Common Lisp - 國立交通大學資訊工程學系 NCTU

Programming Language Course Materials
This slide is provided by PL TAs:
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
for Windows
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Download GNU Common Lisp from:
 Simply just Install and Run it~
 Notice:
 The prompt symbol would be ‘>’ or ‘>>’
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Let’s say that we have defined a simple function
memberTest written in a file, named memberTest.lisp
(defun memberTest(e L)
(if (null L)
(if (equal e (first L))
(memberTest e (rest L))
 Place the file under the this path (for default setting):
C:\Program Files\GCL-2.6.6-CLtL1\bin\
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Run GNU Common Lisp
 To load your file, type in
(load “memberTest.lisp”)
 To compile your file, type in
(compile-file “memberTest.lisp”)
 To load a compiled lisp program, type in
(load “memberTest”)
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
Using function memberTest
Using function memberTest
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
for Windows
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Download GNU Prolog from:
 Simply just Install and Run it~
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Let’s say that we have defined a simple function
factorial written in a file, named
C is A-1,
B is A*D.
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
 Run GNU Prolog console
 To load your file, click [File] → [Consult…] on the
upper side of the console window. Then find out and
load your file.
 Then, it’s done!
Department of Computer Science, NCTU
Using function factorial
Department of Computer Science, NCTU