e tenneguedfsure Tennessee Gas Pipeline Weekly System Update January 29, 2015 Ten n e ss ee Ga s Pip e lin e I 1 00 1 Lo u is i an a Str eet I Hou s ton , T X 7 7 00 2 I w ww. ten n e s see ad v an t ag e.com INSIDE THIS UPDATE TGP CALENDAR REMINDERS TGP Calendar Reminders Tip of the Week Weekend Contacts and After-hours number: 713-420-4999 Storage Update Operations Update Outages Update Please check the Portal Page for direct contacts for the weekend for Schedulers and Bid Room on call. Please reply back to the email or [email protected] if you would like to continue receiving the weekly update Helpful Links DART Training (Videos) TIP OF THE WEEK DART Training (Documents) Presentations WHITE PLAINS DELIVERY METER HELD TO EPSQ EFFECTIVE 2-1-15 Due to high utilization of daily fluctuating nominations being utilized at the Con Ed White Plains Delivery Meter (PIN 420093), effective February 1, 2015 for Timely Cycle and until further notice, Tennessee will begin holding this meter (PIN 420093) to EPSQ. Chart After Hours: 713-420-4999 Please send all suggestions and comments on our weekly update to: [email protected] Thank you for your business! Tennessee would like to remind its customers that the following meters are also being held to EPSQ due to operational reasons: Tetco Wheelersburg Receipt Meter (PIN 412874) Iroquois Wright Receipt Meter (PIN 412181) Iroquois Shelton Receipt Meter (PIN 412180) Algonquin Mendon Delivery Meter (PIN 420285) Dracut Receipt Meter (PIN 412538) Columbia Milford Delivery Meter (PIN 420245) Arlington Storage Meter (PIN 412803) Oswego Stagecoach Meter (PIN 421046) As nominations and operations change, Tennessee may be required to add/remove additional meters to EPSQ. If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduler. Page 2 TIP OF THE WEEK CONT. MIDWESTERN NOMINATION CHANGE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2015 REMINDER As a reminder, effective February 1, 2015, Midwestern Gas Transmission (MGT) and Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) would like to request a change in the way shippers nominate at the Midwestern Portland Sumner (420852) meter in Dart. This change will support an EDI enhancement designed to facilitate confirmations. TGP shippers have been nominating Midwesterns Service Requester Contract in the Package ID field in Dart. Effective February 1, 2015, a new Up/Dn K field will be available for this information. MGTs Service Requester Contract may now be placed in the Up/Dn K field and shippers may use the Package ID field for any usage they deem desirable. TGP shippers nominating to Portland Sumner (420852) should continue to nominate to “Off System Market” using the GID of the customer picking up the gas on Midwestern. Please contact your Scheduler if you have any questions regarding this nomination procedure. STORAGE UPDATE All storage transfers effective February 1, 2015 must be entered and confirmed online by end of day Sunday. If your storage transfer is not completed on terminated or recalled contracts online, your storage contract will be charged for being over MSQ on your invoice, and the balance will not be automatically moved to the new contract. All storage customers that do storage transfers need to set up a contact with an email in DART for notification of storage transfers. Go to Business Preference, New, Select the “IMBAL TRD/STOR TRANS” category and input the contact information including the phone number and email. NOTE: IF THE EMAIL IS NOT SET UP FOR THE GID, THE TRANSFER WILL BE IN ERROR AND THIS MUST BE FIXED BEFORE THE TRANSFER CAN PROCEED. OPERATIONS UPDATE Due to the colder weather moving back into the northeast and higher demand, an OFO Critical Day 1 will be effective on Sunday, February 1st for Zones 5 on the 200 Line until further notice. Matching physical flows to scheduled volumes in these areas remain extremely important. Anomaly remediation at MLV 101-1 to 106-1 and and the bi-directional/filter work at Sta. 200 continues. This project limits throughput through Sta. 110 by approximately 587,000 Dths (Segment 187 BH). These projects could result in restrictions through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations. 3 Page 3 The reversal project at Sta. 860 continues. This project will limit throughput through Station 847 (segment 847 FH) by approximately 195,000 Dths and Station 860 (segment 548 BH) by approximately 106,000 through Segment 548. The maintenance continues on the 500 line. This project will limit throughput through the station by approximately 70,000 Dths (Segment 542 BH). These projects could result in restrictions through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations. Maintenance at Station 230-C begins on Tuesday, February 3rd and will continue through Wednesday, February 4th. Potential restrictions through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations are at risk. The emergent repair work at Station 245-4A begins on Monday, February 2nd. This project limits throughput through Station 245 by 15,000 Dths. This could result in restrictions through a pro rata portion of secondary out of the path (SOP) nominations. OUTAGES UPDATE For a full list of outages, please refer to the 2015 Maintenance & Outage Update Posting
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