O r rF IrCcEe lOlt OF THE U CAaRRDoI Ir\r u n t FIRST AvEruuE New Yonx, NY tooaz September 16,20L4 Dearfriendsin the Lord: "Today,vastnumbersof peoplestilldo not knowJesusChrist." popeFrancis beginshis messagefor this year'scelebration of WorldMlssionSundaywiththese words' But, he quicklyoffersus a way to makea joy-filled,life-givingdifference.The HolyFathersays:" WorldMissionSundayisa privilegedmomentwnenthe faithfulof variouscontinentsengagein prayerand concretegesturesof solidarityin supportof the youngChurches in missionlands.,, On October19, as our archdiocesan familycelebrates this "privilegedmoment,,, let usjoin with our brothersand sistersaroundthe worldwho will gatneiat the Lord,s Tableto celebrate, with greatjoy, our commonvocationas missionaries. our "prayers"and"concretegestures of solidarity" will helpbuildlocalchurches, likethe churchin Mongolia, the world'syoungestCatholic Church,andchurches aciossthe globe. Throughthe worldof thesechurchesandtheir witnesses to Christ,the poor receivepracticalhelpand experience God'slove,mercy,hope,and peace. Yourfinancialassistance on WorldMissionSunday,offeredin the collectionfor the societyof the Propagation of the Faith,wiil supportihe t,tso youngmission (arch)dioceses andcommunities who awaitthe "GoodNews"of Jesusal theirsaving hope. PopeFrancisencourages us to takejoyful part in the Church'smissionto all the nationsas we liveour livesgroundedin loveof Jesusandwith concernfor the needs of the most disadvantaged.May WorldMissionSundayoffereachone of us an opportunityto accomplish bothas we sharethe joy of the Gospeland helpthe poor with our feruentprayersand throughour generoushearts. Withprayerful bestwishes, I am, Faithfully in Christ f ;1- tp,f7-'.' TimothyMichael Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of NewYork OrrtcE lOll oF THE CanprNal Frnsr AvEr.ruE New Yonx, NY tOO22 16 de septiembre del 2014 Mihermano Sacerdote: Lacolecta anualparael Domingo parael de la Misi6n Mundial est6programada 19deoctubredel2014.Porfavor,imprimala caftaadjuntaen el boletinde su parroquia el fin desemana del 11y 12de octubre, o si lo prefiere, leala cartadespu6s ensusMisas. Su6nimoparaquesupueblo parael Domingo apoyeestacolecta de la Mlsi6n Mundial ser6profundamente apreciado. Conmismejores deseos de oraci6n, mesubscribo, Fraternalmente en Cristo, f ,a Car,rg, (p-[7*\ TimothyMichael Cardenal Dolan Azobispode NuevaYork Adj.
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