Wheat Special Report No. 23a Effects of Date of Sowing on the Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat and their Relationship with Solar Radiation and Temperature at Ludhiana, Punjab, India S.S. Dhillon and J.I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. Wheat Special Report No. 23a Effects of Date of Sowing on the Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat and their Relationship with Solar Radiation and Temperature at Ludhiana, Punjab, India s.s. Dhillon and J.1. Ortiz-Monasterio R. November 1993 Contents iv Preface iv Acknowledgments 1 Introduction 3 3 Materials and Methods Effect of genotype, planting date, and year on yield, yield components, and phenology , Effect of PTQ, temperature, and solar radiation on yield and GM2 during pre-anthesis Absolute and relative losses with delayed sowing 3 4 7 7 8 12 13 Results and Discussion Statistical analysis , Effect of genotype, planting date, and year on yield, yield components, and phenology Effect of PTQ, temperature, and solar radiation on yield and GM2 during pre-anthesis Effect of temperature and solar radiation during post-anthesis period on grain yield and TGW Use of the PTQ for explaining year effects Absolute and relative losses with delayed sowing 13 Conclusions 14 References 15 16 17 18 Figure 1. Yield response of three spring wheat genotypes to seven dates of planting Figure 2. Yield response over 4 years to seven dates of planting Figure 3. GM2 response of three wheat genotypes to seven dates of planting Figure 4. Changes in TGW and days to heading of three wheat genotypes over 4 years and seven dates of planting Figure 5. Changes in days to maturity and grain-filling days of three wheat genotypes over 4 years and seven dates of planting Figure 6. Relationship between grain yield and PTQ2 and grain yield and mean temperature in three wheat genotypes Figure 7. Relationship between grain yield and solar radiation and grain yield and GM2 in three wheat genotypes Figure 8. Relationship between GM2 and PTQ2 and GM2 and mean temperature (-20H to +lOH) in three wheat genotypes Figure 9. Relationship between GM2 and solar radiation and yield and PTQ (+ lOH to +40H) in three wheat genotypes Figure 10. Relationship between grain yield and mean temperature (+ lOH to +40H) and grain yield and solar radiation (+ lOH to +40H) Figure 11. Relationship between grain yield and TGW and TGW and PTQ (+ lOH to +40H) in three wheat genotypes Figure 12. Relationship between TGW and mean temperature (+ lOH to +40H) and TGW and solar radiation (+10H to +40H) in three wheat genotypes Figure 13. Relationship between TGW and mean temperature (+ lOH to +40H) over 4 years in three wheat genotypes 10 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ii Contents (continued) 28 29 30 Figure 14. Relationship between PTQ2 and yield and PTQ2 and GM2 over 4 years in three wheat genotypes Figure 15. Changes in relative grain yield with different dates of heading (Julian) in three wheat genotypes Figure 16. Changes in relative GM2 with different dates of heading (Julian) in three wheat genotypes 31 Appendix 1. Correlation coefficients for three genotypes between yield and GM2 vs four different PTQ values during 7 years at Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, India 32 List of Wheat Special Reports Note on Citing this Wheat Special Report The information in this wheat special report is shared with the understanding that it is not published in the sense of a refereed journal. Therefore, this report should not be cited in other publications without the specific consent of E. Acevedo, CMP Subprogram Leader. Correct Citation: Dhillon, S.S., and J.1. Ortiz-Monasterio R. 1993. Effects of Date of Sowing on the Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat and their Relationship with Solar Radiation and Temperature at Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Wheat Special Report No. 23a. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT. ISSN: 0187-7787 ISBN: 968-6923-14-4 AGROVOC descriptors: Triticum, spring crops, sowing time, date, genotype environment interaction, yield factors, solar energy, temperature resistance, Punjab, Inda. AGRIS category codes: F01; H50. Dewey decimal classification: 631.53. iii Preface This Wheat Special Report analyzes the effects of radiation and temperature on the date of flowering and grain yield of spring bread wheat cropped under optimum conditions. The experiments were conducted at Ludhiana, Punjab, India, over 7 years and using a range of genotypes. The optimum flowering date for maximization of wheat grain yields is confirmed to be when the ratio of radiation to temperature (PTQ) is at its maximum. The individual effects of radiation and temperature on yield and yield components at various stages of crop development are also examined. We hope that the concepts validated here will be useful elements of wheat component agronomy in the development of new spring wheat varieties and better agronomic practices for wheat grown under irrigation (Mega-environment 1). This short version (No. 23a) does not include the raw data that may be of interest to some scientists. This information (Le., correlation coefficients for the three genotypes used in the experiments, means averaged across reps, and climatic data) is provided in Appendices 2 through 5, which are included in No. 23b. S.S. Dhillon is an agronomist with the Department of Plant Breeding, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, and J.1. Ortiz-Monasterio R. is an agronomist, with the Wheat Program, Crop Management and Physiology Subprogram, CIMMYT, Mexico. E. Acevedo Leader Crop Management and Physiology Subprogram CIMMYT Wheat Program Acknowledgments We wish to thank especially Dr. R.A. Fischer for his guidance and suggestions during data analysis and Drs. E. Acevedo and K.D. Sayre for their discussions and suggestions on the topic. iv Introduction Wheat is the main cereal crop of the Indian Punjab. The main objectives of the India's wheat production programs are to increase production to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains, and to step up and establish production at a higher level. During 1965-66, wheat acreage in India was 12.79 million hectares; this area increased to 24.0 million hectares during 1991-92, an 88% increase. Wheat production for this same period increased from 10.7 million tons to 54.5 million tons, 409% increase. As shown in Table 1, yield increases contributed significantly to the production increase. Similarly, in the Punjab, while the area has doubled since 1965-66, production has increased more than sixfold (Table 2). This is explained by the increase in yield from 1104 kglha in 1965-66 to 3715 kglha in 1990-91. Table 1. Area, production, and yield or wheat in India rrom 1965 to 1992. Year 1965-66 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 1985-86 1990-91 1991-92 Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Yield (tll1a) 12.79 17.89 20.11 22.10 23.07 23.50 24.00 10.72 23.24 28.33 36.46 46.89 49.90 54.50 0.84 1.23 1.41 1.65 2.03 2.12 2.27 Table 2. Area, production and yield of wheat in Punjab from 1965 to 1991. Year 1965-66 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 1985-86 1990-91 Area (000 ha) Production (000 tons) Yield (tll1a) 1548 2299 2449 2808 3113 3272 1916 5145 5809 7669 10992 12155 1.10 2.24 2.37 2.73 3.53 3.72 Intensive crop rotations have been widely adopted due to the availability of more irrigation facilities. Wheat occupies a dominant place in double and multiple cropping systems. Approximately 80% of the total cropped area during the rabi (winter) season in Punjab is sown under wheat. Thus, wheat follows practically all kharif (summer) crops in Punjab. The most common rotations involving wheat are: 1 Rice-Wheat Cotton-Wheat Maize-Wheat Rice-Wheat-Sesbania (Green Manure) MaizelRice-Potato-Wheat Ground nut-Wheat Rice- Pea-Wheat Maize fodder- Brassica-Wheat Khari f Pulses-Wheat Depending upon the maturity and harvesting of the previous summer crop, the time of sowing wheat is extended from the end of October to the end of December. Losses in grain yield with delayed planting have been reported in Punjab (Randhawa et al. 1981). The wheat crop is greatly influenced by temperature and radiation prevailing during the season, particularly when water and nitrogen are not limiting. Nix (1976) showed that temperature and radiation influence plant processes differently, but there combined effect can be usefully described as a photothermal quotient (PTO). PTO is defined as the ratio of daily total solar radiation in MJ/m 2/day divided by the mean daily temperature minus 4.5 0 C (base temperature). Midmore et al. (1984) and Fischer (1985) observed that grains/m 2 (GM2) in wheat was associated with PTO over 30 days preceding anthesis. Grain yield reductions with delayed sowing under optimal conditions of water and nitrogen have been attributed to reduced GM2 caused by higher pre-anthesis temperatures (Fischer and Maurer 1976) and to reduced thousand grain weight (TGW) caused by higher post anthesis temperatures (Sofield et aJ. 1977, McDonald et aJ. 1983), even though the irradiance levels also increased in each case. The wheat crop seems to be source-limited during the pre-anthesis phase when GM2 is being determined--particularly during the phase of rapid spike growth and development, which occurs 20 to 30 days prior to anthesis. It has been demonstrated that the number of grains is determined by the carbohydrate supply to the crop during this phase. Specifically, it has been estimated that 10 mg of carbohydrates directed to the growing spike are required during rapid spike growth to keep a potential grain from aborting (Fischer 1984), for wheat crops that do not suffer from nutrient or water stress and without competition from weed, diseases, and pests. The theory behind the PTO is based on the assumption that radiation (assuming close to full light interception) and temperature are the driving forces in assimilate production and development rate, respectively, during this critical phase. High radiation values, through a larger assimilate production and low temperatures, by extending the crop duration during this critical phase. Therefore, high PTO values should result in a larger number of GM2. Fischer (1985) specifically applied the PTO concept to explain the effects of radiation and temperature on kernel number in wheat crops. He confirmed that dry matter accumulation under conditions at Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico (January to March) was linearly related to absorbed photosynthetic radiation (slope of 3 g/MJ PARA; PARA = 0.45 * incident solar radiation for full ground cover). He also inferred mainly from the literature that rate of development during the terminal spikelet to anthesis period was linear with respect to average temperature (max + minl2) minus a base temperature of 4.S°C. The PrO was calculated on a daily basis with the following algorithm: if T mean> 10 PrO= solar radiation/«max + min)/2) ifT mean <= 4.5 PrO= 0 if 4.5 < T mean <=10 PrO= solar radiation * 1/5.5* «T-4.5)/5.5) 2 The last relationship means that, for a given solar radiation, maximum PTQ is reached at T mean = 10, but PTQ rapidly and linearly drops to zero at T mean =4.5. The field studies in Ludhiana were undertaken from 1985-86 to 1991-92 with three objectives: • To find the optimum planting date for wheat in the Punjab. • To find the absolute and relative losses in grain yield, GM2 and TGW, with delay in sowing from the optimum time. • Understand the first two objectives in terms of the effect of temperature and radiation combined and separately on yield, GM2, and TGW. Materials and Methods Field experiments were conducted from 1985 through 1992 on a loamy sand soil at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Ludhiana is situated at 30 0 54' N latitude and 75 0 48' E longitude and 247 mas!. Sixty-six genotypes having spring growth habit and ten dates of planting were studied, although not all genotypes and planting dates were studied each year. The genotypes and planting dates sown each year are given in Table 3. The plots were managed under optimal conditions of fertilizer and irrigation. Broad leaf and other grassy weeds were completely controlled by hand hoeing. The net plot area harvested for each genotype was 7.36 m 2 in each year. The seeding density used in all genotypes, planting dates, and years was 100 kglha. Heading date was defined as the date when about 75% of the spikes had fully emerged from the boot and maturity date when 100% of the spikes were without green color. GM2 was calculated from grain yield and TGW. The treatment design was a factorial combination of planting dates and genotypes arranged as a split-plot design with three replications. Main plots were planting dates and subplots were genotypes. Effect of genotype, planting date, and year on yield, yield components, and phenology The statistical analysis was done first by years for all the planting dates and genotypes. Then a combined analysis of an orthogonal subset of data was done for 4 years (1987-88, 1988-89, 1989-90, and 1991-92), three replications, three genotypes [PBW 34 (long season), PBW 154 (medium season) and PBW 226 (medium to short season)], and seven planting dates (Oct. 25, Nov. 5, Nov. 15, Nov. 25, Dec. 5, Dec. 15, and Dec. 25) to study the interactions of genotype x year, planting date x year and genotype x planting date x year. Replications and experiments were considered as random effects and genotype and planting dates as fixed effects. Effect of PTQ, temperature, and solar radiation on yield and GM2 during the pre-anthesis period To evaluate the effect of temperature and radiation on yield, GM2, and TGW, the complete data set (all years and dates) of the selected genotypes was used. Weather variables, such as temperature, radiation, etc., were recorded at a weather station less than 1 km from the experimental plots. The following PrQs were generated by calculating the daily PTQ and averaging them for different periods: PTQ1: -30 days to heading, PTQ2: From -20 days to heading to +10 days after heading, PTQ3: -20 days to heading, 3 PTQ4: From -20 days to heading to +20 days after heading, PTQ TGW: From heading +10 days to heading +40 days. The PTQs were expressed as MJ/m 2/dayf'C. The correlations between PTQs for the above periods and yield and GM2 are given in Appendix 1. Out of the four PTQs, PTQ2 calculated in the pre-heading phase was more consistent for predicting GM2 and was selected for further use. The post-anthesis photothermal quotient (PTQ TGW), calculated from heading +10 to heading +40 days period, was used with TGW. Absolute and relative losses with delayed sowing To calculate the absolute and relative losses caused by delayed planting date, only data from the optimum planting date to 25DEC were used. The optimum planting dates were 05NOV for PBW34 and NOV15 for PBW154 and PBW 226. Then absolute and relative losses were calculated from that date to 25DEC for all three genotypes. The 25DEC date was selected because there are basically no farmers planting beyond this planting date. Data from a different number of years were available for each genotype; PBW 34 (average of 6 years) PBW 154, (average of 7 years), and PBW 226 (average of 5 years). The method of analysis to estimate yield losses due to delays in planting date was done with the following regression functions: Yi =a In(Yi) + bPDi + u absolute (1) =a relative (2 ) + bPDi + u where Yi is the yield in kg/ha of planting date i, In(Y j) is the natural log of Y i' and PDi is the Julian date for the planting date i. The linear speCification (function 1) provides an estimate of the yield reduction due to delays in planting dates in absolute terms (Le., b measures kg/halday yield loss) while the logarithmic specification in function (2) gives the relative yield reduction (i.e., 100 (dq/dVi)ri =100b measures the percent per day yield loss) (Gujarati 1988). Table 3. Detail of genotypes and planting dates used in the experiments from 198586 to 1991-92. Exp. Julian Calendar 1 1985-86 Genotypes Sowing Dates Year 288 298 308 318 328 338 348 358 5 15 150cr 250cr 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 05DEC 15DEC 25DEC 05JAN 15JAN 4 WL711 PBW34 PBW 120 PBW54 PBW 138 PBW 154 PBW 159 PBW 179 PBW 181 SKAMLI HD2285 TL1210 Table 3. Continued. Exp. Calendar 2 1986-87 Genotypes Sowing Dates Year Julian 150cr 250cr 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 050EC 150EC 250EC 05JAN 15JAN 288 298 308 318 328 338 348 358 5 15 WL 711 PBW 120 PBW 138 PBW 154 PBW 188 PBW 189 PBW34 PBW 206 SKAMLI WL 711 PBW 154 PBW 222 PBW 226 PBW 230 SKAMLI PBW34 POW 212 TL2603 WL 1562 PBW 222 PBW 226 POW215 POW 218 HO 2329 HO 2428 PBW 138 PBW 154 PBW34 3 1987-88 150cr 25NOV. 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 050EC 150EC 250EC 288 298 308 318 328 338 348 358 4 1988·89 250cr 05NOV. 15NOV 25NOV 050EC 150EC 250EC 298 308 318 328 338 348 358 5 1989-90 150CT 25OCT 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 050EC 150EC 250EC 288 298 308 318 328 338 348 358 PBW 154 PBW222 PBW226 POW 215 PBW34 HO 2329 POW 220 6 1990·91 200CT 25 OCT 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 050EC 150EC 293 298 308 318 328 338 348 PBW 154 PBW222 PBW226 POW 215 POW 225 POW 227 HD 2329 5 Table 3. Continued. Exp. Year Sowing Dates Calendar 7. 1991-92 Genotypes Julian 25DEC 05JAN 358 5 200CT 250CT 05NOV 15NOV 25NOV 05DEC 15DEC 3004 25DEC 05JAN 293 298 308 318 328 338 348 PBW 154 PBW 222 PBW 138 PBW 226 HD 2329 HD 2285 CPAN 358 5 WH542 POW 215 POW 233 PBW 234 PBW34 Table 4 shows a summary of the climatic data for the years of this study. The year 198889 had the lowest mean temperatures for the months of January and February compared to other years. The solar radiation during February was the highest 18.05 MJ/m 2 in 198889 and the lowest 11.13 MJ/m 2 in 1989-90. There was not much variation in other months of the various years under study except that in 1988 April was the hottest both for maximum and minimum temperatures. The year 1988-89 can be considered climatically as the better year among all given the low temperatures and high radiation levels in the pre-anthesis phase, as shown by the PTQ values in the month of February. Table 4. Maximum, minimum, solar radiation, and PTQ values for Ludhiana, India (30° 54') for the wheat seasons studied. Year Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April 21.2 19.5 21.6 21.1 18.8 20.2 20.0 18.8 19.6 19.5 17.7 19.7 18.3 17.7 20.4 22.9 22.8 20.7 19.7 21.2 19.7 25.3 26.8 26.1 33.4 34.9 36.1 32.9 34.2 31.9 33.1 Maximum temperature (0C) 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 29.9 30.4 32.2 31.8 32.8 30.7 31.8 26.2 26.6 27.8 26.5 26.1 26.9 26.0 6 ~6.2 .24.6 25.8 25.3 Table 4. Continued. Year Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April :0.1 11.7 10.1 11.7 11.6 11.5 10.1 8.2 6.1 6.0 7.1 7.6 7.4 7.6 4.2 5.7 6.4 4.8 7.7 5.3 7.2 6.4 9.1 7.8 6.3 9.3 8.6 7.4 11.6 12.8 12.3 11.5 11.2 12.0 11.8 17.2 17.7 17.9 15.2 16.8 16.2 16.8 17.17 16.39 16.28 17.74 16.67 13.31 11.99 13.97 12.81 13.15 15.42 12.06 10.34 11.40 11.64 10.42 9.36 9.42 8.98 12.52 11.14 11.69 11.55 11.22 12.17 8.47 14.05 14.48 15.87 18.05 11.13 13.25 13.23 19.41 17.31 18.62 18.78 18.49 16.92 15.45 23.36 22.39 21.95 24.46 22.88 19.97 16.58 1.08 1.48 1.28 1.10 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.77 1.39 1.44 1.72 1.23 1.60 1.12 1.56 1.28 1.52 2.18 1.17 1.37 1.56 1.42 1.14 1.30 1.36 1.48 1.20 1.15 1.15 1.06 0.98 1.30 1.11 1.04 0.84 Minimum temperature (0C) 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 17.1 16.8 18.1 16.2 16.0 16.4 15.0 Solar radiation (MJ/m 2) 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 PTQ (MJ/M1Jday/°C) 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 0.91 0.87 0.81 0.91 0.84 0.99 0.83 0.98 0.90 0.93 0.82 0.90 Results and Discussion Statistical analysis The statistical analysis of individual years for yield, GM2, and TGW revealed that sowing dates and genotypes had significant effect on yield and yield components in all the years (Table 5). However, the interaction between sowing dates and genotypes was not significant for yield in three years (1985-86, 1986-87, and 1991-92) and GM2 in 2 years (1987-88 and 1990-91). The combined analysis of the orthogonal subset of data for four years, three genotypes and seven planting dates revealed that planting date x genotype interactions were significant for yield and GM2 (Table 6). Also the year x planting date interaction was significant for grain yield. The year x planting date x genotype interaction was significant 7 Table 5. Statistical analysis by years for yield, GM2, and TGW. Year 1985-86 Yield (kglha) GM2 TGW (g) SEb a Dates Genotype Date x Genotype •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 211.91 534.91 0.570 12.04 12.08 2.49 •• CV% 1986-87 Yield GM2 TGW .* *. *. ** •• .* ** ** 205.16 517.70 0.595 10.81 10.82 2.61 1987-88 Yield GM2 TGW •• * •• .* ** ** NS NS 218.76 561.16 0.582 10.46 11.15 2.40 Yield GM2 TGW ** - NS •• .* -* -* 311.42 693.39 0.612 11.64 11.77 2.34 Yield GM2 TGW ** ** ** ** ** ** 191.31 466.29 0.629 8.77 9.16 2.54 Yield GM2 TGW .* ** ** ** ** NS NS ** 220.61 541.77 0.669 10.88 11.38 2.75 Yield GM2 TGW ** * ** ** ** ** .* * ** 302.97 777.71 0.606 12.80 13.05 2.62 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 ... Significant at P « •• _. ** ** ** • •• ** =0.05); ** Significant at P « =0.01); NS =nonsignificant. a Standard error of the difference between two means for comparison of two subplot means at the same main plot level. for TGW, days to heading (Days H), days to maturity (Days M), and grain-filling days (Days H-M). Effect of genotype, planting date and year on yield, yield components, and phenology Yield--As the combined analysis shows, the three-way interaction between year, planting date, and genotype was not significant. This suggests that the genotype by planting date interaction, which was significant, was independent of the year effect. The mean grain yield across years at the earliest planting date (250CI) was 4354, 4505, and 4133 kglha for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively. By delaying the planting date to 05NOV and 15NOV, the yield of all three genotypes improved except for PBW 34, which produced the highest yield on the 05NOV planting date (Figure 1). The 15NOV 8 Table 6. Combined analysis of orthogonal subset of data 4 years, three replications, three genotypes, and seven planting dates. Source of variation Y Rep(Y) Planting date Y x P date Y x rep x P date Genotype Y x genotype P date x genotype Y x P date x genotype Error Standard error'l * df (kglha) 3 8 6 18 48 2 6 12 36 112 Yield (g) GM2 TGW Days H Days M Days H-M ** NS ** ** * ** ** ** ** NS ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** NS NS NS ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** NS NS NS ** ** ** ** ** 136 415 1.42 1.80 0.64 1 1.80 significant at P « = 0.05); ** significant at P « = 0.01); NS non significant a Standard error of the difference between two means for comparison of two subplot means at the same main plot level. planting date produced the highest yield for paw 226 (5050 kg/ha) followed by paw 154 (4744 kg/ha) and paw 34 (4138 kg/ha). With further delay in planting date, the yield of all the three genotypes decreased. However, the rate of reduction was more severe in paw 34 compared to PBW 154 and PBW 226 (Figure 1). Therefore, the genotype by planting date interaction can be explained by the earlier optimum planting date of PBW34 as well as the faster decline in yield of this genotype compared to PBW154 and PBW 226. A significant interaction for yield between years and planting date revealed that 1988-89 was the highest yield year for all genotypes at all the planting dates except 25DEC. At this planting date, 1991-92 produced 3502 kglha compared to 3351 kglha in 1988-89 (Figure 2). As mentioned before, 1988-89 had the lowest temperature and the highest radiation and PrQ in the pre-anthesis period. Yield componenls--The response of GM2 was very similar to that of yield, in contrast to TGW. The three-way interaction for GM2, between year, planting date, and genotype was not significant. However, the genotype by planting date interaction was significant. The number of GM2 for all three genotypes, averaged across the years under different planting dates, had a similar trend to that of yield, which shows the predominant role of GM2 in determining final yield (Figure 3). For TGW, the genotype by planting date interaction also interacted with year. TGW for all three genotypes decreased with any delay in planting date after 150CT in all the years (Figure 4a). However, among years, 1988-89 produced heavier grains compared to others in all genotypes at almost all planting dates. In addition, 1987-88 had a different pattern of TGW reduction with delays in planting date compared to the other years. The ranges ofTGW across years and dates were 45-56, 44-52, and 44-48g for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively. Phenology--The interaction between genotype, planting date, and year was significant for days to heading, days to maturity, and grain-filling days. The ranges of number of days to 9 headi ng across years and dates were 99-111, 90-100, and 88-93 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively (Figure 4b). It is also clear from the data that PBW 34 took the maximum days to heading when planted on 250cr; for the other two genotypes, the maximum was reached usually on 15NOV. The number of days to heading was reduced with further delays in sowing in all the genotypes. The number of days to maturity were drastically reduced with any delay in planting after 150cr for all three genotypes and in all four years (Figure Sa). In general, the number of grain-filling days was reduced with any delay in planting date for all genotypes, however, for PBW 34 the rate of reduction was slower than for the other two genotypes (Figure 5b). Undoubtedly, PBW34 reached heading later than the other genotypes in early plantings. The steadily increasing maximum and minimum temperatures (Table 4) during February, March, and April may have caused the late planting date to produce lower number of GM2, lower TGW, and ultimately lower yields. Radiation increases should, however, have compensated to some extent for the increase in temperature. The next section examines these relationships. Effect ofPTQ, temperature, and solar radiation on yield and GM2 during the preanthesis period Effect on grain yie/d--Grain yield across planting dates was linearly and positively correlated with the pre-anthesis photothermal quotient (-20 H to +10 H) for all three genotypes (Figure 6a). The correlation coefficient values were 0.95, 0.70, and 0.64 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively, including all points in the graph. Generally, grain yield increased with the increase in PTO values--except in the 15JAN late planting in genotypes PBW 34 and PBW 154 (there was no 15JAN planting for PBW 226) where the PTO values were relatively high, but grain yield was not. It is believed that in the 15JAN planting the crops were exposed to high temperatures around meiosis and anthesis causing spike sterility, resulting in a lower number of GM2 and, in turn, yield for a given PTO value. The other possible explanation is that, in the 15JAN planting, PBW34 and PBW 154 did not reach full light interception, therefore they could not efficiently use the available radiation. Thus, although PTO values were relatively high, yield and GM2 were low. The effect of temperature during the pre-anthesis period (-20 H to +10 H) was found to be negatively correlated with yield across planting dates for all the genotypes, PBW 34 (r = -0.92), PBW 154 (r = -0.86), and PBW 226 (r = -0.86) (Figure 6b). Similarly, yield was also found to be negatively correlated with solar radiation during the pre-anthesis period for PBW 34 (r = -0.86), PBW 154 (r = -0.71), and PBW 226 (r = -0.40) (Figure 7a). PBW 34 was found to be relatively more sensitive to higher temperature and solar radiation conditions. We would expect solar radiation to be positively correlated with yield, however, due to the high autocorrelation between solar radiation and temperature, this correlation becomes negative (Table 7). Effect on GM2--For all three genotypes, GM2 was positively correlated with grain yield across planting dates. The correlation coefficients (r) were 0.97,0.97, and 0.84 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively (Figure 7b). GM2 was positively correlated with PTO during the pre-anthesis period (-20 H to +10 H). The number of GM2 ranged from 3790 to 11,550 and PTOs from 1.08 to 1.58 MJ/m 2/dayPC. The correlation coefficients (r) were 0.89,0.72, and 0.94 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively (Figure 8a). GM2 increased as PTO increased, except for the 15JAN planting. See the above explanation on yield. GM2 was negatively correlated with mean temperature during the pre-anthesis period (20 H to +10 H) for all three genotypes, PBW34 (r=-0.81), PBW154 (r=-0.73), and PBW 226 (r -0.48) (Figure 8b). = The number of grains were also negatively correlated with solar radiation during the preanthesis (-20 H to +10 H) period, for PBW 34 (r = -0.73), and PBW 154 (r =-0.55). 10 Table 7. Correlation using values averaged across year for yield, yield components, and climatic variables in three genotypes. PBW34 Days Days Yield GM2 TGW MTIGW RADTGW PTQTGW MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 -0.953 -0.868 -0.994 0.991 0.963 -0.985 0.990 0.954 -0.943 Yield 1.000 0.971 0.938 -0.907 ·0.852 0.896 -0.924 -0.855 0.949 GM2 1.000 0.834 -0.797 -0.719 0.787 -0.814 -0.730 0.885 TGW MTIGW 1.000 -0.991 -0.968 0.985 -0.992 -0.959 0.939 1.000 0.988 -0.992 0.995 0.972 -0.920 RADTGW PTQTGW 1.000 -0.969 0.985 0.981 -0.878 1.000 -0.982 -0.965 0.898 MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 0.975 -0.930 1.000 -0.826 1.000 PBW 154 Days Days Yield GM2 TGW MTIGW RADTGW PTQTGW MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 -0.849 -0.721 -0.973 0.991 0.976 -0.963 0.970 0.961 -0.386 Yield 1.000 0.974 0.919 -0.781 -0.731 0.706 -0.862 -0.709 0.703 GM2 1.000 0.811 -0.634 -0.576 0.538 -0.727 -0.547 . 0.717 TGW 1.000 -0.951 -0.928 0.918 -0.974 -0.921 0.501 MTIGW 1.000 0.994 -0.988 0.962 0.986 -0.294 RADTGW PTQTGW 1.000 -0.986 0.942 0.996 -0.213 1.000 -0.947 -0.987 0.248 MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 0.940 -0.512 1.000 -0.194 1.000 PBW 226 Days Days Yield GM2 TGW MTTGW RADTGW PTQTGW MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 -0.587 -0.067 -0.992 0.987 0.899 -0.658 0.847 0.902 0.187 Yield 1.000 0.841 0.601 -0.516 -0.214 0.770 -0.858 -0.397 0.637 GM2 1.000 0.076 0.026 0.332 0.454 -0.476 0.147 0.936 TGW 1.000 -0.993 -0.882 0.735 -0.876 -0.933 -0.196 MTTGW 1.000 0.924 -0.686 0.836 0.956 0.291 RADTGW PTQTGW 1.000 -0.386 0.607 0.912 0.539 1.000 -0.886 -0.695 0.181 MTGM2 RADGM2 PTQ2 1.000 0.783 -0.224 1.000 0.426 Note: Ten planting dates used in the correlation for PBW 34 and PBW 154 and nine planting dates used (150Cf to 05JAN) for correlations of PBW 226. 11 1.000 However, in the case of PBW 226, the number of grains was not much affected by changes in solar radiation (r = 0015), so PBW 226 was found to be relatively more tolerant to the changes in temperature and solar radiation compared to PBW 154 and PBW 340 Solar radiation was expected to have a positive effect on GM20 However, due to the high correlation between temperature and radiation, i.e., 0.98, 0.94, and 0.78 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively (temperature having a negative relationship with GM2, Table 7), there was a negative relationship between solar radiation and GM2 in two of the genotypes studied (Figure 9a). The above analysis shows that GM2 is affected by both solar radiation and temperature during the pre-anthesis period. This can be observed by the improvement in the relationship between GM2 and PTQ (which uses both solar radiation and temperature) when compared to either solar radiation or temperature alone. Effect of temperature and solar radiation during the post-anthesis period on grain yield and TGW Effect on grain yield--For all three genotypes, grain yield across planting date means was positively and linearly correlated with the combined effect of temperature and solar radiation (PTQ) during the post-anthesis period (+ 10 H to +40 H). The correlation was stronger for PBW 34 (r = 0.90) than for PBW 154 (r = 0.71) and PBW 226 (r = 0.77) (Figure 9b). Grain yields ranged from 1393 to 4356 kg/ha, 1545 to 4555 kg/ha, and 2933 to 4905 kg/ha with the corresponding ranges in PTQ values from 1.08 to 1.43, 1.09 to 1.50, and 1.00 to 1.55 for PBW 34, PBW 154, and paw 226, respectively. The increasing mean temperature during the post-anthesis period had a strong effect on grain yield. The yield of all three genotypes decreased with an increase in mean temperature. However, increasing mean temperature had more a negative effect on yield for paw 34 (r = -0.91) compared to PBW 154 (r = -0.78) and PBW 226 (r=-0.52) (Figure lOa). Similarly, the grain yield of PBW 34 was more severely affected by increasing solar radiation during the post-anthesis period (H+ 10 to H+40) (r = -0.86) compared to paw 154 (r = -0.73) and paw 226 (r = -0.21) (Figure lOb). PBW 226 and paw 154, being short and mid-season genotypes, were found to be relatively more tolerant to increases in mean temperature and solar radiation conditions during the postanthesis period. Effect on TGW--Grain yield was positively correlated with TGW for all three genotypes (Figure 11a): paw 34 (r =0.94), paw 154 (r =0.92), and paw 226 (r = 0.60). In PBW 34, TGW was found to be positively correlated with the photothermal quotient during the post-anthesis period (H +10 to H +40), however, it was highly negatively correlated with the separate effect of temperature and solar radi ation; the correlation coefficient (r) values were 0.99, -0.99, and -0.97 for TGW vs PTQ, mean temperature, and mean radiation, respectively. A similar trend was observed in PBW 154 and paw 226. The correlation coefficient (r) values were 0.92, -0.95, and -0.93, for TGW vs PTQ, mean temperature, and solar radiation for paw 154 and 0.74, -0.99, and -0.88 for paw 226, respectively (Figures lib, 12&, 12b). The best correlations with TGW occurred with mean temperature, without any improvement by adding radiation alone or together with mean temperature (PTQTGW), suggesting that TGW is solely affected by temperature under Ludhiana conditions. When the relationship between TGW and mean temperature was plotted by year, we can still observe a strong relationship between these two factors (Figure 13). Use of the PTQ for explaining year effects PTQ was useful in explaining part of the year x planting date variability in yield and GM2. Although the correlations were not as high as with date of planting means, the 12 values are significant and demonstrate how variability among years can also be explained by PTQ. This can be seen in Figures 14a and 14b where the year 1988-89 had higher PTQ values with correspondingly higher GM2 and yield values. The higher variability observed by using the yearly data could be explained by soil differences over the years. Absolute and relative losses with delayed sowing The grain yield of all three genotypes decreased with a delay in sowing. However, the optimum date varied with the genotype. Calculating for delays after the optimum date, grain yields decreased at rates of 41,35, and 36 kg/ha/day for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively; the corresponding values on a relative basis for these genotypes were 1.2,0.9, and 0.9%/ha/day. With a delay in sowing from 05NOV to 25DEC for PBW 34 and from 15NOV to 25DEC for PBW 154 and PBW 226, GM2 on an absolute basis decreased at a rate of 61,58, and 56/day for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively, and the corresponding values were 0.8, 0.6, and 0.5%/day on a relative basis for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226. For PBW 34, the number of GM2 decreased at the rate of 749 grains/m 2pC with an increase in mean temperature from 14.50 to 18.45 0 C during the pre-anthesis period (-20 H to +10H). The number of grains decreased at the rate of 599 grains/m 2PC and 554/grains/m 2PC with increases in mean temperatures from 14.35 to 18.17 0 C and from 13.76 to 17.700 C for PBW 154 and PBW 226, respectively. With a delay in sowing from 05NOV to 25DEC for PBW 34 and from 15NOV to 25DEC for PBW 154 and PBW 226, TGW was reduced at rates of 0.18,0.13, and 0.13 glday of planting delay for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively. On a relative basis, the values were 0.4, 0.3, and 0.3%/day for PBW 34, PBW 154, and PBW 226, respectively. For PBW 34, TGW was reduced at a rate of 1.52 g;Oc with a corresponding increase in mean temperature from 18.70 to 24.52 0 C during the post-anthesis period (H+ 10 to H+40). For PBW 154, TGW decreased at a rate of 1.03 g;Oc with a corresponding increase in mean temperature from 18.47 to 23.68 0 C during the post-anthesis period. Similarly, for PBW 226, TGW was reduced at a rate of 1.05 gjOc with a corresponding increase in mean temperature from 17.26 to 22.23 0 C. Conclusions The results of these studies suggest that time of sowing is a very important factor for determining yield. The optimum planting dates were 05NOV for PBW 34 and 15NOV for PBW154 and PBW 226. Delay in sowing beyond these dates caused severe reductions in GM2, TGW, and yield. High post-anthesis temperatures had a highly negative effect on TGW and yield on all genotypes. All three genotypes maximized their yield when the PTQ value was highest between 20 days before heading to 10 days after heading. This suggests that all genotypes should maximize their yield by flowering during the highest PTQ in the growing season. PBW 34 is a longer season genotype compared to the other two and the highest PTQ value occurs at a given time during the year. Therefore, PBW 34 will have to be planted earlier than the other two so that all three genotypes flower at about the same time to take advantage of the high PTQ values. It can be seen clearly that this was the case for PBW 34 and PBW 154 (Figure 15). However, that did not hold true for PBW 226 (shortseason genotype). 13 If we analyze GM2, we can observe that PBW 34 and PBW 154 have a period of 10 days (between Julian dates 50 and 60--about 20 and 28 Feb.) when GM2 is maximized (Figure 16). However, for PBW 226 the optimum is around Julian date 40 (Feb. 10) and then there is a sharp drop after this date. This may be explained by a possible inability of PBW 226 to reach full light interception after Julian date 40. GM2 could be better explained by the combination of solar radiation and temperature (PTQ2) than by either of the two alone during the pre-anthesis phase, while TGW could be better explained only by temperature in the post-anthesis phase. These results suggest that it would be useful to look at long-term climatic data and calculate probabilities of when the highest PTQ occurs and use that as the target optimum flowering date from which the optimum planting date could be calculated. The PTQ2 pre-anthesis seems to be able to predict which will be high yielding years. There is a 1.2, 0.9, and 0.9%/ha/day yield loss after the optimum planting date for PBW 34 (long season), PBW 154 (medium season), and PBW 226 (short season), respectively. References Fischer, R.A. 1984. Physiological limitations to producing wheat in semitropical and tropical environments and possible selection criteria. In pages 209-230, Wheat for More Tropical Environments, A Proceedings of the International Symposium, Sept. 24-28, 1984. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT. Fischer, R.A. 1985. Number of kernels in wheat crops and the influence of solar radiation and temperature. J. Agric. Sci. 105:447-61. Fischer, R.A., and R. Maurer. 1976. Crop temperature modification and yield potential in a spring wheat. Crop Sci. 16:855-9. Gujarati, D.M. 1988. Basic Econometrics. Second Edition. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. McDonald, G.K., B.G. Sutton, and F.W. Ellison. 1983. The effects of time of sowing on the grain yield of irrigated wheat in the Namoy Valley, New South Wales. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 34:229-40. Midmore, DJ., P.M. Cartwright, and R.A. Fischer. 1984. Wheat in tropical environments. II. Crop growth and grain yield. Field Crops Res. 8:207-27. Nix, M.A. 1976. Climate and crop productivity in Australia. In pages 495-507, S. Yoshida, ed., Climate and Rice. Int. Rice Res. Inst., Los Banos, Philippines. Randhawa, A.S., S.S. Dhillon, and W. Singh. 1981. Productivity of wheat varieties, as influenced by the time of sowing. J. Res. Punjab Agric. Univ. 18(3):227-33. Sofield, G., L.T. Evans, M.G. Cook, and G.F. Wardlaw. 1977. Factors influencing the rate and duration of grain-filling in wheat. Aust. J. Plant Physio\. 4:785-97. 14 6000 .-----r---...,....---.--------r---.---...,--~,._-___, 5500 5000 r-. « 4500 I ""-. <..:> 2S 4000 o-...J W >- .3500 o PBW34 • PBW154 \l PBW226 .3000 2000 I- C.l () In 1"1 > 0 Z In > > 0-,. "- 0 Z In In u w u w U 0 0 In In L() 0 (''J w N Planting Dote Figure 1. Yield response of three spring wheat genotypes to seven dates of planting. 15 6000 . - - - - - r - I - - - r , - - - - - , I - - - l . - - - - . . - - - I - -.....I-------,I--~ 5500 f- ,o········q , 5000 '- r---- « 4500 , ,, , , , o "\7"-----' I- _--'7 .... , "f': O. ........ ......................... """ I ""C) 2S 4000 ~ ,'\7 ............... ____ ". ° 3000 - , ', '7--. ' .~ -'~--'7 .....•::-. 87/88 "0 -.... I I- I -- -~ - 88/89 .... 89/90 '\7 91/92 2500 - 0 ,, ...... --........:.: • ,, b ...... --........ I- 2000 ,, ·v.. .. , ' 3500 - ..... ......... I- o ~ w >- - , I > I I I > u u 0 0 lJ) lJ) u 0 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z vi lJ) lJ) lJ) l'-.,J w w N Planting Date.... Figure 2. Yield response over 4 years to seven dates of planting. 16 I u w 0 lJ) N 12000 , 11000 ....,' 9000 .------_:., ,. "~ ... , .......\7. , ,'. . .'9, 10000 N .' " ,, , e, :~ '\7" ........ .•. ......• \7 - o ~," 8000 0 • 7000 \7 6000 I- u PBW34 PBW154 PBW226 > > > () 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z u) l,{) l,{) l,{) N u ~.o- u -0 0 w 0 u w l,{) l,{) l,{) w N 0 N Planting Date Figure 3. GM2 response of three wheat genotypes to seven dates of planting. 17 60 I I I °• ~\7 I 3: c.:> l- 40 I- .... <.:::.--: ~i """'" =,~ • 30 '0" ~: \7-,-, '" 0 100 f- ",--' I 90 0 I- .... 9 .......\7 87/88 0 88/89 i- 8~ "-\7, « w '.- ( (f) >« - 0 89/90 \7 91/92 20 60 50 3: () 40 f- '- I I I I I f- 60 I I I I 0"0, ~o--o--o ...""'''''''''"'1 87/88 0 88/89 '" 89/90 I I I I - I I I I I I I I 90 0 ;30 >« 0 • 30 - o ....... o z - o « w I - o f- ... (f) 88/89 ~ o - '" 89/90 \7 91/92 20 I I I >. :> I I I I > U 0 0 o u w u w u w L() If) L() L() L() L() L() ~ o "'l z z ZOO "'l ."e - '" I I I I I I I PBW154 ,g:;B,::..(J.:.~9',0 " "':/.~.;-"'\7. 0 ro · \..--e . · :· • 87/88 88/89 89/90 \7 91/92 70 ... 60 120 ~-. 87/88 • '0 - " >"'y 50 PBW226 50 - ~"O, .:~~. '0" 40 - \j"" "'~i::~,,~.. 0 ~i':'"", 1 10 100 (f) I - .. 0, 87/88 88/89 0 89/90 \7 91/92 60 - 0 I- "''''.",.", I I z « w ~f:.~ ......... • "i'-W'<;, \ ~ I PBW34 - ..",-:::-:-. ""'~ 80 70 I 120 - "0 • I I f- 50 c.:> \7 91/92 20 I 'pBW 1!54 I- .30 I I f- z - • I I 110 () 0 . l- 120 I PBW34 , 50 I I I I I • o 70 ".0 Q~:.;~:.:g-"-\7 '- p':. ,;' I °... _ \'"" .'.,.~ :/', f- I - Q" 90 - aa I PBW226_ 87/88 88/B9 100 _ ... 89/90 \7 91/92 1 10 _ I ,. .-e ,:-' 60 '- 0 I I I I I I I u u u t)f"i:'?'6 w w w o } Z z 000 0 L() C'J "'l L() L() Lf) L() If) "'l PIC] nting Dote Plonting Date Figure 4. Changes in TGW and days to heading of three wheat genotypes over 4 years and seven dates of planting. 18 - lO "'l 170 ~ 0:: ::J I<f. 110 ~" ~" 160 d >« '\1.\, 140 (/) >- (f) I<.~ 150 0 0 '~i' 2 ~ PBW154 • 87/88 o 88/89 z ~e 1>- V u.. z « ~i:", T RH/90 1,30 --J --J ~~ 91/92 0:: (.:;> 100 gO PBW 154 • 87/88 o 88/89 80 T 89/90 70 V 91/92 60 ::>0 40 .:'0 1 10 170 >- I- 1130 0:: ::J I.:.( ~ ~t, l- 150 ?;( >.::f. 0 140 1.30 • 87/88 o 88/89 ~ \n T 89/90 V 91/92 ~ o 90 80 --J --J 70 u.. z GO <t 0:: 0 ." 100 0 z '~" (/) 0 (/) '<'A 'I·~, 2 0 PBW226 PBW226 '\. \ '::'-" I- U 0 U') C'-l :> > > 0 0 "/"' "7 0 Z In I.n If) ('.J U W U W U W 0 0 L{) If) 87/88 0 88/89 T 89/90 .~ V -'~~ 91/92 /."" '>~~.·T. ::J!J ..: • "V"''Y '0 .. 0 40 30 120 • I- u > > > 0 0 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z L{) If) L{) l.() l.() ('.J ('l u u 0 0 0 L{) If) u w w N Plonting Date Plonting Date Figure S. Changes in days to maturity and grain-filling days of three wheat genotypes over 4 years and seven dates of planting. 19 w L{) C'-l 6000 ,-.... I I I , I PBW34 5000 - - <{ I ............ C> ~ 0 -l • • • • • - W >- 2000 1000 6000 ,-.... 5000 <{ I I I I -I I C> 4000 I ~ r=O.70 ........" 0 -l 3000 W >- 2000 ""'" 6000 ,-.... 5000 <{ I ............ C> 4000 - ~ ........" 0 ....J 3000 - w >- 2000 ""'" -l >- •• 03000 1'=-0.92 2000 6UOO ,-.... ." 0 4000 - 0 .:iODO f- I TT -.J - - T T w >- I T T ~ '-' - •• • • PBW154 5000 - « "- T I I ............ ." T T 1'=-0.86 2000 - T ." I I I I I I I I I I PBW226 ""'" 0 ." ""'" 1000 ." ." ~ '--' - ~." ""'" •• • • 4000 IUOU PBW154 ." C> - I ""'" ............ w I I ............ <{ - I PBW34 - 5000 I ..- r=O.95 3000 ,-.... •• 4000 - '--' 6000 • •• • • • 1000 6000 .-.• ,-.... I 5000 I I I I I I - "--" 0 • •• • •• • • - i « I I 4UUU I c- ~ '--' - 0 -l 3000 f- I • r=-O.86 w >- I I 1000 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 I I PBW226 - r=O.64 1 2000 10 I I I I 12 14 16 18 ME',L\I\j TEMF' -20H PTQ2 (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) - 20 + IOH ( C) Figure 6. Relationship between grain yield and PTQ2 and grain yield and mean temperature in three wheat genotypes. 20 - - ""'" IUUU - 6000 - < •• • • I l.) 40JO .::c. 0 -l 300e W >- 2000 1000 r I ~ ... ...... ... I 0 I 4000 f'Y :cs::: -.J w >- 3000 ... I- I [• 6000 I ...... « I "'--4000 0 - ... 5000 I I ~ « I "'--4000 0 I- ~ '--" 0 -.J 3000 - w >- 0 I -l - I I 1 I PBW 154 I- 3000 >- - ... ...W ,... ...... ...... r=0.97 '-- ... 2000 I - J -' ... I I I I I I 6000 • •• •• • • • ~ - -.J I I 12 14 16 18 3000 w >I -.• • r=0.B4 ~ '--" 0 , PBW226 5000 « I "'--4000 0 - 2000 - 10 I W r= -OAO 1000 I I I '--" PBW226 5000 - • • •• • •• • :cs::: 1000 6000 ~ 1000 2000 I - ... I w >- 3000 I r=0.97 II - I- 1000 -l ~ r=-0.71 2000 I 0 Ir PBW34 I '--" 0 I PBW154 I- « ',,-- I :cs::: I • 5000 « I "'0--- 4000 ~ • •• •• r= -086 I I ~ ; 6000 5000 6000 PBW:34 5000 ~ 20 RADIATION - 20H +10H 2000 1000 2000400060008000100002000 GM2 (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) FIgure 7. Relationship between grain yield and solar radiation and grain yield and GM2 in three wheat genotypes. 21 :• 12000 12000 I I ,i ( ,j 8CO] ~ \J • •• ! r'-J • I • 6000 10000 r r=0.89 ! ;- 0 I I 2 4000 - 12000 N 8000 r=0.72 i- 2000 10000 I l- - . 12000 I I . . .. • .. 8000 6000 ~ 10000 - 8000 N .. - I I I I I I I I .. ...." .. .. . . PBW226 • • ••• 6000 12000 - N I 10000 i- 8000 I- 6000 I- 4000 - • • •• 6000 - - r=0.94 I 1.0 1.1 I I PBW226 - - r=0.48 4000 2000 I ·l •• •• • :2 0 i .. 1 2000 I. • .. i .1 I 4000 I ! PBW154J r=073 - --; 1 :2 u 2 0 .. 4000 PBW154 10000 - u 6000 2000 12000 r"J •• • •• • 8000 r=0.81 2000 ~ PBW34 ~ • 4000 t I PBW34 10eoo I'- , i I I I - 2000 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 10 I I I I 12 14 16 18 20 MEAN TEMPERATURE ( C) PTQ2 (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) Figure 8. Relationship between GM% and PTQ% and GM% aDd mean temperature (%OH to +1011) in three wheat genotypes. 22 6000 ! :rJOO : (JOOO l 5000 •• L o -.J W >- I 4000 ~ 2000 r=-0.73 1000 I I 2000 3000 II PBW34 , i 30JO 6000 l r • • f .: •• • • • I --j ! l r=090 1 I 6000 1 2000 ,----,-----,--------,.----,----, 10000 ~ I: « ......... PBW154 ... I ~ (,) ...... 4000 ~ "-' ... o-.J 3000 ... W : : : : ll!- >- I PBW154 5000 ... ... ...... ... ...... 1 ... r=071 2000 r= -0.55 4000 1 000 '------'-_--'--_--'--_'----------'-_-.J 2000 12000 • • 10000 8000 .' 6000 •• r---'-I--r-I-'-I-~Ir--'--I--' ..---. 5000 - d 4000- « I PBW226 •• • ~ "-' o-.J .3000 4~ PBW226 ,.. . • • • >- - - r=0.77 W 6000 - 2000 - - r=0.15 4000 1000 I I I I I 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2000 10 12 14 16 18 20 PTa + 1 0 H +40H (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) RADIATION (MJ/M2/DAY) Figure 9. Relationship between GM2 and solar radiation and yield and PTQ (+10 to +40) In three wheat genotypes. 23 6000 -----,--,--....,-------,.-.-------,-------r-J I 6000 'I ,~ « I 5000 ~ 2i 4 000 .:>::: c ~ ~ r~-O.91 3000 w '- PBW34 2000 PBW34 i r • • •• 4000 i r I r • • •• I 5000 ~ o .....J 3000 >= 2000 PBW 154 ... PBW154 5000 >- i • 5000 .....J W .....J r= -0.86 • iOOO o I i i...J..j ••••• i ...., ... ... ... ... ... o ~ ...... 3000 w 3000 >- r=-0.'78 ... ... r= -0.'73 2000 l -I ... 2000 1 1000 1000 6000 6000 r--. • • •• « I ~ o :c.::: 4000 o 3000 .....J r=0.52 W >- I I I PBW226 - 4000 e- • o 3000 e- >- 2000 I- 10 00 L-_.l.--I_.l.--I_.l.--I_.l.--I_.l.--I_L-I.--J 0' • ••• :::s::: "---" •• • I I- « I .....J W 2000 100 0 I 5000 r--. PBW226 5000 I r= -0.21 • •• - 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 '-----L..-----'---------'-_~--l....-__'_-----'--_ RADIATION + 1OH +40H 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 MEAN TEMP + 10H +40H ( C) (MJ/M2/DAY) Figure 10. Relationship between grain yield and mean temperature (+108 to +408) and grain yield and solar radiation (+108 to +408). 24 6(',('0 vv 55 I ~ 4DOO ~ /""" « I '- C) ::::s:::: 0 ---.J 3DOO LJ >- • ••• f •• 2000 6000 5000 I I 4000 I- ... ... ... ::::s:::: "'-.-/ 3000 0 ---.J f- LJ >- 2000 CJ l- 4000 l- "'-.-/ ---.J 3000 - w >- C) 40 ••• - ... ......... ... ... - 0" "'-.-/ I I I 45 ... S f- I 40 ... ~ ... ... J ,i ... ...... I ~ ~ r=O.92 ~ ~ I I 55 PBW226 •• •• - • • • • l PBW154 35 I I i , CJ r=0.92 I I ---1 r=099 50 - I • •• • • I •• 55 I 50 - 0" "'-.-/ • 45 S - C) f- r=0.60 2000 1000 S PBW226 5000 ::::s:::: 0 ~ I 45 - « I ......... I ... 6000 I . f- f- 1000 ,.---..., ! PBW154 f- I C) I I 35 « '- 1 i- ~ 0" PBW34 1 50 • 1000 ,.---..., • • • r=094 i .--../ '-, I PBW:34 ':000 40 - 35 I I I I 35 40 45 50 • • •• • e J r~O.74 J 1.0 1. 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 55 TGW (g) PTQTGW (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) Figure 11. Relationship between grain yield and TGW and TGW and PTQ (+108 to +408) in three wheat genotypes. 2S 55 55 I I • • PBW34 • •• •• 1 50 C' '----' 45 3': 0 f- I r 40 50 CJ1 '-.../ 45 ~ r-I 3': 0 f- 40 I I r=-0.99 35 35 55 CJ1 '-.../ I 50 ~ 45 ~ I I ~ 0 f- 40 ... ~ r=-095 35 - 55 • ... f- - ...... , 50 ~ 45 I- 40 ~ ... 35 - ~ 45 ~ .----.-. CJ1 '-../ 3': 0 f- 40 l- 35 l- 50 - -. •• r=-0.99 .----.-. CJ1 - '-../ 45 ~ 0 I I 12 16 20 f- - ••• I I • PBW154 ... ... ... 40 35 - - ... ... ...... ...... -I I I I T T T I - .. - ~ •• • •• ~ ~ 9 ... PBW226 ~ I 28 - I r= -0.88 24 I I- 55 PBW226 50 --, T r=-0.93 I I I I 3': , I '-.../ 0 I- I CJ1 - ...... --i 55 I PBW154 ... ... ... • •PBW34 • •• J •• J r= -0.9? • -I I I 12 15 - - •• I 18 I 21 24 RADIATION (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) MEAN TEMPERATURE ( C) Figure 11. Relationship between TGW and mean temperature (+108 to +4(8) and TGW and solar radiation (+108 to +408) in three wheat geROtypes. 26 60 •• • •~• • 55 .... ..• 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 • ~ ~ •• 50 (J'l "---/ 3: v I- 45 I 40 I ...• PBW34 35 .- r=-O 75 30 60 55 ~ 3= <..) I- f- 45 ~. 35 f- 60 3= v I-- 45 40 I 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 - . .. ~ - ~- •• r=-075 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ,.......... 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 • • .-..r.,. 35 ..... r=-085 30 I I I - - ~,J-': •• I - - I •• • f- - PBW226 50 ..... (J'l '-" ..... I I • ~ ••• • f-.~'9: 30 ,.-.... 1 • • 40 55 1 I PBW154 50 ..... (J'l "---/ I I l •• I I I I 10121416182022242628 MEAN TEMP + 10H +40H Figure 13. Relatioashlp betweeD TGW aDd meaD temperature (+118 to +408) over 4 years iD three wheat aeDOtypes. 27 7000 6000 ... ~ <t: ...... PBW34 5000 ~ ~~~O ", l) 4000 ;,p : ~ .3000 o u..J "':2) 2000 >- o r=050 1000 ~ ,J • ( 0 g 14000 I l I 12000 ~ 10000 N 2 l) .---.. <t: I ~ l) ~ '-" 0 6000 I- 5000 I- 4000 I- 3000 - .....J w >- 6000 90-91 4000 [ - 0 7000 6000 5000 - ~ l) 4000 ~ '-" 0 ~ :j 7' 3000 r=0.54 r- l- >- 2000 I- 1000 I- 0 0.5 ......... • ••• ~ PBW226 0 r=O.54 l) o ...... PBW154 :Jii( ~ 8000 ... ~~ V v <;j7 4000 lJ ... 88-89 V 87-88 89-90 90-91 I 7' V r=043 ~~ I V 6000 14000 - N ::2 • 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 2000 I 0 N 2 I 0 • 0 ~ r=O 31 10000 ... 88-89V 87-88 89-9090-91 - I EJ~c8 o ~ L-_-----L_----=-~I - _.....l....-_-----.J 12000 - I ~[] - I .....J w V I ! 14000 I I- <t: I *~ 0 00 Q1)' o I PBW154 2000 1000 ,.---.... I ~. • J • --, 2000 I I -i (J . ~C' 8000 88-8987-88 89-90 o 7000 ! PBW34 l) 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 - I I I 1.0 1.5 2.0 12000 I- 10000 I- 8000 I- 6000 4000 2000 0.5 2.5 I I -.I PBW2260 o ~. ~rn 0 • o r=065 88-89 87-88 89-90 90-91 I I I 1.0 1.5 2.0 PTQ2 (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) PTQ2 (MJ/M2/DAY/ C) Figure 14. Relationship between PTQ2 and yield and PTQ2 and GM2 over 4 years in three wheat genotypes. 28 - - EJ O 0 - - ,..., c:: L.-> 110 ,----,----,--------,---,--------r----r---,------,------, 100 / 90 0 i,;.J w >= w > 80 / I- « -l w er:: 70 0 paw 34 •v paw paw 60 o 10 154 \ 226 20 30 40 50 60 /0 80 DATE OF HEADING Figure 15. Changes In relative grain yield with dltTerent dates or heading (Julian) in three wheat genotypes. 29 1 10 ,----,---,----r--,---,--------r--....-------,-------, 100 90 ~~ C'J 2 C) w > r- 80 <I: --.J W cr:: 70 PBW 34 PBW 154 \J PBW 226 • 60 50 0 l..--..L.-_--'-_----l._ _. . L . - _ - - l - _ - - - - l ._ _. l - - _ - - l - _ - - - I o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 DATE OF HEADING figure 16. Changes in relative GM2 with dlfl'erent dates or headllll (Julian) In three wheat genotypes. 30 Appendix 1. Correlation coefficients for three genotypes between yield and grains per meter square vs four different PTQ values during 7 years at Punjab Agricultural University in Ludhiana, India. PBW34 Yield GM2 Year PBW 154 Yield GM2 PBW 226 Yield GM2 PTQl PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 .58 .60 .65 .63 .56 .61 .68 .65 .06 .48 .69 .53 .11 .50 .64 .54 1986-87 PTQl PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 .82 .81 .57 .74 .77 .79 .59 .72 .34 .85 .51 .79 .30 .79 .45 .71 1987-88 PTQl PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 .62 .86 .48 .67 .84 .12 -.22 -.22 -.63 -.24 -.49 .09 .49 .43 .08 .38 -.40 .12 -.10 .25 .30 .71 .59 .87 1988-89 PTQI PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 .58 .88 .72 .88 .41 .74 .63 .71 .68 .96 .86 .91 .82 .92 .96 .80 .33 .70 .52 .75 .82 .93 .79 .89 1989-90 PTQI PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 -.96 -.81 -.94 -.89 -.86 -.80 -.52 -.45 -.42 -.19 .19 .20 .04 .48 .05 -.25 -.13 -.24 .76 .59 .61 .53 .44 .88 .68 .96 .46 .83 .67 .93 .12 .68 .38 .90 .22 .74 .49 .86 .00 .69 .33 .87 .59 .57 .41 .67 .40 .63 .40 .69 .67 .73 .57 .63 1985-86 1990-91 1991-92 PTQI: PTQ2: PTQ3: PTQ4: -~82 -.87 PTQI PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 PTQl PTQ2 PTQ3 PTQ4 .13 .85 .31 .95 .35 .81 .55 .74 -30 H From -20 H to + 10 H -20 H From -20 H to +20 H 31 CIMMYT Wheat Special Reports Completed or In Press (As of Nov. 10, 1993) Wheat Special Report No.1. Burnett, P.A., J. Robinson, B. Skovmand, A. MujeebKazi, and G.P. Hettel. 1991. Russian Wheat Aphid Research at CIMMYT: Current Status and Future Goals. 27 pages. Wheat Special Report No.2. He Zhonghu and Chen Tianyou. 1991. Wheat and Wheat Breeding in China. 14 pages. Wheat Special Report No.3. Meisner, CA. 1992. Impact of Crop Management Research in Bangladesh: Implications of CIMMYT's Involvement Since 1983. 15 pages. Wheat Special Report No.4. Skovmand, B. 1994. Wheat Cultivar Abbreviations. Paper and diskette versions. In press. Wheat Special Report No.5. Rajaram, S., and M. van Ginkel. 1993 (rev.). A Guide to the CIMMYT Bread Wheat Section. 52 pages. Wheat Special Report No.6. Meisner, CA., E. Acevedo, D. Flores, K. Sayre, I. OrtizMonasterio, and D. Byerlee. 1992. Wheat Production and Grower Practices in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. 75 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 7a. Fuentes-Davila, G. and G.P. Hettel, eds. 1992. Update on Kamal Bunt Research in Mexico. 38 pages. Reporte Especial de Trigo No. 7b. Fuentes-Davila, G., y G.P. Hettel, eds. 1992. Estado actual de la investigacion sobre el carbon parcial en Mexico. 41 pages. Wheat Special Report No.8. Fox, P.N., and G.P. Hettel, eds. 1992. Management and Use of International Trial Data for Improving Breeding Efficiency. 100 pages. Wheat Special Report No.9. Rajaram, S., E.E. Saari, and G.P. Hettel, eds. 1992. Durum Wheats: Challenges and Opportunities. 190 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 10. Rees, D., K. Sayre, E. Acevedo, T. Nava Sanchez, Z. Lu, E. Zeiger, and A. Limon. 1993. Canopy Temperatures of Wheat: Relationship with Yield and Potential as a Technique for Early Generation Selection. 32 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 11. Mann, C.E., and B. Rerkasem, eds. 1992. Boron deficiency in Wheat. 132 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 12. Acevedo, E. 1992. Developing the Yield Potential of Irrigated Bread Wheat: Basis for Physiological Research at CIMMYT. 18 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 13. Morgunov, A.I. 1992. Wheat Breeding in the Former USSR. 34 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 14. Reynolds, M., E. Acevedo, O.A.A. Ageeb, S. Ahmed, L.J.CB. Carvalho, M. Balata, R.A. Fischer, E. Ghanem, R.R. Hanchinal, C.E. Mann, L. Okuyama, L.B. Olegbemi, G. Ortiz-Ferrara, M.A. Razzaque, and J.P. Tandon. 1992. Results of the 1st International Heat Stress Genotype Experiment. 19 pages. 32 Wheat Special Report No. 15. Bertschinger, L. 1993. Research on BYD Viruses: A Brief State of the Art of CIMMYT's Program on BYD and Its Future Research Guidelines. In press. Wheat Special Report No. 16. Acevedo, E., and G.P. Hettel, eds. A Guide to the CIMMYT Wheat Crop Management & Physiology Subprogram. 161 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 17. Huerta, J., and A.P. Roelfs. 1993. The Virulence Analysis of Wheat Leaf and Stem Rust on a Worldwide Basis. In press. Wheat Special Report No. 18. Bell, M.A., and R.A. Fischer. 1993. Guide to Soil Measurements for Agronomic and Physiological Research in Small Grain Cereals. 40 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 19. Woolston, J.E. 1993. Wheat, Barley, and Triticale Cultivars: A List of Publications in Which National Cereal Breeders Have Noted the Cooperation or Germplasm They Received from CIMMYT. 68 pages Wheat Special Report No. 20. Balota, M., I. Amani, M.P. Reynolds, and E. Acevedo. 1993. An Evaluation of Membrane Thermostability and Canopy Temperature Depression as Screening Traits for Heat Tolerance in Wheat. 26 pages. Reporte Especial de Trigo No. 21a. Moreno, J.I., y L. Gilchrist S. 1993. La rona 0 tiz6n la espicga del trigo. In press. Wheat Special Report No. 21b. Moreno, J.I., and L. Gilchrist S. 1993. Fusarium head blight of wheat. In press. Wheat Special Report No. 22. Stefany, P. 1993. Vernalization Requirement and Response to Day Length in Guiding Development in Wheat. 39 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 23a (short version). Dhillon, S.S., and I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. 1993. Effects of Date of Sowing on the Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat and Their Relationships with Solar Radiation and Temperature at Ludhiana (Punjab), India. 33 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 23b (long version). Dhillon, S.S., and I. Ortiz-Monasterio R. 1993. Effects of Date of Sowing on the Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat and Their Relationships with Solar Radiation and Temperature at Ludhiana (Punjab), India. 83 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 24. Saari, E.E., and G.P. Hettel, eds. 1993. Guide to the CIMMYT Wheat Crop Protection Subprogram. In press. Wheat Special Report No. 25. Reynolds, M.P., E. Acevedo, K.D. Sayre, and R.A. Fischer. 1993. Adaptation of Wheat to the Canopy Environment: Physiological Evidence that Selection for Vigor or Random Selection May Reduce the Frequency of High Yielding Genotypes. 17 pages. Wheat Special Report No. 26. Reynolds, M.P., K.D. Sayre, and H.E. Vivar. 1993. Intercropping Cereals with N-Fixing Legume Species: A Method for Conserving Soil Resources in Low-Input Systems. 14 pages. 33
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