ENGINEERING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 2012 - 2013 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT LEADERSHIP MESSAGE As the American Society of Civil Engineers marked our 160th year, we continued to evolve to meet the demands of a world marked by rapidly accelerating technological advancement and societal change. We made great strides by establishing a new framework to guide the development of sustainable infrastructure through ASCE’s partnership in the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure - ISI. As a presenter and co-sponsor of the Triennial conference, we led the dialogue on how to achieve global sustainability. We demonstrated our commitment by sharing the ASCE Foundation’s journey to achieve LEED-EB Gold certification for our headquarters building in Reston. We continued to develop new educational resources in sustainability to help our members hone their skills and offered awards to help showcase their successes. We recognized engineering leaders through the Innovation in Sustainable Civil Engineering Award. Our achievements have positioned us well for even greater advances in our sustainability initiative. Working together, we will make the world a better place for generations to come. Gregory E. DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S, D.WRE, F. ASCE, ASCE 2013 President Andy Herrmann, P.E., SECB, F.SEI, F.ASCE, 2012 President Patrick J. Natale P.E., F.ASCE, Executive Director MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR As stewards of the nation’s infrastructure, civil engineers need to be leading the charge in sustainable design, programs and development. This will require civil engineers to work collaboratively with a diverse group of stakeholders and foster strong relationships in our communities. As we become experts ourselves, we can influence others and create real change in society. In 2012 and 2013, we made progress advancing the Society’s sustainability initiative. With expanded educational resources, conferences, awards and a new international protocol, we demonstrated our commitment to building a stronger future here and abroad. As members, partners and civil engineering professionals, I thank you for helping us become leaders in building a better global tomorrow. Michael Mucha, P.E., M.ASCE, Chair, ASCE Committee on Sustainability ASCE-BACKED SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE RATING SYSTEM DEBUTS For the first time in 2012, civil engineers, contractors, building owners, officials and the public had a way to gauge and rate the sustainability of infrastructure projects. In April, Envision™, the nation’s first infrastructure sustainability rating program, was released by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. ISI began verification, ISI’s third party review process to confirm that a project meets the Envision evaluation criteria and is eligible for project awards. Two completed projects have been assessed using the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system. The William Jack Hernandez Sports Fishery in Anchorage, Alaska, received an Envision Gold award, and the Snow Creek Stream environment zone restoration in California earned the Envision Platinum award. Envision provides a framework for assessing the sustainability of civil infrastructure, covering all project types, scales, contexts and phases. Owners, engineers, contractors and regulators can address all major project stages: planning and design, construction, operations and maintenance, and decommissioning. ISI was formed in 2011 by ASCE, the American Public Works Association, and the American Council of Engineering Companies. Envision Gold: The William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery PROFESSIONALS, STUDENTS BEGIN RECEIVING ENVISION CREDENTIALS ISI began offering training and testing in the application of Envision, including a new Envision Sustainability credential, ENV SP. Over 1,000 individuals have now received their credential. College students and recent graduates can also become credentialed. After going through the training, ISI will confer an Envision Provisional, ENV PV, which signifies that they are credentialed in all aspects and uses of the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system. Credentialed individuals work with a design team to achieve the highest level of sustainability for an infrastructure project, and guide a project through the ISI verification process. “I consider Envision a quantum step forward. Successful users of Envision will use the rating system to guide their plans, designs and construction methods as a way to consider alternative approaches and degrees of performance as sustainable benefits beyond those required by regulation or technical minimums.” Peter D. Binney, P.E., M.ASCE Vice President Sustainable Infrastructure Merrick & Company “There is a shared commitment among the World Bank, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, and the Institution of Civil Engineers to sustainable infrastructure and to promoting a better quality of life” worldwide. José Luis Irigoyen Director of Transport, Water, Information, and Communications Technologies Department, World Bank FIRST CARBON MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE CO-HOSTED BY ASCE ASCE was one of eight engineering societies to sponsor the inaugural Carbon Management Technology Conference in 2012. Engineers from across disciplines shared expertise on technologies, strategies, policies and management systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Future protocol signing TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE RESULTS IN INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY PROTOCOL A new international protocol, Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Future, was approved and signed by leaders of ASCE, the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSEA) in 2012. Building upon agreements reached at the Triennials of 2006 and 2009, the protocol calls for collaboration on national sustainable infrastructure action plans, efforts to encourage engineers to help build sustainable engineering capacity in developing countries, and coordination with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations to give WFEO more clout in discussions with international bodies such as the World Bank and the UN on sustainable infrastructure programs. Development of sustainable practices that help eradicate global poverty and adapt to the potential impacts of climate change are also priorities in the ASCE, ICE and CSEA document. ASCE award honors projects’ sustainability innovations ASCE AWARD HONORS PROJECTS’ SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATIONS GreenLink Windsor, Ontario, Canada, a partially tunneled roadway with 90-degree retaining walls its entire length to create 300 acres of green space, earned ASCE’s 2012 Innovation in Sustainable Civil Engineering Award. The parkland design includes a nearly 12 ½ mile-long bike and pedestrian path free of grade crossings. The Chari Chari Cable Supported Footbridge in Bolivia, a 520-foot bridge spanning a large river to provide students and adults safe passage to the school and clinic on the other side, merited the 2013 Innovation in Sustainable Civil Engineering Award. WORKSHOPS, COURSES EDUCATE MEMBERS ON INTEGRATED ASCE members discuss applications of sustainability APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABILITY ASCE members and students heard noted professionals give their perspectives on creating a holistic approach to sustainability. The 2012 workshops had a regional focus, reflected in the choice of experts. Online courses covering the Fundamentals of Sustainable Engineering, Sustainable Project Management and Ecological Systems provide members with in-depth knowledge on critical issues associated with the triple bottom line approach to sustainable infrastructure development. “Being awarded LEED-EB Gold is consistent with ASCE’s definition of sustainability, which is not only looking at going green but also having a positive impact on people and financial enhancement.” Patrick J. Natale, P.E., F.ASCE Executive Director, ASCE ASCE HEADQUARTERS FACILITY AWARDED LEED-EB GOLD STATUS Energy-saving enhancements to light bulbs, toilets, air conditioners and more were implemented at ASCE’s three-decades-old northern Virginia headquarters in 2012 and 2013, all part of the ASCE Foundation’s effort to achieve LEED-EB Gold certification for the Society’s Reston office from the U.S. Green Building Council. As part of the initiative, the staffs of ASCE and the building’s other occupant, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, improved recycling habits and were surveyed about their energy usage and commuting routines. The Foundation has been detailing these and other changes in a blog, LEEDing the Way, which serves as an inside look at the process for anyone interested in pursuing LEED status for their existing office building. The Foundation realized significant energy savings and earned LEED-EB Gold status from USGBC in late 2013. PROJECT PROFILES LIBRARY HIGHLIGHTS BEST PRACTICES Through infrastructure projects large and small, civil engineers are applying principles of sustainability to deliver economic, environmental and societal, the “triple bottom line” benefits to the public. This library of project profiles, available on the ASCE website, helps civil engineers research solutions, share data and information with clients, and find sources for further research. Users may rate, comment and submit their own profiles for consideration. Stanford University student team GONZAGA, STANFORD STUDENT TEAMS WIN ASCE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AWARD A team of students from Gonzaga University were awarded ASCE’s Sustainable Development Award for their design of a water purification system as part of the EPA’s annual People, Planet and Prosperity (P3) celebration. ASCE also co-sponsored an awards opening reception for students and other participants at the U.S. Botanical Gardens. In 2013, the award was presented to a team of students from Stanford University for designing a low-cost device to automatically disinfect water with chlorine before it flows into the homes of people in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 1-800-548-ASCE (2723) 703-295-6300 2013 SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE D. Michael Mucha, P.E., M.ASCE (Chair) Madison Metropolitan Sewer District Madison, WI Nancy Kralik, P.E., LEED AP, ENV SP, M.ASCE Fluor Corporation Sugar Land, TX Peter D. Binney P.E., ENV SP, M.ASCE Merrick and Company Aurora, CO Erika Moonin, P.E., D.WRE, M.ASCE Southern Nevada Water Authority Las Vegas, NV Karyn Marie Erickson, P.E., M.E., D.CE, M.ASCE Erickson Consulting Engineers Inc. Sarasota, FL Fernando Pons, P.E., LEED AP, M.ASCE Pons & Associates, LLC Herndon, VA Karen C. Kabbes, P.E., D.WRE, ENV SP, M.ASCE President, Kabbes Engineering, Inc. Barrington, IL William A. Wallace, ENV SP, M.ASCE Wallace Futures Group, LLC Steamboat Springs, CO Jeffrey Keaton, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, P.G., ENV SP, F.ASCE AMEC Los Angeles, CA Richard N. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE Director (Retired), Building and Fire Research Laboratory and National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland William E. Kelly, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, ENV SP American Society for Engineering Education Washington, D.C. Robin A. Kemper, P.E., LEED AP, F.ASCE Nelson Architectural Engineers, Inc. White Plains, NY STAFF CONTACT Michael R. Sanio, M.ASCE, CAE, ENV SP ASCE Director Sustainability/International Alliances Cover photo: 2013 ASCE Innovation in Sustainable Engineering award winner, Chari Chari Bridge, Bolivia Visit ASCE’s sustainability initiative on the Web ASCE.ORG/SUSTAINABILITY Printed on 100% post-consumer content using soy inks. Please recycle.
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