AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL FORM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS For Clerk's Use Only: AGENDA NUMBER CLERK OF THE BOARD 44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite #627 Stockton, California 95202 SUBMIT ONE COPY OF TmS FORM WITH EACH BOARD AGENDA ITEM. At the time of submitting your agenda item documents, please provide O~ ORIGINAL & 7 COPIES OF THE BOARD LETTER AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS (Resolutions, Board Orders, Contracts, etc.) for distribution after Board Approval. H more than one origiBal is required, you must provide the appropriate number or originals to be . executed by the Board of Supervisors. DATE: June 9, 2014 DEPARTMENT: San Joaquin Gener,1 Hospital I CONTACT & PHONE #: AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval to Purchase the Nuance PowerScribe Voice Recognition System for San Joaquin General Hospital For a Total of $239,946 PROPOSED AGENDA PLACEMENT DATE: PROPOSED CALENDAR: June 24, 2013 DISTRIBUTION: Sheila -: 46*-~621 Consent-Health & Human Services (MAILING ADDRESSES MUST BE PROVIDED IF NOT A COUNTY DEPARTMENT) DOCUMENT #OFCOPIES Auditor-Controller Board Order 1 Information Systems Division Board Order 1 Purchasing and Support Services Board Order 1 San Joaquin General Hospital Board Order 1 Clerk of the Board Board Order Original Special instructions to the Clerk of the Board: AGENDA ITEMS MUST BE REVIEWED AND SIGNED OFF BY THE DEPARTMENT:HEAD, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY COUNSEL. . Department Head • I I County Administrator 6/10/2014 9:16:21 AM County Counsel 0IU5 ROSE 6/10/2014 9:02:29 AM COB 6/10/2014 9:31:50 AM San Joaquin General Hospital/P. O. Box 1020 • Stockton • CA 95201 • (209) 468-6000 June 9,2014 Board of Supervisors County Administration Building Stockton, California Dear Board Members: APPROVAL TO PURCHASE THE NUANCE POWERSCRIBE ,<OICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HOSIPITAL FOR A TOTAL OF $239,946 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute the terms of the sale agreement for the purchase of the Nuance PowerScribe Voice Recognition (PSVR) system for San Joaquin General Hospital (SJGH) for a total of $239,946. REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: SJGH recommends the purchase of the PSVR system to dramatically decrease the turnaround time to deliver a final typed interpretation of diagnostic imaging exams to ordering physicians and to reduce the cost to prepare these reports. SJGH currently contracts with Central Valley Imaging Medical AS$ociates (CVIMA) to perform all radiology professional services at SJGH. CVIMA radiologists interpret images and dictate their findings, which are then forwarded to a transcriptioni&t who types the report. The transcription is reviewed by the radiologist to verify its acculracy and is then signed electronically and becomes available to the ordering physician. Duiring the day shift this process can take up to several hours. During off-hours, the images are transmitted to an offsite non-CVIMA radiologist who phones the preliminary report directly to the ordering physiCian. The following day, the onsite CVIMA radiologist reviews the e~am and dictates the final report. The off-hour process requires the CVIMA phYSician to perfprm double work, which results in slower turn-around of the final report. I i The Nuance PSVR system allows the radiologists to dictate into an automated transcription system where their findings are automatically typed by the oice recognition software. After completing a quick review of and attaching an electroni signature to the final report, it will be released to the ordering physician, eliminating the m nual transcription processes entirely. The voice recognition system will also allow CVIM radiologists to complete final reports after-hours as timely as the day shift. Board of Supervisors June 9,2014 Page Two The PSVR uses voice recognition software that allows the radiolo ists to view their dictated reports and make corrections at the time of dictation. CVIMA physi ians are familiar with and support the purchase of the Nuance system because they suc ssfully use it at several of their other hospitals. The purchase will reassign the current tra scriptionists who complete reports for the Diagnostic Imaging Department to perform tra scription for the other SJGH physicians needing transcribed reports. The reassignment of the current transcriptionists to non-Diagnostic Imaging physicians will reduce paym~ts made to the outside contracted transcription vendor by between $80,000 and $100,000 (nUall Y, FISCAL IMPACT: I I The purchase of the Nuance PowerScribe system licenses, servers~ and sales tax is $239,946. An additional $18,000 will be spent on interfacing the Nuance system with the existing CareStream Picture Archival Computer System/Radiology Information System that is not part of this action. Funds for this equipment are included in the ptoposed 2014-15 Hospital Enterprise Fund budget. There is no additional cost to the County General Fund. The San Joaquin County Information Services Director has reviewed tltlis proposal and concurs with the recommendation. ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOLLOWING APPROVAL: Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, the Chairman will· authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute the terms of sale agreement for the purcha$e of the Nuance PowerScribe Voice Recognition system. Sincerely, David K. Culberson Chief Executive Officer San Joaquin General Hospital DKC:DJ:RA:sl Board Letter - Nuance PowerScribe VR cc: Auditor-Controller Information Systems Division Purchasing and Support Services Clerk of the Board Before the Board of Supervisors County of San Joaquin, State of California B- - - MOTION: APPROVAL TO PURCHASE THE NUANCE POWERSCRIBE :VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HO§PITAL FOR A TOTAL OF $239,946 ' THIS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DOES HEREBY approve a~d authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute the terms of the sale agreement for the :purchase of the Nuance PowerScribe Voice Recognition (PSVR) system for San Joaquin General Hospital (SJGH) for a total of $239,946. ; ! I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above order was passed and adopted on _ _ _ _ _ _ vote of the Board of Supervisors, to wit: ___+__ by the following AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: MIMI D~ZENSKI Clerk of the Bo rd of Supervisors County of San Joaquin State of Cali fomi a Terms of Sale This Terms of Sale Agreement ("Agreement"), effective on the date when ~igned by the last party ("Effective Date") by and between Nuance Communications, Inc., a Delaware corP9ration with its principal office at 1 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803 (,'Nuance") and San Joaquin General Hospital with offices i at 500 W. Hospital Rd., French Camp, CA. 95231 ("Customer"). Customer desires to license Programs (as defined below) and/or purchase relate~ equipment and services from Nuance Communications, Inc ("Nuance"), as identified on the purchase order s bmitted by Customer to Nuance. If Nuance accepts such purchase order by written or electronic acknowledgem nt, the parties will have entered into a binding contract on the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Sale, which shall govern the parties' rights and obligations with respect to the applicable transaction. Neither arty shall be bound by any pre-printed provisions of any purchase order, acknowledgment, or other simila form. If Nuance fails to accept or reject the purchase order within five (5) business days of receiving the same, the purchase order will be deemed rejected. ! I. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following defined terms have the meanings indicated below. '"Affiliate(s)" are those business entities that are controlled by, controlling, or under common control with Customer. "Control" as used herein means control through ownership of more than a majority of shares of stock eligible to vote for members of the Board of Directors, or control by contract. "Authorized User(s)" are those employees and contractors of Customer, as further specified in the applicable Order, who are permitted to access the Programs subject to the terms and restrictions contained in this Agreement and the applicable Order. "Contracting Period' means the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending (i) upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement or (ii) on the third (3rd) anniversary of the Effective Date, whichever occurs first. "Documentation" means the administrative guide and user's guide provided to Customer in the performance of an Order. "Equipment" means hardware manufactured by Nuance and supplied to Customer pursuant to an Order. Except as expressly provided by this Agreement or the applicable Order, "Equipment" does not include Third Party Equipment. "First Prodllctive Use" means the date Nuance has completed the Professional Services set forth in an Order related to the installation of the Product(s) and, therefore, capable of processing data in Customer's commercial environment. "Implementation Services Order" or "ISO" means the ordering document setting forth the Professional Services and Training Services related to the implementation of Products, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software. "Jlaintenance Services" are thdse services Nuance with respect to the maintenance and support of the pursuant to this Agreement and the "Hardware and Maintenance Options Terms ard Conditions" set provides Products Software forth at "Order" means a supplement ~ubstantially in the form set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreen)ent that is entered into by the parties from time to time during the Contracting Period, which lists the specific Products, Third IParty Equipment, Third Party Software, and Maintenance Services purchased by Customer, and may also include an ISO. i "Products" means the Progral~s (or licenses thereto) and Equipment, individually or colleftively. "Professional Services" shall mi' an those services, other than Maintenance Services and Trai ing Services, set forth in an Order and provided by Nuance pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement. "Programs" means (i) the object code version of any Nuance proprietary software product specified in an Order, (ii) all Updates and Upgrades thereto, (iii) any customized features and functions provided by Nuan~e pursuant to this Agreement, and (iv) all related Documentatidm. Except expressly stated to the contrary, "Program" doe~ not include Third Party Software. "Services" means profeSSional]' Services, Training Services and/or Maintenance Services, as applicable. "Third Party Equipment" mans hardware that is not ! manufactured by Nuance. I "Third Party S()fiware" means ~oftware proprietary to a third party. i I '~"""" N""",, H I Toem, of S," ~ R," Jm,. 2n10 obligations under this Agreel ent or any Order between Customer and Nuance. In the event Nuance enters into an Order with a Designated Affili te, the term ''Customer'' as used in this Agreement and t e applicable Order shall be deemed, for purposes of the con ract formed by the applicable Order and this Agreement, t refer to such Designated Affiliate. Exhibit C may be up ated from time to time upon mutual written agreement of the arties. "Training Services" means the training services set forth in an Order and provided by Nuance pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement. "Update" means a release of a Program that Nuance generally releases to its customers as part of its Maintenance Services which may include minor feature enhancements, and/or bug fixes and/or fixes of minor errors and/or corrections, and typically is identified by an increase in a release or version number to the right of the first decimal (for example, an increase from Version 5.1 to 5.2 or from Version 5.1.1 to 5.1.2). "Update" shall not be construed to include Upgrades. I 3. Grant of License; Limitationsf Other Restrictions. a. I~icense Grant. Subject to th~ terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nuance hereby gra~ts Customer a perpetual, nonexclusive, non-transferable licerse to allow the Authorized Users to utilize the Programs sp~cified by the applicable Order in a manner commensurate }vith their intended use, as prescribed by said Order, and $olely for Customer's internal business purposes. .. Upgrade" means a release of a Program that Nuance generally releases to its customers as part of its Maintenance Services which may include some feature enhancements and/or additional capabilities (functionality) over versions of the Programs previously supplied to Customer, and typically is identified by an increase in the release or version number to the left of the decimal (for example, an increase from Version 5.2 to Version 6.0). Upgrades do not include new software and/or products that Nuance, in its sole discretion, designates and markets as being independent from the Program. b. Limitations and Restrictions. Customer agrees that it shall not, and shall not permit t~e Authorized Users, other employees, contractors, or any third party to (i) duplicate the Programs for any purpose other than for archival and disaster recovery purposes; (ii) rev¢rse engineer, disassemble, decompile or translate the Programs; (iii) change, modify or otherwise alter the Programs, (i~) assign, transfer, pledge, rent, share or sublicense any of thtj Programs without Nuance's prior written consent; (v) grant qny third party access to or use of the Programs on a ser~ice bureau, timesharing or application service provider ba~is or otherwise; or (vi) defeat or circumvent any controls or I,mitations the Program places on its use. 2. Scope of Agreement. a. Scope. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nuance shall supply to Customer the Products, Third Party Software, Third Party Equipment, and/or Services specified by each Order. Each Order will constitute a separate contract between the parties, and will be governed in all respects by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. b. Order Process. From time to time during the Contracting Period, Customer may purchase Products and associated Maintenance Services, Third Party Software, Third Party Equipment, Professional Services and/or Training Services from Nuance by entering into additional Orders with Nuance. An Order shall become effective when signed by Customer and accepted by Nuance. If Customer issues purchase orders as part of its standard business operations, Customer shall provide Nuance with a purchase order upon returning a signed Order to Nuance, provided that failure of Customer to provide a purchase order to Nuance for any reason shall not diminish Customer's obligations set forth in this Agreement or the applicable Order. Nuance may accept an Order by fulfillment of the Products, Third Party Software, Third Party Equipment, Customer and/or Services contained in said Order. acknowledges that, for reasons including Nuance's modification of supplier base and third party revision to product lines, the part numbers for Products, Third Party Software, Third Party Equipment and/or Services actually delivered may differ from the part numbers set forth in the applicable Order, provided such change has no impact on functionality or price as originally contracted. c. Notice of Unauthorized Use. Customer shall notify Nuance of the unauthorized possession r use of any Program supplied under this Agreement, by any third party not authorized by this Agreement to have such po session, immediately upon its obtaining any knowledge or not" ce thereof. 4. Third Party Software. Subj ct to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Customer s all purchase the Third Party Software as designated in the a plicable Order in the quantity and at the price set forth tl erein. Notwithstanding the forgoing, such Third Party So~ware shall be governed in all respects only by the license, maintenance terms and other terms and conditions specified by the applicable third party vendor. 5. Equipment. Subject to th~ terms and conditions of this Agreement, Customer shall purchase Equipment and/or Third Party Equipment from Nuance In the quantity and at the price set forth in the applicable rder. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Third Party Equi ment shall be governed in all respects only by terms and conditions specified by the applicable third party vendor of such Third Party Equipment. t' c. Designated Affiliate. Nuance may enter into Orders with Customer's Affiliates listed on Exhibit C ("Designated Affiliates"). Customer hereby guarantees the full and faithful performance of each Designated Affiliate's obligations under this Agreement and the applicable Order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Customer be relieved of its 6. Shipping. a. Delivery. Customer shall Ibear all shipping, freight and transportation charges from Nu,nce's facility. I 2 I Nuance lIerlthcarc Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan. 2010 b. Tille; Risk of Loss. Title to the Equipment shall pass to Customer upon Nuance's receipt of payment. Risk of loss or damage to the Products shall pass to Customer upon delivery to the carrier. (i) Unless otherwise agreed 0 by the parties hereto, all training sessions scheduled h reunder will be held at a designated Nuance location during Nuance's standard business hours, excluding Nuan e recognized holidays. In the event the parties agree to hold tl aining sessions at Customer's site, all such sessions (including travel time) will occur during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 .m. local Customer site time, Monday through Friday, ex luding Nuance recognized holidays. 7. Professional Services: Training Services. a. Provision of Professional Services and Training Services. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Nuance will provide such Professional Services and Training Services as may be specified by the applicable Order. (ii) Customer shall ensure hat (a) all training session attendees are Authorized Users nd (b) said Authorized Users have the necessary skill and e~perience to participate in the training sessions. Nuance shalll have the right to request that any attendee who, in Nuance's reasonable judgment, is found not to have the requisite skill ~nd experience (i.e., does not have a working knowledge ofth applicable operating system) be removed from training sessio~s. b. Professional Services. (i) Nuance shall perform Professional Services related to installation of Products, Third Party Software, and Third Party Equipment pursuant to its project delivery methodology set forth at: r services. asp d. Rescheduling of Profes~ional Services or Training Services. Customer agrees to re1'mburse Nuance for any actual (ii) Within forty five (45) days of the Effective Date of the applicable Order, Nuance shall develop a final detailed implementation plan based on the applicable Order and ISO ("Implementation Plan"). The Implementation Plan shall include an allocation of responsibility for each task to Nuance or Customer, any technical or physical requirements necessary for Nuance to complete the installation of the purchased Products, and any assumptions and/or critical events, the occurrence or non-occurrence of which serves as condition upon which the installation services occur. The Fees for the Professional Services are subject to Customer's fulfillment of its responsibilities, and/or the occurrence or non-occurrence of any assumptions and/or critical events, each as set forth in this Agreement, the applicable Order, ISO, or Implementation Plan. Failure of Customer to fulfill a responsibility, the nonoccurrence of an assumption and/or critical event, or any other modification to Implementation Plan may result in an extended time line for Nuance to complete the applicable Professional Services and/or Customer incurring additional Fees. Scope changes to the Implementation Plan shall be identified in writing by Nuance and presented to the Customer for approval before such additional Professional Services are delivered, provided Nuance shall not be liable for any uncompleted or undelivered installation services should Customer not approve such changes. incurred costs (e.g., airline tick t deposits, etc.) as a result of any rescheduling or cancellatio 1 of Professional Services or Training Services less than five (5) business days prior to the scheduled start of such Service~ provided the cancellation is not due to a breach by Nuance. e. On-Location Professional Sej'vices or Training Services. If an Order contemplates that Nu!lnce will perform Services at any location other than Nuanoe's facilities, Customer shall provide or arrange for the nece~sary equipment, information, and facilities specified by Nuanqe to Customer. 8. Maintenance Services. a. Scope. For an initial term of one (I) year following (i) First Productive Use (in the case of IProducts that, pursuant to the applicable Order, are to be inst~lled by Nuance) or (ii) initial delivery if no Professional Sef\jices are involved (the "Initial Service Term"), Nuance shall provide the Maintenance Services selected by Customh in the applicable Order. Thereafter, Maintenance Serviqes shall automatically renew for four (4) consecutive one-y~ar terms (each, a "Renewal Service Term") unless (i) cancel~d in writing by either patiy at least thirty (30) days prior to tije annual renewal date, or (ii) terminated by either party pursuant to Section II of this Agreement. Unless otherwise ~greed, Maintenance Services with respect to any Program s~all apply to all copies of the Program licensed to Custome~. All Maintenance Services shall be provided subject to NU~lI1ce's Hardware and Software Maintenance Options, Terms an~ Conditions in effect as of the provision of such Maintenance $ervice. (iii) Nuance will send an email notification to the Customer indicating when the Professional Services related to installation have been completed. Said email will be sent to the email address provided by the Customer in the applicable ISO, and the date of completion of the Professional Services contain therein shall be deemed the date of First Productive Use. The parties acknowledge that First Productive Use may occur prior to Nuance completing those Services set forth in an Order that are intended by the parties to be performed postinstallation (e.g., training services). b. Exclusionsfi'om Maintenan 'e Services. Unless otherwise agreed, Nuance shall not be obI gated to provide Maintenance Services for, or required as res It of (i) any Product modified by anyone other than Nuance: ii) any Product used for other than its intended purpose; (iii any Product used with any Third Party Equipment not spe ified as compatible with said Product in the Product's Doc mentation; (iv) any Product being used with Third Party So ware not supplied or specified by Nuance; (v) any Produ (including any associated c. Training Services. 3 Nuance He Ithcare Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan. 20 I 0 a. Fees for Product, Third P rty Equipment, Third Party So[tll'are, Professional Servic s, li-aining Services, and ,\Iaintenance Services provide during the Initial Service Term (as applicable). equipment, software or firmware) which Customer failed to properly install or maintain; (vi) any willful or negligent action or omission of Customer, (vii) any computer malfunction not attributable to the Products; or (viii) damage to Products from any external source, including computer viruses unattributable to Nuance, computer hackers, or force majeure events. (i) [fthe value of the Order is I ss than $50,000, or if Nuance is not providing Professional S rvices related to the delivery of the Products, Third Party E uipment, and/or Third Party Software at Customer's locatiO! , then Customer will pay all Fees for the Products, Third aliy Equipment, Third Patiy Software, Training Services ~nd/or Maintenance Services related to the [nitial Service T¢rm in full within thirty (30) days of date of Nuance's invoice. 9. Customer's Obligations. Customer shall timely perform the obligations imposed on it by this Agreement and each Order. [n addition, Customer agrees as follows: a. Data Preservation. Customer will create and preserve reasonable backup copies of its data and other business information and records, perform accuracy checks on a routine basis, and take such other precautions as may reasonably be required to detect and guard against possible malfunctions, loss of data, or unauthorized access to Customer's computer systems. (ii) [fthe value of the Order is $~O,OOO or greater, and Nuance is performing Professional S~rvices related the to the installation of the Product, Tltrd Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software at CUftomer's location, then the following shall apply: b. Speech Recognition. Customer acknowledges that speech recognition and medical fact extraction are statistical processes, errors are inherent in such processes, and applications employing such processes are designed to allow for such errors. Customer further acknowledges that such errors are inevitable and agrees that it is the sole responsibility of Customer to identify and correct any such errors before using and/or relying on the results of the use of any speech recognition or medical fact extraction software program licensed hereunder. Accordingly, Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Nuance, its affiliates, licensors and suppliers, and their respective officers, agents, and employees (collectively, the "~Indemnified Paliies") from and against all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims or expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of, or related to, any claims or suits, whatever their nature and however arising, which may be brought or made against any Indemnified Party by reason of, or arising from, any allegation that the use by Customer of any speech recognition or medical fact extraction software program licensed hereunder directly or indirectly caused or contributed to the wrongful death or personal injury of a third party to whom Customer offered or provided medical-related services. (I) Nuance shall invoice Customer thirty-three percent (33%) of the Fees related t the Product, Third Party Equipment, Third Party Soft are, Professional Services, Training Services and/or Maint nance Services related to the [nitial Service Term upon exec tion of the applicable Order, and Customer shall pay said invoice within thirty (30) days of the date thereof. (2) Nuance shall invoice Customer thirty three percent (33%) of the Fees related to the Product, Third Party Equipment, Third Party Soft~are, Professional Services, Training Services and/or Maint~.nance Services related to the [nitial Service Term upon shipment of the Products, Third Party Equipment and/or Third Party Software, and Customer shall pay said invoice within thirty (30) days of the date thereof. (3) Nuance shall invoice~Customer the remaining Fees related to the Product, Third arty Equipment, Third Party Software, Professional Service, Training Services and/or Maintenance Services related to the [nitial Service Term upon First Productive Use, or one h ndred and eighty (180) days after the execution of the applic ble Order if the Professional Services related to installation s delayed through no fault of Nuance (whichever shall first 0 cur), and Customer shall pay said invoice within thirty (30) d s of the date thereof. c. Customer Data. [n order to continually improve the quality of speech recognition of the Programs, Customer shall provide Nuance access to voice and text data residing on the Products located at Customer's installation site and grants Nuance a perpetual, royalty-free license to copy, use and analyze such data for speech recognition research. All products created in whole or part using said data shall be and remain the sole property of Nuance. (4) Unless Customer w~ives in writing the right to review as specified herein, Customer shall have fourteen ([ 4) days from the date of First Productive Use (a "Review Period") to provide Nuance written request ("Corrections Request") reasonably detailing' ow the Product, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software failed to materially comply with the specifications, t sts and other criteria set forth in the Documentation ("Co lpletion Criteria"). Any Corrections Request should be ent to the applicable project manager, with a copy e-mailed to Nuance shall use uest (, nuance.cO! commercially reasonable effo s to correct any material failure(s) of the Product, Third arty Equipment, and/or Third Party Software documented in the Corrections Request to conform to the Completion Crit ria. Nuance shall deliver the 10. Payments. [n consideration for the Products, Third Party Software, Third Party Equipment, and/or Services provided by Nuance under this Agreement and/or Orders, Customer agrees to pay, as applicable, all of the fees and other charges (including, but not limited to, all taxes, shipping, freight, handling and similar costs) specified in the applicable Order (collectively, the "Fees") as follows: 4 Nuance He thcare Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan. 2010 e. l>ate Fees. If Customer fail to pay any Fees when due, Nuance shall be entitled to asse s a late fee equal to one and one-half percent (1.5%) of th past due balance for each month or pati thereof that the b lance remains outstanding or, if lower, the maximum rate pen itted by applicable law. revised Product, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Patiy Software to Customer within fifteen (15) business days of receiving such Corrections Request and Customer shall have an additional Review Period of fOUlieen (14) days from the date of receipt of such revised Products, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software in which it may provide Nuance another Corrections Request pursuant to the above. The foregoing review/correction process shall be repeated until such time a Review Period concludes without Nuance receiving a Corrections Request; provided that, if Nuance is unable to correct material failure(s) in a patiicular Product, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software to satisfy the Completion Criteria after three (3) attempts, Nuance may terminate the applicable Order and refund (i) Fees received for the Product, Third Party Equipment, and Third Party Software less a twenty percent (20%) restocking fee, and (ii) Fees received for Training Services and Maintenance Services unperformed by Nuance due to the termination. Upon such termination, Customer shall return the Product, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software, including any copies thereof and related documentation, to Nuance. f. Leasing Arrangements. If Customer has entered into a lease arrangement with a third party financer ("Lessor") to finance the Order, then Nuance $hall submit its invoice for the Order to and accept payment fdr the Order from, the Lessor. Acceptance of a purchase order from the Lessor is for administrative convenience onily. Upon delivery of the Products by Nuance to Customer if Lessor fails to pay Nuance the amounts owing in accordanfe with the lease arrangement then Customer remains fully liaple to Nuance for all amounts due and owing under the ord~' r and shall pay all amounts in~mediately upon receipt of Nance's invoice, in accordance with the payment schedule outli ed below. II. Term; Termination. I a. Term of Agreement; Purc~ases. This Agreement shall become effective as of the Effebive Date and, unless sooner terminated in accordance witl) Section ll.b hereof, shall continue until the expiration or termination of the last existing Order ("Agreement Term"). (5) Upon conclusion of any Review Period in which Nuance does not receive a Corrections Request, or Nuance's receipt of Customer's waiver of review specified in Section 10.a.(ii)(4) (whichever shall first occur), Nuance's obligations set forth in the applicable Order shall be deemed fulfilled and the applicable Product, Third Party Equipment, and/or Third Party Software accepted by Customer. b. Termination for Calise. Either party may terminate any Order by written notice if (i) the other party commits a material breach of this Agreelllent and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days altter receipt of written notice of ~uch breach or (ii) the other I party shall be or becomes IIlsolvent. Notwithstanding t~e foregoing, Nuance may immediately terminate any lic4nse granted pursuant to this Agreement without notice if Customer commits a material breach of Section 3 and/or 12 herein. b. Fees for Maintenance Services for Renewal Service Terms. Nuance will invoice Customer for Maintenance Service Fees in respect of each Renewal Service Term at Nuance's list price for such Maintenance Services, then in effect when initially contracted in the applicable Order, at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of such Renewal Service Term, and Customer will pay such Maintenance Service Fees within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. If the applicable Order does not specify a Maintenance Service Fee for a given unit of Product, the applicable Maintenance Service Fee will equal then-current rates as of the first day of the Initial Service Term or Renewal Service Tenll, as applicable. c. Suspension. Nuance reserve! the right to suspend Services to Customer under any and all Orders during any period in which Customer's account und r anyone or more Orders is more than thirty (30) days past ue. d. F,f[ect ()[ Termination or Ex iration. Upon the termination or expiration of any Order by ei her party, all licenses granted to Customer under such Order shall terminate and Customer shall cease using the applicab e Programs and shall return same to Nuance. Neither the ex iration nor termination of this Agreement, any individual Ord rs, or any license shall affect the parties' respective payment lobligations or their riohts and obligations under Sections 9 herein. b c. Expenses. All prices are net to Nuance and are exclusive of any duties, travel, telecommunication, meals, boarding, lodging, and other out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred. Customer shall pay all such expenses within thirty (30) days of Nuance's invoice. 20 12. Ownership and Proprietary Rights. Except for the limited licenses granted pursuant to thi' Agreement, the terms of the Agreement do not convey any 0 nership or other rights of any kind to Customer in or to the P ograms. Nuance, as between Nuance and Customer, shall 0 all right, title and interest in and to all Programs (including, ithout limitation, all Updates, Upgrades, improvements, en ancements, and/or custom features and functions) and all patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights ther in. Effective on delivery of each Update or Upgrade to Cust mer, Nuance shall be deemed to have granted Customer a lirense to use such Update or d. Taxes. All amounts described herein are exclusive of any applicable sales, use, excise or withholding taxes or any other taxes, fees, customs duties and charges now in force or enacted in the future. Accordingly, all payments are subject to an increase equal to any charges Nuance may be required to collect or pay, other than the tax due on the net income of Nuance. If Customer claims tax-exempt status, Customer shall provide a valid exemption certificate to Nuance upon the execution of this Agreement and/or upon the execution of each If Customer fails to provide a valid exemption Order. certificate, it will be responsible for any and all sales taxes. 5 Nuance Hetlthcare Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan. 20 I 0 a. Title Warranties. Nuance arrants that it has sufficient right, title and interest in the P ograms to grant the licenses contemplated by this Agreemen , and that the Equipment will be free and clear of all liens an encumbrances when and as delivered. Upgrade in conjunction with the Program to which such Update or Upgrade relates, subject to the terms of this Agreement. 13. Confidentiality. a. "Col?fidential Ii?formation" for the purposes of this Agreement shall mean all tangible and intangible confidential and proprietary information and trade secrets (whether or not patentable or copyrightable) owned or possessed by either party ("'Disclosing Party") prior to the expiration or termination of this Agreement, including without limitation, each paIty's and its affiliates' and subsidiaries' business/customer information, business practices, data processes, computer or software products or programs and all related documentation, cost and pricing data, know-how, marketing or business plans, analytical methods and procedures, hardware design, technology, financial information, personnel or customer data, in each case that is disclosed to the other patty ("Receiving Party") or to which the Receiving Party gains access in connection with this Agreement. Confidential Information shall not include Protected Health Information or PHI (as defined in Exhibit B), the protection of which is governed by Exhibit B. b. Program Warranty. Nua ce warrants that, upon First Productive Use (in the case of rograms that, pursuant to the applicable Order, are to be in tailed by Nuance) or initial delivery (in all other cases) an for a period of ninety (90) days thereafter, the Programs hall conform in all material respects to the applicable Docun, entation. c. Equipment Warranty. Nuapce warrants that, upon First Productive Use (in the case of E1quipment that, pursuant to the applicable Order is to be ins~alled by Nuance) or initial delivery (in all other cases) an~ for a period of ninety (90) days thereafter, the Equipment jshall conform in all material respects to the applicable DOCUi'entation. d. Services Warranty. Nuan provided by Nuance pursuant t competent and professional competent and professional man e warrants that the Services this Agreement shall be of a uality and performed in a er. e. Limitation of Warranties. 1!he aforementioned warranties of Sections 14.a - 14.d shall not apply, and Nuance shall have no warranty obligation or liability with respect to (i) any Product that is damaged through no fault of Nuance; (ii) any Product that is modified by an~one other than Nuance; (iii) any Product that is used fori any purpose other than its intended purpose; (iv) any pr~duct that is used with Third Party Equipment not specified a compatible with said Product in the Product's Documentatio ; (v) any Product that is used with Third Party Software not, specified as compatible with said Product in the Product's Documentation; (vi) any Product that Customer fails to properly: install or maintain; (vii) any Product that is misused by any arty other than Nuance; (viii) any computer malfunction not ttributable to the Products or Nuance; (ix) any incorrect use of the Products by any party other than Nuance; or (x) any willful or negligent action or omission of Customer. THE E UIPMENT MAY CONTAIN RECYCLED, REMA UF ACTURED OR RECONDITIONED CO PONENTS, WHICH COMPONENTS ARE WAR ANTED AS NEW. As Customer's exclusive remedy n the event of any warranty claim hereunder, Nuance, duiling the foregoing respective warranty periods and at its sold option, will make reasonable efforts to correct or cure puch nonconformity, defect, contaminant or breach; or replace such Products in lieu of curing such nonconformity, deft ct, contaminant or breach. b. Nondisclosure. (i) The Receiving Party agrees (I) to hold the Disclosing Patty's Confidential Information in strict confidence, and apply at least the standard of care used by the Receiving Party in protecting its own Confidential Information, and not to disclose such Confidential Information to any third party, and (2) without the written permission of the Disclosing Party, not to use any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party except as reasonably required to exercise its rights or perform its obligations under this Agreement. (ii) The Receiving Party agrees to limit disclosure of the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information to those employees who need to know the same to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, and who have executed a written agreement with terms substantially similar to those contained herein. c. Exclusions. The obligations to preserve the confidential nature of any of the Confidential Information described herein shall not apply to information that (i) was previously known to the Receiving Party free of any obligation to keep it confidential; (ii) is or becomes generally known to the public or is obtainable from public sources other than as a result of an act or omission of the Receiving Party; (iii) is independently developed by or on behalf of the Receiving Party without use of or reference to the Disclosing Patty's confidential information; or (iv) the Receiving Party is compelled to disclose the Confidential Information by a governmental agency or a court of law having proper jurisdiction. If disclosure is compelled pursuant to subsection (iv) of this section, the Receiving Party shall give the Disclosing Party reasonable notice to enable such party to try to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information. f. Disclaimer. WITH THE OLE EXCEPTION OF THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSL SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NUANCE ISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS 0 IMPLIED, AND HEREBY EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMS A Y IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOS , AND/OR NONINFRINGEMENT. NUA CE MAKES NO REPRESENT A TION OR W RRANTY WITH RESPECT 14. Limited Warranties. 6 Nuance Hctlthcare Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan 2010 court of competent jurisdiction or settlement of the Claim agreed to by Nuance. Nuance's obligation under this Section 16 shall be subject to Custon er's providing Nuance with prompt notice of any Claim, co peration with Nuance in the defense and settlement of the CI im, and granting Nuance sole control over the defense or settle nent of the Claim. TO ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE OR THIRD PARTY EQUIPMENT. Nuance's sole obligation with respect to such Third Party Software and Third Party Equipment shall be to make commercially reasonable effot1s to assist Customer to enforce the warranties extended by the producer of the applicable Third Party Software or Third Party Equipment, if any. c. In the event a court of cotlpetent jurisdiction makes a determination that any Progr m infringes, or if Nuance determines that the Program Ii ely infringes, Nuance, at its option and expense, shall: (i) m~dify the infringing portion of the Program so as to make it npn-infringing; (ii) replace the infrillging Program with a noh-infringing program having substantially similar functionality; (iii) obtain the right to continue using the infringing p 11ion of the Program; or (iv) refund Customer the Fees pa d for the affected Program prorated over a five-year period rom the delivery date. 15. Limitation of Liability. EXCEPT FOR CUSTOMER'S BREACH OF SECTION 3 AND CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH IN SECTION 9.B ABOVE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL EITHER PARTY HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY TO THE OTHER HEREUNDER FOR ANY INCIDENTIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, COLLATERAL, EXAMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES INCURRED BY THE OTHER PARTY (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOST BUSINESS, LOST PROFITS, COSTS OF COVER, COSTS OF DELAY, DAMAGES TO BUSINESS REPUTATION, OR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF DATA), REGARDLESS OF HOW SUCH DAMAGES ARISE, WHETHER OR NOT A PARTY WAS ADVISED SUCH DAMAGES MIGHT ARISE, OR THE FAILURE OF THE ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. IN NO EVENT SHALL NUANCE HA VE ANY OBLIGATION, OR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, DIRECT OR OTHERWISE, IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER TO NUANCE PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE ORDER IN THE TWELVE (12) CALENDAR MONTHS PRECEDING THE EVENT THAT GAVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. THIS LIMITATION IS CUMULATIVE; THE SUM OF MULTIPLE CLAIMS MAY NOT EXCEED THIS LIMIT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL NUANCE'S THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES, DIRECT OR OTHERWISE. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO CUSTOMER. d. Nuance's obligations under his section shall not apply to the extent of any Claim or in ringement resulting from (i) Customer's continued use of he infringing Program after receipt of notice from Nuance 0 a claim or after receipt of the remedy required of Nuanc under this section; (ii) modifications to the Programs b any party other than Nuance; (iii) modifications to the Programs made pursuant to Customer's express instructions; (iv) combination or use of the Programs with other produQts, processes or materials not provided by Nuance or specified by the applicable Documentation; or (v) Customer's use of the Programs other than in accordance with the terms ofthis Agreement. e. Nuance's indemnity obligations set forth in this Section 16 shall constitute the sole liability of Nuance, and the sole remedy of Customer, with regard to claims, actions, suits or proceedings made or brought ~gainst Customer by a third party alleging that Customer's ruse of the Programs infringe such third pa11y's United States !patent, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property rig t. 17. HIPAA Compliance. Th parties hereby agree to the terms of the Business Associate Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part ofthi Agreement. 18. US Government End User. This section applies to all acquisitions of Programs (colle tively or individually for the purposes of this section, he "Government Acquired Products") by or for the gover ment of the United States of America (the "Federal Gove nment"), or by any prime contractor or subcontractor (at any tier) under any contract, grant, cooperative agreement or other activity with the Federal Government. By accepting elivery of the Government Acquired Products, the Feder I Government hereby agrees that this software qualifies as "commercial" computer software within the meaning 0 the acquisition regulation(s) applicable to this procurement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall pertain to he Federal Government's use and disclosure of the Govern ent Acquired Products, and shall supercede any contli ting contractual terms or conditions. If this Agreemel t fails to meet the Federal Government's needs or is inc nsistent in any respect with United States law, the Federal Government agrees to return 16. Intellectual Property Indemnification. a. Customer, at its expense, will defend, indemnify and hold Nuance harmless from any claim, action, suit or proceeding made or brought against Nuance by a third party resulting from Customer's designs, specifications, modifications, translations or combination of the Programs with other equipment or software infringes a third party's United States patent, trade secrets, copyright or other intellectual property right. b. Nuance, at its expense, will defend Customer from any claim, or suit made or brought against Customer by an unaffiliated third pa11y alleging that Customer's use of the Programs within the scope of this Agreement infringes such third pa11y's United States patent, trademark or copyright (each, a "Claim"), and indemnify Customer from any resulting judgment of the Claim finally awarded against Customer by a 7 Nuance He' Ithcare Terms of Sale -Rev. Jan. 2010 the Government Acquired Products unused. The following additional statement applies only to acquisitions by the Federal Government that are governed by DFARS Subpart 227.4 (October 1988): "Restricted Rights - Use, duplication and disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(l )(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data - Noncommercial Items clause at DF ARS 252.227-7013 (1995)." g. No Third Party Beneficiar·es. Except as set forth in Section 9.b, nothing in this Ag eement is intended to create any rights in, or confer any bene Its upon, any person or entity other than the parties to this Agr ement. 19. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The parties hereto agree to submit all disputes related to this Agreement to the courts in the State of California, to which, each party consents to the jurisdiction of such courts and waives any objection it may have with respect to venue. i. Force ,\fajellre. Neither p~liY shall be responsible for delays or fail~re in performanc~ resulting from acts beyond the control of such party, includ,ng without limitation, acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, aqts of war, acts of terrorism, epidemics, fire, communication !Iine failures, power surges or failures, earthquakes or other dlsasters. Nuance shall not be liable for delays or for failure ~o manufacture and/or deliver due to causes beyond its reasonable control. h. Assignment. In no event ma Customer assign its rights or obligations hereunder or sub ontract any portion of its performance hereunder witho t Nuance's prior written consent. I 20. Miscellaneous Provisions. j. Notices. All notices hereund~r shall be sent to the parties at their respective addresses first s t forth above, or at such other addresses as they may designat by written notice. Customer shall also send a copy of all I otices it sends to Nuance to Nuance's General Counsel at Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803. All notices shall e deemed to have been given when (i) delivered personally, (ii) sent via certified mail (return receipt requested), (iii) s nt fax (all with confirmation of receipt), or (iv) sent via recoghized air courier service. a. Audit. Nuance, or a third party appointed by Nuance, shall have the right, not more than once a year and upon reasonable notice, to conduct an audit of Customer's records to confirm compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Any audit shall be performed during Customer's normal business hours. b. Injunctive Relie.! The parties hereto agree that remedies at law may be inadequate to protect against a breach of Sections 3, 12, 13 and 17 hereof and both parties hereby agree to grant injunctive relief in favor of the other party without proof of actual damages for any breach of those sections. k. Entire Agreement, Amendments, Waiver, Severability. This Agreement (i) is being enterd into among competent and experienced business persons artd the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not be cohstrued in favor of or against either party and (ii) constit~tes the sole and complete agreement between the partie$ with regard to its subject matter, and may not be modi ed or amended except by a writing signed by both parties ereto. Neither party shall be subject to any provisions of any pre-printed purchase order, or any Customer policies, regulatio s, rules, or the like, including those set forth in any Customer ponsored registration system, regardless if such requires affir ative acknowledgement from a Nuance representative. An failure to insist on the exact performance of any provision s all not constitute a waiver of any rights by either party, all f which are hereby expressly reserved. If any of the provisi ns of this Agreement shall be or become invalid or unenf; rceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not inval'date or render unenforceable the remaining provisions of th s Agreement. The section headings used herein are for re rences and convenience only, and shall not enter into the. interpretation hereof. This Agreement may be executed lin multiple counterparts and delivered by facsimile transmifsion, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of hich shall constitute one and the same instrument. c. Export. Where applicable, each party agrees to comply with all export laws and restrictions and regulations that the Department of Commerce or other United States or foreign agency or authority issues, and not to knowingly export, or allow the export or re-export in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations, or without all required licenses and authorizations. d. Independent Status of Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement, nor in the relationship created thereby, shall be interpreted to evidence a joint venture, partnership or principal-agent relationship between Nuance and Customer. Neither party shall have any right or authority to act on behalf of, or incur any obligation for, the other party. e. Publicity. Intentionally Deleted. f. Order of Precedence. The Agreement, Business Associate Agreement, Hardware and Software Maintenance Options Terms and Conditions, and each Order, as applicable and to the extent reasonably possible, shall be construed so as to be consistent with each other. If the aforementioned documents cannot reasonably be construed as consistent with each other, then each document shall prevail over all documents listed subsequently in the preceding sentence. 8 Nuance He Ithcare Terms ofSa1e -Rev. Jan. 2010 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT THROUGH T REPRESENTATIVES ON THE DATES INDICATED BELOW. EACH OF THE INDIVIDUALS SI AND/OR ANY SUPPLEMENT PERSONALLY REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT THE P SHE IS ACTING HAS DULY AUTHORIZED THE EXECUTION AND PERFORMANCE OF THIS Nuance Communications, Inc. ?;h-Ir"et. CaA. ,ge",reA. EIR DULY AUTHORIZED NING THIS AGREEMENT RTY FOR WHOM HE OR GREEMENT. San Joaquin General Hospital SignatureDan;el Carpenter (May~6, 2014) Signature,,-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _--+_ _ _ __ Daniel Carpenter Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_____ VP WW Sales Ops Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+-_ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _M_a_y_16_,_2_0_1_4_ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - EXHIBIT A ORDER FORM INTENTIONALLY BLANK HIPAA Business Associate Addendum This HIPAA Business Associate Addendum (the "Addendum"), effective on the date when signed b the last party ("Addendum Effective Date"), is by and between Nuance Communications, [nco ("Nuance" or "Business Associate' ) and San Joaquin Genera[ Hospital ("Customer" or "Covered Entity"). This Addendum applies only if and to the extent Nuanc I is a "Business Associate" to . Customer, as defined by H[PAA. WHEREAS, Customer and Nuance have entered into, or are entering into, one or more agreements tetween each other (each, an "Agreement"), under which, Nuance may perform certain services on behalf of or for Customer pu suant to the Agreement that require Nuance to access, create and use health information that is subject to the federal privacy regulat ons (the "Privacy Rule") and the federal security regulations (the "Security Rule") issued pursuant to the Health Insurance Potiabil ty and Accountability Act of 1996 ("H[PAA") and codified at 45 C.F.R. patiS 160 and 164, and Subtitle D of the Health Information. echnology for Economic and Clinical Health Act provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009 (the "H[TECH Act"); and WHEREAS, Nuance and Customer are entering into this Addendum to establish the responsibilitles of both parties regarding Protected Health Information, and to bring the Agreement into compliance with HIPAA and the HITEC~ Act. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree to incorporate and make a part of each Agreement unde! which Nuance receives PHI from, or creates or receives PHI on behalf of, Customer while performing services for Customer, the f, 1I0wi ng additional terms and conditions, which terms and conditions shall govern the use and/or disclosure of such PHI received or cr ated by Nuance as a result of services performed. AGREEMENT I. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Addendum, but not otherwise defined, shall have the sa$le meanings ascribed to them i in the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule and the HITECH Act. Specific definitions: • 2. Protected Health Information. "Protected Health Information" or "PHI" shall have the sanie meaning given to such term in 45 C.F.R. § 160.1 03, limited to the information created or received by Business As~ociate from or on behalf of Covered Entity. Permitted Uses and Disclosures. Except as otherwise specified herein, Business Associate may !use and/or disclose Protected Health Information ("PHI") to perform the functions, activities, or services for or on behalf of CovFred Entity as specified in the Agreement, provided that such use and/or disclosure would not violate HIPAA if done by Covere~ Entity. Except as otherwise I limited in the Agreement, Business Associate may: a. use PHI for the proper management and administration of Business Associate and to carry Business Associate. o~t the legal responsibilities of I ! b. disclose PHI for the proper management and administration of Business Associate and to carl out the legal responsibilities of Business Associate, provided that the disclosures are required by law, or Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom PHI is disclosed that the PHI will remain confidential and used or fu her disclosed only as required by law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person, and the person notifi s Business Associate of any . instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality ofPH[ has been breached. c. use PHI to provide Data Aggregation services to Covered Entity as permitted by 42 C.F.R. § I 64.504( e)(2)(i)(B). Business Associate may use PHI to report violations oflaw to appropriate Federal and State authori ies, consistent with 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(j)( 1). 3. Responsibilities of Business Associate. Except as otherwise required by law, Business Associate s all use PHI in compliance wit 45 C.F.R. §164.504(e). To comply with the security and privacy obligations imposed by HIPAA, B siness Associate agrees to: a. implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriat ly protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the electronic PHI that it creates, receives, maintains, or transmits n behalf of Covered Entity as required by HIPAA. Business Associate acknowledges that pursuant to Section 13401(a) oft e H[TECH Act, 45 C.F.R. §§ 164.308, 164.310, 164.312 and 164.316 shall apply to Business Associate in the same mann r that such sections apply to Covered Entity. b. notify Covered Entity of any successful Security Incident of which Business Associate become aware. c. not use or fUl1her disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by the Agreement, or as requ red by law. d. use appropriate safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of PHI other than as provided for by the Agreement. e. report to Covered Entity any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for by the Agreement of which Business Associate becomes aware, and. f. ensure that any agents, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides PHI (received from, or cfeated or received by Business Associate on behalf of, Covered Entity) agrees in writing to the same restrictions and conditiTs on the use or disclosure of PHI that apply to Business Associate with respect to such PHI. I I g. make PHI available to Covered Entity or, as directed by Covered Entity, to an Individual wh is the subject of the PHI, to comply with an Individual's right of access to their PHI in compliance with 45 C.F.R. §164.5 4 and Section 13405(e) of the HITECH Act. This provision shall be applicable only if Business Associate maintains a Desig ated Record Set on behalf of Covered Entity. h. make PHI available to Covered Entity for amendment and incorporate any amendment(s) to P I that Covered Entity directs, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.526. This provision shall be applicable only if Busi ess Associate has PHI in a Designated Record Set. J. document disclosures of PHI and information related to such disclosures as would be required for Covered Entity to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45Ic.F.R. § 164.528 and Section 13405(c) of the HITECH Act. i j. make available to Covered Entity in response to a request from an Individual, the inforIT\ation required to provide an accounting of disclosures of PHI with respect to the Individual in accordance with 45 C.F .R. § ~ 64.528 and Section 13405( c) of the HITECH Act. . k. make its internal practices, books, and records relating to the use and disclosure of PHI receiveid from, or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of, Covered Entity available to the Secretary of the Depahment of Health and Human Services or his/her designee (the "Secretary"), in a time and manner designated by the Secretarr, for purposes of determining Covered Entity's compliance with the HIPAA. I 1. notify Covered Entity following Business Associate's discovery of a security breach of Unse ured PHI, in accordance with Section 13402 of the HITECH Act. m. refrain from exchanging any PHI with any entity (including Covered Entity) of which Busines Associate knows of a pattern of activity or practice that constitutes a material breach or violation of HIPAA, and upon bec ming aware of such behavior by an entity with which Business Associate has already exchanged PHI, take reasonable steps to cure the breach or end the violation, as applicable, and if such steps are unsuccessful, terminate the contract or arrangeme t with such entity, iffeasible; or if termination is not feasible, report the problem to the Secretary, in accordance with Secti~n 13404 of the HITECH Act and 45 C.F.R § 164.504( e). n. limit the use, disclosure or request for PHI in accordance with Section 13405(b) of the HITEC o. refrain from receiving any remuneration in exchange for any Individual's PHI unless such excl ange (i) is pursuant to a valid authorization that includes a specification of whether the PHI can be further exchanged f, r remuneration by the entity receiving PHI of that Individual, or (ii) satisfies one of the exceptions enumerated in the HIPA regulations and specifically Section 13405(d)(2) ofthe HITECH Act. p. refrain from marketing activities that would violate HIPAA and specifically Section 13406 oft e HITECH Act. , 4. Responsibilities of Covered Entity. Covered Entity shall: a. provide Business Associate with the notice of privacy practices that Covered Entity produces in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.520, as well as any changes to such notice. b. provide Business Associate, in writing, with any changes in, or revocation ot~ permlSSlOl by Individual to the use or disclosure of PHI, if such changes affect Business Associate's permitted or required uses or disclosures. Upon receipt by Business Associated of such notice of changes, Business Associate shall cease the use and discI sure of any such Individual's PHI except to the extent it has relied on such use or disclosure, or where an exception under HI AA expressly applies. c. notify Business Associate of any restriction to the use or disclosure of PHI that Covered Enti y has agreed to in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.522. Termination. 5. a. Termination for Cause. Either p3I1y may immediately terminate the Agreement if such part1' (the "Non-Breaching Party") determines that the other party (the ""Breaching Party") has breached a material term of this ddendum. Alternatively, the Non-Breaching Party may choose to provide the Breaching Party with written notice of the e istence of an alleged material breach and afford the Breaching Party an opportunity to cure the alleged breach. Failure to c re the material breach within thirty (30) days of the written notice constitutes grounds for immediate termination of the Agretment. I b. Effect of Termination. II (I) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this Section 5(b), upon termination of the Agree ent for any reason, Business Associate shall return or destroy all PHI received from Covered Entity, or created or rece ved by Business Associate on behalf of Covered Entity. This Section 5(b)(\) shall apply to PHI that is in the possessio of Business Associate and its I subcontractors or agents. Business Associate shall retain no copies of the PHI. (2) In the event that Business Associate determines that returning or destroying the PHI is ~nfeasible, Business Associate shall provide to Covered Entity, in writing, notification of the conditions that make returry or destruction infeasible, and Business Associate shall extend the protections of this Addendum to such PHI and limit further uses and disclosures of such PHI to those purposes that make the return or destruction infeasible, for so long as! Business Associate maintains such PHI. ' Miscellaneous. 6. a. Amendment. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith an amendment to this Addendum for the parties to comply with the requirements of HI PAA, as amended from time to time. unless in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. fr~m time to time as is necessary Nq amendment shall be effective ' b. Survival. The respective rights and obligations of Business Associate under Section 5(b) of this Addendum shall survive termination of the Agreement. c. Interpretation. Any ambiguity in this Addendum shall be resolved in favor of a meaning thai' permits the parties to comply with HIPAA. d. No Third Party Beneficiary. Nothing in this Addendum is intended, nor shall be deemed, to c nfer any benefits on any third party. : e. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term of this Addendum invalid, ille~al or unenforceable, that term shall be curtailed, limited or deleted, but only to the extent necessary to remove the invalidity~ illegality or unenforceabi lity, and without in any way affecting or impairing the remaining terms. I f. Counterparts; Facsimiles. This Addendum may be executed in any number of counterparts, ach of which shall be deemed an original. Facsimile copies hereof shall be deemed to be originals. g. Entirety. The terms and conditions of this Addendum replace, in their entirety, any existing te ms and conditions between the parties pertaining to the privacy and security of PHI. Except as specifically amended above, the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in fi II force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Addendum through their duly aut orized representatives on the dates indicated below, to be effective on the date signed by the last party, Nuance Communications, Inc. San Joaquin General Hospital ?Jtlj,/ei CaA.oe",re-e Signature:Danie, Carpenter (Ma 46, Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_____ Daniel Carpenter Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+-_ _ _ _ __ y 2014) Tit 'I e: _ VP_WW Ops _ _Sales ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---l_ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _M_a_y_1_6_,_2_0_1_4_ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--i_ _ _ _ __ EXHIBIT C DESIGNATED AFFILIATE LIST Designated Affiliate Address ! I I I I ! PowerScribe 360 I Rep0l1ing: EX(lm Volume License Addendum 1e last party ("'Addendum spital ('"Customer"), and ner also referred to as the uance and Customer (the them by the Agreement. This Addendum for PowerScribe 360 - Exam Volume License ("Addendum"), effective on the datc when signed by Eflective Date"), is by and between Nuance Communications, Inc. (,-Nuance") and San Joaquin General H supplements and amends the Terms of Sale by and between Customer and Nuance dated (herein "Agreement"), as it applies to the Exam Volume Program (as such term is defined below) listed in an Order between "Applicable Order"). All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Addendum shall have the meanings ascribed t Nuance and Customer desire to amend the Agreement to provide additional terms of license and pricing for the Ekam Volume Program for . Customer, for itself and its Licensed Affiliates, if any Definitions. For purposes of this Addendum, the following terms shall have the following meanings: i '.'Aftlliate" means a business entity that is controlled by Customer. "Control" as used within this detlnitijn means control through o\\llership ofa majority of shares of stock eligible to vote for members of the Board of Directors, or control by co 1tract. "Annual Exam Period" means each successive one (I) year period following First Productive Use. I "Annual Exam Volume" means the aggregate total number of Exams (i) that Customer (and its Licensed Aftlliqtes and Named Entities, if any) performed during the prior Annual Exam Pcriod and (ii) with respect to which, the Exam Volume Progr1m was used to generate a I Report. "Annual Exam Volume Report" means a report indicating the Annual Exam Volume for the prior Annual Exam! Period, which report shall be in the form set forth in Appendix A of this Addendum. i i' • "Authorized User" is as defined in Section 2 of this Addendum. I' "Baseline Exam Volume" means the presumed number of Exams (i) to be performed by Customer (and its Lice1sed Amliates and Named Entities, if any) during an Annual Exam Period and (ii) with respect to which, the Exam Volume Program is sed to generate a Report; which Exam count is used to calculate the Exam Volume License Fee. The Baseline Exam Volume is a initially specitled in the Applicable Order and as subsequently increased pursuant to Section 4.2 of this Addendum (if applicable). • I "Client Component" means the component of the Exam Volume Program that provides functionality on a De\'ic~ to utilize the functionality in conjunction with accessing or utilizing the Server Component. "Core" means a smaller processing unit contained within a physical Processor. Some Processors have two eight, and so on. i Cor~s, some four, some six or I • "Core Limit" means (a) when running the SQL Server component of the Exam Volume Program in a ~YSiCal Operating System Environment, the maximum number of Cores that a Physical Server running the SQL Server component can hav ; and (b) when running the SQL Server component of the Exam Volume Program in a Virtual Operating System Environment, the maximUl number of Cores that can I be allocated to the Virtual Operating System Environment running an instance of SQL Server. • "Device" means a personal computing device as specified in the accompanying Documentation. I "Exam" means each individual radiological imaging study (e.g CT of Abdomen, CT of Chest, MRI of the Brain, IFetal ultrasound). I "Exam Volume License Fee" means the license fee (including any Add-on Exam Volume Fees) for the righ1 to use the Exam Volume Program, which fee is based upon the Baseline Exam Volume. . "Exam Volume Program" means the P01l'erScribe 360 I Reponing Program specified in the Order as being liccnsFd to Customer pursuant to the "Exam Volume License", and which Program consists ofa "Server Component" and a "Client Component". I · "First Productive Use" means the date installation of the Exam Volume Program is completed and, therefore, the Exam Volume Program is capable of processing data in Customer's commercial environment. • "Instance" An "Instance" of the Server Component of the Exam Volume Program is created by installing the Server Componci1t, or by duplicating an existing "Instance" References to the Serv'er Component in this Addendum include "Instances" 0 'the Server Comp onent. • "Licensed AftiIiate" means each Ami iate that is authorized, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreemer t, to use the Exam Volume Program and any Licensed Modules hereunder, which Affiliates are set forth below. IIf applicable, please comI letel Licensed Aftlliate Address "License Conversion" means the Parties' agreement to exchange a license to the Replaced Product for a licens to use the Exam Volume Program subject to the terms of the Agreement, provided such an option to exchange is made available by Nuanc "Licensed Module" means any Optional Module specified in an Order. "Named Entity" means each entity listed in Appendix C. "Operating System Environment" means a single instance of an operating system and instances of applications, ifany, contlgured to run on that single operating system instance. i "Optional Modules" means Nuance proprietary soft\\'are that is licensed separate and apart from, and SUPPI~ments, PS360 Reporting; including, but not limited to, PS360 lVorkjlO1I' Orchestrator; PS360 Peer Rerie1\'; PS360 Assisted DiagnOSiS; S360 ,l/obile Radiologist; and any PS360 Intelfaces (including Data Integration). "Optional Modules" specitically excludes Nuance's As lire Jor PS360 Reporting, which, too, is licensed separate and apart trom PS360 Reporting, and is governed by terms other than those in thi Addendum. "Physical Operating System Environment" means an Operating System Environment configured to run directly on a physical hardware system that uses physical Processors, each occupying a single socket on a system's motherboard in a physical har~\\'arc system. "Processor" is generally a physical chip that resides in a physical socket of the hardware pmlition and contains on or morc Cores. "Processor Limit" means (a) when running the SQL Server component of the Exam Volume Program in a hysical Operating System Environment, the maximum number of Processors that a Physical Server running the SQL Server compone can have; and (b) when running the SQL Server component of the Exam Volume Program in a Virtual Operating System Environmen the maximum number of Processors that can be allocated to the Virtual Operating System Environment running an instance of SQL Server "Replaced Product" means a Nuance software product that Customer previously obtained a license to use (eith r Irom Nuance directly or from a Nuance authorized reseller); which license is identified in Appendix B, and for which, Customer can shpw proof of entitlement to such license. "Report"' means an individual document, such as a medical rcport, or an addendum to a medical report, that is cr¢ated by the Exam Volume Program. "Server Component" means the component of the Exam Volume Program that provides services or 11JJ1ction4lity on Customer's server (physical hardware systems capable of running the Server Component are '"servers" A hardware partition or ~Iade is considered to be a separate physical hardware system). "SQL Server" means Microsoft SQL Server software. "Virtual Operating System Environment"' means an Operating System Environment contigured to run on a virtJal (or otherwise emulated) hardware system that uses virtual processors, whereby a "virtual processor" is a Processor in a virtual (or oth~rwise emulated) hardware system. A "virtual processor" is considered to have the same number of threads and Cores as a physical P~ocessor on the underlying physical hardware system. . Grant of Rights. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement (including this Addendum), Nuanc~ hereby grants Customer a . limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to: 2. (a) install and run, at anyone time, one Instance of the Server Componcnt on one compatible Physical operatifg System Environment or one Virtual Operating System Environment, whereby, to ·'run an Instance" means to load the Server Componen into memory and execute one or more of its instructions (once running, an Instance is considered to be running, whether or not its instru ,tions conti nue to execute, until it is removed from memory). One Instance of the Server Component is only licensed for use with one databpse. (b) allow Customer's (and any Licensed Affiliate's) employees and contractors (each such employee or contracror, an "Authorized User") to use the Exam Volume Program solely with respect to Exams performed by Customer, a Licensed Atlliiate (if/my), or a Named Entity (if any); pro\'ided such use is (i) in a manner commensurate with the Exam Volume Program's intended use (as ptfscribed by the Agreement and the Documentation), and (ii) solely for Customcr's (and any Licensed Affiliate's or Named Entity's) i~lternal business purposes. Customer shall not allow any Authorized User to use the Exam Volume Program for (a) the Authorized User's ~\11 personal use, or (b) the benelit of any third party (excluding Licensed Aftiliates and Named Entities, if any). Customer shall not allOW anyone other than the ! Authorized Users to use the Exam Volume Program. (c) allow Authorized Users to use each Licensed Module (if any) in conjunction with the Exam Volume Program~ provided such use is (i) in a manner commensurate with the Licensed Module's intended use (as prescribed by the Agreement and the Docpmentation), and (ii) solely for Customer's (and any Licensed Affiliate's or Named Entity's) internal business purposes. Customer shall notlallow any Authorized User to use any Licensed Module lor (a) the Authorized User's 0\\11 personal use, or (b) the benetlt of any third ,party (excluding Licensed Atlliiates and Named Entities, if any). Customer shall not allow anyone other than the Authorized Users to use ary Licensed Module. , 3. Licensed Affiliates. Customer is responsible lor the performance of each Licensed Aftiliate (if any) an each Authorized User in connection with its use of the Exam Volume Program and any Licensed Module, and guarantees each Licensed AtlIli' te's and Authorized User's full and faithlul compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Customer will be liable under the terms of the Agreen ent lor any act or omission by any Licensed Aftiliate or any Authorized User to the same extent as if Customer itself had taken such acti 1 or made such omission. Customer will, at its expense, defend and indemnitY Nuance, and hold Nuance harmless, from any (i) claims, actions, suits, or proceedings made or brought against Nuance by any Licensed Affiliate, Authorized User, or Named Entity (each such claim, action, suit r proceeding, a "Wrongful Claim"), and (ii) losses, claims, costs, expenses, damages, or liabilities sustained by Nuance arising Irom a Wrongtul laim. 4. Payments. 4.1 Initial Pavment. In consideration for the Exam Volume Program and Licensed Modules (if any), and ass ciated Equipment, Third Party Software and Services, provided by Nuance under the Applicable Order, Customer shall pay, as applicable, all of he fees and other charges (including, but not limited to, all taxes, shipping, Ireight, handling and similar costs) specitied in the Applicable Order (collectively, the "Fees") as follows: (a) Customer will pay all Fees for the Exam Volume Program, Licensed Modules (if any), and associated first ycar annual Maintenance Services, and any associated Professional Services, Training Serviccs, Equipmcnt and Third Party Sotlware (as il dicated in the Applicable Order), in full, within thirty (30) days of the date of Nuance's invoice 4.2 Add-on Exam Volume: License Fees. If the Annual Exam Volumc cxceeds thc then-current Baseline Ex m Volume by ten percent (10%) or more in any Annual Exam Period, or if Customer indicates, within the Annual Exam Volumc Report, its dcsi e to incrcase the Baseline Exam Volume based on Customer's forecast of Annual Exam Volume lor the upcoming Annual Exam Period, then C Istomer shall pay Nuance additional fees ("Add-on Exam Volume Fccs") for the additional Exam volume that exceeds the then-current Baselin Exam Volume, based on Nuance's then-current pricing. The additional Exam volume will then be added to the existing Baseline Exam Vol me to establish a revised Baseline Exam Volume for each successive Annual Exam Period, subject to further increase as provided in this S ction 4.2, and the annual Maintenance Services fee for subsequent renewal Maintenance Services terms shall be calculated based on such revise Baseline Exam Volume. Payment will be due and payable to Nuance within thirty (30) days of the date of each invoice. 43 Add-on Exam Volume; Back Maintenance Fees. If the Annual Exam Volume exceeds the Baseline Exa 1 Volume by ten percent (10%) or more in any Annual Exam Period, and the Exam Volume Program was under Maintenance Services during he reported Annual Exam Period, then Customer shall pay Nuance the applicable Maintenance Services fee for such additional Exam volume lor he reported Annual Exam Period. Payment will be due and payable to Nuance within thirty (30) days of the date of each invoice. I 4.4 Maintenance Services Fees. The Exam Volume License Fce (and the fees for Licensed Modules) does nOf provide for Maintenance ! Services, which services are charged for separately. I 5. Reporting. Within thirty (30) days following each Annual Exam Period, Customer shall provide NUaJfe with an Annual Exam Volume Report for such Annual Exam Period, in which, Customer shall indicate the applicable Annual Exam Vo ume and the then-current Baseline Exam Volume for the applicable Annual Exam Period, and the disparity between them. Customer shall p vide a breakdo\\ll of the reported Annual Exam Volume, as between Customer and each Licensed Amliate and Named Entity (if any). Ea h Annual Exam Volume Report must be sent by mail, and via email, to the respective mailing and email addresses set forth in the Annual EXaJ Volume Report lorm set forth in Appendix A, attached hereto, or such other address as Nuance may designate by \\Titten notice. This reportin, requirement is a material , element of the Agreement. 6. License Conversion. [I' the Exam Volume Program is identified on the Applicable Order as being a "Lic¢nse Conversion", then by Customer installing the Exam Volume Program obtained pursuant to such Applicable Order, Customer's rights~to the Replaced Product terminates, except that if the Replaced Product was licensed to Customer by a Nuance authorized reseller, then Cust mer's rights to the Exam Volume Program are subject to Customer first terminating its license rights with respect to the Replaced Product. At the time of installation of the Exam Volume Program, Customer shall un-install, and return to Nuance or destroy, all copies of the Replaced Pro~uct, which were the basis . for Customer's eligibility for the License Conversion, and certifY to Nuance, in \\Titing, that Customer has done so. 7. Termination. I Within thirty (30) days following termination of Customer's rights to the Exam Volume Program, Customer wil provide an Annual Exam Volume Report in accordance with Section 5 above and pay Nuance any applicable fees in accordance with Sections .2 and 43 above. Neither the expiration nor termination of the Agreement or the Applicable Order shall afTeet Customer's obligations under ections 3,4, and 7 of this Addendum. 8. Optional Modules. Optional Modules are separate and distinct trom the Exam Volume Program, and a though Optional Modules may ship with the Exam Volume Program, Customer has no right to use any Optional Module unless Customer has urchased and maintains a valid license to such Optional Module. 9. Maintenance Services. II~ pursuant to the Order, the Exam Volume Program is to be installed by Nuance, hen Maintenance Services for the Exam Volume Program, if purchased, will commence upon First Productive Use (or the anniversary thereof if Customer is purchasing renewal Maintenance Services). 10. SQL Sen·er. Customer acknowledges that SQL Server is required for the Exam Volume Program to \\ rk, and, as such, Nuance makes available a version of the Exam Volume Program with a licensed SQL Server component embedded thereil (Customer may opt for a version of the Exam Volume Program without the licensed SQL Server component if Customer already has, or inte s to acquire, the rights to SQL Server that provide Customer the requisite right to use such SQL Server with the Exam Volume Program). Nua lce will only provide SQL Server if Customer orders the version of the Exam Volume Program with the licensed SQL Server component included 10.1 Limitations. If SQL Server is provided as a licensed component of the Exam Volume Program, as indicated in the Order, Customer shall not exceed (a) the Core Limit with respect to such SQL Server if the SQL Server is version 2012 or be ond; and (b) the Processor Limit with respect to such SQL Server if the SQL Server is version 2008 R2 or earlier. The Core Limit and the Proc ssor Limit are as indicated in the Applicable Order. 10.2 Restrictions. If SQL Server is provided as a licensed component of the Exam Volume Program, as indicated in the Order, Customer shall not unbundle the SQL Server Irom the Exam Volume Program and use it with any other product or ser ice. II. Terms of Sale. Customer acknowledges that it has reviewed the Terms of Sale signed and agreed UpOl by Customer and Nuance ("'Terms of Sale"). 12. Savings Clause. Except as modified by this Addendum, the Agreement shall remain in ilill force and eft'e t and shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms. In the event that the terms of this Addendum contlict with the terms of the Agreement, tl e terms of this Addendum shall govern. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum through their duly authorized representatives OJ~'the dates indicated below EACII OF TilE INDIVIDUALS SIGNING TIllS ADDENDUM PERSONALLY REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT TIlE PARTY fOR WHOM HE OR SHE IS ACTING HAS DULY AUTIlORIZED THE EXECUTION AND PERFORMANCE OF TIlL ADDENDUM. ! I :'I:uance CB)qrnul\icatipns, Inc . .vtV-.leL ~aA .ge"?TeA. Signature: Daniel Carpenter (MaY~6, 2014) Daniel Carpenter Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title Date VP WW Sales Ops May16,2014 San Joaquin General Hospital (Customer1 I Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t ' - - Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-___ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+_ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+_ __ Approved as to r-orm DAVID WGDTEN Appendix A (to Addendum tor P01l'erScribe 36() I Reportil1g: Exalll I 'O/lIlIIe License) Annual Exam Volume Report Customer Name: Installation Location: First Productive Use Date Licensed Nuance Software: PowerScribe 360 I Reporting Total Exam Volume: Indicate Annual Exam Volume, Baseline Exam Volume, and the amount the Annual Exam Volume Volume: Annual Exam Volume I I I Baseline Exam Volume Onr (Under) over or under the l3aseline Exam , I Exam Volume BreakdO\vl1: Allocate to Customer and each Licensed Affiliate and Named Entity (if any) their respective percent ge of the Annual Exam Volume: Customer/Licensed Affiliates/Named Entity Address Pe centage of the Annual Exam Vo ume Total Based on the report above, please check the applicable box below Annual Exam Volume exceeded the Baseline Exam Volume by 10% or more. Customer needs to increase the Baseli!'le Exam Volume and Maintenance Services in accordance with the Agreement. Annual Exam Volume did not exceed the Baseline Exam Volume by 10% or more. Nevertheless, Customer wants tq increase the Baseline Exam Volume and Maintenance Services based on Customer's torecast of Annual Exam Volume tor the upcoming Annual !Exam Period. Annual Exam Volume did not exceed the Baseline Exam Volume by 10% or more. Customer does not want to increfse the Baseline Exam Volume at this time. Authorized Signature Date Print Name and Title Note: This form must be used tor all Annual Exam Volume Reports. All Annual Exam Volume Reports must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days lollowing each Annual Exam Period. Annual Exam Volume Reports should be sent via e-mail to aevreports@; and by physical mail to: Site License Administrator Nuance Communications Inc. 3984 Pepsi Cola Drin '\1elbourne, FL 32934 Appendix 13 (to Addendulll for P01l'erScribe 360 I ReporTing: Exam r 'o/lime License) Replaced Product New Install Appendix C (to Addendum for POll'erScribe 360 I Reportillg: Exam I·ollime License) Named Entities ~ ~, Page: 1/3 ORDER NUANCE This Order is entered into on 17 day of April, 2014 and is governed by the terms and conditions of Nuance's standard Terms of Sale or the Healthc re Master Agreement, dated as of 2014 by and between Customer and Nuance. Until executed by the Cus orner, this Order shall be considered a quote for the items set forth below. CONFIDENTIAL** Nuance Contact Information Customer Information Customer Acct Quoted: D90014768 Name SAN JOAQUIN GE\,ERAL HOSPITAL Address 500 W HOSPITAL RD FRENCH CAMP, CA 95231-1499 City Contact: I7-APR-2014 Maenpaa, Bruce Contact Phone: 781-565-5000 Fax Number: 781-565-500 I Attn: Contact Phone: Nuance Internal Use: 99359.AIOA-KMQ835 Nuance Quote Number: 73591. 2 Expires: 16-JUL-20 14 Qty l\1odel Promo Product Total (USD) Software 80000 57,600.00 PS360EV-DIS-BOI PowerScribe 360, Annual Exam Volume License, with Data Integration Site License, B (A) PS360AD-OOI PowerScribe 360 Assisted Diagnosis (A) 15,000.00 PS360PR-:\101 PowerScribe 360 Peer Review QA (Medium 50,000- I 99,999) Exams (A) 15,000.00 PS360SW-F20 PS360 Reporting Server SW, V2.0, Field Install (A) 5,000.00 PS360TS-F20 PS360 Reporting Test SW, V2.0, Field Install (A) INTDNL360-E\,F PowerScribe 360, Interface Download, Enhanced,-Field (A) 10,000.00 2,000.00 INTUPL360-ENF PowerScribe 360, Interface Upload, Enhanced, Field (A) 10,000.00 (Aj Mamtenance as speCIfied 011 Quote (8) 1st yf Maintenance included at no charge, additional years charged at market rates. Any other item is not covered under the Nuance Maintenance Contract. SERVICES INSTALL6 INSTALLATION FEE OPTIONI 24x7 Remote Only Maintenance Coverage Plan 19,620.00 PS360P:\1-0100 Project Management Execution & Implementation Services for a standard deployment (3 to 5 month engagements) 30,000.00 3 PS360TRA-ADl\1-0102 PowerScribe360 Administrative Training Program includes self-paced online learning, facilitated webinars, and onsite classroom training in Melbourne, FL. 9,000.00 3 PS360TRA-ADl\1-GLS PS360 Reporting Administrative Go Live Support 6,000.00 PS360TRA-CONS-STDOPT PS360 Reporting Standard Application Optimization Consulting 2,500.00 2 PS360TRA-l\1T-OIOO PS360 Reporting Editor Online Learning Track PS360TRA-DATAINT PS360 Reporting Data Integration 6,540.00 500.00 2,000.00 II' Page: 2/3 ~, NUANCE Subtotal Total (lISD) (Exclusive of Taxes and Delivery) 190,760.00 Ship-To Information Name SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Address 500 W HOSPITAL RD City: FRENCH CAMP, San Joaquin, CA 95231-1499 Project Information: Name Strategic: SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Shipping Priority: Regular Ground Second ay Air Priority ir 1 Next Day Page: 3/3 ~ ~« NUANCE Additional Terms: If the Customer does not have a valid Master Agreement with Nuance, then Customer acknowledge terms of sale published at (for Canadian Cu (the "Terms of Sale") and, as a mater Nuance to accept this Order, agrees that the Terms of Sale will govern the transaction contemplated respects, and that the Terms of Sale shall not be varied or supplemented by any terms or conditions the reverse of, or otherwise accompanying a Purchase Order 01' any acknowledgement 01' other for Nuance, that it has reviewed the tomer's al inducement for by this Order in all nserted into, printed on provided by Customer to Terms OfSaie (US) Terms OfSaie (CAN) **By its receipt of this quote, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the pricing and product confi~uration contained herein are Confidential in nature, and, as such cannot be shared with any other party, including, but not Ii ited to, any affiliate of Customer, without Nuance's prior written consent, In addition to Nuance pursuing any other remed es available to it in law or equity, in the event Customer violates the terms of this provision, this quote shall immediately term nate or, if Customer has entered into an Agreement with Nuance for the purchase of the above Products and/or Services, the oregoing pricing shall be null and void and Customer shall immediately pay an amount equal to the list price of the Products nd/or Services less any amounts paid (or currently owed) to Nuance for such Products and/or Services, SAN JOAOUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Customer Name Title Signature Date Email Address Page 1/3 ORDER This Order is entered into on 17 day of April, 2014 and is governed by the terms and conditions of Nuance's standard Terms of Sale or the Healthcare Master Agreement, 2014 by and between Customer and Nuance. Until executed by the Cust mer, this Order shall be dated as of considered a quote for the items set forth below. CONFIDENTIAL** Customer Information Nuance Contact Information Customer Acct D90014768 Name SA;\! JOAQl!IN GENERAL HOSPITAL Quoted: Contact: Address 500 W HOSPITAL RD FRENCH CAMP, CA 95231-1499 City: 17-APR-20 14 Maenpaa, Bruce Contact Phone: 781-565-5000 Fax Number: 781-565-500 I Attn: Contact Phone: Nuance Quote Number: 152996. I Expires: 16-JUL-20 14 Qty Model 99359.AIOA-KMQ835 Product Promo Total (lISD) Hardware PTS0020R-238 PTS4000R-236 Powerscribe 360 System Server, Level 2, DL380 G8 Quad Core (A) 8,290.00 Powerscribe 360 Interlace Server, DL360 G8 Quad Core 6,460.00 (A) PTS6000R-236 PTS9000R-236 Powerscribe 360 Speech Utility Server, DL360 GS Quad Core (A) 7,490.00 Powerscribe 360 Test System Server, DL360 GS Quad Core 7,290.00 (A) ThirdParty PS360SS-12-4C- FO 1 PS360 Database2012 Standard SW and Four Core License Field Install (A) 2,SOO.00 PS360ST -12-4C-FO 1 PS360 Test System Database20 12 Licensing Package w/5 CALs Field Install (A) 1,050.00 (/\) Maintenance as specified on Quote (8) 1st yr Maintenance included at no charge, additional years charged at market rates Any other item is not covered under the Nuance Maintenance Contract. SERVICES I:\STALL6 INSTALLA TlON FEE 2,002.S0 OPTION3 24x7 Remote wi 24x7 On-Site Maintenance Coverage Plan 7,343.60 Subtotal Total (USD) (Exclusive of Taxes and Delivery) 42,726.40 Page: 2/3 11''-11, NUANCE Ship-To Information Name SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Address 500 W HOSPITAL RD City fRENCH CAMP, San Joaquin, CA 95231-1 .. 99 Project Information: Name Shipping Priority: SAN JOAQUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Strategic: Regular/ round Second ay Air Priority Third Party Software Model Software Description PS360SS-12-4C- FO I License, Runtime, SQL2012 SE ISV, Two Core PS360ST-I2-4C-FOI License, Runtime, SQL2012 SE ISV, Server + I CAL PS360ST -12-4C- FO I License, Runtime, SQL2012 SE ISV, I-CAL ir / Next Day ...... Page: 3/3 ~, NUANCE ' 1 Additional Terms: , If the Customer does not have a valid Master Agreement with Nuance, then Customer aCknowledge that it has reviewed the terms of sale published at (for Canadian Cu tomer's (the "Terms of Sale") and, as a mater al inducement for Nuance to accept this Order, agrees that the Terms of Sale will govern the transaction contemplatedlby this Order in all respects, and that the Terms of Sale shall not be varied or supplemented by any terms or conditions ,nserted into, printed on the reverse of, or otherwise accompanying a Purchase Order or any acknowledgement or other form provided by Customer to I Nuance. Terms Of Sale (US) Terms Of Sale (CAN) **By its receipt of this quote, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the pricing and product confi uration contained herein are Confidential in nature, and, as such cannot be shared with any other party, including, but not Ii ited to, any affiliate of Customer, without Nuance's prior written consent. In addition to Nuance pursuing any other remed es available to it in law or equity, in the event Customer violates the terms of this provision, this quote shall immediately terminate or, if Customer has entered into an Agreement with Nuance for the purchase of the above Products and/or Services, the oregoing pricing shall be null and void and Customer shall immediately pay an amount equal to the list price of the Products nd/or Services less any amounts paid (or currently owed) to Nuance for such Products and/or Services. SAN JOAOUIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Customer Name Title Signature Date Email Address
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