POLICY SCHEDULE ALL-INCLUSIVE COVER Section/Benefits A. TRAVEL ASSISTANCE a) Medical consultation by telephone b) Sending a doctor or an ambulance in the event of an emergency c) Specialist medical report d) Repatriation of insured children e) Providing an interpreter f) Translation of medical records g) Travel for a family member in the event of hospitalisation h) Extended stay (for the Insured Party) i) Extended stay (for a Companion) J1) Repatriation of a deceased person j2) Funeral expenses k) Sending urgent messages l) Advance payment for emergency expenses m) Credit card protection n) Legal expenses abroad Limits The same as the cover for a single loss YES YES Travel tickets + a maximum of €100 per night (for a maximum of 5 nights) for food and accommodation YES YES Travel costs + a maximum of €100 per day, with a maximum total of €500 (for 5 days) Up to a maximum of €100 per day (for a maximum of 5 days) for food and accommodation + ticket for return travel if the original ticket could no longer be used Up to a maximum of €100 per day (for a maximum of 5 days) for food and accommodation + ticket for return travel if the original ticket could no longer be used €2.000 €2.000 YES In Italy: € 1,000 Rest of the world: € 5,000 YES €1.500 €10.000 q) Search and rescue costs €5.000 r) Information service 24 hours a day s) Repatriation of insured family members and travelling companions t) Assistance with hotel booking and car hire B. MEDICAL EXPENSES WHEN TRAVELLING a) Medical/hospital costs b) Transport for Repatriation c) Expenses for medical appointments and/or medicines d) Dental treatment C. ACCIDENTS DURING TRAVEL a) Accidents during travel (not air travel) b) Accidents during air travel D. CIVIL LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIES E. FAMILY AND HOME ASSISTANCE a) Medical consultation by telephone b) Direct information by telephone None YES in Italy o) Advance payment for bail abroad p) Baggage and document assistance Excess per incident for each insured person YES YES Return ticket if the original ticket cannot be used YES In Italy: €10.000 - Rest of the world: Unlimited YES € 75 YES In Italy: €550 - Rest of the world: €1.300 €550 The same as the cover for a single loss €50.000 €100.000 €25.000 The same as the cover for a single loss YES None None None YES Inter Partner Assistance S.A. – 10 -11 Mary Street, Dublino 1, Irlanda Sede Secondaria per l’Irlanda di Inter Partner Assistance S.A, Compagnia Internazionale di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni con sede in Belgio, 1050 Bruxelles, Avenue Louise, 166 (cap. soc. € 11.702.613,00 detenuto al 100% da AXA ASSISTANCE) assoggettata alla vigilanza della BNB Banque Nationale de Belgique, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14 BE -1000 Bruxelles). Inter Partner Assistance S.A. - Sede Secondaria per l’Irlanda, è autorizzata all’esercizio dell’attività assicurativa in Italia con il numero di iscrizione ISVAP II.00928 all'Albo Imprese di Assicurazione e Riassicurazione ed opera in Italia in regime di libera prestazione di servizi. Section/Benefits Limits d) Ambulance service YES c) Medical assistance during the night and on holidays e) Transfer to a specialist centre f) Home protection to send an electrician, plumber, locksmith F. ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE a) Roadside emergency and rescue assistance b) Sending a taxi c) Repatriation to place of residence or continuation of the journey d) Replacement driver e) Retrieval of repaired vehicle f) Hotel expenses G. BAGGAGE a) Theft, bag snatching, mugging, fire and failure to deliver baggage. b) Replacement of a passport H. INTERRUPTION OF TRAVEL a) Interruption of travel b) Early repatriation YES Excess per incident for each insured person YES €150 each incident The same as the cover for a single loss YES None YES YES YES YES Maximum € 100 for 2 days (maximum of € 200) € 1.500 € 200 for a single item, pair or set, or € 300 for valuable items €300 In Italy: € 500 Rest of the world: € 2,000 (including a + b) € 75 € 75 YES YES Inter Partner Assistance S.A. – 10 -11 Mary Street, Dublino 1, Irlanda Sede Secondaria per l’Irlanda di Inter Partner Assistance S.A, Compagnia Internazionale di Assicurazioni e Riassicurazioni con sede in Belgio, 1050 Bruxelles, Avenue Louise, 166 (cap. soc. € 11.702.613,00 detenuto al 100% da AXA ASSISTANCE) assoggettata alla vigilanza della BNB Banque Nationale de Belgique, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14 BE -1000 Bruxelles). Inter Partner Assistance S.A. - Sede Secondaria per l’Irlanda, è autorizzata all’esercizio dell’attività assicurativa in Italia con il numero di iscrizione ISVAP II.00928 all'Albo Imprese di Assicurazione e Riassicurazione ed opera in Italia in regime di libera prestazione di servizi.
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