Recapitulation from the last lecture - one factor, several levels Blocking and Factorial Experimental Design Chapter 4, Section 1, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 of the text Farrukh Javed Department of Statistics Lund University April 7, 2014 More than one factor - The Blocking Principle An engineer is interested in investigating the relationship between the RF power setting and the etch rate for this tool. In this example, we have one factor (RF power) with several levels. The Blocking Principle Sometimes we are interested in testing whether a factor (say A) has an effect, but another factor (say B) also influences the experiment. We call such factors as nuisance factors and Blocking is a technique for dealing with such factors. If the nuisance factor is known and controllable, blocking can be use to eliminate its effect on the experiment result. A nuisance factor (say B) is a factor that probably has some effect on the response, but its of no interest to the experimenter however, the variability it transmits to the response needs to be minimized If the nuisance factor is unknown and uncontrollable, that is, we do not know the factor exists and it may have some influence on the experiment. Randomization is a design technique used to guard against such factors. For example, an experiment is designed to test a new drug on patients. There are two levels of the treatment, drug, and placebo, administered to male and female patients. The gender of the patient is a blocking factor accounting for treatment variability between males and females. Typical nuisance factors include batches of raw material, operators, pieces of test equipment, time (shifts, days, etc.), different experimental units Many industrial experiments involve blocking (or should) because it reduces sources of variability If the nuisance factor is known but uncontrollable, the analysis of covariance can be used to compensate for it. Failure to block is a common flaw in designing an experiment (consequences?) More than one factor - blocking (nuisance) factors The Hardness Testing Example We call such a design –> the randomized complete block design or the RCBD We wish to determine whether 4 different tips produce different (mean) hardness reading on a Rockwell hardness tester Randomized: within each block the order of measurements should be randomized. Assignment of the tips to an experimental unit; that is, a test coupon Complete: all combinations of levels in A and B should be measured. One can consider a completely randomized experiment Block: B is a block and is typically a nuisance factor, i.e. we are not interested in whether the influence of this is significant or not. Alternatively, the experimenter may want to test the tips across coupons of various hardness levels Extension of the ANOVA to the RCBD The Hardness Testing Example To conduct this experiment as a RCBD, assign all 4 tips to each coupon The test coupons are a source of nuisance variability There is now a need for blocking The Hardness Testing Example Suppose that we use b = 4 blocks: Each coupon is called a block; that is, its a more homogeneous experimental unit on which to test the tips Variability between blocks can be large, variability within a block should be relatively small In general, a block is a specific level of the nuisance factor A complete replicate of the basic experiment is conducted in each block A block represents a restriction on randomization All runs within a block are randomized Notice the two-way structure of the experiment Once again, we are interested in testing the equality of treatment means, but now we have to remove the variability associated with the nuisance factor (the blocks) Extension of the ANOVA to the RCBD ANOVA Display for the RCBD Suppose that there are a treatments (factor levels) and b blocks. A statistical model (effects model) for the RCBD is yij = µ + τi + βj + ij , i = 1, . . . , a, j = 1, . . . , b, Null hypothesis H0 : τ1 = · · · = τa = 0. Once again, we are interested in testing the equality of treatment means, but now we have to remove the variability associated with the nuisance factor (the blocks) Model Connection between projections and sums of squares Suppose that there are a treatments (factor levels) and b blocks. A statistical model (effects model) for the RCBD is yij = µ + τi + βj + ij , i = 1, . . . , a, j = 1, . . . , b, Relations SST = kyk2 − kP1 yk2 = ky − P1 yk2 , SSE = SSRes = kyk2 − kPX yk2 = ky − PX yk2 , SSTreat = kPX yk2 − kPXred yk2 = kPX y − PXred yk2 , Null hypothesis H0 : τ1 = · · · = τa = 0. SSBlocks = kPXred yk2 − kP1 yk2 = kPXred y − P1 yk2 . Formulas for manual computations The test statistics can be again analyzed through the regression model. The test statistic takes the form F = kPX y − PXred yk2 /(a − 1) ky − PX yk2 /(ab − a − b + 1) Can you write down the design matrices: X and Xred ? Vascular Graft Experiment - Description Vascular Graft Experiment - Data To conduct this experiment as a RCBD, assign all 4 pressures to each of the 6 batches of resin Each batch of resin is called a “block”; that is, its a more homogeneous experimental unit on which to test the extrusion pressures Vascular Graft Experiment - ‘Manual’ Computations Vascular Graft Experiment - Results Vascular Graft Experiment - Incorrect Analysis Residual Analysis for the Vascular Graft Example Residual Analysis for the Vascular Graft Example Conclusions from Residual Analysis for the Vascular Graft Example Basic residual plots indicate that normality, constant variance assumptions are satisfied No obvious problems with randomization No patterns in the residuals vs. block No patterns in the residuals versus the pressure (residuals by factor) These plots provide information about the constant variance assumption, possible outliers Multiple Comparisons for the Vascular Graft Example Which Pressure is Different? Factorial Experiments General principles of factorial experiments The two-factor factorial The ANOVA for factorials Extensions to more than two factors Quantitative and qualitative factors: response curves and surface Factors without Interaction In some experiments, the difference of response between the levels of one factor is not the same at all the levels of the other factors. At the low level of factor B (B − ), the A effect is, A = 40 − 20 = 20 At the high level of factor B (B + ), the A effect is, A = 52 − 30 = 22 The magnitude of interaction effect is the average difference in these two A effects. AB = (22 − 20)/2 = 1 Factors with Interaction In some experiments, the difference of response between the levels of one factor is not the same at all the levels of the other factors. At the low level of factor B (B − ), the A effect is , A = 50 − 20 = 30 At the high level of factor B (B + ), the A effect is, A = 12 − 40 = −28 The magnitude of interaction effect is the average difference in these two A effects. AB = (−28 − 30)/2 = −29 The Battery Life Experiment The General Two-Factor Factorial Experiment Statistical (effects) model: Factor A = Material type; Factor B = Temperature (A quantitative variable) What effects do material type and temperature have on life? Is there a choice of material that would give long life regardless of temperature (a robust product)? Extension of the ANOVA to Factorials SS decomposition: SST = SSA + SSB + SSAB + SSE DF decomposition [abn − 1] = [a − 1] + [b − 1] + [(a − 1)(b − 1)] + [ab(n − 1)] yijk = µ + τi + βj + (τ β)ij + ijk where i = 1, . . . , a, j = 1, . . . , b, k = 1, . . . , n and X X X X τi = βj = (τ β)ij = (τ β)ij = 0 i j i j Other models (means model, regression models) can be useful ANOVA Table and Interaction Plot Model adequacy checking - Residual Analysis Residual Analysis vs. Factors Factorials with More Than Two Factors Three Factors Basic procedure is similar to the two-factor case; all abckn treatment combinations are run in random order ANOVA identity is also similar: SST = SSA +SSB +· · ·+SSAB +SSAC +· · ·+SSABC +· · ·+SSAB···K +SSE Example of three factorial design - the soft drink bottling problem Data A soft drink bottler is interested in obtaining more uniform fill heights in the bottles. The process engineer can control three variables during the filling process: the percent carbonation (A), the operating pressure in the filler(B), and the bottles produced per minute or the line speed (C). For the purpose of an experiment, the engineer controls carbonation at three levels: 10, 12, and 14 percent, pressure at two levels: 25 and 30psi and two levels for line speed: 200 and 250bpm. Analysis of variance table 23 Factorial Design An engineer is interested in investigating the relationship between the RF power setting and the etch rate for this tool. The objective of an experiment like this is to model the relationship between etch rate and RF power, and to specify the power setting that will give a desired target etch rate. The response variable is etch rate. She is interested in a particular gas (C2F6) for which two flow rates has been chosen: 125, 200; electrode gap at two levels: 0.8 cm and 1.2 cm, and power: 275W, and 325W. The experiment is replicated twice Diagram of plasma-wafer etching tool Quantitative and Qualitative Factors The basic ANOVA procedure treats every factor as if it were qualitative Sometimes an experiment will involve both quantitative and qualitative factors This can be accounted for in the analysis to produce regression models for the quantitative factors at each level (or combination of levels) of the qualitative factors These response curves and/or response surfaces are often a considerable aid in practical interpretation of the results Data and Analysis of variance
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