Property Data Report—PDR reInsight Tax - Quick

Property Data Report—PDR
reInsight Tax - Quick Start Guide
Once you have results from a search, the properties can be viewed in a detailed report called
a Property Data Report or PDR. This report will pull additional data from the tax records.
You can view it all in one report instead of the grid information. The PDR also includes a
map, demographics, and action tools like emailing the property(s) to a customer. We will start
this guide with already having properties from a search on our grid.
There are two ways to get
to the PDR. One is from
the map “quick view” as
seen here in (Fig. 1). And
the other is from the grid in
the column called Options.
(Fig. 1)
The PDR covers your entire screen. So for this
guide we will start at the
top left and work our way
down to the bottom right.
In (Fig. 2) you can still see
the option to open another
Search Dashboard. The
Next and Previous arrows
are to move through the
(Fig. 2)
In the upper right corner
the County Links, Help,
and Log Out buttons are
still available to you.
(Fig. 3)
(Fig. 3)
Quick Start Guide © 2009
Property Data Report—PDR
reInsight Tax - Quick Start Guide
In the middle top of the
PDR are 4 buttons.
(Fig. 4)
The Public Record is the
main report for this property. The PDR loads on
your screen by default.
Here is a look at the top
part of the PDR. (Fig. 5)
You can scroll down on the
right to see the rest of the
(Fig. 4)
PDR Map Tip—You can view the different map legends and
zoom levels with the same tools found in the top left of the map.
Moving the map in different directions or panning is also the
same. Simply click, hold, and move your cursor in the opposite
direction you want to go on the map..
(Fig. 5)
The next two buttons in
this group are the Demographics and the Schools
(Fig. 6)
(Fig. 6)
These will build a demographics/school report of
the area. On these reports,
you will find a link to a very
robust demographics re(Fig. 7)
port with many options for
The Premium Neighborhood Report will open a new
detail information of the
browser web page.
area. (Fig. 7)
Quick Start Guide © 2009
Property Data Report—PDR
reInsight Tax - Quick Start Guide
The next button, Comparables (Fig. 8) will launch
a CMA tool with the property from the PDR as the
subject property. See the
reInsight Tax study guide
on how to use the CMA
To the far right on the top
of the PDR is the link to
Return to Search. (Fig. 9)
This will of course take you
back to the main search
dashboard and the criteria
that brought these results.
(Fig. 8)
(Fig. 9)
Now down the page to the
bottom right corner. The
Star button (Fig. 10) will
send this property to your
Favorites list.
The next button starts the
print options box to print
out the properties you
have selected.
(Fig. 11)
It is very similar as printing
from the Grid but you will
have different options because you are printing
from the PDR and not the
(Fig. 12)
(Fig. 10)
(Fig. 11)
(Fig. 12)
Quick Start Guide © 2009
Property Data Report—PDR
reInsight Tax - Quick Start Guide
The far right button
(Fig. 13) will launch an
Email generated from the
reInsight Tax system on
your behalf.
(Fig. 13)
The Email compose box
will open and is typical of
most email tools. Simply
put in the address of your
recipient, a subject line,
and the main email body
message. Click Send
when you are ready.
(Fig. 14)
The email will send a link
to the property(s) and they
will see them in a PDR.
The report will only have
public facing information
and not all of the tools that
you have access to. Practice sending an email of
properties to yourself.
(Fig. 14)
Please check out the
Quick Start Guide on
Emailing and Printing properties for more specific
step by step instructions.
Quick Start Guide © 2009