4th PC Scales ANNEXURE - 'A i SCHEDULE Revised scales for posts in present scales in Groups 'D', 'c' & 'B' except in respect of pos ts for which different revised pay scales are notified separately. Present scale Posts S.No. Revised scale -1- - - - - - - - - -2 - - - - - - - - - - - -3- (Rs.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4- (Rs) - --~ 1. All posts in the present scales specified in Col.3. 2. -do- 3. -do- 4. -do- 5. -do- 6. -do- / a. 200-3-212-4- 232-EB4-240 b. 20D-3-206-4-234-EB 4-250 0 a. 21D-4-250-EB-5-270 b. 210-4-226-EB-4-250 EB-5-290 225-5-260-6-290-EB6-30B 260-6-326-EB-8-350 a o 290-6-326- EB-B-350 b. 260-6-290-EB-6-326B-36Q-EB-B-390-10 400 260-B-300-EB-8-34O 10-3 BO-EB-10-430 330-S-370-10-400-EB 10-4S0 -do- 9. -do- 10. -do- 11. 0 -do- 7. B. a. 196-3-22D-EB-3-232 b. 200-3-21 2-4-232-EB 4-240( SG) -do- ~ ! I 560-EB-2D-640 b . 425-1 5-530-EB-1 5 560-20-600 775-12-955-EB-14-1025 800-15-1010-EB-20-1150 B25-15-90D-EB-20-1200 950-20-115o-EB-25-1400 0 i 95D-20-1150-EB-25-1500 975-25-1150-EB-30-1540 12QO-j0-1440-EB-30-1800 330-10-380-EB-12 500-EB-15-560 a . 380-12-500-15-530 b. 3B0-12-500-EI> 15-560 a. 3B0-12-44D-EB-15- 75D-12-B7D-EB-14- 940 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 ! ! 1320-30-1560-EB-4D-2040 0 1350-3D-1440-4D-1BOo-EB-50 2200 12. -do- a. 425-15-560-EB-20-640 Q b. 425-15- 500-EB-15-560-1 1400-40-18OD-EB-50-2300 20-700 c. 455-15-560-EB-20-700 13. -do a. 425- 15- 500-EB-15-560-1 20-640-EB-20-700 2'1-750 b. '47U-15-530-EB-20-650EB-25-750 14. -do- a. 550-20-650-25-750 b. 550-20- 650-2,-800 1400-40-.1600-50-2300 EB-60-2600 ~ 1600-50-2300-EI>-60-2660 :- 2 1 2 -: 15. All posts in the present scales specified in Col.3. -do16. a. 500-20-700-EB-25-900 b" 550-25-750-EB-30-900 a. 650-30-7dO-~~-880-EB-40-960 'b. 700-30-760-35-900 c. 775-35-880-40-1000 17. -do- 18. -do- 4 3 & 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900 0 0 ~ ~ 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200-100 3500 650-30-740-35-810-EB-35-88040-1000-EB-40-1200 a. 840-40-1040 b. 840-40-1000-EB-40-1200 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 ~ 2375-75-3200-EB-100-3500 Instructions:- (1) The revised scales of pay are applicable for all categories of Railway servants irrespective of their designations strictly on the basis of the existing scales of pay except those who are covered by Annexure -']' • (2) Except as otherwise provided, in the case of an employee drawing pay in the Selection Grade before the date of publi cation of these rules, his pay shall be fixed in the revised scale corresponding to such Selection Grade and the said pay shall be personal to sucll employee. (3) The existing classification of Railway servants in Group I])', 'e' & 'B' on the basis of the existing scales of pay will continue in the revised scales till further orders. No change in the classification should be made in the revised scales. AWJEXURE - :- 3 -: 113 1 REVISED PAY SCALES OF CERTAIN OTn[i.;R CATEbORIES OF STAFF I. SHIPPING INSPECTOR - STORES DEPAR'I'MENT S.No. Designation of post Revised designation Present scale 2 3 (Rs. ) 1. Shipping Inspector 425-15-560-EB-20-640 2. Shipping Inspector 455-15-560-EB-20-700 3.• ShippinG Inspector 550-20-650-25-750 1 Revised scale 5 (Rs.) 4 iShiPPinG Inspector 1400-40-1800-EB-50 2300 Senior Shipping Inspector 1600-50-2300-EB-60 2660 II. DATA PROCESSING CENTRE 260-6-290-EB-6-3268-366-EB-8-390-10400 plus s.p.ns.20/- 10 Jr. Punch/VerifyinE Operator 2. Sr. ~~ch/Verifying 33O-10-380-EB-12 Operator 500-EB-15-560 plus s.p.ns.20/ ~OData Entry 1350-30-1440-40-1800 EB-50-2200 No special pay in revised scale of pay. OOperator I NOTE:- Non-graduate Jr.Punch/Verifyipg Operator in existing scale of Rs.260-400 should. b~ fixed in normal replacement scale of Rs.950-1500 and shall continue to draw salary in that scale with special pay till they are appointed to the post of Data Entry Operator fu.1350-2200 subject to procedure laid down in 13oard's letter No.PC-III/84/UPG/9 dated 16.11.84 for appointment as Sr. Punch/Verifying Operator Rs.330-560 o 3. Head Punch Operator 425-15-500-EB-15560-20-7°° Sr.Data Entry Operator 1400-40-1800-EB-50 2300 4. General/Punch Supervisor 550-20-650-25-750 General/Punch Room Supervisor 1600-50-2300-EB-6o 2660 50 Data ProcessinG 700-30-760-35-900 Data Processing Superintendent 2000-60-2300-EB-75 3200 6. Jr. Console Operator 550-20-650-25-750 Console Operator 160o-50-2300-EB-60 2660 7. Sr. Console Operator 650-30-740-35-880EB-40-960 Sr.Console Operator 2000-6O-2300-EB-75 3200 8. Sr. Console Operator 650-30-740-35-880EB-40-960 plus S.P. Rs.100/- Console Superinten- 2375-75-3200-EB-100 dent 3500 No special pay in revised scale of pay. 9. ·Assista.at Programmer 650-30-740-35-880El3-40-960 plus S.P. Rs.125/- Assistant Programmer Superintendent , 2375-75-3200-EB-100 3500 No special pay in revised scale of pay. ~-----~- -- : 4 -: 1 2 3 5 4 III. RUNNING STAFF LOCO STAFF 1. Driver 'AI Special· CSuperfast,MaH, Express Trains) 700-30-760-35- 900 (SG) 0 MAIL DRrv~ (Superfast,Mail, 550-20-650-25-750 Etpress Trains only) 2. Driver ' A' Special 550-2 650-25-750 Passenger Trains a:bove 250 KIns. 5a}6 Motormen WR* 4010 I-lotormen Others B 3. Driver I AI Passenger Trains 550-20-650-25-700 be l a',,", 250 KIns. 5~/o Motormen WR* 60~ Motormen Others** I Ir 1640-60-2600-EB-75 2900 o PASSENGER DRIVER (All Passenger Trains & EMU service only) 1600-50-2300-EB-60 2660 I I (Includes.L.R. for existing ' A' Special Drivers). 4. Driver 'B' Goods Trains ( 6O;~) 5. Driver 'C' Goods Trains (40%) 6. Shunter (30)~) Shunter (7a;~) 425-15-560-EB-20-640 330-10-380-EB-12-500 ~ EB-15-560 330-10-380-EB-12-500-0 Shunter EB-15-560 . ~ 1200-30-1560-EB-40 -2040 290-6-32~8-350-EB-8- 390-10-400 7. Fireman 'A'/Diesel Asstt./Asstt.Elec. Driver ( 3<r;~) -do- GOODS DRIVER 1350-30-1440-40 (All Goods Trains) 1800-EB-50-2200 C7(J}6) 0 290-6-326-EB-8-350 plus S.F.P.s.1'5/ FIRST FLl1EFIA.lJ DIESEL ASSTT. ELE:;.ASSTT. 290-6-326-EB-8-350 without special pay 8. Fireman 'B' (Shunting Asstts.) 9. Fireman 'C' ~301A~ 7C1;~ 260-6-326-EB-8-350 0 I 950-20-1150-EB-25 1500 I SEC01lJ FIRENAN 260-6-326-EB-8-350 825-15-900-EB-20 1200 210-4-250-EB-5-270 -do NOTE:':'Consequential rationalisation of existing Running allovlance rates vill follo·..1 • Western Railway Others:· Central, Eastern , Norther , Southern & S.E.Railways. iftllft: ** :- 5 - : 1 2 3 TRAFFIC STAFF 10. Guard 'A' Special (Superfast, Hail & Express Trains) 11. Guard 'A' Special Passenger Trains above 250 Kms 30'/0 mu Guards 12. Guard 'A' Passenger Trains belo,,, 250 Y..ms. 1<Y'/oEI'ID Guard 13. Guard 'B' (60~b2 Goods Trains 14. Guard 'C' (4OZ j 2 Goods Trains 15. Asstt. Guard/ lsrakesman NOTE :- 455-15-560-EB-20700(SG) . 425-15-560-EB-2o-640 5 4 i HAIL GUARD 1400-40-1600-50-2300 (Superfast, Mail EB-6o-2600 &Express Trains only) 42 ~ 15-560-EB-20- 6 40 PASSEi~GER GUAP..D (All Pas senger Trains &, El1Us) 1350-30-1440-40-1800 EB-5 0-2200 425-15-530-EB-15-560 20-600 I (IncludesL.R.for existing ' A' spec ial Guards . ) 330-10-380-EB-12-5 00-0 GOODS GUARD ~15-560 1200-30-1560-EB-40 CAll Goods 330-8-370-EB-10-5002040 Trains EB-15-530 2b0-6-326-EB-8350(SG) 225-5-260-6-290-EB 6-308 ConseQuentialr~tiona li sat i on 0 Asstt.Guard/ 1 Brakesman 950-20-1150-EB-25 1400 of RunninG Allowanc es r ates wi l l follow. IV. PERNAJ.!ENT WAY STAFF - CIVn ENGllll'EERING J)EPARTi·IEtJT 1. Keyman 210-4-250-EB-5-270 2. SeniGr Keyman 225-5-26o-6-290-EB 6-308 3. Gangmate 225-5-260-6-290-EB6-308 4. Senior Gangmate 260-6-29~Ef~6-326- 8-366-EB-8-,90-1o 400 0 Keyman ~ 825- 15-900-EB-20-1200 0 0 0 0 Gancmat e 950-20-1150-EB-25 1500 0 0 v. WORKSHOPS & PRODUCTI ON maTS 1. }~ster Craftsman 425-15-560-EB-20-640 T1aster Craftsman 1400-40-1800-EB-50 2300 NOTE:- It is terminal grade for skilled Artisan Staf f who opt f or the post of I'Jaster Craftsman. 2. His try 380-12-50o-EB-15-560 Nistry 1400- 40-1800-EB-50 2300 NOTE:- This ".'ill also apply to Tiiistries on open line 'in scale Fls.380-560 H i t} 1 special pay of Rs.35/- p.m. in terms of Railway Board's letter No.PCIII! SO/UPG-19 o.ated 29.1.83 8; PCIII/79/JCH/nc/15 dc,ted 1.6.84. Hailwa:is/Production Units should, frame appropriate rule for fullin3 up of the s e posts now pla c ed in scal e Rs.1400-2300. No special pay in the revised seale is to be a lloHed. 3. Principal,Foreman 840-40-1000-EB-40-1200 Shop Supdt. 2375-15-3200-KB-100-35CO NOTE:-Existing orders for the post of Principal For eman in scale Rs. 840-1 200 stend ,·!i th drawn. Existing incumbents, in scale Rs.840-1040/840-1200 "lould be f i tted in the Revis ed scale of ~.2315-3500. . :- 6 -; VI. LOcO RUNNING SUPERVISORS S.No. 2 1 ---~------- 4 3 1. Chief Power Controller, Chief Traction Loco' Controller, Chief Loco Inspector, LocoPoreman'A', Fuel Inspector 'A', Driving Inspector * 2. Revised scale Present scale Designation of post Loco Inspector 'B', Fuel Inspector 'B', Driving Ins pector, :?m.er Controller, Loco Foreman 'B', Traction Loco Controller. 840-40-1040 2375-75-3200-EB-100-3500 700-30-760-35-900 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 *3. Asstt. Loco Foreman(R), Asstt. Traction Loco Controller, Driving Inspector, Power Controller. 55~20-650-25-750 425-15-500-EB-15 560-20-700 425-15-560-EB-20-640 * NOTE:-(1) The AVC for these categories of Supervisors may be reviewed and recast keeping in view the new scales and requirements of the job. (2) In so far as the category of Assistant Loco-Foreman(Running) in scale Rs.2000-3200 is concerned an appropriate balance may be maintained between staff from running and maintenance categorie (3) Persons working on ad hoc basis, i f any, in scale Rs.550-750, Rs.425-700 & Rs.425-640 be considered for regularisation only in terms of the recast AVC. VII. DEPL'lTi'IENT : ACCotINTS 425-15-500-EB-15-560- 0 1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB 60-2600 20-700 ~ 2. Sub-Head (SG) 550-20-650-25-750 NOTE:-'..Jith the introduction of scale Rs.1400-2600, Clerks Gr.I in scale Rs.1200-2040 will cease to be eligible for special pay of Rs.35/-p.m. in terms of 30ard's letter No.PCIII/79/SP/1 unc dated 11.7.1979. 1. Sub-Head 0 3. Seoticm Officer (A/cs.) 4. Insnector of Station 5. Inspector of Store 500-20-700-EB-25-900 ~/cs. A/cs. 6. ,S ection Officer (A/cs~(SG) -do- ~ -do- 0 775-35-880-40-1000 7. Insuector of 3tati"on A/cs. (SG) -do 8. Inspector of Store -do- A/cs. (SG) 0 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 (Functional Grade requiring promotion as per normal procedure). I NOTE:- The existine incumbents in the Selection Grade will be ullo~'led the revised scale of Rs.2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200"as personal to them. :- 7 -: 1 3 2 4 VIII. PARA NEDICAL STAFF 1. Pharmacists Gr.III 330-10-380-EB-12-500EB-15-560 2. Pharmacists Gr.II 425-15-560-EB-20-640 455-15-560-EB-20-100 Pharmacists Gr.II 1350-30-1440-40-1800-EB 50-2200 ~ 1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB 60-2600 lC 3. Pharmacists Gr.I 550-20-650-25-750 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900 4. Radiographers/X-Ray Technician Gr.II 330-10-38~En-12-500- En-15-560 1350-30-1440-40-1800-EB50-2200 5. Radiographer/ 1400-40-1600-50-230060-2600 425-15-5~0-EB-20-640 X-Ray Technician Gr.I ~ 6. Auxiliary Nurse-cum-Hidvrife 320-6-326-8-390-10400(SG) plus S.P .Rs. 35/- 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 No Special pay in Revised pay scales. 7. 260-6-326-EB-8-350 plus S.P.Rs.35/- 975-25-1150-EB-30-154° No special pay in Revised pay scales. 425-15-56~EB-20-640 1440-40-1600-50-2 jOO-EB 60-2600 455-1 5-560-EB-20-700 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900 550-20-650-25-750 700-30-760-35-900 2000-60-2300-EB-75- 3200 -do- 8. Staff Nurse 9. 10. 11. Nursing Sister Yla tron Gr. III Ma. trOn Gr. II IX. TEACHING STAFF - RAILHAY SCl-WOLS 1. Primary School TeaCher 2. Trained Graduate Teacher 3. Post Graduate Teacher 4. Vice Principal/Headmaster 330-10-350-EB-380-15500-EB-15-560 1200-30-1560-EB-40-2040 530-20-630(SG) 1400-40-1600-50-2300-EB 60-2600(SG) 440-20-500-EB-25-700-EB25-750 1400-40-1600- 50- 2300-EB 60-2600 740-35-880(SG) 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900( S 550-25-750-EB-30-900 1640-60-2600-EB-75- 2900 775-35-880-40-1000(SG) 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 100-3500(SG) 650-30-740-35-810-EB-35880-40-1000-EB-40-1200 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 100-3500 NOTE:- Those teachers who are not in the existins scales of pny mentioned in Co1.3 may be given the revised scales mentioned in this Col. only after ensuring that they have the prescribed qualifications. Those WllO do not possess prescribed qualifications will be given the revised scales mentioned in i..nnexure-' A' of this schedule ,,!hich correspond to their existing scales. The Selection Grade scales indic~ted in the column will be admissible only to those teachers who are already in the existing selection grade scales mentioned in col. 3. :- 8 -: 2 1 x. L.4.BORATORY STAFF RAIll·rAY SCHOOLS TRAmn''; IrSTITUTIOJ~ S & CJI~ DEPT'j'. 290-10-350-EB-12-410-EB-15-500 1200- 0-1560-ZB-40-2040 2. laboratory Assistant 330-8-370-EB-10-400-10-470-EB10-500-15-530 1200-30- 56 3. IaboTatory Assistant 530-20-610(SG) 1400-40-1800-EE-5 '1. Laboratory Assistant EB-A0-2040 23 ~ XI. DEPARTlCEl T : GEl\TEliAL ADl"'illlISTRATION!RAIIMAYS 1. Steno["rauher 550-25-750-EB-30-900 1640-60-2600-EB-75-290 NOTE:- p~ 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 for posts of Stenogr aphers attached to officers of Senior AQ~in~strative Grade by suitably upgrad in~ the required number of posts of Stenogra.hers from the lower grades. These posts in the new higher scale should be C11ed by promotion for \orhich rules will be notified separately. XII. DEPAR'IMENT : ( 1 ) RPF - ~~l EY.ECUTIVE B FIRE R.'{ANCH ( OPERATI On ) - C PROSECUTI ON (2) RPSF 200-3-212-4-232-EB-4-24° 825-1 5-900-EB-20-1200+ 2 advance increments of Rs. 15!-each. 2. ' Na.ik 3-. Bead Constable i.o Asstt. SUb-Inspector 210-4-250-EB-5-210 950-2 0-1150-~25-1 400 225-5-a6o-6-290-EB-6-308 975-25-1150-EB-30-1660 260-6-290-EB-6-326-8-366-EB 8-390-10-400 1320-30-1560-EB-40-2040 5. Sub-Inspector 330-10-380-Em-12-500-EB-15-S60 1400-40-1800-EB-5O-2300 6. Ins}) ctcr Gr.Il 470-15-530-EB-20-6S0-EB-25-750 1640-60-2600-EB-75-2900 7" Inspector Gr.I 700-30-760-35-900 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200 1 CI Const",blc nOTE:- (1) Special pay attached to the existin posts is not a dmiss i ble in the new scales of pay. (2) 'l'b.e pay scales of other posts in RPF/RPSF will be .the appropriate re lacement scale~ as given in PJUlexure-tAt. Artisan staff of Fire Branc. (Technical) will be fitted in the appropriate replacement scales as given in Annexure-lAt . }JiE'ht Duty AlloHance, Extra Duty AlloHance and Cash Compensation for Holidays/Rest are discontinued. (5) P~y 0 the servin~ Conntables in existinc scale of Rs.20~240 should not be hss than P'~.855/- after fixation of pay in the revised scale on 1.1.1986. *.= * A; EnrftE - 'C ' , Sta t ement of Hxation of pay under Railway Servi ce (Revised Pa;yl..B'les ,1986; 1 0 Name of the RaEway Servant 2. Designation of t he post in which pay is to be fixed as on 1st January,1986 . 3. Whe~her substantive or officiating 40 ExistinG scale/scales of the posts (Where t here is more than one and the scales are merged , in r evised sc ale , the particular whi ch the officer was dra,.,ine be specified) scale a s ingle scal e in pay should 5. Existing emoluments as on 1st January, 1986 (a) Basic pay (excluding ad hoc increment on acco~~ t of stagnation at the maxim~~ of the exi s ting scale) (b ) Spe cial Pay under rule 7(1)( D) ( c) Dearnes s Pay, ADA, Ad hoc DA appropr iate to basic pay 2~d special pay under rul e 7 (1 ) (B ) cmd l'JP,A a t t he index average 608 (1960e 100) (d) Amount of firs t and second ins t a lment of Interim r elief admissible on the basic pay , Spec i al Pay under rul e 7 (1 )( B )& NPA. Total existing emoluments 6. 20)~ of bas i c pay subjectto (a ) to (d ) minimuIIl of PIS. 75/ 7. Total of i t ems 5 & 6 8. Revi s ed scale corresponding to existing scale/ scales shown against item 4 above . 9.(i) Revi sed Pay as fixed under Sub-rule (1)( ) or 1 ( 13 ) or 1 ( C ) or 1 (J)) of Rule 7 at the stage in the Revised s cale next above the amount ag~ :Lllst item 7 abov e . (i i) Special Pay in the revised scale i f any (Rul e 7( 1)( C ) refers) (iii) R evised NPA , i f a dmiss ible (Rul e 7(1 )(.D ) r efers ) :- 2 -: 10. Revised emoluments (total of item 9(i)(ii) & (iii) 11. Increase in emoluments(item 10(-) item 5) 12 . Revised emoluments to be shown as: (i) Revised Pay (ii) Special Pay - Rule 7(1)( e ) refers (iii) Personal Pay - Note 2 under Rule 7(1) refers ( tv) ~T]?A- Rule 7(1 )( D) refers 13. (1) Number of increments to be allo\led on account of bunching(Note 3 below Rule 7(1) (ii) Stepped up revised pay 14. Stepped up revised pay under Note 4 below Rule 7(1) (indicate also the name and pzy fixed for. the Junior) 150 Increment allowedt (a ) Under thir1 proviso to Rule 8 (b) Under the -fDUth proviao to Rule 8 16 . Amount of personal pay L-if the revised pay is less than the eXlsting emoluments plue per 0 ~l ~~y, the difference to be allo",e d personal p:ly over and above the revised pay (ITote 5 under Rule 7(t)J 17. Whet~ e= post ; s sub the revised pay- in t.."'1e officiating lp~ than tb~ revised pay in the post Ie Rule 7(2) 18. If an" h'er to 17 is Yes t the final rcvis~d p~y under Fl ]e 7(2) 1Ci. Da te 20. 0" ne.:t in rementund r Rule 8 el"·vant info f.ion. Signature of the Head of Office/ Acco1,lIlt Officer ith Stamp. Dat Femer-s of the Ace unts Off1 r(Internal Audit)
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