Analysis Procedures

ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
ASCE 41-13
Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Existing Buildings
Analysis Procedures
Robert Pekelnicky, PE, SE
Degenkolb Engineers, San Francisco
Some material courtesy of Mark Moore, SE
ASCE 41-13 Analysis Provision
Linear Static Procedure (LSP)
Linear Dynamic Procedure (LDP)
– Response Spectrum
– Response History Method
Nonlinear Static Procedure (NSP)
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
ASCE 41 Building Analysis
Displacement-based philosophy
Capacity design principles
Tie the building together
Primary and secondary components
Component Designation
Primary Components
Main lateral force-resisting elements
Must be included in the analysis
Can be existing or new elements
Secondary Components (< 25% total stiffness)
Typically existing elements
Do not contribute to the lateral strength and/or stiffness
Do support gravity load
Must accommodate structures deformations
Can yield provided gravity load support not lost
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Component Designation
Nonstructural Components
Cladding and partitions
Shall be considered structural elements if their stiffness
exceeds 10% of the total stiffness of the primary system at
that story
Primary or Secondary
7-Story Concrete Building
Perimeter concrete
moment frame
Flat-slab interior gravity
Slab-column gravity
systems resist 54% of
longitudinal and 72%
of transverse base
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Capacity-Based Design
Designate specific elements to yield, which are called
Deformation-Controlled elements
Every other element of the structure should not yield,
rupture, or otherwise fail, those are called Force-Controlled
Structure dissipates seismic energy through controlled
No brittle failures occur which could lead to instability
Displacement Based Design
V = C1C2CmSaW
Elastic Response
C1 C2
Pseudo Lateral Force
Yield Capacity, or
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Expected Maximum
(Target) Displacement
(t = C0C1C2Sd)
ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Displacement Based Design
CP,s= 0.75CP,s
Force / Moment
CP,p= 0.75CP,p
IO,p= 0.67CP,p
mIO= 0.75IO,p/y
mLS,p= 0.75LS,p/y
mCP,p= 0.75CP,p/y
mLS,s= 0.75LS,s/y
mCP,s= 0.75CP,s/y
LS,s CP,s
LS,p CP,p
Displacement / Rotation
Deformation Compatibility
• Secondary elements must be checked at maximum
displacement of primary elements in linear procedures
for earthquake induced deformations and gravity loads
• Secondary elements MUST be modeled in nonlinear
analysis per Section
Mathematical models for use with nonlinear procedures shall
include the stiffness and resistance of primary and secondary
components. The strength and stiffness degradation of primary
and secondary components shall be modeled explicitly.
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Knowledge Factor
• Factor to account for uncertainty in collection of asbuilt information
κ = 0.75 or 1.0 depending on data collection
• Additional value of κ = 0.90 for minimum data
collection with material strengths listed in design
– Life Safety or lower performance level
– Linear analysis procedures
Damping Requirements
• 5% of critical unless otherwise
specified (10% for wood with
• Damping for response spectra
and damping of building system
• All provisions combined and
moved to one section to avoid
confusion (see Section
• Damping of building system dependent on
selected analysis procedure
• More guidance and additional references
provided for user
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Linear Analysis Procedures
Similar to new building design
No R-factor, use unreduced loads
Evaluated each deformation-controlled element
specifically with an m-factor
Qud ≤ m**Qce or
DCR = Qud/(*Qce) ≤ m
M-factors based on component ductility and performance
 = Knowledge factor
Force-controlled elements designed for capacity of
deformation-controlled elements
Limitations on Use of Linear Procedures
Not permitted for two defined types of irregularity
• Weak Story – Total DCR above less than 125% Total
DCR below
• Torsion – Total DCR on one side of center of rigidity
150% Total DCR on the other side
Unless all DCR < 3.0 and associated component mfactor
Increase from 2.0 in ASCE 41-06
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Limitations on Use of Linear Procedures
Linear Static Procedure not permitted when:
T greater than 3.5Ts
Abrupt changes in lateral system dimensions
Soft story condition
Story torsional stiffness irregularity
Nonorthogonal lateral systems
Out-of-Plane Wall Strength & Anchorage
Diaphragm Anchorage
Out‐of‐Plane Strength
Force-controlled actions
Revised design force equations
Equivalency to ASCE 7-10
ka factor used to account for
diaphragm flexibility
1.0 ≤ ka ≤ 2.0
kh factor used to account for
force distribution over height of
buildings with rigid diaphragms
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Static Procedure
Displace the structure to the maximum estimated roof
Permit yielding and force redistribution
Evaluate nonlinear deformation of each component versus
specified limits
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Use actual or simulated EQ ground motions
Simulates structures response to the earthquake
Evaluate nonlinear deformation of each component versus
specified limits
Nonlinear Analysis Procedures
• NSP vs. NDP
– NSP permitted to be used when μstrength < μmax
and higher mode effects are insignificant
• Deformation-Controlled Actions
– Material chapters with modeling
parameters and deformation limits
• Force-Controlled Actions
– Capacity based design (limit state analysis)
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Analysis Procedures
Reclassification of Force-Controlled Actions
• Force-controlled components may be treated as
Type 3 deformation curve in nonlinear procedures
• Must maintain adequate gravity load path to
ensure local stability
• All remaining components still must meet acceptance
criteria for given performance objective
Nonlinear Analysis Procedures
Consideration of Torsional Effects
• Nonlinear 3D building model
• Minimize number of analysis
load cases
• Accidental torsion need only to
be included for higher Seismic
Hazard Level (2 or more levels)
• Displacement amplification factor η can be
calculated for individual component actions
instead of entire diaphragm level
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Analysis Procedures
Gravity Loads
• Only one load combination
Nonlinear Static Procedure
• Main procedure essentially
• Simplified NSP removed
• NIST Study cautions on
use of NSP
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
• Significant advances in nonlinear response history
analysis methods since FEMA 273
• Earthquake shaking represented by ground motion
acceleration histories
• Clarification and more
enforceable provisions to
aid the AHJ or peer reviewer
• NDP requires considerable
engineering judgment and
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
• New requirements for inclusion of concurrent
seismic effects
– Near-field vs. far-field sites for 3D models
• Required number of earthquake
record pairs and rotation
• Can reduce large number of
analysis load cases if appropriate
• New rules for determination of
forces and deformations
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Acceleration history scaling
• Use SRSS of pairs
• Average of all SRSS pairs
greater than target spectrum
• Spectral matching permitted
• Alternate scaling procedures
permitted with peer review
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ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Provides this:
But this is
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Provides this:
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But this is
ASCE 41‐13 Seminar
Analysis Procedures
Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure
Additional Resources
ASCE 41-13
Seismic Evaluation and
Retrofit of Existing Buildings
Your Thoughts &
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