2015-2019 South West FAB Performance Plan Annex E: RP2 SOWEPP – PRB template version June 2014 FAB Performance Plan SW FAB Second Reference Period (2015-2019) 2 3 Signatories Performance plan details FAB Name Version number Date of issue Date of adoption Member State Portugal Spain SW FAB 1.0 27/06/2014 30/06/2014 Name, title and signature of representative Luis Miguel Pereira Trindade Santos - Chairman of the Board of the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority INAC, I.P. Isabel Maestre - Director of the Aviation Safety and Security Agency- AESA Signatures are at the beginning of the RP2 SOWEPP document. According to CHAPTER III (THE ADOPTION OF PERFORMANCE PLANS) Article 13 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 390/2013 of 3 May 2013 laying down a performance scheme for air navigation services and network functions; Additional comments Initial adoption of performance plans “On the proposal of the national supervisory authorities, Member States shall adopt performance plans containing binding performance targets and submit them to the Commission at the latest six months before the beginning of the reference period.” The National Supervisory Authorities of Portugal and Spain (AESA and INAC) propose this draft SW FAB Performance Plan for the second reference period of the European ANS Performance Scheme (20152019). 4 5 Table of Content STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE MAPPING BETWEEN THE TEMPLATE FOR THE FAB PERFORMANCE PLAN AND ANNEX II OF THE PERFORMANCE REGULATION SIGNATORIES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE SITUATION 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE MACROECONOMIC SCENARIO INCLUDING OVERALL ASSUMPTIONS 1.3 STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION 1.4 ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE NETWORK STRATEGY PLAN AT FAB LEVEL AND OTHER GUIDING PRINCIPLES 1.5 LIST OF AIRPORTS FOR RP2 2 INVESTMENT 3 PERFORMANCE TARGETS AT LOCAL LEVEL 3.1 KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS 3.1.(a) Safety 3.1.(a).(i) Safety KPI #1: Level of Effectiveness of Safety Management 3.1.(a).(ii) Safety KPI #2: Application of the severity classification based on the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) methodology 3.1.(a).(iii) Safety KPI #3: Just Culture 3.1.(a).(iv) Optional section - Additional Safety KPI(s) 3.1.(b) Environment 3.1.(b).(i) Description of the process to improve route design 3.1.(b).(ii) Environment KPI #1: Horizontal en route flight efficiency (KEA) 3.1.(b).(iii) Optional section - Additional Environment KPI(s) 3.1.(c) Capacity 3.1.(c).(i) Capacity KPI #1: En route ATFM delay per flight 3.1.(c).(ii) Capacity KPI #2: Terminal and airport ANS ATFM arrival delay per flight 3.1.(c).(iii) Capacity plans 3.1.(c).(iv) Optional section - Additional Capacity KPI(s) 3.1.(d) Cost-efficiency 3.1.(d).(1) Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS 3.1.(d).(2) Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS aggregated at FAB level 3.1.(d).(3) Cost efficiency KPI #2: Determined unit cost (DUC) for terminal ANS 3.1.(d).(4) Optional section - Additional Cost-Efficiency KPI(s) 3.2 CONSISTENCY WITH UNION-WIDE TARGETS 3.3 INTERDEPENDENCIES AND TRADE-OFFS 3.4 CONTRIBUTION OF EACH ANSP 4 INCENTIVE SCHEMES 4.1 ENVIRONMENT 4.1 CAPACITY 4.1 COST-EFFICIENCY 5 MILITARY DIMENSION OF THE PLAN ADDITIONAL (KEY) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (AND TARGETS) 6 ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY AND COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE PLAN 6.1 ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY 6.2 COMPARISON WITH RP1 6 7 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERFORMANCE PLAN 8 ANNEXES ANNEX A. PUBLIC CONSULTATION MATERIAL ANNEX B. RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION IN LINE WITH THE NSP ANNEX C. REPORTING TABLES ANNEX D. ANSPS INVESTMENT PLANS ANNEX E. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 7 Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation IMPORTANT NOTE FOR SECTION 3.1.(d) – Cost-efficiency: The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1. In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): • The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: • The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. o The traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR o The inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. • The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. • A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2. In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: • The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; • The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. A detailed list of the information to be provided in the body of the performance plan and Annex C will be found in Paragraph 3.1(d) below, showing that duplication has been avoided and workload reduced to the minimum required by the performance and charging Regulations. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. The table below shows the correspondence between Annex II of EU Regulation 390/2013 and the Performance Plan template with its Annexes. Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Annex C Body of For cost-effiency Performance Other annexes Plan RT ref. AI ref. 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Description of the situation (scope of the plan, 1.1. list of air navigation service providers covered, etc.). 1.2. Description of the macroeconomic scenario for 1.2. the reference period including overall assumptions (traffic forecast, etc.) 1.3. Description of the outcome of the stakeholder 1.3. consultation in order to prepare the performance plan and the agreed compromises as well as the points of disagreement and the reasons for disagreement. Annex A 1.4. Description of the actions taken by air 1.4. navigation service providers to implement the Network Strategy Plan at functional airspace block level and other guiding principles for the operation of the functional airspace block in the long term perspective.. Annex B 8 1.5. List of airports submitted to the performance 1.5. scheme in application of Article 1 of the Regulation, with their average number of IFR air transport movements. 1.6. List of exempted airports pursuant to Article 1(5) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 together with their average number of IFR air transport movements. 2. INVESTMENT 2 2.1. Description and justification of the cost, nature and contribution to achieving the performance targets of investments in new ATM systems and major overhauls of existing ATM systems, including their relevance and coherence with the European ATM Master Plan, the common projects referred to in Article 15a of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004, and, as appropriate, the Network Strategy Plan. Annex D 2.2. The description and justification referred to in point 2.1 shall in particular: (i) relate the amount of the investments, for which description and justification is given following point 2.1, to the total amount of investments; (ii) differentiate between investments in new systems, overhaul of existing systems and replacement investments; (iii) refer each investment in new ATM systems and major overhaul of existing ATM systems to the European ATM Master Plan, the common projects referred to in Article 15a of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004, and, as appropriate, the Network Strategy Plan; (iv) detail the synergies achieved at functional airspace block level or, if appropriate, with other Member States or functional airspace blocks, in particular in terms of common infrastructure and common procurement; (v) detail the benefits expected from these investments in terms of performance across the four key performance areas, allocating them between the en route and terminal/airport phases of flight, and the date as from which benefits are expected; (vi) provide information on the decision-making process underpinning the investment, such as the existence of a documented cost-benefit analysis, the holding of user consultation, its results and any dissenting views expressed. 3. PERFORMANCE TARGETS AT LOCAL LEVEL 3.1. Performance targets in each key performance area, set by reference to each key performance indicator as set out in Annex I, Section 2, for the entire reference period, with annual values to be used for monitoring and incentive purposes: 3 3,1 (a) Safety 3.1.(a) 9 (i) level of effectiveness of safety management: local targets for each year of the reference period; 3.1.(a).(i) (ii) application of the severity classification based on 3.1.(a). (ii) the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) methodology: local targets for each year of the reference period (percentage); (iii) just culture: local targets for the last year of the 3.1.(a). (iii) reference period. 3.1.(a). (iv) Optional section Additional Safety KPI(s) (b) Environment 3.1.(b) (i) description of the process to improve route 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) design; (ii) average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the actual trajectory. 3.1.(b).(iii) Optional section Additional Environment KPI(s) (c) Capacity (i) minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight; (ii) minutes of average terminal ATFM arrival delay per flight; (iii) the capacity plan established by the air navigation service provider(s). (d) Cost-efficiency (i) determined costs for en route and terminal air navigation services set in accordance with the provisions of Article 15(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 and in application of the provisions of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 for each year of the reference period; (ii) en route and terminal service units forecast for each year of the reference period; (iii) as a result, the determined unit costs for the reference period; (iv) description and justification of the return on equity of the air navigation service providers concerned, as well as on the gearing ratio and on the level/composition of the asset base used to calculate the cost of capital comprised in the determined costs; (v) description and explanation of the carry-overs from the years preceding the reference period; 3.1.(c) 3.1.(c).(i) 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) Optional section Additional Capacity KPI(s) 3.1.(d) 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A 3.1.(d).1.C 3.1.(d).2.C 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A RT 1 (5.4) RT 1 (5.5) (vi) description of economic assumptions, including: 3.1.(d).1.B RT 1 (3.1-3.4, 3.6) AI 1 e) RT 1 (3.1-3.4, 3.6) AI 3 c), d), e) RT 1 (5.1-5.2) 10 RT 1 (5.1-5.2) — inflation assumptions used in the plan as 3.1.(d).2.B compared to an international source such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the forecasts and Eurostat Harmonised Index of Consumer Price for the actuals. Justification of any deviation from these sources, — assumptions underlying the calculation of pension costs comprised in the determined costs, including a description on the relevant national pension regulations and pension accounting regulations in place and on which the assumptions are based, as well as information whether changes of these regulations are anticipated, AI 4 b) — interest rate assumptions for loans financing the provision of air navigation services, including relevant information on loans (amounts, duration, etc.) and explanation for the (weighted) average interest on debt used to calculate the cost of capital pre tax rate and the cost of capital comprised in the determined costs, RT 1 (3.7) — adjustments beyond the provisions of the International Accounting Standards; (vii) if applicable, description in respect to the previous reference period of relevant events and circumstances set out in Article 14(2)(a) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 using the criteria set out in Article 14(2)(b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 including an assessment of the level, composition and justification of costs exempt from the application of Article 14(1)(a) and (b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013; AI 4 c) AI 1 Item c) RT 3 (3.1-3.12) AI 3 b) (viii) if applicable, a description of any significant restructuring planned during the reference period including the level of restructuring costs and a justification for these costs in relation to the net benefits to the airspace users over time; RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 d) (ix) if applicable, restructuring costs approved from previous reference periods to be recovered. RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 e) RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 e) 3.2. Description and explanation of the consistency of the performance targets with the relevant Unionwide performance targets. When there is no Unionwide performance target, description and explanation of the targets within the plan and how they contribute to the improvement of the performance of the European ATM network. 3.3. Description and explanation of the interdependencies and trade-offs between the key performance areas, including the assumptions used to assess the trade-offs. 3.1.(a).(i) 3.1.(a). (ii) 3.1.(a). (iii) 3.1.(a). (iv) 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) 3.1.(b).(iii) 3.1.(c).(i) 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A 3,3 11 3.4. Contribution of each air navigation service provider concerned to the achievement of the performance targets set for the functional airspace block in accordance with Article 5(2)(c)(ii). 3.1.(a).(i) 3.1.(a). (ii) 3.1.(a). (iii) 3.1.(a). (iv) 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) 3.1.(b).(iii) 3.1.(c).(i) 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) 4 4,1 4. INCENTIVE SCHEMES 4.1. Description and explanation of the incentive schemes to be applied on air navigation service providers. 5. MILITARY DIMENSION OF THE PLAN 5 Description of the civil-military dimension of the plan describing the performance of FUA application in order to increase capacity with due regard to military mission effectiveness, and if deemed appropriate, relevant performance indicators and targets consistent with the indicators and targets of the performance plan. 6. ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY AND COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE PLAN 6 6.1. Sensitivity to external assumptions. 6.2. Comparison with previous performance plan. 6,1 6,2 7. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERFORMANCE PLAN 7 Description of the measures put in place by the national supervisory authorities to achieve the performance targets, such as: (i) monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the ANS safety programmes and business plans are implemented; (ii) measures to monitor and report on the implementation of the performance plans including how to address the situation if targets are not reached during the reference period. 12 RT 1 (All) AI 4 a) SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 1. INTRODUCTION Other annexes AI ref. 1 1.1. 1.1. Description of the situation (scope of the plan, list of air navigation service providers covered, etc.). 1.2. Description of the macroeconomic scenario for the reference period including overall assumptions (traffic forecast, etc.) 1.3. Description of the outcome of the stakeholder consultation in order to prepare the performance plan and the agreed compromises as well as the points of disagreement and the reasons for disagreement. 1.4. Description of the actions taken by air navigation service providers to implement the Network Strategy Plan at functional airspace block level and other guiding principles for the operation of the functional airspace block in the long term perspective.. 1.5. List of airports submitted to the performance scheme in application of Article 1 of the Regulation, with their average number of IFR air transport movements. 1.6. List of exempted airports pursuant to Article 1(5) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 together with their average number of IFR air transport movements. 1.2. 1.3. Annex A 1.4. Annex B 1.5. 13 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 - The situation NSAs responsible for drawing up the AESA (Spain) Performance Plan INAC (Portugal) NSA responsible for the coordination AESA within the FAB AESA (Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea - Spanish NSA) INAC (Instituto Nacional de Aviação Civil - Portuguese NSA) EA-NSA (Ejército del Aire - Spanish Air Force NSA) ANS-MET (Secretaría de Estado de Medioambiente - Spanish NSA for MET services) AENA (Spanish ANSP) List of accountable entities NAV Portugal (Portuguese ANSP) AEMET (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología - Spanish MET provider) IPMA (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera) - Portuguese MET provider) EA-ANSP (Ejército del Aire - Spanish Air Force ANSP) SAR (Search and Rescue Portugal) Geographical scope Spain: Madrid FIR/UIR, Barcelona FIR/UIR and Canarias FIR/UIR. Portugal: Lisboa FIR/UIR Additional comments See section 1.4 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 14 1.2 - Description of the macroeconomic scenario including overall assumptions Economic Assumptions The inflation forecasts considered in the development of the RP2 SOWEPP cost-efficiency data are included within the table below. Actual data is source Eurostat HICP, and forecasts are in line with those of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Traffic Assumptions Traffic forecasts in the RP2 SOWEPP are in line with STATFOR February 2014 forecasts. See section 1.5 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 15 1.3 - Stakeholder consultation Number of Meetings Name of meeting Date Type of event Level Stakeholders Deadline for responses Main issues Actions agreed upon Points of disagreement and reasons Additional comments Name of meeting Date Type of event Level Stakeholders Deadline for responses Main issues Actions agreed upon Points of disagreement and reasons Additional comments Name of meeting Date Type of event Level Stakeholders Deadline for responses Main issues Actions agreed upon Points of disagreement and reasons 4 Meeting #1 Portugal RP2 cost-effectiveness stakeholder consultation 10th of April European-wide consultation Union IATA, TAP Portugal, Lufthansa, Air France, Iberia Cost-efficiency information and targets Meeting #2 Spain RP2 cost-effectiveness stakeholder consultation 24th of April European-wide consultation Union Aena Aeropuertos S.A., DGAC, ACETA, Ryanair, AENA, AESA Cost-efficiency information and targets Meeting #3 Spanish Airport and ANSP National forum 25th of April National workshop National Spanish national stakeholders: Aena Aeropuertos S.A. (Airport operator), DGAC, ACETA (airline association), Ryanair, AENA (ANSP), AESA (NSA) Not Established This meeting was an operational consultation, focused on capacity and environment targets. Traffic: STATFOR low scenario forecast chosen for Spain in the SOWEPP is considered too conservative by the users. En-route Capacity: targets are not considered ambitious. The users think targets should not be above 2013 actual figures (0,41 minutes of delay per flight). There is a lack of information regarding the action plan and its contribution to the targets. Incentive mechanism: is considered appropriate. Terminal capacity: targets are considered quite conservative, and not consistent with actual performance in the last few years, in particular in the case of Barcelona. The airport operator (Aena Aeropuertos S.A.) agreed to facilitate their own traffic forecasts for the Spanish airports within the scope of the RP2 SOWEPP, as well as their target proposal. AENA agreed to further detail capacity and FUA information. Main points of disagreement were focused on: Traffic corecasts: the users found unrealistic (too low), and the main reason is current actual traffic figures in the first three months of 2014. Capacity targets: the users considered them very little ambitious. In particular with regard to the terminal targets. Additional comments Name of meeting Date Type of event Level Meeting #4 RP2 SW FAB Performance Plan Consultation 20th of May European-wide consultation Union 16 Stakeholders Deadline for responses Main issues Actions agreed upon Points of disagreement and reasons Additional comments Staff assosiations: APROCTA Users' assosiations and airlines: IATA, ACETA, ALA, Iberia, Ryanair Accountable entities: ANSMET, AENA, NAV Portugal, Spanish Air Force, AESA, INAC, AEMET Other: DGAC, Aena Aeropuertos S.A. 3 June The RP2 SOWEPP Consultation document covered the whole content of the Performance Plans. The consultation meeting presented all the main topics of the RP2 SOWEPP. The final RP2 SOWEPP will be drafted by the NSAs on the basis of the consultation document and considering the comments recieved from all the stakeholders. Traffic forecasts: users find them very little ambitious. Safety: users do not see an actual FAB approach, as the targets show a completely independent evolution in Portugal and Spain. Environment: some users consider the targets not ambitious enough. Some inconsistencies in the content and the dates of the actions of the flight efficiency plan are raised. Users believe shorter routes towards South America would be chosen if Canarias unit rate was lower. Capacity targets: users do not think en-route targets are consistent with EU-wide targets. There is information missing regarding terminal targets. Incentive scheme: users agree that the important thing is that the target is set appropriately, so that poor performance is not awarded. IATA believes the maximum incentive should be low (not 1%) and that the incentive formula should not be symmetrical. Cost-efficiency: Users think targets do not represent in RP2 an evolution consisten with the EU-wide targets. Efforts made in the past have been important for the users, but in their view further improvement has to be done in RP2. See Annex A of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 17 1.4 - Actions to implement the Network Strategy Plan at FAB level, and other guiding principles for the operation of the FAB in the long-term perspective 10 Number of Actions Development of Just Culture 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Planned date of entry into operation Progressive implementation Description Common areas of interest of Just Culture during RP2. Aena action plan includes development of Just Culture Policy, Crisis and Incicent Stress Management CISM (2015), monitoring tools (in particular ASMT Reference to NSP and evidence of SO7/2, SO7/3 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance Common just culture policy enhancement plan at SW FAB level and improvement of safety culture MO in targets which AENA is currently Level C to reach Level D in 2019 and development of a common Just Culture Additional comments Improvement of the EoSM 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Planned date of entry into operation Progressive implementation Description Improvement of effectiveness of safety management through regular planning of safety culture surveys, implementation of a "Just Culture Policy", development of ASMT, better definition of individual safety Reference to NSP and evidence of SO7/2, SO7/4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance All EoSM management objectives shall be Level D by 2019, except for Safey Culture, which should be at least Level C. targets Additional comments FRA (Free Route Airspace) 2015 2016 2017 Planned date of entry into operation Description 2018 X 2019 Implementatios of the Lisboa/Madrid/Brest free route airspace project Reference to NSP and evidence of SO3, SO3/3 SO3/1, SO3/4, SO5/5 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance The extension of SWFAB FRA towards the French coast to accommodate main traffic flows into the West Airspace Operational Block of the SW FAB airspace, creates one of the biggest Free Route Airspace in the targets Additional comments Canarias TMA project 2015 2016 Planned date of entry into operation Description 2017 2018 2019 X Implementation of a new P-RNAV based TMA in Canarias FIR to provide enough capacity and efficiency to main traffic flows between Europe and the Canaries. Reference to NSP and evidence of SO6/5, SO4/2, SO5/5, SO5/4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance This project enhances the efficiency in TMA operations enabling flights to operate close to user preferred trajectories and improving the quality of ATM procedures. Also it improves the capacity. targets Additional comments Madrid TMA project 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Planned date of entry into operation Progressive implementation Description Design and implementation of a new P-RNAV structure for Madrid TMA, reorganisation of Madrid approach sectors and implementation of independent parallel approaches. Reference to NSP and evidence of SO6/5, SO4/2, SO5/5, SO5/4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance This project improves the efficiency in TMA operations, the routes design, the quality of ATM procedures and the capacity. targets Additional comments Barcelona TMA project 2015 2016 18 2017 2018 2019 Planned date of entry into operation Description X Design and implementation of a new P-RNAV structure for Barcelona TMA, including a re-organisation of ATC sectors. New SID/STARs will be introduced in Barcelona airport prior to the implementation of the P- Reference to NSP and evidence of SO6/5, SO4/2, SO5/5, SO5/4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance This project improves the efficiency in TMA operations, the quality of ATM procedures and the capacity. targets Additional comments ATS network improvements projects Planned date of entry into operation Description 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 X Implementation of short‐term improvements agreed by the Route Network Development Sub‐Group (RNDSG) which affect to SW FAB. Reference to NSP and evidence of SO6 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance Impact on capacity at local level (either en-route or TMA/Airport) targets Additional comments Implement Airport CDM Planned date of entry into operation Description 2015 2016 X X 2017 2018 2019 Implement Airport CDM in Madrid (2014), Palma (2015) and Barcelona (2016). Reference to NSP and evidence of SO6/4, SO5/4, SO4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance The implementation of CDM consolidates the operational relationship between the actors involved in airport and network operations minimising airport disruptions and delays, with a positive impact on targets Additional comments SW FAB/Marseille FIR interface 2015 2016 2017 Planned date of entry into operation Description 2018 2019 X Restructuration of SWFAB and Marseille interface Reference to NSP and evidence of SO3/3 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance The restructuration of this interface will allow a better flow organisation and better transfer of traffic targets between the eastern part of the SWFAB airspace and FABEC airspace. Additional comments Casablanca Dualisation project 2015 2016 Planned date of entry into operation Description 2017 2018 2019 X Initiative developed by SW FAB and ONDA Morocco that consisns on the split of ATS airway in the LisboaCasablanca-Canarias interface. Reference to NSP and evidence of SO3/3 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance Acommodate main traffic flows between Europe and South Atlantic Region, including the Canary Island. targets Additional comments SACTA Evolution Planned date of entry into operation Description Reference to NSP and evidence of compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments 2015 2016 2017 Progressive implementation 2018 2019 Implementation SACTA SO4/1, SO4/2, SO8/3 Improvement of the controller tools by improving the quality of airspace and flight plan data, and optimisation of the use of CNS infraestructure essential to ensuring day-to-day continuos and safe ATM 19 REDAN 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Planned date of entry into operation X This project seeks to establish a network of quality communications between centres involved, Description Reference to NSP and evidence of SO8/3 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance Increasy security and availability of communication service. targets Additional comments Safety nets Planned date of entry into operation Description Reference to NSP and evidence of compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Progressive implementation of STCA/APW from 2015, MSAW from 2016 To reduce incidents, especially the short term conflict alert (STCA in TMA), area proximity warning (APW) 833 Planned date of entry into operation Description Reference to NSP and evidence of compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Progressive implementation The coordinated introduccion of air ground voice communications by reducing the channel spacing to MODO S Planned date of entry into operation Description Reference to NSP and evidence of compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Progressive implementation of new radars The future surveillance system is the evolution to a cooperative surveillance using mainly Mode S as SO7/2 Reduction of the human contribution to risk in operations by implementing new tools enhancing Safety of operations SO8/1 This project allows more frequencies to service, avoiding possible delays and the increase of congestion and associated cost and ensuring an optimised and cost-efficient use of the aeronautical radio SO8/2 The use of the downlinked aircraft identification (Modo-S) as the primary means of identification. SO9 - Flexible rostering and sector opening 2015 2016 scheme Planned date of entry into operation Description Flexible rostering and sector manegment Reference to NSP and evidence of Links to NSP SO9 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments SO4 - Enhanced ATFCM procedures 2015 2016 Planned date of entry into operation Description Enhanced ATFCM procedures Reference to NSP and evidence of Links to NSP SO4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments SO3 - Free Route Extension 2015 2016 Planned date of entry into operation Description Free Route Extension to SMA FIR Reference to NSP and evidence of Link with NSP SO3 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments SO8 -Data link Planned date of entry into operation Description 2015 2016 during 2016 Data link 20 2017 2018 2019 2018 2019 2017 During 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 During RP2 2017 During RP2 Reference to NSP and evidence of Links with NSP SO8 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments SO4 Sectors redesign/split 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 during RP2 Planned date of entry into operation Description Vertical split of West Sector, Sectors redesign Optimisation according to Casablanca project,increase Reference to NSP and evidence of Links with SO4 compliance Contribution to reaching the performance targets Additional comments 21 1.5 - List of airports for RP2 List of airports submitted to the Performance and Charging Regulations 6 Number of airports IFR air transport movements ICAO code GCLP LEBL LEMD LEMG LEPA LPAZ LPFL LPFR LPHR LPMA LPPD LPPR LPPS LPPT Airport name GRAN CANARIA BARCELONA MADRID BARAJAS MALAGA PALMA DE MALLORCA SANTA MARIA FLORES FARO HORTA MADEIRA PONTA DELGADA PORTO PORTO SANTO LISBOA State Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal 2011 109.123 302.923 429.204 106.523 179.779 3.188 1.343 42.194 4.385 21.750 12.062 61.114 2.991 143.040 List of airports exempted from the Performance and Charging Regulations Additional comments 22 2012 98.759 289.885 373.079 100.738 173.307 2.630 1.202 40.829 4.113 20.366 11.903 58.621 2.715 144.142 2013 93.900 276.407 333.027 100.421 169.401 2.472 1.123 42.918 3.957 21.059 11.764 59.477 2.521 145.934 Average 100.594 289.738 378.437 102.561 174.162 2.763 1.223 41.980 4.152 21.058 11.910 59.737 2.742 144.372 SECTION 2: INVESTMENTS Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 2. INVESTMENT 2 Other annexes AI ref. Annex D 2.1. Description and justification of the cost, nature and contribution to achieving the performance targets of investments in new ATM systems and major overhauls of existing ATM systems, including their relevance and coherence with the European ATM Master Plan, the common projects referred to in Article 15a of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004, and, as appropriate, the Network Strategy Plan. 2.2. The description and justification referred to in point 2.1 shall in particular: (i) relate the amount of the investments, for which description and justification is given following point 2.1, to the total amount of investments; (ii) differentiate between investments in new systems, overhaul of existing systems and replacement investments; (iii) refer each investment in new ATM systems and major overhaul of existing ATM systems to the European ATM Master Plan, the common projects referred to in Article 15a of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004, and, as appropriate, the Network Strategy Plan; (iv) detail the synergies achieved at functional airspace block level or, if appropriate, with other Member States or functional airspace blocks, in particular in terms of common infrastructure and common procurement; (v) detail the benefits expected from these investments in terms of performance across the four key performance areas, allocating them between the en route and terminal/airport phases of flight, and the date as from which benefits are expected; (vi) provide information on the decision-making process underpinning the investment, such as the existence of a documented cost-benefit analysis, the holding of user consultation, its results and any dissenting views expressed. 23 SW FAB 2 - INVESTMENTS Number of ANSPs 2 Aena Number of capex 11 Name of capex 1 SHORT TERM IMPROVEMENTS Airport Collaborative Decision Processes (A-CDM), Arrival Manager (AMAN), Departure Manager (DMAN), Electronic Flight Strips (EFS), DATALINK Communications and Functional Configuration 2 (CF2). This project brings together a set of short-term investments needed in order to complete the ongoing deployment plan of IDP projects, applicable regulations and other local improvements. These investments are grouped as follows: • A‐CDM: collaboration between the different actors involved in the process of rotation of an aircraft at airports (ie. ATC, Airlines, Handling Agents and Airport Operator). • AMAN: coordinated sequence of arrivals that allows greater precision in the calculation of the estimated arrival time, contributing to the effectiveness of the A-CDM and allowing a separation according to the sequence number. • DMAN: reduces the complexity in the ATS services management and helps the performance of runways as well as the use of advanced TMA to facilitate the management of delay because of the better flight path accuracy (PBN), and the use of a dynamic sectorisation to improve the management of flows in both en route and TMA. • EFS: replaces the flight progress strips for electronic flight strips, removing the printers of flight strips and allowing free assignment of roles without physical limitations. • DATALINK: (Commission Regulation (EC) 29/2009) Controller‐pilot communication via datalink. • CF2: Associated to DATALINK, adds updated and additional information to flight labels, leading to better situational awareness and allowing controllers to foresee conflicts by reducing their workload in annotation of levels. Description Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project Yes A-CDM, Initial DMAN, AMAN en route interface, Electronic Flight Strips (EFS) in relation with CWP and Electronic Flight Strips, AG DATA LINK European Master Plan objectives: AOP05, ATC07.1, ITY-AGDL, ITY-COTR, ATC17 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No 24 Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Yes In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Impact Expected benefits per KPA Safety Yes EFS: Improves the ATCOs’ situational awareness regarding flights, resulting in increased operational safety and service quality. CF2: Reduces ATCOs’ workload. DATALINK: Ensures the integrity of transmitted data, resulting in the safety of operations and allows ADS-C/ADS-B surveillance to be incorporated, improving safety Environment No KPA Capacity Yes Cost efficiency No Name of capex 2 A-CDM: Improvement in arrival process and punctuality by having a shared and optimal arrival time. AMAN: Improves the accuracy of the calculation of the estimated time of arrival and sequence information available to all ATCOs, including delays information. EFS: Improves the ATCOs’ situational awareness regarding flights, resulting in increased operational safety and service quality and improves the quality indicators monitoring by the airport. CF2: Reduces ATCOs’ workload. DATALINK: Allows the planner ATCO to assume non-strategic functions based on data link, freeing the executive ATCO of certain tasks, allowing an increase in capacity Date of expected benefits 2017 Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases CF2: En-route / Terminal DATALINK: En-route / Terminal A-CDM, AMAN, EFS: Terminal/Airport CF2, DATALINK: En-route / Terminal Description SURVEILLANCE EVOLUTION – Mode-S, ADS-B The future surveillance system is the evolution to a cooperative surveillance using mainly Mode-S with ADS-B as a supporting feature to traditional surveillance Radar. Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project No 25 European Master Plan objective: ITY-SPI Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 3 In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Area Date of expected <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases benefits Provides additional information to the air traffic control system about the Progressively from En-route short-term intention of aircrafts and increases operational safety. the implementation of the new radars in En-route each location. Reduces the congestion of the radio-electric area, reducing the appearance of En-route garbling, one of the main problems of using SSR information and increases airspace capacity by selective interrogation Expected benefits per KPA Multilateration of Extended Area allows, at low cost, to cover areas close to airports REDAN – Data Network This project seeks to establish a network of quality communications between centres involved, facilitating also future system expansions. Description Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Terminal Overhaul of existing system Replacement investment No Common project Yes PENS/SWIM European Master Plan objectives: COM09, COM10 contributing also to IDP project implementation. Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No 26 Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 4 In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Increases security of communications services Date of expected benefits 2018 Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route / Terminal Increases availability of communications services En-route / Terminal Provides increased capacity for the deployment of other planned projects En-route / Terminal Description 833 – Communication Channels The EU 1079/2012 Regulation lays down requirements for the coordinated introduction of air-ground voice communications by reducing the channel spacing to 8.33 kHz below FL195 flight level. Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project No Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Yes European Master Plan objective: ITY-AGVCS2 EU 1079/2012 Regulation Availability of new frequencies in the area. In the SOWEPP context 27 Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety No Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency No Name of capex 5 According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Allows more frequencies to service, avoiding possible delays and the increase Benefits already in En-Route / Terminal of congestion and associated costs. place in places where 8,33 compatible equipment is in use. Complete implementation expected by 2019. Description COMETA – Voice over Internet Protocol The COMETA Project implements a new IP Voice Communications System, with the aim of having a homogeneous solution with voice over internet protocol (VoIP) in all ACCs. Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Overhaul of existing system Replacement investment No Common project No Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes European Master Plan objective: COM11 In the SOWEPP context 28 Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety No Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Replaces obsolete equipment with an improvement in costs and capacity. Reduces operating costs. Name of capex 6 Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Progressively along En-route with the equipment deployment in the En-route units. iTEC – Flight Data Processing From the SACTA 3.5 Operation Mode (in phase of operational implementation), which supports the management of Tactics and Transfers authorizations and operation using Data Link, the concept of operation SACTA 4 will be developed with tools that improve strategic ATC processes, aligned with the iTEC common requirements for flight data processing. ANSP Description Accountable entity Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project No Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment Yes Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process KPA European Master Plan objectives: FCM03, ITY-FMTP Yes The evolution of iTEC is linked to regulatory requirements arising from Plan iTEC-FDP. In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Impact 29 Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Safety Yes Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency No Name of capex 7 Incorporates risk management functionalities which contribute to improve safety. After 2019, when En-Route new concept is fully implemented Improves capacity by reducing the number of air traffic control tactical interventions. After 2019, when En-Route new concept is fully implemented Description SAFETY NETS – STCA, APW, MSAW An important element in reducing incidents is the Safety Nets project, especially the short term conflict alert (STCA in TMA), area proximity warning (APW) to reduce penetrations in airspace without authorization and the minimum safe altitude warning (MSAW) to reduce CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain). Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project Yes European Master Plan objectives: ATC02.2, ATC02.5, ATC02.6, ATC02.7 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Safety Nets (STCA, APW, MSW, APM) Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment No In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Reduces the number of incidents due to proximity infringements. 30 Date of expected benefits From 2015-2016 Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route / Terminal Capacity No Cost efficiency No Name of capex 8 PBN PLAN – Performance Navigation Procedures for precision navigation in the main TMAs. The concept of area navigation (Area Navigation RNAV) permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path based on the automatic determination of the position of the aircraft by aircraft equipment from the information received from ground systems and / or satellite. ANSP Description Accountable entity Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment No Common project Yes European Master Plan objectives: NAV03, NAV10 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process RNP Approach and PRNAV in TMAs Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes One of the projects planned to be developed within the SW FAB includes the reorganization of Canaries TMA, Madrid TMA, Barcelona TMA, Faro TMA (new CNS infrastructure to develop P-RNAV procedures) and Lisbon TMA (terminal area will be restructured taking advantage of P-RNAV) In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA More direct and efficient routes More flexible routes Take advantage of the benefits of on-board equipment currently available and reduce the need to maintain routes and procedures based on specific sensors, with its associated costs 31 Area Date of expected <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases benefits Local improvements Terminal Area according to Terminal Area implementation plan Terminal Area En-route / Terminal Name of capex 9 CWP – Controller Working Position The objective is to define a common position control iTEC based on common Operation Mode and HMI for AENA, DFS, NATS and LVNL. Description ANSP Accountable entity Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Overhaul of existing system Differentiation Replacement investment No Common project Yes Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) No Joint investment Yes Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 10 Electronic Flight Strips (EFS) in relation with CWP and Electronic Flight Strip Evolution of Controller Working Position in line with iTEC requirements In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Expected benefits per KPA Improvement of the controller working capabilities (ergonomics, communication needs, auxiliary information, etc) Contributes to reduction of controller workload The CWP responds to a decrease of manufacturing, installation and maintenance costs Area Date of expected <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases benefits In line with the last En-route phase of iTEC project, beyond RP2 framework En-route En-route Description ICARO – Aeronautical information The ICARO system automates the management of aeronautical information NOTAM as air navigation services provider, integrating in a single framework all the operational information required for the aeronautical user. Accountable entity ANSP 32 Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Overhaul of existing system Differentiation Replacement investment No Common project Yes Future requirements from international regulation and required performance, including EU 73/2010 on aeronautical data integrity (ADQ). Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment No Capacity Yes Cost efficiency No Name of capex 11 Aeronautical Information Exchange. In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Accuracy and integrity of data. Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases All Improvement of aeronautical information quality. All Expected benefits per KPA Date of expected benefits Description PROJECT FACILITATORS This project brings together a group of investments that, serve as a tool or facilitator to achieve the goals of the European ATM Master plan, mainly formed by the integration of the navigation infrastructures management and control, Safety improvements, Airspace Management improvements and Simulation. Accountable entity ANSP Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Overhaul of existing system Replacement investment No Common project No 33 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) No Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Yes Decision-making process Name of investment In the SOWEPP context According to AENA’s AN internal process related to ATM/CNS Projects Management (process S22‐06), once the initial proposal is submitted by any business unit that detects a need, an initial study is prepared indicating the relevance of cost-benefit analysis and the possible association with SES interoperability regulation, being subsequently approved by the Services Committee or the Air Navigation Steering Committee. Yes KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Expected benefits per KPA Contributes to the achievement of the other main projects objectives so the expected benefits apply to all KPAs to which they contribute 2015 SHORT TERM IMPROVEMENTS SURVEILLANCE EVOLUTION – Mode-S, ADS-B REDAN – Data Network 833 – Communication Channels COMETA – Voice over Internet Protocol iTEC – Flight Data Processing SAFETY NETS – STCA, APW, MSAW PBN PLAN – Performance Navigation CWP – Controller Working ICARO – Aeronautical Lifecycle (Amortisation period in years) Planned Amount of Capital Expenditures (in national currency) Total CAPEX for the project (in RP2) 2016 2017 2018 Area Date of expected <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases benefits Progressively En-route / Terminal according to the other main projects implementation 2019 Allocation en route / terminal ANS (%) Planned date of entry into operation (IOC / FOC dates) 7,2 6,3 0,9 0,0 0,0 0,0 12 (i) 2016 17,8 2,6 3,8 3,5 3,8 4,1 12 (i) N/A (v) 16,1 5,5 4,6 4,7 0,8 0,6 12 (i) 2017 11,4 1,8 3,2 3,5 2,9 0,0 12 (i) 2018 42,8 4,8 10,7 9,3 9,1 8,8 12 (i) N/A (iv) 50,8 4,4 8,0 10,6 13,7 14,1 12 (i) N/A (ii) 0,4 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 12 (i) N/A (iii) 4,3 1,1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 12 (i) N/A (iv) 1,5 5,3 0,0 1,3 0,0 1,3 0,5 1,0 0,5 1,0 0,6 0,8 12 (i) 12 (i) 2019+ 34 PROJECT FACILITATORS 91,6 21,8 16,5 15,8 17,3 20,1 PROJECT FACILITATORS - CNS and automation infrastructures 64,5 16,6 11,4 11,6 9,1 15,7 PROJECT FACILITATORS - Other 27,1 5,2 5,1 4,2 8,2 4,4 249,2 49,8 49,8 49,6 50,0 50,0 127,5 376,6 25,8 75,5 25,7 75,5 25,5 75,1 25,4 75,3 25,2 75,2 Sub-total of main capex above (1) Sub-total other Capex (2) Total capex (1) + (2) 18 (i) N/A Additional comments (i) Different investments of each project have different amortisation period; given value corresponds to the maximum lifecycle. (ii) Progressive implementation new SACTA versions. (iii) Progressive implementation of STCA/APW (from 2015), MSAW (from 2016). (iv) Progressively from the implementation in each new location. (v) Progressive implementation of new radars in each location. In global terms, contribution of CAPEX to the European ATM Master Plan deployment corresponds to a 66.2% of the total investment planned for RP2 (249,2 MEUR out from 376,6 MEUR in nominal terms). This contribution is dedicated to the projects defined in order to address the implementation of Master Plan / ESSIP / IDP objectives, as well as to the enabling activities which support / facilitate the accomplishment of these projects. NAV Portugal (Continental) 8 Number of capex Name of capex 1 Description Accountable entity LISATM V9.2 The project scope is the introduction of new functionalities on the existing Lisbon ACC ATM system to accommodate AMAN (2014) and RAM (Route Adherence Monitoring) monitoring aids (MONA). The ATM system will be also upgraded to include CPDLC for Route Sectors and Pre-Departure Clearance on the ALS and electronic flight strips to accommodate the Lisbon Airport/Terminal traffic. NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Overhaul of existing system Replacement investment No Common project Yes Introduction of new functionalities on the existing ACC ATM system AF: AF # 1 - Extended AMAN and PBN in high density TMAs; AF # 2 - Airport Integration and Throughput Functionalities IDP: SWP5.2.1 and WP4 35 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Click to select Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 2 ESSIP Objectives: ATC07.1 Implement arrival manager tools; ATC 15 Implement, in En-Route operations, information exchange mechanisms, tools and procedures in support of Basic AMAN operations Master Plan: [TS-0102]-Basic Arrival Management Supporting TMA Improvements (incl. CDA, PRNAV); [TS-0305]-Arrival Management Extended to En Route Airspace Linked to the SW FAB project ref "WP 5.1 ATM.1 ATM IR CONFORMITY". Expected benefits per KPA EFS and AMAN: Improves the ATCOs’ situational awareness regarding flights, resulting in increased operational safety and service quality. AMAN: Reduced holding and low level vectoring has a positive environmental effect in terms of noise and fuel usage. AMAN: Improves airport/TMA capacity by the calculation accuracy of the estimated time of arrival and sequence information available to all ATCOs, Reduced costs through reduction in delays. Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route and Terminal Terminal 2015 En-route and Terminal Terminal Lisbon ACC New System Description The project scope is the replacement of Lisbon ACC ATM system in line with the SES/SESAR deployment requirements. The ATM system will Integrate an FDP and a new Middleware in the LISATM. This system will be compliant with the Single Sky interoperability requirements and will include a set of new functionalities as: • SYSCO; Advanced TP; MTCD; DMAN; MSAW The new ATM system will also have a new system architecture: • Two synchronized central systems located in different sites • The ATC positions of all Lisbon FIR ATC Units connected to both central systems. With the introduction of the new system the operational controller working positions will be changed to take advantage of the new system capabilities as well to reduce de electrical consumption and cooling required by the system hardware. In order to avoid major risks (technological, training, development, etc.) the large number of functionalities of the new ATM system are planned to be delivered in different phases. Accountable entity NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation New system Replacement investment Yes Common project Yes Installation of new ACC ATM system AF#3 Flexible Airspace Management and Free Route; 36 Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes ESSIP Objectives: ATC02.6 Implement ground based safety nets - Minimum Safe Altitude Warning - level 2, ATC02.7 Implement ground based safety nets - Approach Path Monitor - level 2, ATC07.1 Implement arrival management tools, ATC12 Implement automated support for conflict detection and conformance monitoring. Master Plan steps: [CM-0801]-Ground Based Safety Nets (TMA, En Route), [CM-0202]-Automated Assistance to ATC Planning for Preventing Conflicts in EnRoute Airspace; [CM-0203]-Automated Flight Conformance Monitoring. Joint investment Yes The investment will deployed in collaboration with others ANSP to deliver a system with a common core to share costs and risk and provide a seamless platform across several European ANSPs. Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes See above. Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Name of capex 3 Description Accountable entity Expected benefits per KPA Impact Yes Date of expected benefits The systematic presentation to the controller of possible infringements of, eminent and unauthorized penetrations into airspace volumes, and minimum safe altitude ahead of their occurrence and of deviations from the glide path as provided by MSAW and APM are major safety assurance functions. Early and systematic conflict detection reduces the need for tactical interventions. SYSCO improve the integrity of communication during the coordination. AMAN reduces holding and low level vectoring with a positive environmental effect in terms of noise and fuel usage. The inclusion of some advance functionalities as SYSCO, Advanced TP, DMAN and MTCD will increase system automation will contribute to a reduction of controller workload and improve the en-route, TMA and airport capacities. Early conflict detection will enable smother flight courses without frequent and sudden control interventions. This will have a moderate influence on airline costs and moderate benefit for ANSPs due to reduced workload per aircraft and better workload distribution. DMAN will allow cost reduction through reduction in delays. In addition, the new system architecture used in the ATM system will reduce deployment and maintenance costs. Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route/ Terminal Terminal 2020 En-route/ Terminal En-route/ Terminal Comunication systems The project scope is the replacement of air.ground and ground-ground communications systems in several ATS units in the Lisbon FIR as well on external communication stations. Includes: NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution 37 Overhaul of existing system Differentiation Replacement investment Yes Common project Yes Replacement and overhaul of communications systems in several ATS units in the Lisbon FIR as well on external communication stations. AF: #5 iSWIM functionality, AF#6 Initial Trajectory Information Sharing (towards i4D); IDP: 4.1 DataLink Technological update; 4.2 DataLink Operational activities; 5.1 OLDI migration from X.25 to IP; 5.2 Complementary OLDI messages Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes ESSIP Objectives: COM09-Migrate ground international or regional X.25 data networks or services to the Internet Protocol (IP), COM11 Implementation of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in ATM, ITY-AGVCS2 Implement air-ground voice channel spacing requirements below FL195; Master Plan steps: [CTE-C8]-Digital voice/VoIP for ground telephony, [CTE-C5]-8.33 kHz Voice communications Air-Ground, [CTE-C11a]Extend PENS to support the SESAR testing and validation activities, [CTE-C11b]-Expand the network communication services offered by PENS and enlarge the scope to other non-ANSP users (within and outside ECAC). Parts of the project are linked to the SW FAB projects ref "WP 5.1 ATM.1 ATM IR CONFORMITY", "WP 6.1 CNS.1 DATALINK", "WP 6.2 CNS.2 Evolution of the Aeronautical Messaging Networks (AMHS", "WP 6.3 CNS.3 IP INTERCONNECTION" Expected benefits per KPA Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Various En-route/Terminal VoIP: Maintained or improved by providing enhanced signalisation functions. VoIP: Enabler for dynamic sectorisations. VoIP: Maintained or improved by providing enhanced signalisation functions. Prerequisite of dynamic sectorisation through dynamic allocation of voice resources. AGVCS2: Increased capacity by satisfying the demand for new frequency assignments in the VHF band. VoIP: Reduced costs by reusing Internet off the shelf technologies that can be based on standard hardware. Name of capex 4 Navigation systems Description The project scope includes the installation of new ILS systems (or the replacement of old systems) in the Oporto, Lisbon and Faro airport. The project will also include the replacement of aging en-route navigation stations and then installation of navaids in the Porto TMA to support PRNAV operations. Accountable entity NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Overhaul of existing system See capex description. 38 Replacement investment Yes Common project Yes Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 5 Description Accountable entity AF#3 Flexible Airspace Management and Free Route ESSIP Objective: NAV03 - Implementation of P-RNAV; Master Plan step: [AOM-0601]-Terminal Airspace Organisation Adapted through Use of Best Practice. Parts of the project are linked to the SW FAB projects ref "WP 3.X TMA´s PROJECT" Expected benefits per KPA PRNAV: Increase safety of flight operations by increased situational awareness and indirect benefit to both ATC and pilot through PRNAV: Emissions and noise nuisance reduced by use of optimal flight procedures and routings. PRNAV: Indirect benefit by enabling optimisation of En-Route and terminal airspace. PRNAV: Fuel cost reduction through optimised routes and TMA procedures. Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases 2019 En-route/Terminal/Airport NORMAW - Norte e Madeira WAM The Project will install two surveillance multilateration networks in the extremes North and South of the Lisbon FIR. The project objectives are the coverage improvement of the North/Northeast region of the mainland at low altitudes, not guaranteed with the current systems, and ensure double surveillance coverage in the Madeira sector. NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Date of expected benefits New system Replacement investment Yes Common project No See capex description. ESSIP Objective: ITY-SPI Surveillance performance and interoperability. Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No 39 Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Click to select Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Linked to the SW FAB projects ref "WP 6.4 CNS.4 SURVEILLANCE IP" and "WP 6.7 CNS.7 NEW SURVEILLANCE SENSORS SHARING". Expected benefits per KPA Date of expected benefits Improved safety through the deployment of surveillance in areas/levels not currently covered. 2015-2016 Potential for capacity increase through the deployment of surveillance in an area (Madeira sector) currently with a single radar coverage. 2015-2016 Facilitate the deployment of the most efficient surveillance solution. 2015-2016 Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route En-route En-route Name of capex 6 Lisbon Terminal approach Radar replacement Description The project scope is the replacement of the Lisbon Terminal approach radar station (PSR & MSSR), with more than 15 operation years for a new Mode S and PSR sensors. Accountable entity NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Click to select Replacement investment Yes Common project No ESSIP objective: ITY-SPI Surveillance performance and interoperability; Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS No Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA See capex description. Expected benefits per KPA Impact 40 Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Name of capex 7 Assurance of the current level maintenance. Assurance of the current level maintenance. Assurance of the current level maintenance. 2017 En-route/Terminal Reduction of costs in the support of equipment at end of life cycle. SSR Mode S The project scope is the replacement of several secondary monopulse radar stations (MSSR), with more than 15 operation years for Mode S radar sensors. Description NAV Portugal Accountable entity Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Overhaul of existing system Differentiation Replacement investment Yes Common project No The replacement of aging conventional SSR Radar stations with Mode-S Radars will allow the congestion reduction of the radio-electric area, lowering the garbling. ESSIP objective: ITY-SPI Surveillance performance and interoperability; Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Radar information of some NAV Portugal stations is shared with Spain (AENA), Morocco (ONDA) and the Portuguese Military. Linked to the SW FAB projects ref "WP 6.4 CNS.4 SURVEILLANCE IP" and "WP 6.5 CNS.5 NEW RADARS SHARING". Assurance of the current level maintenance. Date of expected benefits Various Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases En-route Assurance of the current level maintenance. Various En-route Assurance of the current level maintenance. Various En-route Reduction of costs in the support of equipment at end of life cycle. Various En-route Expected benefits per KPA 41 Name of capex 8 Buildings and electromechanical systems Description Facilities' maintenance (ACC, TWRs and external stations) in the Lisbon FIR of ATM to keep the buildings operationality, with the technical upgrade of installations as well the compliance with the regulations (security, environment, etc.) Accountable entity NAV Portugal Justification of the cost, nature and contribution Differentiation Name of investment New system Replacement investment Yes Common project No Facilitate's master plan indirect support by their ancillary role to the ATM and CNS systems. Other investment (in line with interoperability Regulations, the IDP, Master Plan essentials or the NSP) Yes Joint investment No Synergies achieved at FAB level or other MS Yes Some of the external stations to be maintened are shared (Radar and A/G stations) with Spain (AENA), Morocco (ONDA) and the Portuguese Military. Consultation with stakeholders Click to select Decision-making process Click to select KPA Impact Safety Yes Environment Yes Capacity Yes Cost efficiency Yes Date of expected benefits Area <En-route/ Terminal/ Airport/ Phases Contribution to the achievement of the other main project's objectives so the expected benefits apply to all KPAs to which they contribute. Contribution to the achievement of the other main project's objectives so the expected benefits apply to all KPAs to which they contribute. Contribution to the achievement of the other main project's objectives so the expected benefits apply to all KPAs to which they contribute. Contribution to the achievement of the other main project's objectives so the expected benefits apply to all KPAs to which they contribute. Various En-route/Terminal Lifecycle (Amortisation period in years) Planned Amount of Capital Expenditures (in national currency) Total CAPEX for the project 2015 LISATM V9.2 Lisbon ACC New System Comunication systems Navigation systems Expected benefits per KPA 0,8 20,1 4,6 8,5 2016 2017 0,6 2,1 1,6 2018 0,2 4,5 0,5 1,4 7,4 1,4 42 2019 1,7 0,3 1,9 6,5 0,3 3,6 8 8 8 to 10 8 to 10 Allocation en route / terminal ANS (%) 100%/95%/5% various various Planned date of entry into operation (IOC / FOC dates) 2015/2017 2020/2020+ various various NORMAW - Norte e Madeira WAM Lisbon Terminal approach Radar replacement SSR Mode S Buildings and electromechanical systems Sub-total of main capex above (1) Sub-total other Capex (2) Total capex (1) + (2) 2,6 2,6 10 100%/- 2015/2016 4,9 0,5 2,0 2,4 8 100%/- 2017 8,2 0,4 3,8 0,3 2,7 1,0 10 100%/- various 4,0 0,9 1,7 0,6 0,4 0,4 10 various various 53,7 8,7 16,3 9,9 7,0 11,8 0,5 54,2 0,1 8,8 0,3 16,6 0,0 9,9 0,0 7,0 0,1 11,9 Additional comments Some investments of have a different amortisation period; given their nature and lifecycle. Several CAPEX have progressive implementation, as the new Lisbon ACC ATM versions, radars in each location, as well on the buildings and electromechanical systems. Several CAPEX (e.g. comunications, navigation, buildings) have different allocation route / terminal considering the services provided (progressive implementation, as the new Lisbon ACC ATM versions, radars in each location, as well onm the buildings and electromechanical systems. 43 SECTION 3: PERFORMANCE TARGETS Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 3. PERFORMANCE TARGETS AT LOCAL LEVEL 3 3.1. Performance targets in each key performance area, set by reference to each key performance indicator as set out in Annex I, Section 2, for the entire reference period, with annual values to be used for monitoring and incentive purposes: 3.2. Description and explanation of the consistency of the performance targets with the relevant Unionwide performance targets. When there is no Unionwide performance target, description and explanation of the targets within the plan and how they contribute to the improvement of the performance of the European ATM network. 3.1 3.1.(a).(i) AI ref. RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 e) RT 1 (All) AI 4 a) 3.1.(a). (ii) 3.1.(a). (iii) 3.1.(a). (iv) 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) 3.1.(b).(iii) 3.1.(c).(i) 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A 3.3. Description and explanation of the interdependencies and trade-offs between the key performance areas, including the assumptions used to assess the trade-offs. 3.4. Contribution of each air navigation service provider concerned to the achievement of the performance targets set for the functional airspace block in accordance with Article 5(2)(c)(ii). 3.3 3.1.(a).(i) 3.1.(a). (ii) 3.1.(a). (iii) 3.1.(a). (iv) 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) 3.1.(b).(iii) 3.1.(c).(i) 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) 44 Other annexes SECTION 3.1.(a): SAFETY KPA Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. (a) Safety 3.1.(a) (i) level of effectiveness of safety management: local 3.1.(a).(i) targets for each year of the reference period; 3.1.(a). (ii) (ii) application of the severity classification based on the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) methodology: local targets for each year of the reference period (percentage); (iii) just culture: local targets for the last year of the 3.1.(a). (iii) reference period. 3.1.(a). (iv) Optional section Additional Safety KPI(s) 45 AI ref. Other annexes 3 - PERFORMANCE TARGETS AT LOCAL LEVEL 3.1 - Key Performance Areas 3.1.(a) - Safety 3.1.(a).(i) - Safety KPI #1: Level of Effectiveness of Safety Management 2015 Target - 2016 Target - 2017 Target - 2018 Target - 2019 Target C - - - - C D Regulatory authorities B B Description of the consistency between local and Union- Targets are fully consistent. wide targets Not applicable. Detailed justification in case of inconsistency B B C ANSPs (for Safety Culture MO) C C ANSPs (for all other Mos) C C Description of the consistency between local and Union- Targets are fully consistent. wide targets Not applicable. Detailed justification in case of inconsistency C C C C D D Select Number of States >> 2 C B C C C D D E D C D D Union-wide targets at State level Union-wide targets For Safety Culture MO at ANSP level For all other MOs FAB level National level Portugal Spain B B B B 2 Select Number of ANSPs for Safety Culture MO >> National level AENA NAV Portugal C D C D C D 2 Select Number of ANSPs for all other MOs >> National level B B AENA NAV Portugal D C Additional comments See section 2.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 46 D C D C 3.1.(a).(ii) - Safety KPI #2: Application of the severity classification based on the Risk Analysis Tool (RAT) methodology 2015 Target - Ground Score Union-wide targets SMIs Ris ATM-S SMIs RIs ATM-S FAB level Description of the consistency between local and Union-wide targets 2016 Target - 2017 Target >= 80% >= 80% >= 80% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Targets are fully consistent. NAV Portugal 90% 90% 90% 95% 95% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2 Select Number of ANSPs >> National level 2019 Target 100% 100% 100% Not applicable. Detailed justification in case of inconsistency Aena 2018 Target - SMIs RIs ATM-S SMIs RIs ATM-S 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 80% Additional comments See section 2.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 2015 Target - Overall Score Union-wide targets SMIs RIs ATM-S FAB level SMIs RIs ATM-S Description of the consistency between local and Union-wide targets 2016 Target - 2017 Target >= 80% >= 80% >= 80% 40% 60% 25% 53% 53% 65% Targets are fully consistent. Spain 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 85% 80% 80% 100% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 90% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 100% 80% 80% 100% 2 Select Number of States >> National level 2019 Target >= 80% >= 80% 100% Not applicable. Detailed justification in case of inconsistency Portugal 2018 Target >= 80% >= 80% - SMIs RIs ATM-S SMIs RIs ATM-S 20% 20% 80% 60% 30% 25% Additional comments See section 2.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 47 50% 50% 80% 70% 55% 50% 3.1.(a).(iii) - Safety KPI #3: Just Culture 2019 Target Have you established a common FAB approach in certain areas for Just Culture improvements? Regulatory authorities NO If YES, please specify details and level of presence. If NO, please specify any impediments, intent for common FAB approach. The establishment of a common SW FAB approach among the NSAs on just culture is on-going as part of the target for RP2. FAB level Have you established a common FAB approach in certain areas for Just Culture improvements? ANSPs NO If YES, please specify details and level of presence. If NO, please specify any impediments, intent for common FAB approach. The establishment of a common SW FAB approach among the ANSPs on just culture is on-going as part of the target for RP2. NAV Portugal and AENA, although with different maturity levels regarding Just Culture have agreed to work on common policy and targets for this KPI at the FAB level. 2 Number of States Portugal What actions have you undertaken to optimise Just Culture? See additional information. National level Spain What actions have you undertaken to optimise Just Culture? See additional information. 2 Number of ANSPs Aena What actions have you undertaken to optimise Just Culture? See additional information. National level NAV Portugal What actions have you undertaken to optimise Just Culture? See additional information. Additional comments See section 2.3 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 48 3.1.(a).(iv) - Optional section - Additional Safety KPI(s) Number of additional Safety KPIs Click to select number of additional KPIs 49 SECTION 3.1.(b): ENVIRONMENT KPA Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. (b) Environment 3.1.(b) (i) description of the process to improve route design; (ii) average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the actual trajectory. 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) 3.1.(b).(iii) Optional section Additional Environment KPI(s) 50 AI ref. Other annexes SW FAB 3.1.(b) - Environment 3.1.(b).(i) & (ii) - Environment KPI #1: Horizontal en route flight efficiency (KEA) Union-wide targets 2015 Value - 2016 Value - 2017 Value - 2018 Value - 2019 Target 2,60% FAB reference values 3,85% 3,71% 3,57% 3,43% 3,28% FAB level 3,85% 3,71% 3,57% 3,43% 3,28% SOWEPP targets for RP2 are fully in line with the reference values proposed by the Network Description of the consistency between FAB targets Manager, and are hence considered an adequate contribution to the achievement of the EU-wide and FAB reference values targets. Detailed justification in case of inconsistency ANSP contribution to local targets Not applicable. The ANSPs contribute to the achievement of the targets set at FAB level throught the implementation of the actions of the flight efficiency plan they ar accountable for. Description of the process to improve route design See section 3 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. Additional comments See section 3 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 51 3.1.(a).(iii) - Optional section - Additional Environment KPI(s) Click to select number of additional KPIs Number of additional Environment KPIs 52 SECTION 3.1.(c): CAPACITY KPA Mapping between the PRB FAB performance plan template and the Annex II of EU Regulation 390/2013 Link with PRB template Structure of ANNEX II of Regulation 390/2013 Level 1' Level2' FAB PP FAB PP FAB PP - Annex C Other annexes RT ref. (c) Capacity 3.1.(c) (i) minutes of average en route ATFM delay per flight; 3.1.(c).(i) (ii) minutes of average terminal ATFM arrival delay per flight; (iii) the capacity plan established by the air navigation service provider(s). 3.1.(c).(ii) 3.1.(c).(iii) 3.1.(c).(iv) - Optional section - Additional Capacity KPI(s) 53 AI ref. SW FAB 3.1.(c) - Capacity 3.1.(c).(i) - Capacity KPI #1: En route ATFM delay per flight 2015 Value 0,50 2016 Value 0,50 2017 Value 0,50 2018 Value 0,50 2019 Target 0,50 FAB reference values 0,30 0,31 0,31 0,30 0,30 FAB level Description of the consistency between FAB targets and FAB reference values 0,52 0,52 0,52 0,52 0,52 Union-wide targets Detailed justification in case of inconsistency See section 4.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. Additional justifications are provided as responses to the consutlation process, as summarised in section 11 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. Select Number of ANSPs >> Aena National level 2 0,48 0,48 0,48 See section 4.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document 0,48 0,48 ANSP contribution to FAB targets NAV Portugal (Continental) ANSP contribution to FAB targets 0,20 0,20 0,20 See section 4.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 0,20 0,20 Additional comments See section 4.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 54 SW FAB 3.1.(c).(ii) - Capacity KPI #2: Terminal and airport ANS ATFM arrival delay per flight Number of States 2 Portugal 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Value Value Value Value Target National level 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,60 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,02 0,02 0,02 Contribution to the improvement of the European ATM network performance Number of airports Airport level 2 LPPT (LISBOA) Airport contribution to national targets LPPR (PORTO) Airport contribution to national targets Others* Airport contribution to national targets 0,5 0,5 For monitoring purposes only. 0,75 0,75 For monitoring purposes only. 0,02 0,02 For monitoring purposes only. Additional comments See section 4.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP Spain National level 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Value Value Value Value Target 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 Contribution to the improvement of the European ATM network performance Number of airports Airport level 5 GCLP (GRAN CANARIA) Airport contribution to national targets LEBL (BARCELONA) Airport contribution to national targets LEMD (MADRID BARAJAS) Airport contribution to national targets LEMG (MALAGA) Airport contribution to national targets LEPA (PALMA DE MALLORCA) Airport contribution to national targets 0,32 0,32 For monitoring purposes only. 0,91 0,91 For monitoring purposes only. 0,83 0,83 For monitoring purposes only. 0,11 0,11 For monitoring purposes only. 1,29 1,29 For monitoring purposes only. Additional comments See section 4.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP 55 0,32 0,32 0,32 0,91 0,91 0,91 0,83 0,83 0,83 0,11 0,11 0,11 1,29 1,29 1,29 3.1.(c).(iii) - Capacity Plans In order to avoid duplication, Member States will not be requested to attach ANSPs capacity plans when submitting the performance plans, for as long as they are already available to the PRB and the Commission. In any case, they are an integral part of the FAB performance plans. A summary of the capacity plans for Portugal and Spain included in the 2014-2018/19 European Network Operations Plan is provided in section 4.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 56 3.1.(c).(iv) - Optional section - Additional Capacity KPI(s) Number of additional Capacity KPIs Click to select number of additional KPIs 57 SECTION 3.1.(d): COST-EFFICIENCY KPA Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. (d) Cost-efficiency 3.1.(d) (i) determined costs for en route and terminal air navigation services set in accordance with the provisions of Article 15(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 and in application of the provisions of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 for each year of the reference period; (ii) en route and terminal service units forecast for each year of the reference period; 3.1.(d).1.A 3.1.(d).2.A 3.1.(d).1.A AI ref. RT 1 (5.4) 3.1.(d).2.A 3.1.(d).1.C 3.1.(d).2.C (iii) as a result, the determined unit costs for the reference period; 3.1.(d).1.A RT 1 (5.5) 3.1.(d).2.A (iv) description and justification of the return on equity of the air navigation service providers concerned, as well as on the gearing ratio and on the level/composition of the asset base used to calculate the cost of capital comprised in the determined costs; (v) description and explanation of the carry-overs from the years preceding the reference period; (vi) description of economic assumptions, including: 3.1.(d).1.B RT 1 (3.1-3.4, 3.6) AI 1 e) RT 1 (3.1-3.4, 3.6) AI 3 c), d), e) RT 1 (5.1-5.2) 3.1.(d).2.B — inflation assumptions used in the plan as compared to an international source such as the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the forecasts and Eurostat Harmonised Index of Consumer Price for the actuals. Justification of any deviation from these sources, — assumptions underlying the calculation of pension costs comprised in the determined costs, including a description on the relevant national pension regulations and pension accounting regulations in place and on which the assumptions are based, as well as information whether changes of these regulations are anticipated, — interest rate assumptions for loans financing the provision of air navigation services, including relevant information on loans (amounts, duration, etc.) and explanation for the (weighted) average interest on debt used to calculate the cost of capital pre tax rate and the cost of capital comprised in the determined costs, — adjustments beyond the provisions of the International Accounting Standards; (vii) if applicable, description in respect to the previous reference period of relevant events and circumstances set out in Article 14(2)(a) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 using the criteria set out in Article 14(2)(b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013 including an assessment of the level, composition and justification of costs exempt from the application of Article 14(1)(a) and (b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 391/2013; (viii) if applicable, a description of any significant restructuring planned during the reference period including the level of restructuring costs and a justification for these costs in relation to the net benefits to the airspace users over time; (ix) if applicable, restructuring costs approved from previous reference periods to be recovered. AI 4 b) RT 1 (3.7) AI 4 c) AI 1 Item c) 58 RT 3 (3.1-3.12) AI 3 b) RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 d) RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 e) Other annexes restructuring planned during the reference period including the level of restructuring costs and a justification for these costs in relation to the net benefits to the airspace users over time; (ix) if applicable, restructuring costs approved from previous reference periods to be recovered. RT 3 (4.1) AI 4 e) IMPORTANT NOTE FOR SECTION 3.1.(d) – Cost-efficiency: The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1. In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): • The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: • The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. o The traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR o The inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. • The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. • A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2. In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: • The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; • The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 59 SW FAB 3.1.(d) - Cost Efficiency List of En Route Charging Zones Number of en route charging zones 3 1 Portugal Continental 2 Spain Canarias 3 Spain Continental List of Terminal Charging Zones Number of terminal charging zones 2 1 Portugal 2 Spain 60 3.1.(d).1 - En Route Charging Zone #1 A - Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS in EUR Historical data (actual 2009-2013, latest 2014 forecast) Local currency (Nominal and 2012 prices) Portugal Continental Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in nominal terms (in national currency) 2010 A Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2012) Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in real terms (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route Service Units (TSU) Real en route UCs/DUCs (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) €2009 prices 2009 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 2014 D 111.001.402 0,4% 3,4% 0,8% 2,9% 2,80% 0,40% 0,70% 1,20% 1,50% 1,50% 1,50% 1,50% 93,90 97,28 100,00 100,40 101,10 102,32 103,85 105,41 106,99 108,59 99,8 1,6% 1,4% 1,4% 1,7% 133.067.852 117.513.673 123.793.212 118.060.986 108.932.815 107.587.150 109.181.766 113.152.433 115.292.681 116.695.205 118.154.856 111.273.893 -1,2% 1,9% -0,6% 1,2% 92,60 2.501.219 2.624.149 2.821.265 2.782.280 2.876.753 3.072.372 3.190.044 3.201.847 3.219.457 3.244.891 3.269.228 3.018.536 2,7% 1,2% 1,9% 1,6% 53,20 44,78 43,88 42,43 37,87 35,02 34,23 35,34 35,81 35,96 36,14 36,86 -3,8% 0,6% -2,4% -0,4% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 133.067.852 117.513.673 123.793.212 118.060.986 108.932.815 107.587.150 109.181.766 113.152.433 115.292.681 116.695.205 118.154.856 111.273.893 -1,2% 1,9% -0,6% 1,2% 36,86 -3,8% 0,6% -2,4% -0,4% 53,20 -11,7% 5,3% -4,6% -7,7% -1,2% 1,5% 3,6% 1,9% 1,2% 1,3% 44,78 43,88 42,43 37,87 35,02 34,23 35,34 35,81 35,96 36,14 -15,8% -2,0% -3,3% -10,8% -7,5% -2,3% 3,3% 1,3% 0,4% 0,5% 100,00 101,40 105,05 107,99 108,42 109,18 110,49 112,15 113,83 115,54 117,27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99.625.285 101.101.893 104.778.716 106.760.578 108.059.309 109.410.940 103.039.195 -1,2% 1,9% -0,6% 1,2% 34,14 -3,8% 0,6% -2,4% -0,4% 123.220.317 108.817.207 114.632.036 109.324.017 100.871.366 Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) 2013 A 3,60% Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2009) 2012 A Average pct variation p.a. 2009A- 2014F- 2011A- 2014D2019D 2019D 2019D 2019D 1,40% Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) 2011 A RP1 PP 123.220.317 110.340.648 120.421.412 118.060.986 109.368.546 108.773.621 111.710.452 117.509.678 121.528.327 124.851.807 128.309.686 Inflation % 2012 average exchange rate (1EUR=) €2012 prices 2009 A RP2 Performance Plan 49,26 -11,7% 5,3% -4,6% -7,7% -1,2% 1,5% 3,6% 1,9% 1,2% 1,3% 41,47 40,63 39,29 35,06 32,43 31,69 32,72 33,16 33,30 33,47 -15,8% -2,0% -3,3% -10,8% -7,5% -2,3% 3,3% 1,3% 0,4% 0,5% See section 5.1 of RP2 SOWEPP document Description of the consistency between local and Unionwide targets 61 107,73 B - Inflation assumptions Portugal Continental 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A Inflation % Inflation index (2012=100) Eurostat HICP (actuals) and IMF CPI (forecasts) Inflation index (2012=100) HICP and IMF Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2,80% 100,00 2,80% 100,00 0,40% 0,70% 1,20% 1,50% 1,50% 100,40 101,10 102,32 103,85 105,41 0,40% 0,70% 1,20% 1,50% 1,50% 100,40 101,10 102,32 103,85 105,41 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Actual inflation used was Eurostat HICP and forecasts based on IMF estimated data Justification and data source in case of deviation from inflation references 2018 D 2019 D 1,50% 106,99 1,50% 106,99 0,00 0,00 1,50% 108,59 1,50% 108,59 0,00 0,00 C - Service Units forecast for en route Low Baseline Portugal Continental 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D Total en route service units (TSU) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR en route service units forecast (Baseline scenario) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2.782.280 2.876.753 3,4% 3.072.372 6,8% 3.190.044 3,8% 3.201.847 0,4% 3.219.457 0,6% 3.244.891 0,8% 3.269.228 0,8% 2.782.280 2.876.753 3.104.230 3.248.219 3.324.178 3.388.496 3.463.978 3.539.802 3,4% 0,00 0,00 7,9% -0,01 -0,01 4,6% -0,01 -0,02 2,3% -0,02 -0,04 1,9% -0,01 -0,05 2,2% -0,01 -0,06 2,2% -0,01 -0,08 STATFOR en route service units forecast (Low scenario) 2.782.280 2.876.753 3.072.402 3.190.389 3.201.718 3.219.395 3.244.689 3.269.406 Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 3,4% 6,8% 3,8% 0,4% 0,6% 0,8% 0,8% 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Considering the historical traffic gap in RP1, where base scenario was chosen and significant revenue losses have been assumed by the ANSP and SAR entities, we are founding our determined unit cost on the STATFOR low traffic scenario for RP2. Our aim is to reduce traffic risk, instead of obtaining any advantage from lowering unit costs based on a more optimistic traffic forecast. Explanation of the differences (if any), justification, rationale and source D - Alert thresholds (en route service units) Portugal Continental 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D Local thresholds 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Local thresholds set by the European Commission 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Same thresholds Detailed justification in case of deviation IMPORTANT NOTE The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1.In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): •The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: •The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. oThe traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR 62 oThe inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. •The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. •A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2.In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: •The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; •The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 63 3.1.(d).1 - En Route Charging Zone #2 A - Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS in EUR Historical data (actual 2009-2013, latest 2014 forecast) Local currency (Nominal and 2012 prices) Spain Canarias Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in nominal terms (in national currency) 2010 A Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2012) Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in real terms (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route Service Units (TSU) Real en route UCs/DUCs (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) €2009 prices 2009 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 2014 D 98.618.556 98.845.129 99.101.794 98.596.469 98.431.342 111.384.844 -2,0% -1,4% -0,8% -2,4% 2,40% 1,50% 0,27% 0,84% 0,90% 1,04% 1,02% 1,05% 94,72 97,66 100,00 101,50 101,78 102,63 103,55 104,63 105,70 106,81 101,54 1,4% 1,0% 1,1% 1,0% 129.411.993 115.267.168 107.578.601 110.927.726 104.957.222 103.693.051 96.093.282 95.456.851 94.715.884 93.280.529 92.153.924 109.698.038 -3,3% -2,3% -1,9% -3,4% 92,82 1.492.498 1.539.855 1.665.737 1.599.207 1.515.812 1.515.812 1.531.000 1.528.000 1.531.000 1.537.000 1.543.000 1.795.248 0,3% 0,4% -1,0% -3,0% 86,71 74,86 64,58 69,36 69,24 68,41 62,77 62,47 61,87 60,69 59,72 61,10 -3,7% -2,7% -1,0% -0,5% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 129.411.993 115.267.168 107.578.601 110.927.726 104.957.222 103.693.051 96.093.282 95.456.851 94.715.884 93.280.529 92.153.924 109.698.038 -3,3% -2,3% -1,9% -3,4% 61,10 -3,7% -2,7% -1,0% -0,5% -10,9% 86,71 -6,7% 3,1% -5,4% -1,2% -7,3% -0,7% -0,8% -1,5% -1,2% 74,86 64,58 69,36 69,24 68,41 62,77 62,47 61,87 60,69 59,72 -13,7% -13,7% 7,4% -0,2% -1,2% -8,2% -0,5% -1,0% -1,9% -1,6% 100,00 102,04 105,21 107,73 109,35 109,64 110,56 111,55 112,72 113,87 115,07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 99.858.605 102.967.393 97.425.341 96.251.887 89.197.489 88.606.729 87.918.936 86.586.583 85.540.825 101.825.948 -3,3% -2,3% -1,9% -3,4% 56,72 -3,7% -2,7% -1,0% -0,5% 120.125.202 106.995.429 Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) 2013 A Average pct variation p.a. 2009A- 2014F- 2011A- 2014D2019D 2019D 2019D 2019D 3,10% Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2009) 2012 A RP1 PP 2,04% Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) 2011 A 120.125.202 109.180.983 105.057.227 110.927.726 106.531.581 105.533.670 Inflation % 2012 average exchange rate (1EUR=) €2012 prices 2009 A RP2 Performance Plan 80,49 0 -6,7% 3,1% -5,4% -1,2% -7,3% -0,7% -0,8% -1,5% -1,2% 4.637 59,95 64,39 64,27 63,50 58,26 57,99 57,43 56,33 55,44 ########### -98,7% 7,4% -0,2% -1,2% -8,2% -0,5% -1,0% -1,9% -1,6% See section 5.1 of RP2 SOWEPP document Description of the consistency between local and Unionwide targets 64 109,39 B - Inflation assumptions Spain Canarias 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A Inflation % Inflation index (2012=100) Eurostat HICP (actuals) and IMF CPI (forecasts) Inflation index (2012=100) HICP and IMF Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2,40% 100,00 0,00% 100,00 2013 A 2014 F 1,50% 101,50 0,00% 100,00 0,02 0,01 0,27% 101,78 0,00% 100,00 0,00 0,02 2015 D 0,84% 102,63 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,03 2016 D 0,90% 103,55 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,04 2017 D 1,04% 104,63 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,05 2018 D 2019 D 1,02% 105,70 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,06 1,05% 106,81 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,07 N/A Justification and data source in case of deviation from inflation references C - Service Units forecast for en route Low Baseline Spain Canarias 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D Total en route service units (TSU) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR en route service units forecast (Baseline scenario) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 1.599.207 1.515.812 -5,2% 1.515.812 0,0% 1.531.000 1,0% 1.528.000 -0,2% 1.531.000 0,2% 1.537.000 0,4% 1.543.000 0,4% 1.599.207 1.515.812 1.644.584 1.720.754 1.748.296 1.773.260 1.804.963 1.837.492 -5,2% 0,00 0,00 8,5% -0,08 -0,08 4,6% -0,04 -0,11 1,6% -0,02 -0,13 1,4% -0,01 -0,14 1,8% -0,01 -0,15 1,8% -0,01 -0,16 STATFOR en route service units forecast (Low scenario) 1.599.207 1.515.812 1.613.632 1.665.852 1.662.665 1.665.504 1.672.495 1.679.370 -5,2% 0,00 0,00 6,5% -0,06 -0,06 3,2% -0,02 -0,08 -0,2% 0,00 -0,08 0,2% 0,00 -0,08 0,4% 0,00 -0,08 0,4% 0,00 -0,08 Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points N/A Explanation of the differences (if any), justification, rationale and source D - Alert thresholds (en route service units) Spain Canarias 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F Local thresholds Local thresholds set by the European Commission 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% N/A Detailed justification in case of deviation IMPORTANT NOTE The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1.In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): •The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: •The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. oThe traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR oThe inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. •The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. 65 •A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2.In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: •The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; •The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 66 3.1.(d).1 - En Route Charging Zone #3 A - Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS in EUR Historical data (actual 2009-2013, latest 2014 forecast) Local currency (Nominal and 2012 prices) Spain Continental Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in nominal terms (in national currency) 2010 A Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2012) Total en route actual/forecast/determined costs in real terms (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route Service Units (TSU) Real en route UCs/DUCs (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) €2009 prices 2009 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total en route costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 2014 D 719.078.766 -2,2% 0,2% -0,3% -2,6% 2,4% 1,5% 0,3% 0,8% 0,9% 1,0% 1,0% 1,1% 94,72 97,66 100,00 101,50 101,78 102,63 103,55 104,63 105,70 106,81 101,54 1,4% 1,0% 1,1% 1,0% 847.418.510 699.512.075 660.247.574 662.049.221 613.099.291 613.928.920 607.047.592 603.330.444 597.351.493 594.559.666 590.507.854 708.189.076 -3,5% -0,8% -1,4% -3,6% 92,82 8.358.173 8.641.861 9.099.189 8.443.969 8.447.044 8.669.000 8.880.000 8.936.000 9.018.000 9.128.000 9.238.000 9.857.260 1,0% 1,3% 0,2% -1,3% 101,39 80,94 72,56 78,40 72,58 70,82 68,36 67,52 66,24 65,14 63,92 71,84 -4,5% -2,0% -1,6% -2,3% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 847.418.510 699.512.075 660.247.574 662.049.221 613.099.291 613.928.920 607.047.592 603.330.444 597.351.493 594.559.666 590.507.854 708.189.076 -3,5% -0,8% -1,4% -3,6% 71,84 -4,5% -2,0% -1,6% -2,3% -17,5% 101,39 -5,6% 0,3% -7,4% 0,1% -1,1% -0,6% -1,0% -0,5% -0,7% 80,94 72,56 78,40 72,58 70,82 68,36 67,52 66,24 65,14 63,92 -20,2% -10,4% 8,1% -7,4% -2,4% -3,5% -1,2% -1,9% -1,7% -1,9% 100,00 102,04 105,21 107,73 109,35 109,64 110,56 111,55 112,72 113,87 115,07 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 786.606.534 649.314.078 612.867.255 614.539.613 569.102.400 569.872.494 563.484.980 560.034.580 554.484.687 551.893.205 548.132.157 657.368.405 -3,5% -0,8% -1,4% -3,6% 66,69 -4,5% -2,0% -1,6% -2,3% Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) 2013 A 3,10% Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2009) 2012 A Average pct variation p.a. 2009A- 2014F- 2011A- 2014D2019D 2019D 2019D 2019D 2,04% Trend in total en route costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) 2011 A RP1 PP 786.606.534 662.577.362 644.773.022 662.049.221 622.295.781 624.826.557 623.000.439 624.745.893 625.012.428 628.442.875 630.732.562 Inflation % 2012 average exchange rate (1EUR=) €2012 prices 2009 A RP2 Performance Plan 94,11 -17,5% -5,6% 0,3% -7,4% 0,1% -1,1% -0,6% -1,0% -0,5% -0,7% 75,14 67,35 72,78 67,37 65,74 63,46 62,67 61,49 60,46 59,33 -20,2% -10,4% 8,1% -7,4% -2,4% -3,5% -1,2% -1,9% -1,7% -1,9% -37,0% See section 5.1 of RP2 SOWEPP document Description of the consistency between local and Unionwide targets 67 109,39 B - Inflation assumptions Spain Continental 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A Inflation % Inflation index (2012=100) Eurostat HICP (actuals) and IMF CPI (forecasts) Inflation index (2012=100) HICP and IMF Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2,40% 100,00 0,00% 100,00 2013 A 2014 F 1,50% 101,50 0,00% 100,00 0,02 0,01 0,27% 101,78 0,00% 100,00 0,00 0,02 2015 D 0,84% 102,63 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,03 2016 D 0,90% 103,55 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,04 2017 D 1,04% 104,63 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,05 2018 D 2019 D 1,02% 105,70 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,06 1,05% 106,81 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,07 N/A Justification and data source in case of deviation from inflation references C - Service Units forecast for en route Low Baseline Spain Continental 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D Total en route service units (TSU) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR en route service units forecast (Baseline scenario) Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 8.443.969 8.447.044 0,0% 8.669.000 2,6% 8.880.000 2,4% 8.936.000 0,6% 9.018.000 0,9% 9.128.000 1,2% 9.238.000 1,2% 8.443.969 8.447.044 8.757.179 9.040.381 9.292.851 9.512.622 9.764.652 10.022.540 0,0% 0,00 0,00 3,7% -0,01 -0,01 3,2% -0,01 -0,02 2,8% -0,02 -0,04 2,4% -0,01 -0,05 2,6% -0,01 -0,07 2,6% -0,01 -0,08 STATFOR en route service units forecast (Low scenario) 8.443.969 8.447.044 8.668.773 8.879.789 8.935.602 9.018.312 9.127.753 9.237.640 0,0% 0,00 0,00 2,6% 0,00 0,00 2,4% 0,00 0,00 0,6% 0,00 0,00 0,9% 0,00 0,00 1,2% 0,00 0,00 1,2% 0,00 0,00 Year on Year variation TSU STATFOR Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points N/A Explanation of the differences (if any), justification, rationale and source D - Alert thresholds (en route service units) Spain Continental 2009 A 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A 2013 A 2014 F Local thresholds Local thresholds set by the European Commission 2015 D 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% N/A Detailed justification in case of deviation IMPORTANT NOTE The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1.In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): •The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: •The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. oThe traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR oThe inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. •The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. 68 •A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2.In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: •The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; •The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 69 3.1.(d).2 - En Route ANS at FAB level A - Cost efficiency KPI #1: Determined unit cost (DUC) for en route ANS aggregated at FAB level Historical data (actual 2009-2013, latest 2014 forecast) 2009 A Total en route Service Units (TSU) 12.351.890 Trend in Total en route Service Units (TSU)%n/n-1 €2012 prices Total en route costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) 1.109.898.355 Trend in total en route costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices) 89,86 Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2012 prices)%n/n-1 €2009 prices Total en route costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) 1.029.952.052 Trend in total en route costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 Real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices) Trend in real en route UCs/DUCs (in €2009 prices)%n/n-1 83,38 2010 A 2011 A 2012 A RP2 Performance Plan 2013 A 2014 F 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 2014 D 14.671.044 1,3% 1,2% 0,4% -0,9% 929.161.007 -3,2% -0,6% -1,3% -2,9% 63,33 -4,5% -1,7% -1,7% -2,1% 862.233.548 -3,2% -0,6% -1,3% -2,9% 58,77 -4,5% -1,7% -1,7% -2,1% 12.825.456 12.839.609 13.257.184 13.601.044 13.665.847 13.768.457 13.909.891 14.050.228 3,68% 6,09% -5,60% 0,11% 3,25% 2,59% 0,48% 0,75% 1,03% 1,01% 891.619.387 891.037.934 826.989.329 825.209.121 812.322.640 811.939.728 807.360.059 804.535.399 800.816.635 -16,00% -4,36% -0,07% -7,19% -0,22% -1,56% -0,05% -0,56% -0,35% -0,46% 72,80 65,63 69,47 64,41 62,25 59,73 59,41 58,64 57,84 57,00 -18,98% -9,86% 5,86% -7,29% -3,36% -4,05% -0,52% -1,31% -1,36% -1,46% 827.357.895 826.831.022 767.399.107 765.749.666 753.784.362 753.420.025 749.164.200 746.539.097 743.083.923 -16,00% -4,37% -0,06% -7,19% -0,21% -1,56% -0,05% -0,56% -0,35% -0,46% 67,56 60,90 64,47 59,77 57,76 55,42 55,13 54,41 53,67 52,89 -18,98% -9,86% 5,86% -7,29% -3,36% -4,05% -0,52% -1,31% -1,36% -1,46% Description of benefits and synergies achieved at functional airspace block level 70 2009A- 2014F- 2011A- 2014D2019D 2019D 2019D 2019D 2016 D 13.586.191 865.126.714 Average percentage variation per annum 2015 D 12.805.865 932.292.916 RP1 PP 3.1.(d).3 - Terminal Charging Zone #1 A - Cost efficiency KPI #2: Determined unit cost (DUC) for terminal ANS in EUR Avg pct var p.a. RP2 Performance Plan €2012 prices Local currency (Nominal and 2012 prices) Portugal 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 27.415.133 28.435.188 29.565.111 30.376.069 32.254.463 Inflation % 1,20% 1,50% 1,50% 1,50% 1,50% Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2012) 102,32 103,85 105,41 106,99 108,59 1,5% 26.794.562 27.380.815 28.048.119 28.391.592 29.701.744 2,6% 186.658 187.236 188.023 189.734 192.086 0,7% 143,55 146,24 149,17 149,64 154,63 1,9% Total terminal determined costs in nominal terms (in national currency) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total terminal Service Units (TSU) used for the determined unit cost Real terminal DUCs (in national currency at 2012 prices) 2012 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) 1 1 1 1 1 26.794.562 27.380.815 28.048.119 28.391.592 29.701.744 2,2% 2,4% 1,2% 4,6% 146,24 149,17 149,64 154,63 1,9% 2,0% 0,3% 3,3% 110,49 112,15 113,83 115,54 117,27 1 1 1 1 1 24.811.661 25.354.529 25.972.450 26.290.505 27.503.700 2,2% 2,4% 1,2% 4,6% 135,41 138,13 138,57 143,18 1,9% 2,0% 0,3% 3,3% Trend in total terminal determined costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real terminal DUCs (in €2012 prices) 143,55 Trend in real terminal DUCs (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2009) €2009 prices 2015D2019D 2015 D 2009 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) Trend in total terminal determined costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real terminal DUCs (in €2009 prices) 132,93 Trend in real terminal DUCs (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 See section 5.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. Description and justification of how the local targets contribute to the performance of the European ATM network B - Inflation assumptions Portugal 2015 D Inflation % Inflation index (2012=100) Eurostat HICP (actuals) and IMF CPI (forecasts) Inflation index (2012=100) HICP and IMF Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points Justification and data source in case of deviation from inflation references 1,20% 102,3 1,20% 102,32 2016 D 1,50% 103,9 1,50% 103,85 2017 D 1,50% 105,4 1,50% 105,41 2018 D 2019 D 1,50% 107,0 1,50% 106,99 1,50% 108,6 1,50% 108,59 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Actual inflation used was Eurostat HICP and forecasts based on IMF estimated data 0,00 0,00 C - Service Units forecast for terminal Portugal Total terminal service units (TNSU) Year on Year variation TNSU STATFOR terminal service units forecast (Baseline scenario) Year on Year variation TNSU STATFOR 2015 D 186.658 191.986 71 2016 D 187.236 0,3% 197.686 3,0% 2017 D 188.023 0,4% 202.477 2,4% 2018 D 189.734 0,9% 207.866 2,7% 2019 D 192.086 1,2% 212.539 2,2% 4,1% 2,6% 1,9% 2,6% 1,9% Difference in percentage Cumulative difference in percentage -0,03 -0,02 -0,05 -0,07 See section 1.5 of the RP2 SOWEPP document -0,02 -0,09 -0,01 -0,10 2018 D 10% 10% 2019 D 10% 10% Explanation of the differences (if any), justification, rationale and source D - Alert thresholds (terminal service units) Portugal Local thresholds Local thresholds set by the European Commission Detailed justification in case of deviation 2015 D 2016 D 10% 10% 10% 10% Same thresholds 2017 D 10% 10% IMPORTANT NOTE The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1.In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): •The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: •The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. oThe traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR oThe inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. •The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. •A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2.In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: •The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; •The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 72 3.1.(d).3 - Terminal Charging Zone #2 A - Cost efficiency KPI #2: Determined unit cost (DUC) for terminal ANS in EUR Avg pct var p.a. RP2 Performance Plan €2012 prices Local currency (Nominal and 2012 prices) Spain 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 99.975.360 99.297.142 97.825.774 96.705.317 95.465.801 Inflation % 0,84% 0,90% 1,04% 1,02% 1,05% Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2012) 102,63 103,55 104,63 105,70 106,81 1,0% 97.415.343 95.893.369 93.496.336 91.491.341 89.377.509 -2,1% 641.951 646.445 653.556 663.359 671.983 1,1% 151,75 148,34 143,06 137,92 133,01 -3,2% Total terminal determined costs in nominal terms (in national currency) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in national currency at 2012 prices) Total terminal Service Units (TSU) used for the determined unit cost Real terminal DUCs (in national currency at 2012 prices) 2012 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in €2012 prices) 1 1 1 1 1 97.415.343 95.893.369 93.496.336 91.491.341 89.377.509 -1,6% -2,5% -2,1% -2,3% 148,34 143,06 137,92 133,01 -2,2% -3,6% -3,6% -3,6% 110,56 111,55 112,72 113,87 115,07 1 1 1 1 1 90.424.677 89.011.923 86.786.904 84.925.790 82.963.650 -1,6% -2,5% -2,1% -2,3% 137,69 132,79 128,02 123,46 -2,2% -3,6% -3,6% -3,6% Trend in total terminal determined costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real terminal DUCs (in €2012 prices) 151,75 Trend in real terminal DUCs (in €2012 prices) %n/n-1 Inflation index (Base = 100 in 2009) €2009 prices 2015D2019D 2015 D 2009 average exchange rate (1EUR=) Total terminal determined costs in real terms (in €2009 prices) Trend in total terminal determined costs in real terms %n/n-1 Real terminal DUCs (in €2009 prices) 140,86 Trend in real terminal DUCs (in €2009 prices) %n/n-1 See section 5.2 of RP2 SOWEPP document. Description and justification of how the local targets contribute to the performance of the European ATM network B - Inflation assumptions Spain 2015 D Inflation % Inflation index (2012=100) Eurostat HICP (actuals) and IMF CPI (forecasts) Inflation index (2012=100) HICP and IMF 0,84% 102,6 0,00% 100,00 Difference in percentage points Cumulative difference in percentage points Justification and data source in case of deviation from inflation references 2016 D 2017 D 2018 D 2019 D 0,90% 103,5 0,00% 100,00 1,04% 104,6 0,00% 100,00 1,02% 105,7 0,00% 100,00 1,05% 106,8 0,00% 100,00 0,01 0,04 0,01 0,05 0,01 0,06 0,01 0,07 N/A C - Service Units forecast for terminal Spain Total terminal service units (TNSU) Year on Year variation TNSU STATFOR terminal service units forecast (Baseline scenario) Year on Year variation TNSU STATFOR Difference in percentage Cumulative difference in percentage 2015 D 641.951 2016 D 2017 D 646.445 653.556 0,7% 1,1% 649.130 666.929 682.091 2,7% 2,3% -0,02 -0,01 -0,03 -0,04 See section 1.5 of the RP2 SOWEPP document Explanation of the differences (if any), justification, rationale and source 73 2018 D 663.359 1,5% 700.574 2,7% -0,01 -0,05 2019 D 671.983 1,3% 721.569 3,0% -0,02 -0,07 -1,1% -2,1% -3,2% -2,1% -3,2% D - Alert thresholds (terminal service units) Spain Local thresholds Local thresholds set by the European Commission Detailed justification in case of deviation 2015 D 10% 10% N/A 2016 D 10% 10% 2017 D 10% 10% 2018 D 10% 10% 2019 D 10% 10% IMPORTANT NOTE The data and justifications for the cost-efficiency targets at local level are split into two distinct parts of the performance plan, aiming at optimising workload and avoiding duplication of reporting. They comprise: 1.In the body of the performance plan document, the information to be presented at charging zone level (some of the data requested being pre-filled by the PRB): •The targets with a description of the contribution to, and consistency with, the EU-wide target and/or their contribution to the performance of the European ATM network;: •The entries and justification requiring data from external sources i.e. oThe traffic forecast used and, if applicable, their justification against STATFOR oThe inflation assumptions used and, if applicable, their justification against Eurostat/ IMF. •The local alert thresholds, if any, and their justification. •A presentation of the consolidation of the targets at FAB level. 2.In Annex C, the information needed at the level of the entities submitted to the performance scheme within the charging zones (ANSPs including MET providers, National authorities…), as follows: •The data and justifications in the reporting tables and additional information, as per Annexes II, III, VI and VII of the charging Regulation, at entity level plus a consolidation at charging zone level; •The data and justifications relating to cost-efficiency required at entity level for the purpose of the Performance Plans, as per Article 11 (3) and Annexes II and IV of the performance Regulation,. Annex C forms an integral part of the performance plan and will be used to carry out the assessment of the performance plan. 74 3.1.(d).4 - Optional Section - Additional Cost-Efficiency KPIs at FAB and local level Number of additional Cost-Efficiency KPIs Click to select number of additional KPIs 75 3.2 - Consistency of the performance targets with the relevant Union-wide performance targets or, when there is no Union-wide target, contribution to the performance of the European ATM network This section has been integrated within each individual KPI. 76 3.3 - Description of KPAs interdependencies and trade-offs This section has been integrated within each individual KPI. See sections 3 and 4 of the RP2 SOWEPP document for environment and capacity trade-offs respectively. See also section 7 of the RP2 SOWEPP document for a general consolidation of the interdependencies. 77 3.4 - Contribution of each air navigation service provider This section has been integrated within each individual KPI. 78 SECTION 4: INCENTIVE SCHEMES Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 4. INCENTIVE SCHEMES 4 4.1. Description and explanation of the incentive schemes to be applied on air navigation service providers. 4.1 79 AI ref. Other annexes 4 - INCENTIVE SCHEMES 4.1 - Incentive schemes for the environment targets Number of incentive schemes Click to select number of incentive schemes 80 4.1 - Incentive schemes for the capacity targets Number of incentive schemes Entity being incentivised KPI description Type of incentive Formula Justification Description of performance variation levels and the applicable level of bonuses and penalties Additional comments 1 <Insert Incentive Scheme #1> ANSPs: AENA and NAV Portugal Capacity KPI #1: En route ATFM delay per flight Financial The incentive mechanism formula at FAB level consists of symmetric linear function, with a dead band around the FAB target. The dead-band has a width of 0.02 minutes/flight at each side of the target, considering potential economic impact on the users. It represents around 4% of margin around the target. The maximum bonus/penalty is awarded at 0.14 minutes/flight from the target. The formula described is applied at FAB level and distributed among the ANSPs. When the FAB target is not met: there is no bonus for any ANSP, and only the ANSPs that have not met their individual target are penalised. When the FAB target is met: there is no penalty for any ANSP, and only the ANSPs that have met their individual target can receive the bonus. The incentive mechanism set within the SOWEPP is a balanced approach in consistency with Performance and Charging Regulations (390/2013 and 391/2013), providing for an equal applicable level of bonus and penalties. The maximum bonus/penalty is established at 0.50% of the total en-route income. The incentive mechanism is applied on the KPI considering all causes of delay. Nevertheless, an adjustment is introduced to mitigate the impact when for a given year, the minutes of delay due to causes other than those specified in Article 15.1 (g) of the Charging Regulation, are unusually high (20% higher than the average of the three previous years). In this case, the excess of minutes is discounted from the KPI before it is applied in the calculation of the bonus/penalty, against the SW FAB targets. For full detail, see section 4.3 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 81 4.1 - Incentive schemes for the cost-efficiency targets The parameters used by the Member States in the setting of the risk-sharing mechanism defined in Article 13 and 14 of the charging Regulation will be detailed under lines 3.13 and 3.14 of Reporting Table 2 as per Annex VI of the same Regulation. Therefore, the information is included in the Reporting Tables attached in Annex C. 82 SECTION 5: MILITARY DIMENSION OF THE PLAN Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 5. MILITARY DIMENSION OF THE PLAN 5 Description of the civil-military dimension of the plan describing the performance of FUA application in order to increase capacity with due regard to military mission effectiveness, and if deemed appropriate, relevant performance indicators and targets consistent with the indicators and targets of the performance plan. 83 AI ref. Other annexes 5 - MILITARY DIMENSION OF THE PLAN See section 8 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. Additional (Key) Performance Indicators (and targets) relevant to civil military performance 84 SECTION 6: ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY AND COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE PLAN Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 6. ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY AND COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE PLAN 6.1. Sensitivity to external assumptions. 6 6.2. Comparison with previous performance plan. 6.2 6.1 85 AI ref. Other annexes 6 - ANALYSIS OF SENSITIVITY AND COMPARISON WITH THE PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE PLAN 6.1 - Sensitivity to external assumptions See section 9.1 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 86 6.2 - Comparison with previous performance plan See section 9.2 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. 87 SECTION 7: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERFORMANCE PLAN Mapping between the template for the FAB performance plan and Annex II of the performance Regulation Link with PRB Performance Plan template Structure of ANNEX II of the performance Regulation Annex C Body of Performance Plan For cost-effiency RT ref. 7. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERFORMANCE PLAN 7 Description of the measures put in place by the national supervisory authorities to achieve the performance targets, such as: (i) monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the ANS safety programmes and business plans are implemented; (ii) measures to monitor and report on the implementation of the performance plans including how to address the situation if targets are not reached during the reference period. 88 AI ref. Other annexes 7 - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PERFORMANCE PLAN See section 10 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. NSA commitment for data provision Active Date of implementation Periodicity Focal point Airport dataflow Civil Military dataflow Number of other dataflows Click to select number of other dataflows Additional comments 89 Inactive 8 - ANNEXES The following annexes should be provided as part of the local performance plans. These should be completed with any other documentation relevant for the targets justifications. Annex A. Public consultation material See section 11 of the RP2 SOWEPP document. In addition, some relevant information such as slides, meeting agendas, and attendance lists are provided in Annex A to the RP2 SOWEPP document. Annex B. Relevant documentation in line with the NSP This information is provided within section 1.4 of this template version. Annex C. Reporting Tables Reporting Table 1 (Total costs) and Table 2 (Unit rate calculation) and “additional information” as per Article 9 of the charging Regulation (Transparency of costs and of the charging mechanism) for each entity and consolidated at national/charging zone/FAB level from June 2014. This information is provided in Annex C to the RP2 SOWEPP. Annex D. ANSPs investment plans This information is provided within section 2 of this template version Annex E. Additional material 90
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