please read on here!

Jean-Luc Pierite <[email protected]>
Fwd: Fab News
Jean-Luc Pierite <[email protected]>
To: Jean-Luc Pierite <[email protected]>
Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:41 PM
Fab News
It's been an incredibly active summer in the fab lab community and the fall promises to be just as
exciting. Much to report on events and ways to engage, learn and collaborate. In the meantime, please read on! Lass
In This Issue
White House Maker Faire
White House Maker Faire
Chevron Seeds Fab Labs in
New Fab Resources
Talks & Events
In the News
Job Postings!
Social Media
This is an occasional
newsletter by and for
the Fab Lab Network. Please email
[email protected]
if you have
announcements to
make to the Fab Lab
On June 18, US President Barack Obama proclaimed a
National Day of Making while hosting the first ever White
House Maker Faire. CBA's mobile fab lab participated in
the festivities, along with more than 100 "makers" from
25 states who were featured during a day celebrating
creativity, invention and the future of manufacturing.
Profiled fabbers included Nadya Peek, Makeda
Stephenson, Blair Evans, Neil Gershenfeld, Saul Griffith,
Manu Prakash and Gilles Azzaro. Here are some links for more information:
You Tube White House
Wall Street Journal
MIT News Office
Chevron Seeds Fab Labs in US
Chevron announced a generous $10 million grant to the Fab Foundation to build fab labs for
education and innovation in communities where it operates. To read the complete story, please
go to:
California State University Bakersfield will open their Fab Lab on September 24, 2014. Theirs is the first Chevron funded Fab Lab in the USA. If any of you have great demos that you
are willing to share with us to show off at the opening event, please email Barb and we'll help
with logistics of getting them there and back to you again: barbskarzynski [at] tiesteach [dot]
org. Also: Please tune in to the MCU videoconference Fab Lab session between 3:00PM and
6:00PM Pacific time to say "Welcome!" Fab10
Fab10 was amazing! This year's annual meeting gathered more than 700 attendees from 50+
countries! Stats include: over 4000 visitors throughout the week
70 Fab Academy graduates
130+ global fab awards project submissions 140+ research paper submissions and 7392 tweets from 1779 contributors with 41 million impressions! BRAVO Barcelona! There were many new initiatives started across the fab lab network during FAB10. See below for
a quick reference guide and click the heading links for more information.
Self Sufficient City Barcelona has pledged to become the first self-sufficient city! During the FAB10 Symposium,
City Mayor Trias pushed the button to start the 40 year countdown to self-sufficiency. The city
also opened the second public Fab Lab (Ateneu de Fabricació) during the festivities.
The community is pulling together a Webspace to share projects, provide an archive for the
network and collaborate. This is connected to a new grant award in The Netherlands to develop
a system to interconnect the various catalogues of Fab Lab projects. This system allows the
catalogues of Fab Lab projects to speak to each other via meta-data -- a similar approach to
how library catalogues are linked up. Project parters are Bibliotheekservice Fryslân/FryskLab,
Metamatter and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.
For listing on Fab Share please contact: Hiro Tanaka, htanaka [at] imrf [dot] or [dot] jp
For becoming part of the "machines talking to machines" concept that interlinks repositories
please contact: Peter Troxler, Jeroen de Boer, Roland Cornelissen at fabshare [at] fabfolk [dot]
com. Also check out the project page here:
This is the start of a community business platform, Fab Economy is about creating a new
economy for everybody, where local fulfillment and customization take the place of mass
production and global distribution. Fab Labs, along companies and organizations can all work
together towards reaching this goal. This is an exchange space where companies, fab labs and
individuals can potentially resources, funding, collaborations and expertise.
Please contact: Jean-Michel Molenaar, Jean-Michel Molenaar, fabeconomy [at] gmail [dot] com
Fab Connect Simone Amber, who serves on the Fab Foundation, and Nader Shaterian have created Fab Lab
Connect to bring resources to the Fab Lab network through a project platform. Fab Lab Connect
runs awards and challenges to get projects funded and mentored by sponsors to benefit the
individual, the team and the community.
Contact: Simone Amber, simoneamber [at] gmail [dot] com. FABED The FabEd community's first Teacher Professional Development program will be piloted in the
US, Israel, and Brazil this fall! FabEd will be kicking off its webinar series on Tuesday October 7th at 9 AM EST. Webinars will
be held on the first Tuesday of every month at 9 AM EST. A schedule of topics as well as
connection info will be posted to the FabEd facebook page and Google + Community soon.
Please join the FabEd facebook group at . To
join the Google+ Community please email Amanda Bibbo at amandabibbo [at] tiesteach [dot]
org. If there is a topic you are dying to see covered (and maybe would like to facilitate) please
email Barb Skarzynski at barbskarzynski [at] tiesteach [dot] org. Join the team building fab
education tools, programs and curriculum!
Fab Academy
2015 will see growth in the Fab Academy. Class offerings will expand to include the course How
to Grow (almost) Anything. George Church (Harvard) and David Kong (MIT Lincoln Lab) are
expected to lead this biotech course. Check the new Academy of Almost Anything website
periodically for updates.
We are very happy to announce that Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation
is providing SolidWorks software through sponsorship of labs in MIT's global Fab Lab network. Fab labs registered and listed on the official fab lab list ( will be able
to take advantage of this offer. To apply please visit the website page. TALKS AND EVENTS
World Maker Faire September 20-21 at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY.
The 2014 Open Hardware Summit themed "From Open Making to Open Manufacturing" will
take place on September 30, 2014 and October 1, 2014 in Rome. will also be
free to attend! The leading Global Conference on Open Source Hardware organized by the
Open Source Hardware Association will be in Europe for the first time as part of Rome
Innovation Week also featuring Maker Faire Rome and other events. 2014 Summit is a two
dayevent featuring several incredible speakerssuch as Adrian Bowyer (father of RepRap),
Tomas Diez (Fab Lab Barcelona Director), Becky Stern(Director of Wearable Electronics,
Adafruit Industries), Eric Pan(Founder, Seeed Studio), Gawin Dapper(CTO, Phonebooks), Nick
Ierodiaconou(Co-Founder Open Desk), Nadya Peek (MIT) and many more. The Summit will also
have a second day, made of workshops and co-creative-sessions.
FabLearn2014 Conference at Stanford, October 25-26:
The DigiFab Conference will be in Baltimore, Maryland, November 17. Several Fab Lab
groups are participating in this 2nd annual conference, after a successful introduction in
Portland, Maine last year. The interactive all things Digital Fabrication event will feature live
demos of 3D Printing, laser cutting and marking, and other hallmarks of Fab Lab technologies.
Sarah Boisvert from Fab Lab Hub is the program chair, the Deutsch Foundation is chairing the
sponsorship committee. Sherry Lassiter, Blair Evans, Caroline McEnnis, Phyllis Klein, and
Matthew Wade will all be speaking. Details at
The MIT Museum's F.A.T. Chain Reaction will be held on Friday, November 28, 2014, 1 - 4
PM in Cambridge, Massachusetts . Participants register in advance to create their own
contraptions and bring them to Rockwell Cage on November 28. Artist and inventor Arthur
Ganson, renowned chain reaction creator, will be on hand, along with local artist and MIT
alumnus Jeff Lieberman, to help with connections and emcee the event. Anyone can
participate! Register your 2014 F.A.T. team here!
In the News
Blair Evans and Neil Gershenfeld were featured in a Business Week:
Jeff Sturges and Gershenfeld were featured in the Christian Science Monitor:
Manu Prakash's FAB work was the subject of this New York Times Article:
Max Lobvsky's Formlab was the subject of this MIT article in June:
Dina El-Zanfaly's work on fab labs in Egypt was featured on MIT's home page:
Fab Lab DC hosted a number of Fellows from President Obama's Young African Leaders
Initiative in August. See article from the White House website:
Program Manager: (US)
The Fab Foundation seeks to hire a Program Manager to lead the implementation and operation
of two new related programs in digital fabrication and STEM education in the United States. Installation Gurus: (US & International)
The Fab Foundation is seeking experienced fab lab gurus to assist with the installation and
training for new fab labs in the USA and internationally. These are 2 week commitments to
unpack, set-up and bring a fab lab to functional status and to do onsite technical training for
users and managers in the operation and safe use of the fab lab facility. Fab Academy diploma
is a strongly desired. International travel required. Please contact Lass for more information:
Sherry.Lassiter [at] FabFoundation [dot] org
Embedded Guru: (International)
The Fab Foundation is seeking an experienced fab lab guru to assist with the installation and
training for a new fab lab in Africa and to work in that same fab lab for 12 months beyond
installation helping the fab lab become fully operational. Timing: Spring/Summer 2015 start.
Please contact Lass for more information: Sherry.Lassiter [at] FabFoundation [dot] org
Fab Lab Manager: (US)
The new CSUB Fab Lab in Bakersfield, California is looking for a full time manager/guru for their
new Fab Lab opening in September. To apply and for more information, please contact Victor
Martin: VMartin4 [at] csub [dot] edu
After a decade on the road, FAB11 returns to MIT and Cambridge, Massachusetts. FAB11 will
be co-hosted by CBA-MIT and The Fab Foundation in partnership with the US-based fab labs
and civic leadership of Cambridge, Somerville and Boston, Massachusetts. Mark your calendars
now: August 3-9, 2014 and keep your eyes on where we will keep
you up-to-date on planning, registration, and logistics. SOCIAL MEDIA
With the network growing by leaps and bounds, we'd like to help Fab Labs communicate more
easily. Jean-Luc in our office, with help from Sarah Boisvert at Fab Lab Hub, is helping us
develop social media communication. To interact with us on Twitter, please follow @FabFndn and @FabLabHub. We will be sure to
follow you back and share your Tweets. Using the hashtag #FabLab in your tweets will help us
track them. You can also search under those hashtags to see what is happening in the network.
If you'd like to receive a Twitter Tips Powerpoint presentation, just email Sarah at service
We're also on Facebook now, so be sure to "Like" our page and we will do the same for your
group's page. Post your news, needs, projects, people, and programs and we'll help promote
them to the social media world.
While the Fab Exchange section of our website is under development, we've added a Fab Lab
Resources section to post items you might need. That's where you'll find the application for the
SOLIDWORKS software.
We are also increasing content on the website and will be adding a blog that features Fabbers
and their cool projects. If you have something you'd like us to write up, please email it to Sarah: Sarah [at] fablabhub [dot] net.