BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH A MAJOR IN ASIAN STUDIES ECON 2151 Economic Development ECON 2169 Introduction to the Economy of China GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ECON 2170 Intro to the Economy of Japan Curriculum Requirements for the First Two Years Three courses from a list of approved history and culture courses Curriculum requirements for Elliott School students in the freshman and sophomore years are listed below. Consult the Undergraduate General Requirements ( undergraduate-programs/requirements) before choosing courses to fulfill these requirements. Information on earning credit by examination or waiving curriculum requirements is available from academic advisors in the Elliott School. As a basis for all Elliott School Bachelor of Arts programs, students take: IAFF 1005 Introduction to International Affairs: A Washington Perspective Two approved courses from the following: PSC 2369 Comparative Politics of South Asia PSC 2370 Comparative Politics of China and Northeast Asia PSC 2371 Politics and Foreign Policy of China PSC 2373 Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia PSC 2374 Politics and Foreign Policy of Japan PSC 2377 Comparative Politics of the Middle East ECON 1011 Principles of Economics I PSC 2377W Comparative Politics of the Middle East ECON 1012 Principles of Economics II PSC 2379 Politics and Foreign Policy of Israel PSC 1001 Introduction to Comparative Politics PSC 2381 HIST 1011 World History, 1500-Present Comparative Politics of Middle and Southern Africa ANTH 1002 Sociocultural Anthropology PSC 2383 Comparative Politics of Latin America or GEOG 1001 Introduction to Human Geography PSC 2439 International Political Economy UW 1020 University Writing PSC 2440 Theories of International Politics PSC 2442 International Organizations PSC 2442W International Organizations PSC 2444 Public International Law PSC 2446 U.S. Foreign Policy MAJOR REQUIREMENTS PSC 2449 International Security Politics The following requirements must be fulfilled: PSC 2449W International Security Politics The general requirements stated under Elliott School of International Affairs PSC 2461 European-Atlantic Relations PSC 2468 Post-Soviet Foreign Policy PSC 2475 International Relations of East Asia GEOG 3165 Geography of South Asia 3 credits of math courses 3–4 credits of science courses 9 credits of humanities or 6 credits of humanities and 3 credits of creative arts courses A list of designated courses that fulfill major requirements is at the Asian Studies major webpage ( asian-studies-major). With approval of the advisor or program director, pertinent special topics or other courses may be taken in place of those listed. Required courses for the major: IAFF 2091 1 One course in Asian literature Three upper-division Asia-related courses selected in consultation with the program director East Asia-Past and Present Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Asian Studies The program must include a research methods course and a regional foundation course on a region other than the student’s major Completion of third-year–level language proficiency in an approved Asian language is required The George Washington University 2014-15 Academic Bulletin 2
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