Toward the Extended Ensemble Nowcasting Technique Using Pattern Recognition on Radar and WEPS Trengshi Huang PhD. Weather Forecast Center, Central Weather Bureau Multi-stage Quantify Precipitation Forecast Weekly (Qualitative) GFS, Synaptic Analysis, statistics, analogy, conceptual Traditional 3d/4d data assimulatoin Storm scale data assimulation Radar Extrapolation 1-3 daily QPF (Quantitative) Regional (Ensemble) Forecast System,Statistics, anvanced Ensemble Forecast 0-6 hr (or 0-12 hr) QPF LAPS/STMAS, ARPS, VDRAS, Cloud model 0-1 hr QPF Pattern Recognition ? Radar extrap., ANC, SCAN 0 hr Nowcasting Radar, gagues, lighting 2 Very Short Term Forecast/Nowcast Monitor and Nowcasting Systems by Weather Satellite Center 測試循環式(cycling)雷 達資料同化策略中 (W.P. Huang, WSC) Big data and Ensemble Forecast Big data is an all-encompassing term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using traditional data processing applications. The challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and privacy violations. 如何在大量的系集預報資料中取得有用的 資訊? Basic Ensemble QPF Products Most probable single solution (deterministic forecast ): Ensemble mean, median, etc… QPESUMS Analysis CWB WRF EPS (Ensemble Prediction System): 20 members, 5km (李志昕&洪景山,2011) Take the ensemble mean among the ensemble dimension Forecast Variance (spread): standard deviation, max., min., max. 10% mean, … Evaluation from mean and standard deviation (丘台光、陳嘉榮、張保亮、林品芳,2007) Mean MAX. STD MIN Advanced Ensemble QPF Products The ensemble average "smears" the rain rates so that the maximum rainfall is reduced and area of light rain is enhanced Probability Density Function (PDF) approach on QPF The same spatial shape as the ensemble mean The same PDF of the entire ensemble system (PM, Elbert 2001). Or Averaging the PDFs among the ensemble dimension (newPM, 葉等2014) Deal not on spatial distribution. Mean PM newPM QPESUMS Analysis From PQPFx to QPFP-y% Select a threshold, say 50% chance, in probability space to make QPF exceeding 50% chance POP=PQPF0.1 Assign hatched area to 0.1 mm PQPF130 Assign hatched area to 130 mm PQPF10 Assign hatched area to 10 mm PQPF200 Assign hatched area to 200 mm PQPF25 Assign hatched area to 25 mm PQPF350 Assign hatched area to 350 mm PQPF50 Assign hatched area to 50 mm PQPF500 Assign hatched area to 500 mm PQPF100 QPFP-50% Assign hatched area to 100 mm QPF exceeding y% probability threshold: QPFP-y% Deterministic but probabilistic inside Easy for Forecasters to make decision Easy to use since it is QPF QPFP-5% MAX QPFP-10% QPFP-20% QPFP-30% QPFP-40% QPFP-50% MEAN QPFP-60% QPFP-70% QPFP-90% QPFP-100% MIN Predictability Evolution with Forecast Hours 1.0 Skill Score Radar QPF extrapolation High resolution NWPs & Ensemble Prediction System Storm scale (radar) data assimulation and forecast NWPs 0 1 3 6 Radar QPF Fct. hours Integration on the Extended Nowcasting Precipitation Combining the CWB WRF-EPS (Li et al, 2013) and QPESUMS observation to develop the extended nowcasting on QPF Objective: to improve the 0-6 h QPF Key factors: Pattern recognigition skill (Moment invarant, Chen et al. 2014) Advanced Ensemble skill (Huang et al, 2014; Yeh et al., 2014) Integration on the Extended Nowcasting Precipitation 本研究 Originial Radar based (extrapolation) 結合外延及 模式校正 (ARMOR) Combing the observation. WEPS and Radar (NWP model) Radar Data Assimulation … 1. Develop a pattern recognition to rank the WEPS forecast during a time window. 2. Advanced Ensemble QPF 1.Pattern Recognition of Observed CV and WEPS-Based QPF (PROCWB-QPF) 2.Radar-Ensemble Matching Algorithm (REMA) Extended Nowcasting on QPF or QPN (Chen et al., 2014) Pattern Recognition (I) Moment invariants (Hu 1962) OBS WEPS 由動差不變量理論 得出具平移、尺度 和旋轉不變的七個 特徵描述值 1O O 7 1i i 7 再由正規化相似度 演算法計算距離相 似度(DS)和角度相 似度(AS) DS i AS i S 2 i 介於0到1之間,愈接 近 1表 示 模 式與 觀 測 的相似程度愈高。 網格化的回 波值(dBZ) (Chen et al., 2014) Pattern Recognition (II) Piecewise recognition S ni S ni 1 S1i S 2i N S i ave S ni / N n 1 (Chen et al., 2014) Sampling, Recognizing, and Shifting Radar CV Targeted time window (±6hr, 3hourly) based on observation. 22 members:WRFD, TWRF, WRF-EPS (20 members) 4 Lag Runs 5x22x4=440 samples Fro ensemble member N (N=1, 2, …, 22) forecast at target time (say 0 hr) 05/15 00Z 05/14 18Z 取4個 lag run 05/14 12Z 05/14 06Z 05/15 1200Z -6 -3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 18 21 24 27 30 24 27 30 33 36 ‒6 h 0 3 6 1212h 15 18 +6 h Shifting Forecast: Ranking 1 to 10 in 440 samples Hindcast Radar CV 05/15 1200Z -3 0 3 6 9 12 Forecast Rank 1-10 Ensemble and Advanced Ensemble Forecast Hindcast Ensemble Mean among Ranks 1 to 10 Ensemble mean smears members’ extreme QPF values Advanced Ensemble Ensemble QPFP-20% Why 20%? At least 2 of 10 members Overestimate the overall QPF sometimes PM, newPM? To be continue… -3 0 3 6 9 12 Forecast 2014 May & Jun Verification on 0-3h QPF May and June verification on 0-3h QPF. Observation Radar CV larger then 10% for recognition or not. TS POD ETS FAR 134/488 Cases, 37000(1902)/370000 km2 Predictability Evolution with Forecast Hours 1.0 Skill Score Radar QPF extrapolation High resolution NWPs & Ensemble Prediction System Storm scale (radar) data assimulation and forecast Pattern Recognition/ Single Model Forecast/ Ensemble Forecast Ensemble and Advanced Ensemble Forecasting Fitting and Calibration?? Fitting? NWPs 0 1 3 6 Ptn Rcg./EPS Ptn Rcg./Single Radar QPF Fct. hours Advanced Ensemble Nowcasting for Typhoon Fung-Wang (2014) at 09/21 0000 UTC CWB Operational Typhoon QPF Analog Approach Historical Typhoon tracks and precipitation data base Climatology Approach Climatological Typhoon positions and precipitation rate Numerical Weather Prediction Global Forecast System: GFS, ECMWF, NCEP-GFS, JMA, UK Regional Forecast Model: WRF-D, TWRF, NFS … Storm Scale NWP: LAPES-WRF, STAMAS-WRF … Ensemble Based NWP Forecast CWB WRF Ensemble Forecast System: 20 members TTFRI Ensemble Forecast System: 16-20 members Advanced Ensemble Transformed Forecast: ETQPF (Ensemble Typhoon QPF): QPF from a selected track And more… Subjective Adjustment by Senior Forecasters Recent Error Checking and Verification Forecaster’s Experiment Concluding Remark Ensemble QPF Approach: Deterministic Ensemble QPF: Basic: Mean, median, variance, … Advanced: PM, newPM, ETQPF, … Probability of QPF (PQPF) Probability Most models need not probability but QPF Probabilistic but deterministic QPF (QPFP) Easy to make decision for Forecasters Probability inside Pattern-Recognition/Analog QPF on Observed Radar CV & WEPS for (Extending) Nowcasting Better Pattern-Recognition method or strategy Fitting forecast among Radar QPF and Nowcasting Calibration or modification technology Storm Scale/ Radar/ Cloud resolved data assimulation and prediction
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