1999 AnnualReport & financial statements OP$N|jffiY Tl,"(o//ot*o Ihe GPS Clubexr'sfsto promoteand fosterexcellenceand enjoymentin the "runninggame"of Rugbyfootball And, rn so doing,assisfthe progressof members alongthe broaderpathwayof life. pursuit ln of the mission,we will activelypromotethe following values:developingthe whole person,respectingthe individual, upholdingthe standardsof a responsible communityorganisation and cateringfor the needsof playersat all levels. GPSMissionStatement GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY UNION CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 1999 GPS HonourBoard GPS Club Presidents Sir Kenneth Fraser A. Falk C. McCarthy W. Scott R.A. Nicol 195G57 H. Edwards W. Boyd 1964-70 A. Flynn 197672 D. Lacy-Jones 1973-78 W. Bligh1979€1 R.S. Roberts 1962-E3 L.G. Jones 198486 A.R. Taylor 1987-89 R.J.Thomson 199G98 P.J.Mccahan 1999 Australian Representatives L.S. Lewis 1931134136 J.B.T.Doneley1934 W.P.J.lde 1938 B.D.Oxlade 1938 W.J.McLean1939/4G48 J.R. Mclean 1946 E.G. Broad 1947-49 K.C. Winning 1947-4151 A. Ware 1949 D.l.McMillan1950 P.D. Thompson 1950 C.J. Primmer1951 G.G.Jones1952-56 B.A.Wnght1955 A.F.M.Boyd 1958 O. F. Edwards 1961 P.D.Penin 1962 D.S.Rathie1971-72 C.M. Carberry 1973-76181-82 D.W. Hillhouse 197t76/83 G. G. Shambrook1976 D. Codey 1984-86 A.G.Herbert1987/8S93 R. Constable199$94 D. Herbert 1994-99 B. Tune 1996S M.J. Cockbain 1997-99 Queensland Representatives 1930-1949 J.O. East 193113313/. F.M. Nicholson1931/33/35/36 L.S. Lewis 1932-37 J. Williams1932 R. Gregory 1932 J.B. Doneley 1932-34 L.J. East 1933 J. Callaghan1933 M.D.Cullen1933 C.H.Smith1933 M. Mullelt934 P.L. Dixon 1934-36 W.N. Douglas1937 R.H.Bently1937 C.R.Hockings1937 W.J. lde 1938/39 G. Denman1938 W.M. McLean 1939146.147 A. Ware 1945-4.7 R. Fay 1945 A.K Winning 1945-47/50 J. Kirk 194&47 J. McLean 196-47 R. Proctor1946 E.G. Broad 1947-49 J. lrwin1947 P.Thompson194&50 l. McMillan194950 195069 l. Nichol1950 R. Colbert1950-51 P. Robinson 195G51/55 G.G.Jones1951 J. Raff1951 G. Marles1951-52 B. Menkens1952 B.R.Mills't952-53 G.W.Horsley1952-55 R. Freudenberg 1953 J. Greene1953 B. Wright1954-56/5961 G. Newton1955 F. Thompson 195$56 R.M.Shaw195457 K Brasch195457 J. Paskins195457 J. R. Harris1957 R. Swann1957-58 J. Gilbert1957 A. Boyd195&60 B.W.Boyd1959 D. Rylance1960 T. Carew1960€4i66 J. Caeon1961 O.Edwards'1961-63/67 D.B.Clark1961-64/66€9/71 P.Penin1962 B. Egan1962 W. Gunn196364 J.A.Dalgleish1960/63/65 J. Duff 1963 G. Golding1963€4 D. Latter1964-65 D.Whittle1964 D. Taylor1964 W. Reilly1964 B.J.Munro1964 E.A.Kann1966-68 L.M.Nuft'l967 A. White1969 1970-90 P. McBaron1970 L.J.Graham197U74 l.D.Clark1971-73180 D. Rathie1971-277 D.Withers1971-73 M. Jack 1972-73 C.K.Smith1972 P. Bissett1973 G. Shambrook197+77 D. Hillhouse1975-78/83 G. Brand1975-80 J. Johanssen 1975 D. Regeling197S78 R. Hayes192l A. Austin1981 C. Carberry1981 M. Amold1982 T. Coker1983.84 M. Phillips1983-85 A. Dick1984 D. Codey198+86 A. Herbert'198G94 D. Phillips198487 D. Reidy1987 l. Siganiyavi 198$90 1990-99 D. Herbert1993-99 M.Ware1994 R. Constable 1994-96 J. Reilly199+95 B.Tune199$99 C. Knapp1995-98 M. Cockbain199$99 M. Flanagan 1996 A. Coombe1996 B. Cockbain199698 M. Munay1996-99 500Club Games (713) R.J.Thomson 200First GradeGames D.B.Clark1966 E.A.Kann1970 l.D.Clark1975 R.J.Thomson1975 R. Nerichow 1977 200Club Games l.R.Colquhoun D.J.Park R. Mortimer T. Jesser D. Stevenson J. Garde L.G.Jones R.S.Roberts L.J.Graham M.Amold K. Bolton 100First GradeGames T. Carew1964 O.F.Edwards1966 J.A.Dalgleish 1967 D. Latter1969 P. McBaron1973 G. Brand1979 A. Austin1982 K. Bolton1985 D. Phillips 1989 L. Iuqiri 1989 J. Taylor1992 M.Jensen1993 A. Herbert1994 J. Reilly1996 GPS Club Gaptains J. Duff 1964 G.G. Whittle 1965-66 D.B.Clark'1967-69 E. Kann 1970-73 L.J. Graham 197+75 R.J.Thomson1976 G. Shambrook1977 D. Burrows1978 R. Nerichow197980 B. Barnhill1981 M. Oberhardt1982 R.J.Thomson19E3 M. Phillips1984 K. Bolton 1985€6 D. Phillips1987 M. Frisby 1988 L. DiClemente1989 A. Herbert 1990-92 G. Hanis 19S3-94 J. Reilly 1995-96 M. Munay 1997-98 T. Fomo 1999- GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY UNION CLIIB INC. ANNUAL REPORT T999 1999OFFICEBEARERS Patron: President: HonoraryVice Presidents: HonoraryTreasurer: HonorarySecretary: ManagementCommittee: GeneralManager: ClubCoaches: Club Selectors: Club Captain: Life Members: Ron Park Paul McGahan Alan Taylor, RobinThomson Luke Jacob (B.BusAcc.) Patricia Reid The President, Treasurer Secretary,GeraldineBarlow,Luigi DiClemente,Carla Hardy,Mark Harris,paul McVerry, Anthony Ott. Player delegates: Brad Tronc, Bruce Young Rod Torkington 1st Grade: StephenMeehaniDamienFrawley 2nd Grade: Chris Wake 3rd Grade: Craig Elliott 4th Grade:Justin SteeURohanFuller Women: Phil Langley Colts l: Andrew ScotUTimHeenan Colts ll: Joe Anderson/Scott Lavaring George Bickerstaff, Paul Green Trent Forno A. Flynn, ! J. (aus, K. Percy,M.R.Williams,G.C.Jones,G.R. Horsley,LR. Colquhoun, R.J. Park, R.S. Roberts,D.J.A. Clark,R.J. Thomson,B. Loel,N.A. Burrows,W. Bligfr,G. Bickerstaff, R. Torkington,A. Taylor Ground Ufe Members: G. Walker, l.H. Fraser,R.A. Duus, D. Rylance,R.J.Thomson,A. Edwards,B. Loel,A.R. Roberts,R.W. Bligh,K.G.Aaron, R. Farquhar,L.G.Jones, l. Robertson,Dr K. Woodhead, B. Coombes,N.A. Bunows, D. O'Reilly,D. Stevenson,B.G.S.Schooley,R.A. Anderson, P.J. Short, R.S. Roberts,J. Madden,Judge B.M. McLoughlin,G.G. Shambrook,D. Withers, D.J. Boucher,G. Rylance,R.A. Bernays,Dr C.J. OsborneR. Mortimer,E.A. Kann, D. leuires, J.B. Young,A. Carew, G. Ferguson, B. Sakzeuaki,O. Maynes,l.D. Clark, C. Carberry, L.J. Graham,D. Dick, M. Amold QRU Office Bearers: QRU Vice President:R. Thomson Delegates:W. Bligh,P. McGahan Auditor: J. Amos President'sReport Friends, members, ptayers: lt is with some trepidation that I presentfor your considerationthe 1999 Annual Reportofthe GPS Old Boys RUFC.Afrer many years underthe stewardshipof the eruditeRobinThomsonthis honour falls to me, a relativevirgin in the bordelloof Senior Club Rugby. PaulMcVerryworkedwithClubstalwartAlbyTayloron one of our Licensed ClubProjects andfoundmanya drygullyin the process.Ourcongratulations go to Albyon hisdeserved electionas a LifeMemberof the QRU,for manyyearsof serviceto Rugby- 1999World Cup We congratulateJohn Eales'Wallabiesand in particularour own Matt Cockbain,Daniel Herbertand Ben Tune for their successful'Bringback Bill' campaign. ClubTreasurer,LukeJacob,foundthe goingdifficultwith manycarryover issuesto resolve.Hekeptus on trackandwill reportto youa $30,000 tumaround thatwillseeus start Y2000in the bestpositionfor someyears.Thisresultdid not comewithoutsacrifice(read:we didn'tspendanythingexcept for essentialfootballexpenses). OurClubis stillcomingto gripswiththe 'professional' era. Clubmanagement doesrequirea committee of dedicated and willingworkerswhodoubleup bysettingClubpolicy.The operative wordthoughis WORK andwithoutthiscoming fromallareasof the Clubwewillwitheranddieas the new Rugbyworldpassesus by. Acknowledgments May I commencethis sectionby thanking RobinThomson for his support,adviceand goodcounseland his incredible devotionto the bettermentof this Club, its playersand supportersthroughoutthe year.His good humourin allowing his 'Roast' resuttedin one of the most successful events held by the Club in some time, with many of "Buffs cronies"taking the opportunityto give him suitableand of course most deservedacclaim. To our GM Rod Torkington whose job tifle has nothing to do with the role he performs for the Club, I thank him sincerely for his patiencewith me as we danced around one another in forminga workingrelationshipthat worked for the Club and us. As in all good relationshipsthere has been healthyand friendlydebateon many of the issuesthat confrontedthe Clubduringthe year. Pat Reid,the temer at our heels,worked tirelesslyand thanklesslyin keepingour records,registrationsand committee on track. Gerry Barlowand Carla Hardy,new committeemembersfor 1999 boughtsome balanceto the committeeand showed by examplewhat hard work and determinationcould achieve. AnthonyOtt, Mark Harris and Luigi DiClementeworked on speciattyevents that were both a social and financial success. Junior Affiliates Ourjunioraffiliates haveagainbeenleader in theworldof - cPS wasagainthe largestJunior JuniorRugby.Ashgrove Clubby far and it is testimonyto PresidentJim Bardenand histeamthatthisClubcontinues to setthe pacein Junior Rugbyadministration andcontinues to be the innovator of manyaspectsof the direction of JuniorRugbyin Australia. AlbanyCreek- GPSonthe otherhandis oneof thesmaller, albeitfastestgrowing, JuniorClubsin Brisbane andagainthis yearreceivedaccoladesfor steppingintothe breachat very shortnoticeto runthe JuniorStateChampionships. Stewart Gibsonandhis creware standoutswhenit comesto hard workanddeterminationGPSOld Boysis furtherencouraging AlbanyCreek- GpS to movetowardself sufficiency, withthe newcommitteeasked GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY UNION CLUB INC. AITNUAL REPORT 1999 to represent us on the South Pine Sports Assn Board and to move to incorporate by the end of Y20@. The GPS Club does not do enoughin the simple things to cement the relationship between Senior and Junior arms of the GPS Family.I supposethis is relativeto the problemswe have in our own backyard, however this is no excuse for complacency.GPS more than any other Senior Club in Erisbane has its recruitment base in its junior affiliates and we must do everything we can to build a sense of belonging to the GPS Familyfrom cradleto grave. On The Field After the success of our recruitment in terms of numbers in 1998 we took our eye off the ball in 1999 with the honifying outcome that for the first time in memory GPS could not field a Cotts 3 side, and while both Cofts 1 and 2 made the finals series it does nothingfor he developmentof the Club. lt is particularlycriticalat this time with the Colts age being moved back to 19 years - we will have very few players still eligible for Colts in Y2000. Notwithstandingthis, congratulationsgo to Andrew Scdt and Mick Heenan and the Colts I Team who again made it through to the Grand Finalonly to be again knockedoff by Wests. Joe Anderson again proved his calibre as a coach by taking Colts 2 to the Semi Finals. His assistant Scott Lavaring and Manager Richard Taylor were always there with expert guidance.Ben McGahanagain showed his team management skills and the evidence was in the increasing groundswell of Club spirit amongst the Colts players. Damien Frawley stood down from the Head Coach role in 1999 due to the family and work commitments but we are grateful to him for remaining in the significant support role for Steve Meehan,who we threw into the deep end as 1d Grade Coach. This is the last year we can use the excuse that the premier grade is very young and inexperienced, because even though they are a young side they have all had exposure at the top level. lf they are going to produce the goods y2000 would be placing. lgood time to show a significantimprovementin final To this end much work has gone into an off season ,GpS DevelopmentSquad' run along similarlines to the Reds Rugby Collegewith 24 men and 6 women training under the guidance of Steve Meehan and Andrew Scott. The outcomes for the squad and for individualsso far are outstanding. Reserve Grade got off to a shaky start with our appointed coach, Michael Beveridge, becoming very ill during the pr+ season and unableto continue-(Michaelis still very ill and we wish him a full and speedy recovery). lt fell to Club leprechaunChris Wake to fill the void and it looked as though for the first time in many years Reserve Grade would give the tree a shake, however injuries and other factors saw a fine start slip away. Chris has retired ftom active involvement for the time being. We thank him for his contribution to all facets of Club life during his playingand coachingyears. Craig Elliott's3'" Grade did not have a good season on the field, however they kept up their spirits off the field and contributed well to Club life Justin Steel looked as if he had it in the bag after the first three rounds but the unfortunate 40 Grade draw with its many byes made it difficult to keep the troops together. Fifth Grade was a - well ...Sthgrade. Captain/coachRobin Thomson did his best to keep il together but in the end it became too hard with player reliability about as consistent as their registration payments. OurWomen's team also made it to the finals series. phil Langleyand his assistantsjuggledtoo many for one team and not quite enough for two each week to ensure that everyone got a fair go. The players' enthusiasm for the sport is overwhelmingand their contributionlo the camaraderiein the Club is legendary.The Women'steam was by far the most consistent supporter of Club functions. Their reputation is spreadingquicklyso I expectan influx ofnewtalent in y2000. BothJuniorClubswillbe fieldinggirls'teamsnextyearso therewill be opportunities for our womento get involvedin the coachingand development sideof the sportas well. Congratulations to thoseplayerswho wereselectedfor representative honoursduring1999 and a specialmentionfor Mark'Muppet' Munaywhocaptained Queensland several timesduringtheseason. Sponsorship Benevolent sponsorsarea thingof the past.Inthisageof performance management everydollarspentmustgeneratea retum.We are indeedgratefulto oursponsorsfor 1999.The Bankof Queensland andXXXXcontinueto supportoursport in mostgenerousproportions. NonisMotorsjoinedus for the firsttimethis year.The GapTavemwas on boardagainand the relationshipis mutuallybeneficial.Naturformand Brisbane lceSalesweighedin withtheirusualsupport.We thankour membersfor supportingthesevaluablecontributors to the Club. Thebestand fairestsponsorschemewas particularly successfulthis yearand we acknowledge the supportof those individuals whocontributedto the oool. Y2000 Therehas beenconsiderable workdirectedtowardthe 20CK) season.A significantnumberof the coachingpositionshave beenfilled,butthereare alwayspositionsfor lateapplicants. Ourseniorplayershavebeenparticipating in a development programmethat is aimedat liftingtheirFltnessandskilllevels. The2000seasonand competition formatwillbe changedto separatethosevyhoaspireto a Rugbycareerfromthosewho are interestedin the recreational aspectsof the sport.To this endthe 1* Grade(PremierGrade)competition willstartin the sameweekas the Super12 witha bye beforethe finals serieswherethreeteamsselectedfromthe BrisbaneClubs willtourNZto playNPCstandard teams.Otherdivisions will be openedto anyteam affiliatedwiththe QRU.Thetheoryis thatb.yeswill be eliminatedso thatteamsare notdisruptedas our4"'Gradewasin 1999.Otherdivisions willcommence aboutthe end of March. Coltswillbe an Under19 competition withalldivisions open to whichever Clubwishesto nominate a team.Division1 will be limitedto 12 teamsin the firstroundwith 4 teams relegatedin the secondroundto Division2. TheARUis allocating fundsto the BrisbaneClubsspecifically to raisethe standardand profileof the 1o Gradecompetition; to expandthe baseof Rugbysupport;andto supportthe volunteereffortthat is the backboneof the amateurcode_ A strategyfor the futureof Queensland Rugbyhasbeen formulatedwhereall ClubsandSub-Unionshavesupported thepremisethatall RugbybelowSuper12 levelwillbe amateurandall bodieswishingto participate in eueensland Rugbywillbe askedto signa partnership agreement. Thestrategyhasthe broadsupportof the SeniorClubswith a Brisbane Management Committee beingdelegated the responsibility of establishing the groundrulesfor the different levelsof competition. GPShas hadsignificantinputintothe changeprocess throughRodTorkingiton, RobinThomsonandmyselfandin generalthe changesproposedshouldbenefitour sporteven thoughsomemayupsetlongestablishedpatternsof behaviour. Ground Developnrent Nothingotherthanessential maintenance of fieldshas occurredfor two years.We mustfindthe fundsto do substantialrefurbishment afterthisseasonor risk negatingall thegoodworkdonesomeyearsagoin gettingthefieldsout of the dustbowlcategory. Extralightingwasinstalled on thethirdfieldto spreadthe trafficloadon trainingnightsbutthestandardoilightingis still wellbelowan acceptablestandardfor nightfootball.With the increasingpopularityof nightgamesit is essentialto upgrade ourmainfieldlightsthisseason. GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY UNION CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 1999 Lloyd "Fat FullbacK'Graham said the Buffoon in a ruck or maul conjured up the image of a frog in a sock and said it was little wonder he played 335 consecutivegames without injury, as he always played 60 minutes of the game on his knees. Lloyd recalled the infamous 1976 beer strike in Brisbane,ano how Robin would drive his station wagon down to Moree in northemNSW, load it up with all the beer he could buy, then drive back in time for the game so everyonehad somethingto drinkthat night. "For this alone, Robin wouldhave deservedlife membership of Jeeps,let alone all the otherthings he has done. Nobodyin the historyof the club is likelyto achievethe things Robin Thomsonhas done". Lloyd said he was often asked why Jeeps had won only three premiershipsin the modernera. "l ask you: with players having nicknameslike Knucklehead (Nerrvstead), Fenet (Aaron), Buzzard (Brand), Hector (Hillhouse),One Tree (Hillhouse),Bench(Evans),Fat Jack (Evans),Porpoise(Lonie),Loophote(McDiarmid),NumberI {.]9n""1,Monlhly (Datey),Je[y (Davies),Bung (park), Boonga (Abernethy),SGIO Building (Asprey), Country (Stanton), Membrane(Armstrong),Raincoat (Renkert),professor (Marshall),Mouth (Boucher),Whate (Btigh),Sauce (Bemays), C_rackerMan (Kann), Woggy (Hanis), Baldy (Batdwin), [ypp"t (Munay),Puller(Maskell),Cticker(Ctark)and Buffoon (Ihomson), HoWd we ever win three premierships?' Afrer hearing a congratulatorymessage from Sports Minister Bob Gibbs,the man himself was given the right of reply in a passionateson et lumiere address that defies transcriftion. You had to be there. And in recompensefor the bagging, he was presentedwith a framed "AustralianLegends"jersey, as beflts a legend of the game at the level where mosi play it, tne club. The dedicationread: "Presentedta Robin (Buff) Thomson,'a tue tegend of the game', by the AustralianRugby Legends,an o anisatjon dedicated to recognising and promoting the coitibution of alt flrose wrose dedication to and passion for the game of rugby - all it standsfor and all it bings - who by their commitmeit,strength of purpose,opinion, datus or stance, stand as the bulw_arkthat is needed to protect and preserve the unque qualitiesof the rugby ethosfrom the posturingand status seeklng that has come with the age of professionatism,of all those whatever shape or sEe, whatever colour or creed and from whateverwalk of life who under the blanketof a rugby jersey, crest or club, commit to standtogetherfor g0 minutes and as a consequence spend the rest of their tivestaking about it. "The rugby legend does not need to have donned the green and gold or state colours becausehe can carry the colour of his club with equal pide and commitment both on field and off over a lifetime"He can contribute to the wider acfuities of rugby both at ctub Ievel and higher. 'le is a rugby man through and through - he is Buff Thomson- he is a rugby legend.. VALE The GPSClub mournedthe passing in 1999of the foilowing friends of the club: John Greene,Tess Hammond,Lorraine Moynihan,ReubenNicol & Bob Templeton First Grade Report Initially I wasaskedto assistDamienFrawleyin 1999butdue to circumstances beyondanyone'scontrolDamiencouldnot commitfullyandourroleswere reversed. It first.itmlJ !e thoughtnotto be the ideatway of becoming theclub's1' GradeCoach,however,I believe inis Oaptism 6f firemayproveultimately to be the makingof us. It tookmethe bestpartof the seasonto cometo termswith exactlywhatis required to havea teamplaycompetitively at thislevel.Theseasonbegancomfortably enough.Ourfrtness levelwasverygood,thanksmainlyto fitnesscoachAndrew Scottand his programmes. We were alwayscompetitiveand thereseemedno reasonforconcem. Thefirstcompetition gameboughtthosefeelingsto an abrupt haltwhenwe failedto getoutof firstgearagainsta more composed andexperienced Sunnybank. We recoveredwellenoughto draw with Brothers(the best1c Graderesultsince96),a matchwe shouldhavewon,and beatNorths. A lossto Eastsat homewas followedby a poorperformance againstWeststhatearnedthe playersa ferociousblastfrom Frawls.We recoveredreasonablywell,a drawagainst Souths,27-all,anothermatchthatgot away. We thenlostto University in a matchthat neverreachedany greatheightsandthenfinishedoff the roundpoorlywhenwe lostto GoldCoastat home. Ourgreatestproblemthroughthe first roundwas consistency, andbeingableto performconsistenflyrequiresa degreeof experience, something we weresadlylackingthisyear. A generalbye wasfollowedby our club byeand as a result ourretumto thecompetition was flatanduninspiring. Wewerebeatenbadlyby Sunnybank andif notfor two convertedtriesscoredby TimAtkinson(Bestand Fairest)the score-line wouldhavebeenveryembarrassing. Thetrainingsessionwhichfollowedwasthe mostbrutalI haveeverdishedoutto a team. We improved immediatelv andplayeda verygoodfirsthalfagainsiBrothers, unfortunately dueto thepreviousweek,straining, somepoor decision makingandquestionable refereeing w- faOeC6aaly andBrothers finished strongly. Thefollowingweekwe playedwell with MarkMurray(who thisyearcaptained Queensland) instrumental in liftingus to a goodwin a homeoverNorths.This matchalsoheraldedthe retumto formof promising youngsterDonovan Slade (Queensland Under21's). A competitivematchagainsteventualpremiersEastswas followedby a disappointing lossto Westsat home,another matchwe shouldhavewon. Thefollowingweekwe wereoutclassedby Southsin the wet butfollowedthatwitha tremendousperformance against Universityat home.We won 4 to 2Z scoringfour tries in the processandshowingall the Ashgroveregularswhat we were capableof. Notsurprisingly, those in theirfirstseasonof 1d grade,JoelBoogers(Combined StatesUnder21,s),Chris Wright,DonovanSlade,TomMcVerry(eueensland Under 19s)andCameron Adamsall playedwell,andare keento showthat sort of formthroughoutihe20@ season. Unfortunately we lostour finalmatchof the yearby a point(a familiarfeelingfor thoseof us fromthe 9g colts)to Gold Coast,eventhoughwe didscoretwo triesto one. GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY I]II-ION CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT 1999 Of all the regular performersin g9 only Trent Forno (captain and Best and Fairest),Paul Farmer(vice-captain),Daniel MacFarlaneand Jason Air had experiencedmore than two full seasonsof 1r Grade. Playerssuch as DamianBriais(Players'player),Adams, Brad Tronc (CombinedStatesUnder21's), McVerry,Couper, Atkinson,Wright, Slade,CharlieHollandand Boogerswill benefit greatly from this year's experience and will all mature into very good, if not sensationalfootballers.and provide this club with a tremendousbaseto build upon. My thanksto those who helpedme throughthe year. Damian Frawley,who nearly alwayskept it undercontrol.paul Green who seems to have a limitlesssupply of passion for the place. George Bickerstaff,the club's independentselector, who never seems tg run out of names, our managers Paul Cramsieand Simon (Spic)Mamminowho spent a lot of time dealing with my frustration. The club's medical staff, Dr. PaulineSmith and Physiotherapist Geoff Clark. Both do a fantastic and sometimes thankless job. I'm sure Geoff spends more time with and knowssome of the playersmore intimatelythan their wivesand girlfriends. My thanksto Paul McGahanand his committeewho supportedme and tried to help whereverthey could. Thanks to those who work tirelessly around the place without the majority knowing, like Buff, the Taylors and Paul Reid who will be sadly missed due to his move to Sydney. My apologies to those who I have missed but I would encourageanyone who has a spare momentand can assist in any way to do so. Runninga football club is hard lvork and we need all the help we can get. My thanks also to all the other coaches. Every time we had to find a replacement playerit had an impactallthe way throughall the grades or the colts and this can make planning difficult. Finally the players, whose effort this year didn't go unnoticed and knowing that the majorityare very enthusiasticin regard to season 2000 and are aftending our off-season developmentprogramwill only mean a more competitive, enjoyable club and better resufts. I am quite convincedthat if the talent we have at Jeeos continuedto work hard and gain the much neededexperience we require,that in the very near future we will be placing the silverware in the trophy cabinet and seeing more of our playersrepresentQueenslandand Australia. StephenMeehan 1999 1"t Grade Coach Third Grade Report The 3rd Grade team had great potential for the 1999 season afrerworkingvery hard in the pre-seasontraining.The competitiondraw looked favourable with strong opposition in the early rounds to measure our potential. At the first proper 3rd Grade training session I stated to the guys that one of my goals for the season was to have none of the players who were in the team at the start of the season still there at the end because they had improved and were in highergrades.For variousreasonsthis goal was achieved. Only winningthree games and finishingthe seasonon the bottomof the table was disappointing.The playershave to be applaudedfor the determinationand composurethat they played and trained with all season. The spirit displayed by the guys for team and club was admirable. The team was competitive for each match while not alwavs being able to more score points. During the season approximately50 playerspassedthroughthe team. The primary cause of this was injuriesto players in 'A' Grade and Reserve Grade. Three of our players also ended up with leg fractures. Thanks must go to Steelyand Rohan for being so tolerantat letting players come up from 4th Grade. Towards the end of the season some players were having two games and it was hard work. The exodus of players to Reserve Grade became so constant that Chns would send different messengers to collect playersThe'magnificentseven'cadains also deservethanks.Tim, Sean, Scott Moran, Ryan, Brad, Stuart,and Scott Edge did a fine job, with all except Edgey, progressing to Reserve Grade. Highlightof the season would have been the victoryover Wests. This showed great potential for the team. All players contributed well to the team with Liufau "Kiko" Sevele receiving the Best and Fairest Award and Takeshi "Tuc(/' Oyama receivingthe Phar Lap Award in recognitionof his dedicationand enthusiasm. From a coachingperspectivethe seasonwas a good learning experience. The players would have liked better results btd you dont always get what you want. The playershave great potentialinsideand throughgoal settingtheir dreamswill be realised. Thanks must also go to George, Rod, Paul, and all those who assisted through the year. Thanks also to supporters, families,and friends.The game is for the players,so thank you for the effort through the season. Keegs trying to make the team and club grow. Craig Elliott 3rd Grade Coach 1999 Fourth Grade Report The '19994h Grade was the team that "shouldhave,could have" but ultimatelydid not. A combinationof factors contributed to that. First up we did not have the players week in-week out that could compete at the required level to win consistently. When we were at strength we could compete and beat any of the top finishingteams as our victoriesover Brothers and Wes{s showed. However these days were interspersed with a forfeit and a number of phone-aroundsto ensure we had the numbers. lf anyone is to blame it must be thrown at my feet as I found it increasinglydifficultto maintainenthusiasmparticularly because of work commitments. Thanks must go to Justin Steel for his supportand help. I must also thank Scott Edge, David Chippendale,Buff Thomson and Dave Rasmussen,a quartetthat were reliable and presentat almost every game and, if they weren't,gave plenty of notice. Thanks also to George Bickerstaff for his support and help throughoutthe year and also to our team manager, Lambsie,who despile a broken relationshipand being cruellyenvelopedby alcohol late in the seasonstill continuedin this most importantof roles. Rohan Fuller Coach Women's Team Report Onceagain,it was somewhatof a surpriseto seethe numbersturningup for preseasontrainingfor theGpS Women'steam. As a resultof the previousseason'ssuccess and somegreatrecruitingat the localgirls'school,the numberswerealmostenoughto fieldtwoteams. Unfortunately this leftteamselectorswiththe unfortunate task of attempting to giveeveryonea game. Notan easytask! As a result,the GPSandUniversity teamsputtogethera proposalfor a seconddivision10scompetition thatwould alleviatethe precariousdecisionmakingprocessandwould haveultimately strengthened women'srugbyin Brisbane. GPS OLD BOYS RUGBY UNION CLUB INC. ANNUAL REPORT T999 However, due to many factors the 10s competitiondid not proceedin 1999. lt is my understandinghowever,that the competition has been given approval for the 2@0 season. confidentthat the GPS team would not have achieved its cunent level of success. Philip, we wish you well and hope to continueto see you here at GPS for many yearsto come. The standard of football being played by the GpS Women's team continuesto improve.1999 saw GpS draw a game against Brothers (a feat never before achieved) and score their tirsl ever try against UniversityWomen. Spectators at that day thoughtthat we had won, given the excited screaming coming frorn the field. Finally,the successand developmentof women'srugby has been dependenton so few people. I would like to encourage everyoneto be involvedin all aspectsof the women'sgame as it is just as rewardingand enjoyableas men'srugby. So, for the second year running,the GpS women finishedin the top four. Unfortunately,GPS ended their seasonin the semi-finals,losingto the Brotherswomen. The GpS women should be proud of their achievements and status as one of the top four teams in Brisbane. A notablementionfor the women'steam was the selectionof Winsoe Coe in the 1999 QueenslandWomen,steam that competedin the NationalChampionshipsheld in perth in July. This was Winson'sfirst year playingwomen'srugby so this was quite a feat. Winson also scored on debut with her first touch of the football. One of the strengths of the women's teams is the supoort and camaraderiegiven by the rest of the GpS ctub. Thani you to all who have shown interest and apprecidtion in women's rugby. Thanks also to the coaches of the grades and colts, who have been patient in allowing us to practice live drills againsttheirteams. T.Fnf" abo to PhitipLangley. philip has been coachingthe girls for three years now and has decided to take a breakWrthoutPhilip'senthusiasmand passionfor the game, I am Carla Hardy 1999GPS Women'sManager Colts ll Report Colts ll had a very successfulyear reachingthe majorsemifinals but going down to eventual premiers, Wests. We had some very good personalachievementsthroughout the season,includingTim Wolf takingout Best & Fairest,and Mick Porter,our most consistentplayer. Also, Dave Huxtable for his commendableefforts in the backs. All players made a great effort every game, consideringthere was no Colts lll side to draw upon after the first few rounqs. I would liketo thank RichardTaylorfor a job well done as Colts ll managerin 19S. ln finishing,I would like to also thank my Assistantcoach, Scott Lavaringfor his efforts and expertise in coaching the backs. Joe Anderson Colts ll Coach f ende & Cotts lReports unavailable attime of printing The 1999Trophy List PresentedBy OwenEdwards KenAaron PeterMcBaron WrenBtigh PaulTreacy LloydGraham KenBofton BradButten DavidAbemethy BobArmstrong RobinThomson KelvinBoys Cr Geraldine Knapp The friendsof LonaineMoynihan Ashgrove-GpS AlanTaylor NeilHatherly GeorgeBickerstaff JoeAnderson TopTry Scorer '100Pointsfor the Season Best& Fairest1oGrade Best& Fairest1" Grade 1oGrade"Players' Player" Best& Fairest2* Grade /d GradeMVP Best& Fairest3'dGrade 3d GradePharLapaward Best& Fairest4'Grader 4'GradeMVP Best& Fairest Women's Women'sMVP Contribution to Juniors Best& FairestColtsI Colts| "Players' Playe/ Best& FairestColtsll Coltsll MostConsistent Best& FairestColt BestJuniorClubman BestClubman ClubCaptain Top Try Scorers1999 BradJano(Cofts) AndrewFarquharson (Colts) TarquinLeaver(Colts) MichaelPorter(Cotts) JohnCox(Cotts) TomMcverry(Colt9Grades) GlenKuhn(Cotts) JodyFauth(Colts) MeganOliver(Women) JoelBoogers (Grades) TimAtkinson(Grades) RobertBurrowsMemorialTrophy DavidBunowsMemorialTrophyWallerH. BoydMemorial Trophy HumphreyBereMemorialTrophy a?, 1a 9 7 A 6 o q PresentedTo BradJarro GlenKuhn PaulFarmer TimAtkinson TrentForno DamienBrias DarrylJover PaulBiddulph LiufauSevele TakeshiOyama ScottEdge DanenHines AmandaYoung FionaHine Alan& Margaret Taylor TimHeenan LukeWilkes TimWdf MichaelPorter TomMcVerry PatHobday JoeAnderson TrentForno Top PointsScorers1999 GlenKuhn(Colts) PaulFarmer(Grades) BradJano(Colts) AndrewFarquharson (Colts) NathanCanniffe(Grades) TarquinLeaver(Cofts) MichaelPorter(Cotts) JohnCox(Colts) NathanMunay(Colts) GerardSteel(Colts) 119 102 65 62 55 45 4 JC 35 34 Grades1999 Name AdamsCameron AffleckStuart AirJason AmaniClement AtkinsonAndrew AtkinsonTim BarlowRichard BensleyStewart BiddulphPaul BoogersJoel BriaisDamien CanniffeNathan CoulterShaun CouperJames DonaldWade EdgeScoft ElliottCraig FanningTimothy FaragherAndrew FarleyAndrew FarmerPaul Farquharson Andrew Fordham Simon Forno Trent Fox Russell GermenaDante GilaiJason GilchristOwen Gleeson Miche€.| Gordon Ryan Hagley Matthew Heenan Timothy Hiley Brent Hines Darren HollandBrad HollandCharlie lsshikiNaohko JacksonJames Jacob Anthony Jacob Luke Jover Darryl KimiyaKazuhiro L'EstrangeBen MacFarlaneDaniel McGahan David McGahanMichael Mclellan Scott McVerryTom Moore Jeremy Moran Scott MortimerDuncan Muray Mark NixonBrad O'KellyMichael Ogg Daniel Oyama Takeshi ill 12 8 3 2 5 9 12 4 3 15 11 12 14 1 4 14 14 4 2 12 I 1 6 1 5 1 6 1 2 1 15 1 tv ldlAlt r 12n0 2 0t19 2 47154 1 1 10t25 1 !/13 3 35/35 5 0t15 1 1t41 7188 16/16 5 3iJ35 4t36 2 o/15 35/36 0t1 1 0 0/38 0t1 1 24n8 oJ1 3t3 49/49 3 1tl u1 15 2 1 4 1 1 9 1 5 4 1 14 1 1 1 1 2 o 6 3 3 3 6 6 2 .) Itr 14 5 11 2 3 10 11 10 15 16 14 1 0126 5 14 10 I 6 1 2 3 13 1 2 2 1 1 4 G Pts 13 10 5 15 25 5 25 11 55 5 15 19 102 5 5 14 5 15 5 5 10 15 5 10 0t12 10 I 1 1 73t116 op.3 0n7 1 19t32 ar24 +0123 0t40 0/69 1 5t5 _0171 3 0/9 9p9 1 19nO 1 1 0/55 2 16t24 3 0/30 1 7131 2 c 1 24t33 2 40155 1 0/9 0t47 2 lAnO 0J52 1 0/35 0J16 84/85 0/36 0f2 15t45 0t31 4 10 10 20 PeverillDermot Phillips lan Rasmussen David SasakiNobuyoshi Sergiacomi Christian SeveieLiufau Sheppard Paul SladeDonovan SteelJustin StewartAndrew ThallonBenjamin ThiesSam ThomsonRobin Valentine David WareMichael WebsterRyan WebsterSean WestwoodAdrian WrightChris YadloskyJeffrey YoungBruce 'includes 5 4 8 2 8 6 1 1 13 5 2 1 1 1 0t13 0/35 0119 0/1I 15t41 0t11 1 0/9 22t22 4 5 10t't14 2 012 1 0n7 3t3 6 204+i713 10 0/109 3 36n6 2 0t3 0t15 0t4 17t18 1 0 6 15 12 1 6 1 6 4 9 16 5 20 10 0rza 7 10 11t34 1 Ch Gradegames Women'sTeamlggg Name Anderson Carmen ButlerLisa ClarkSamantha eoe \A/inson GoxKathleen CoxSarah Diplock Jenny Durnesny Chevonne Ferguson Orla HinesFiona ionesLouise JonesRebecca Kleeman Angie Lindsay TewesGillian MarshJane MaysLouella OliverMegan Phillips Nancy Phillips Pameta Sparks Julianne StoneCarolyn StoneJacyln TaylorKate TilseRebecca VaevaemakiAnita Vaevaemaki Karina WeissMegan YatesShannon YoungAmanda Gamesffotal*' 12/|2 12n2 10t10 19t19 10t10 Qnz 6n1 12t18 1U12 11t24 1oii0 1U13 12t26 10t4i 11t42 P 5 15 20 5 3 15 2 1 3 10 24 15 1 7 5 25 5 tu/ tu 11/33 ' 10f25 10ha 1t1 1t1 Pts 1 3 4 1 l A I ' A v/Y G 1 1n2 4t4 8t8 11t11 13/50 1t1 11i48 "* No recordsavailable for 1994& lgg5 seasons 10 15 15 Golts 1999 Name il I I BardenBen 2 ClaytonJohn 15 CoxJohn Shamus Cozzi-Delaney CrossSimon DonaldWade Andrew Eldridge ErvenMark 7 FarleyAndrew Andrew 11 Farquharson 1 FauthJody GarbettAndrew 7 GolightlyAlasdair James Gwynne 14 HammondXavier HansonLucas 13 HeenanTimothy 9 HobdayJason 17 HoMayPatrick 7 HoganMathew 4 HoystedTimo,thy HuxtableDavid 17 JarroBrad JesserRyan 16 KuhnGlen 16 LeaverTarquin 12 Anthony Mathison 1 Andrew McCulloch 10 McVerryTom 1 MurrayNathan OlivaSantiago 7 PorterMichael ProctorTerry 5 ScottBenjamin SextonLuke 17 SteelGerard StirlingClifford 16 ThiesSam Michael Train 17 WilkesLuke WilliamsMatt 2 WolfTim 16 ZellerDamie+ 1 0 14 lll Tot T 7 19 16 15 5 1 11 4 5 7 11 16 5 29 15 16 17 J3 3 3 7 5 4 I v 4 4 5 15 5 13 11 2 12 4 5 4 1 2 7 1 15 3 1 2 I 4 I 5 5 1 10 2 5 1 4 J I 2 12 6 1 2 2 I 2 2 5 I 4 2 17 17 J8 12 11 11 16 16 12 13 10 16 3 1 1 1 J 4 13 6 I 3 1 6 2 IY o 10 9 13 17 6 16 12 17 9 19 1€ 3 2 4 2 3 J I J 4 3 3 Fts 15 23 35 6 0 5 0 10 0 62 30 7 10 10 5 10 l0 0 5 15 26 0 65 4 t*) 9 1 2 12 1 G 4 1 7 8 2 5 3 4 1 J 1 J19 45 15 27 30 35 0 40 15 10 0 34 10 15 o 15 5 20 15 GPSOLD BOYSRUGBYUNIONCLUB INC. AIYNUALREPORT1999 Treasure/sReport Preamble It should be noted that differences between reporting of the accounts have occuned within the financial statements. The main difference in reporting is that in 1998, the accounts were reported in a netted state. This is prevalentwhen observingthe negative balancesin the Incomeof the Profttand Loss Statement. Operating Profit I iresent ior members'considerationthe Club's FinancialStatementsfor the year ended 30h September,1999. The Club gainedan operatingprofitof $12,656.68for the 1999 financialyear. This needs to be placedwith last year'sloss of $ 11 , 5 7 6 . 9 3 . functionsorganised by RobinThomson, The major reasonsfor this turnaroundwas the sale of Ballymoreseating,and s_uccessful PeterMarshall,Rod Torkington,Mark Hanis, Luigi DiClementeand GeraldineBarlow. Trading Outlook The clul again faced difficult times in terms of sponsorship,subscriptions and retail sales. This attributed to a decrease in income of $34,053.91. Conclusion 1999was thereforea very criticalyear financiallyfor the Club. With the supportof the committeeworking together,the Club was able to supportits membersand to providethe qualityof servicethat membershave been accustomedwith. Specialthanksto the committeeand playersfor their support.And specialthanksto Rod Torkingtonfor showing the way. Luke Jacob (B.Bus Acc.) Honorary Treasurer INCOME Subscriptions Player Member Team Contributions 'A'Grade GPSOLDBOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. INCOMEANDEXPENDITURE STATEMENT FORTHEYEARENDED30 SEPTEMBER 1999 $ 17,140.00 3,520.00 Colts 1 Colts 2 Colts3 Reserve Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade WomensTeam Functions& Fundraising Raffles& Doubles AnnualDinner BlackTie Dinner/Lunch Seven'sTrips Golf Day Buffet Roast BreakfastTattersall's RetailSales Bar Food Merchandise Donations& Sponsorships Donation- General - Trophies Sponsors- Associate Major - Grades & Colts - Other Parking& Admission Prizemoney QRU Grants MiscellaneousIncome HealthInsuranceRefund AlbanyCreek lncome Subscriptions Jersey/SocksSares Profit on Sale of Fixed Asset TOTAL INCOME Cost of Sales OpeningStock Bar Merchandise Purchases Bar Merchandise Food ClosingStock Bar Merchandise Total Cost of Sales Gross Profit 610.00 oao 1q 1,002.00 225.00 803.80 725.00 632.95 1,083.00 2,358.05 4,846.95 3,957.50 2,115.00 9,390.00 24,879.98 oqq nn 34,777.12 6,039.01 5,818.60 345.00 s80.00 24,542.00 2,580.00 7 r|q1 0c 10,960.30 600.00 27,500.00 241.00 757.50 3,060.00 1,140.00 11,700.00 212,915.86 411.50 5,496.05 22,216.96 174.85 4,837.57 (48.6s) (3,eeo.00) 2s,098.28 183,817.58 The accompanying notes form part of this financial report GPSOLD BOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. STATEMENT INCOMEAND EXPENDITURE 1999 FORTHEYEARENDED30 SEPTEMBER $ EXPENDITURE Audit& AccountingFees Advertising PrintingiPhotocopying General Newsletter Postage General Newsletter Stationery Typing DesktopPublishing( Newsletter) Couriers Administration ComputerExpenses LadiesDay Expenses Affiliations B a n kC h a r g e s Clothing- Jerseys Fees& Permits AlbanyCreekExpenses AshgroveGround& BuildingExpenses Telephones- Other - Office GroundMaintenance- No. 1 - No.2 -No.3 Rates- No. 1 R e n t- N o . 1 - No.2 '1 Electricity- No. -No.2 - Small Clubhouse Gas rff &Maint Repair : Liil#;" Cleaning& Waste Disposal Signage Linemarking Comer Posts FootballExpenses SevensExpenses Home Games Expenses Video Footballs Equipment Travel& Tour CoachesEducation ColtsExpenses Prize Money Photos RehidrationExpenses Strapping/Medical RecruitmentExpenses The accompanying notes form part of this financial report 3,969.50 1,429.30 1,107.20 799.26 436.55 1,178.26 451.60 460.30 110.00 548.35 124.00 57.95 14 3 . 10 2,880.00 1,796.28 5,203.50 452.25 o ?oo ,7 1,578.15 3,939.91 403.34 2,173.33 73.33 38.80 676.25 460.00 1,835.48 639.32 67.'!5 665.09 1,483.3s 392.40 2,157.10 120.00 210.30 181.90 3,287.50 1,508.40 210.89 1,173.61 2,283.77 789.00 780.00 180.00 1,000.00 358.00 1,962.50 2,350.90 1,975.00 GPSOLD BOYSRUGBYCLUBtNC. INCOMEAND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FORTHEYEARENDED30 SEPTEMBER 1999 $ Laundry Juke Box Hire FencingHomeGames CleaningHomeGames Repairs- equipment Hire Equipment Insurance General Player Interest LeasedEquipment Raffles& Doubles Expenses AnnualDinnerExpenses Best& FairestNight Golf Day Expenses BuffetRoast Gold Coast Race Day Expenses RugbyFest TattersallsBreakfasts LicenseFee FundraisingGeneralExpenses MotorVehicleExpenses Playerlmport Expenses Security SponsorshipCosts Subscriptions EmploymentExpenses Superannuation Wages - Executives - Bar - Other Workers Compensation Water TOTAL EXPENSES Surplus/(Deficit) from ordinary activities The accompanying notes form part of this financiat report 2,057.00 150.00 200.00 40.00 1.248.33 5,168.02 1,050.55 7,415.62 613.20 3,180.00 130.00 3,857.85 141.50 4,204.65 9 , 0 11 . 8 0 50.00 135.00 810.00 330.00 60.00 9,447.06 1,675.00 2,464.90 426.00 359.40 4,133.74 35,730.04 2,577.50 8,543.99 (50.65) 3 , 1 4 .19 9 173,803.93 10013.65 GPSOLDBOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. B,ALANCE SHEETAS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 ASSETS CunentAssets C a s ha t B a n k CBA - CollegesRugbyCtub Bank of Qld AlbanyCreek D Bunows MemorialFund Total Cash at Bank Bank of Qld GeneralAccount Total Current Assets $ 27.71 2,35s.89 1, 1 2 3 . 9 0 3,507.50 (4,661.23) /1 1q? 7',1\ \ | ' . v v . , v , , Debtors AshgroveJuniorDebtor ValleysCricketClub Debtor Total Debtors S a v i n g sF u n d s Trade Debtors Stockon Hand Bar Merchandise Total Savings Funds OtherAssets DepositsPaid BallymoreLife Membership Total Other Assets 4,949.99 10,479.34 15,429.33 2,963.00 48.65 3,990.00 7,001.65 1,210.00 300.00 1, 5 1 0 . 0 0 Property& Equipment Clubhouse Office Unit (Portable) M a i nC l u b h o u s e( 1 1 2S h a r e ) Small ClubhouseFacilities F i e l dN o . 3 D e v e l o p m e n t ImprovementsAlbanyCreek TotalClubhouse 14,325.00 124,O29.30 Equipment Plant& Equipment FieldLightsNo. 1 Oval FieldLightsNo. 2 Oval WeightsApparatus lrrigationOval No. 1 lrrigationOvalNo.2 FieldLightsNo. 3 & Car park TotalEquipment Total Property & Equipment TOTAL ASSETS 27,126.41 12,265.00 12,841.76 8,126.00 6,479.50 2,823.50 1,692.62 71,354.79 195,384.09 218,171.34 The accompanying notes form part of this financial report 6,595.00 44,714.00 56,596.30 1 700 nn GPSOLD BOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. BALANCESHEETAS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 1999 LIABILITIES CurrentLiabilities Trade Creditors PAYE Tax Payable Loan B of Qld re: PortableOffice Other Cunent Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Non-CunentLiabilities Loan - AlbanyCreek Grounds Tota! Non-CurrentLiabilities TOTAL LIABILIT]ES NET ASSETS M E M B E R ' SF U N D S Member'sEquity A C DibdinTrophy J R Hanis PerpetualTrophy RetainedMembersFunds Current Year Surplus/(Deficit) TOTAL MEMBER'SFUNDS The accompanying notes form part of this financial report 19,820.45 3,904.89 6,479.46 3,250.00 33,454.80 19,250.00 10 ,Rn nn 5r,?04.80 165,466.54 300.00 300.00 154,852.89 10,013.65 165.466.54 GPSOLD BOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. NOTESTO THEFINANCIALSTATEMENTS FORTHEYEARENDED30 SEPTEMBER 1999 NOTE 1: Statementof Significant Accounting Policies This financialreport is a special purpose financialreport preparedin order to satisfythe financialreportingrequirementsof the AssociationsIncorporationAct Queensland. The commifteehas determinedthat the associationis not a reportingentity. The financialreport has been prepared in accordancewith the requirementsof the AssociationsIncorporationAct eueensland and the followingAustralianAccountingStandards: AAS 3 AAS 5 AAS 8 MS 17 Accountingfor IncomeTax Materiality Events OccurringAfter ReportingDate Accountingfor Leases No other applicableAccountingStandards, Urgent lssues Group ConsensusViews or other authoritativepronouncementsof the AustralianAccountingStandardsBoard have been applied The financialreport is prepared,on a cash basis wherebyitems are broughtinto accountas money is paid or received,from the recordsof the association. The following material accountingpolicies,which are consistentwith the previousperiod unless otherwise stated, have been adoptedin the preparationof this financialreport. (a) Fixed Assets Leaseholdimprovementsand office equipmentare carriedat cost less, where applicable,any accumulateddepreciation. The depreciableamount of all fixed assets are depreciatedover the useful lives of the assets to the association commencrng from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leaseholdimprovementsare amortisedover the shorter of either the unexpired periodof the lease or the estimateduseful lives of the improvements. GPSOLDBOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. INDEPENDENT AUDITREPORTTO THEMEMBERS OF GPSOLDBOYSRUGBYCLUBINC. Scope We have audited the financial report, being a special purpose financial report, of GPS Old Boys Rugby Club Inc. for the year ended 30 September 1999 as set out on pages 1 to 5. The committeeis responsiblefor the financialrlport and has determined that the accounting policiesused and describedin Note 1 to the financialstatementswhich form part oi the financialreport, are appropnate to meet the requirementsof the AssociationsIncorporationAct Queenslandand are appropriateto meet the needs of the members. We have conductedan independentaudit of this financial report in order to express and opinion on it to the members of GPS Old Boys Rugby Club Inc. No opinion is expressedas to whether the accountingpoliciesused are appropriateto the needs of the members. The financial report has been prepared for the purpose of fulfilling the requirementsof the Associations IncorporationAct Queensland' We disclaimany assumptionof responsibilityfor any ieliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates to any person other than the members,or for any purpose other than that for wirich it was prepared Our audit has been conductedin accordancewith AustralianAuditing Standards. Our proceduresincluded examtnatlon,on a test basis, of evidence supportingthe amounts and other disclosuresin the financial report and the evaluationof significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all mate6al respects, the financial report is presentedfairly in accordancewith the accountingpoliciesdescribedin Note 'l so as to presenta view which is consistentwith our understandingof the Association'sfinancialposition,and performanceas representedby the results of its operationsand its cash flows. These policiesdo not requirethe applicationof all AccountingStandardsand othermandatory professionalreportingrequirementsin Australia. The audit opinion expressedin this reporthas been formed on the above basis. Audit Opinion In our opinion,the financialreport presentsfairtyin accordancewith the accountingpoliciesdescribedin Note 1 to the financial statements' the financialpositionof GPS Old Boys Rugby Club Inc. as at 30 SepGmber 1999 and the results of its operations for the year then ended. E R I C C . B U T L E R& C O . ,/' ,' .4; ,,/ ,/ ,/'.,. / .'/ a. .r'r--, /a .- JOHN L. AMOS CharteredAccountant 3'o May 20O2 4/55 McDougallStreet MiltonQld 4064
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