.30am – 12.00pm Thursday 6th March 2014 – 9.30am – 12.00pm WORK PLAN 2013/14 60% complete Constitution to be reviewed in 2014 Review of display material in practice and production of policy/criteria of material that should be displayed Patient Survey 2013/14 Setting up of a dedicated PRG notice board Review of the policy not to have magazines in waiting areas Creation of a new virtual email group Setting up of a weekly one hour surgery per week Raise profile of group Assist in the re-vamping of the Practice Web site Review of seating area in reception √ √ √ √ √
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