TCIS PYP - Program of Inquiry – beginning 2014 Who We Are Where We Are in Place & Time How the World Works How We Express Ourselves An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. K1 & K2– Year B beginning 2015 the nature of the self; human relationships including families, friends, rights and responsibilities; journeys; orientation in place and time; from a familiar and/or local perspective we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature Central Idea We can see time change in things around us. Central Idea Artists find creative ways to express ideas and imagination. Lines of Inquiry observing and recording what we see change seen over time changes in places, people and things we see from stories Lines of Inquiry Finding a medium for expressing ideas Inspiring creativity and imagination Sharing our art Central Idea Our likes and abilities and things that we experience make us unique but can help us relate to one another. Lines of Inquiry how we are similar or different who we are within a group sharing stories of experiences Key Concepts form, perspective, responsibility Related concepts: identity, cooperation, responsibility, citizenship, group, needs & wants, health, safety Key Concepts Function, reflection, responsibility Related concepts tool & technique, observation, describing, sorting, change, growth Key Concepts Connection, reflection, Perspective Related concepts: imagination, creativity, opinion and preference, **Allow Arts teachers to lead collaboration for this unit. An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. natural world and its laws; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles Central Idea Objects and people respond to light using it or changing its effects. How We Organize Ourselves An inquiry into the interconnectedness of humanmade systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. the interconnectedness of humanmade systems Central Idea Patterns help us organize the world around us. Sharing the Planet An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things – access to equal opportunities Lines of Inquiry How light can reflect or cause shadows Why we sometimes want to change the light Using light Lines of Inquiry recognizing repetition and pattern the cause and effect of events how patterns help us organize Key Concepts Form, function, perspective Key Concepts Form, causation, change Central Idea People and animals build and use shelters with available resources from their environment. Lines of Inquiry purpose for homes and shelters why homes & shelters are similar or different meaning of “home” Key Concepts Form, function, change Related concepts: observation, describing, sight, light, shadow, sunlight & its effects, reflection Related concepts: cause & effect, predicting, pattern & unit, repetition, rhythm, routine, schedules, time, Related concepts: needs & wants, environment, shelter, weather, warmth of sunlight, location, mapping, landform K1 & K2– Year A- beginning 2014 the nature of the self; beliefs and values; human relationships including families, friends, homes and journeys; orientation in place and time; from a familiar and/or local perspective 1st grade personal histories; orientation in place and time; from a familiar and/or local perspective Central Idea 3rd unit Artifacts (like toys) can tell stories about our family’s history. Lines of Inquiry How artifacts tell about the past Personal history timelines Past and present Concepts Change, Connection, Reflection Related concepts: tradition, time, artifacts, ancestors, heritage Central Idea 4th Unit As we learn about others and characters from stories, we explore who we are and who we want to be. Lines of Inquiry people we know who inspire us (real & imaginary) stories that inspire us the difference between fantasy & reality Key Concepts Perspective, reflection, change Related concepts: identity, past, folk lore, heroes, story, regional history, fantasy & reality human relationships including families, friends, communities; physical and personal health Central Idea 4th unit Families and other groups may work together to care for each other. Lines of Inquiry how a family or group cares for each other. cultural or family differences We can learn to help others. Concepts Responsibility, Connection, Reflection Related concepts: relationships, social & physical health, networks, interdependence Central Idea 5th Unit We can learn about location through observation of the environment along with signs and symbols we see there. Lines of Inquiry signs and symbols of locations and spaces journeys people and characters take natural and manmade environments Key Concepts Function, causation, perspective Related concepts: story elements (plot), environment, location, mapping, landforms we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature Central Idea 3rd Unit We can express ourselves creatively with rhyme & rhythm. Lines of Inquiry How stories, poems and song use repetition & rhythm Transferring visual patterns into sound and language Hearing and speaking rhyme Key Concepts form, connection, causation Related concepts: rhyme, rhythm, beat, repetition (pattern) ostinato song, poem, verse, chant, percussion instrument sounds natural world and its laws; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles we discover and express ideas, feelings; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity Central Idea 1st unit Stories have common features but are shared in many different ways. Lines of Inquiry different types of stories how stories are expressed features of a story Concepts Change, Function, Perspective Related concepts: creativity, intonation, gesture natural world and its laws; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles Central Idea 2nd unit We can design simple machines to lessen the force needed to do work. Lines of Inquiry How force affects motion Functions and design of simple machines Designing objects to lessen work (force) Concepts Function, causation, reflection Related concepts: force, push, pull, motion, speed, direction, balance, tool, machine, design, work, materials, part & whole Central Idea 2nd Unit We use our senses to observe and understand the physical world around us. Lines of Inquiry How we can observe the world around us Physical properties of materials and matter How we may “see” things differently from another person Key Concepts Perspective, form, function Related concepts: matter, 5 senses, describing, tool & technique, observation, parts of the body, growth, sorting the interconnectedness of humanmade systems and communities Central Idea 1st Unit Communities function more effectively when rules and routines are shared with all members. Lines of Inquiry purpose for rules and routines identifying our roles and responsibilities within a group and activity how to keep the classroom a healthy safe place to be Key Concepts Responsibility, connection, reflection Related concepts: group, location, responsibility, agreement & rules, routine, schedule, cooperation economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment Central Idea 6th unit Citizens contribute to a community. Lines of Inquiry different jobs of people in a community how jobs are connected in a community Concepts form, connection, responsibility Related concepts: citizenships, goods & services, contribution, money, interdependence, exchange rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things Central Idea 6th Unit Living things have needs to survive and grow and be healthy. Lines of Inquiry needs of living things similarities and differences of living things human responsibility to themselves and other living things Key Concepts Form, connection, change Related concepts: health, needs, survival, heredity, change, observation, describing, living & non-living rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things, Central Idea 5th unit Plants and animals survive using their physical features and resources from the habitat. Lines of Inquiry Plant and animal features that help survival How living things adapt to their environment Why people mimic features of living things Concepts Form, causation, reflection Related concepts: habitats, adaptation, survival, natural resources, 2nd grade what it means to be human; personal, physical health Central Idea 4th unit The body is an intricate system that needs care. Lines of Inquiry how the body grows over time how our features connect to what’s inside us responsibility for caring for our body Concepts Function, Responsibility, causation Related concepts: human body structure, health, system, interdependence the discoveries; orientation in place and time; from local and global perspectives. Central Idea 2nd unit The revelation of the prehistoric past helps provide clues to preventing extinction today. Lines of Inquiry how we have learned about prehistoric times why the location of fossils can help explain why extinction occurred how historians and paleontologists use maps Concepts Change, Causation, responsibility Related concepts: prehistoric, discovery, extinction, interconnectedness we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature our appreciation of the aesthetic. Central Idea 1st unit People discover and express emotions in various ways. Concepts Causation, Change, responsibility Related concepts: identity, communication, gesture & intonation, movement, emotion, behavior Concepts Form, Responsibility, Connection Related concepts: kinetic, potential, storage, movement the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. the structure and function of how humans use their organizations; economic activities understanding of scientific and their impact on humankind principles and the environment. Central Idea 3rd unit Central Idea 2nd unit Understanding scientific Consumable products are principles can help us identify available through a variety of unknown matter and predict processes and systems. its changes. Lines of Inquiry Lines of Inquiry roles people play in the chemical and physical production and processing properties of matter of goods how tests can help us systems that are in place to identify the properties of provide consumers with matter goods using experiments to ways these support evidence processes/systems have changed over time Concepts Connection, Change Concepts Function, Change Reflection Responsibility Related concepts: Related concepts: production interactivity, chemistry, process, system, consumer process, evidence 3rd grade personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; rights and responsibilities; Central Idea 1st unit Inherited traits as well as learned traits contribute to our health and well being. Lines of Inquiry inherited and learned traits how we adapt and grow in relation nature & nurture impact of health related decisions Lines of Inquiry • The consequences of people's actions • Motivations of people's actions • What we can learn from the actions of others Concepts Form, causation, responsibility Related concepts: heredity, genetics, health, disease, nutrition, nurture, heritage Concepts Causation, perspective, reflection Related concepts: cause & effect, impact, consequence, history Central Idea 6th unit The consequences of people’s actions may result in change. Lines of Inquiry how we express our emotions using different media to express ourselves how our emotions affect us Central Idea 4th unit People convey ideas and thoughts through the use of poetry. Lines of Inquiry poetry versus other types of expression various poetic forms and devices reasons people read and write poetry ourselves as poets Concepts Form, Function, Reflection Related concepts: Understanding, responding to, and producing language, figurative language, imagery, the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies Central Idea 3rd unit Energy exists in different forms and is changed, stored and used in many ways. Lines of Inquiry what is energy sources of energy ways energy is used in our daily lives conservation of energy societal decision-making; the interconnectedness of humanmade systems and communities Central Idea 6th unit People around the world have needs and wants. Lines of Inquiry the difference between needs and wants how we organize ourselves to get what we need and want how stories reflect needs and wants Concepts Connection, Causation, reflection Related concepts: culture, interdependence, region rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; access to equal opportunity Central Idea 5th unit Earth’s ocean supports and impacts a diversity of life. Lines of Inquiry interconnectedness of the ocean with humanity and living things impact of the movement of the ocean and wind characteristics of water and ocean form Concepts Form, function Connection Related concepts: life, interconnectedness, interdependence, movement, communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities, Central Idea 5th unit Changes in the earth's structure and atmosphere can have devastating effects. Lines of Inquiry human made and natural changes in the earth's structure and atmosphere responding to hazards how communities can provide for those in need Concepts Causation, perspective, Responsibility Related concepts: atmosphere, impact, response, network 4th grade beliefs and values; cultures Central Idea 1st unit Beliefs and values reflect in the cultures in which we live. Lines of Inquiry how life reflects culture how culture and ethnicity influence life how beliefs and values impact life Concepts Perspective, Connection, Reflection Related concepts: customs, traditions, faith, rights, spirituality, impact 5th grade the nature of the self; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health Central Idea 6th unit The brain and how it works contributes to who we are. Lines of Inquiry How the brain processes information How the brain contributes to emotion and behavior Learning styles Caring for the brain Concepts Function, causation, responsibility Related concepts: sensory input, memory, processing information, learning styles, health the discoveries, explorations orientation in place and time; from local and global perspectives Central Idea 4th unit The study of the Earth's surface has uncovered ancient history. Lines of Inquiry how rocks and soil hold components of life why civilizations and evidence of life have been uncovered from the rock and soil how scientists work with the surface to uncover the past Concepts Form, Causation, Connection Related concepts: discovery, interconnectedness of past and present, transformation explorations and migrations of humankind; from local and global perspectives. Central Idea 1st unit Circumstances lead to the movement of people throughout the world. Lines of Inquiry causes of migration the effects of migration the journeys of migrants Concepts Causation, Perspective Change Related concepts: settlement, diversity, acceptance/ tolerance, immigration we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values Central Idea 2nd unit People around the world and throughout history express their national identities differently. Lines of Inquiry how national identities form how people express their national identities how expressions of national identity hold stories from history Concepts Connection, Reflection, Perspective Related concepts: nationalism, citizenship, national histories, symbolism Exhibition Central Idea To be determined Lines of Inquiry To be determined Concepts All 9 Related concepts: To be determined 5th unit how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. Central Idea 3rd unit Properties of some of Earth’s natural resources can cause electrical movement and magnetic force. Lines of Inquiry movement of electric current effects of magnetism and electricity how people use electricity and magnetism Concepts Form, Connection, Responsibility Related concepts: conduction, insulation, current, poles, attraction, repulsion societal decision-making; the structure and function of organizations; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. Central Idea 6th unit People around the world trade goods and services which has caused the way people work to change. Lines of Inquiry how labor and methods of trade have changed why trade may differ in different locations resolving conflict in international trade Concepts Change, function perspective Related concepts: region, trade, economy, agreement, conflict resolution natural world & its laws; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society societal decision-making; the structure and function of organizations Lines of Inquiry Balanced & unbalanced forces Patterns in motion (waves) Change in energy that occurs with collision Communication technology Lines of Inquiry how governing systems make decisions how governing systems impact societies Central Idea 2nd unit Forces of energy can produce wave motion patterns used in modern communication. Concepts Form, Change, causation Related concepts: force, balance, motion, wave, collision, signal, Central Idea 4th unit People develop systems that dictate how they govern themselves. Concepts Form, Perspective, Reflection Related concepts: citizenship, law, political system, conflict resolution rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; peace and conflict resolution Central Idea 5th unit Communities of organisms interact with each other and the environment in ecosystems. Lines of Inquiry the interconnectedness of organisms within an ecosystem impact of and reactions to human activity on ecosystems Concepts function, change Responsibility, Related concepts: classification, food chains, energy transfer, interconnectedness struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things Central Idea Different factors contribute to a planet’s ability to support life as we know it. Lines of Inquiry evidence of orbits and rotations connection of distance, orbit, rotation, and gravitation on Earth’s systems how Earth’s systems support life Concepts Causation, connection, perspective Related concepts: orbit, rotation, gravitational force, earth’s systems, liquid water, life
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