The Church Needs to Know MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-800004 L’église doit savoir MP3 Cat no: 04-ODB-012-900503 La croix révélée The Cross Revealed MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900608 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900608 La fin des temps The End Times La structure de l’église The Structure of the Church MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900551 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900551 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900614 MP3 & DVD COMPILATIONS Une grande variété de messages, prêchés A wealth of sermons, preached in various en diverses langues et enregistrés dans de languages as recorded from around the nombreux pays. world. A Visitation from God Dieu nous a visités Avoir la foi en Dieu Chaque chrétien doit savoir Christ est tout pour nous MP3 Cat no: 02-G-014-800001 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900557 Desiring to Know God Etre dans le plan de Desireux de connaître le Dieu seigneur MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900445 Exposing Error in the Church MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900510 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900074 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900074 Christians Be Alert MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900212 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900556 Page 2 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900601 Faire la volonté de Dieu Doing God’s Will MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900558 How Will the Church Rise Up Again? MP3 Cat no: 04-J-012-900023 Family Relationships MP3 Cat no: 02-G-014-800005 DVD Cat no: 01-G-010-900003 Fundamental Doctrine for the Church Hébreux Hebrews MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900516 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900618 Is the Bar Set Too High? It’s Time to Cross the L’Eglise a besoin de Line nous Est ce que la barre est trop haute ? MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900537 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900559 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900015 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900015 La foi MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900065 La gloire de la croix The Glory of the Cross MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900525 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900525 La grâce de Dieu MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900309 La lignée de Christ The Lineage of Christ MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900624 Page 3 La marche chrétienne : une conviction La prière Prayer La vie après la mort Life After Death La vie de Christ The Life of Christ MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900552 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900617 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900619 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900615 Ne perdons pas la vision Notre coeur Les dons de motivation Ma vie avec le Saint-Esprit Motivational Gifts MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900616 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900611 Notre héritage en Christ Notre vie est à Christ Our Inheritance in Christ Our Life Belongs to Christ Offrir nos vies Offering Our Belongs MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900404 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900404 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900554 Page 4 MP3 Cat no: 02-A-012-900095 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900063 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900555 Où va l’église MP3 Cat no: 04-ODB-012-900524 Peace, Faith and the Holy Spirit La paix, la foi et le Saint-Esprit MP3 Cat n : 04-G-012-900620 o Romains Romans MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900613 Questions and Answers with Miki Hardy Questions et réponses avec Miki Hardy MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900606 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900606 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900607 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900607 Séminaire de couples Married Couples Seminar Signs of Revival Les signes du réveil MP3 Cat no: 02-G-014-800003 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900094 Sound Doctrine MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900083 Réjouissons-nous pour le message de la croix Rejoicing in the Message of the Cross MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900217 DVD Cat no: 01-G-012-900217 Soumise selon Dieu Submitted According to God CD Cat no: 02-G-012-004104 The Cross and God’s Plan The Cross and Our Freedom MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900602 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900553 The Cross of Christ MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900004 Page 5 The Foundation of Our Doctrine The Gifts of the Spirit Les dons de l’Esprit MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900081 MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900623 The Race to Run The Revelation of the Gospel La révélation de l’évangile MP3 Cat no: 02-G-014-800006 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900046 Vue générale sur le nouveau testament An Overview of the New Testament MP3 Cat no: 04-L-012-900627 Page 6 Women Serving Jesus MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900405 The New Covenant The Power of Grace MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900062 MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900002 The Spirit of Grace Un ouvrier éprouvé A Worker Approved of God MP3 Cat no: 04-G-012-900001 MP3 Cat no: 04-C-012-900054 LIVRES BOOKS 6 091402 TCNTK-booklet-A5-cover.indd 2-3 6 809678 4/30/13 5:10 PM 091402 809722 4/17/14 9:58 AM TCNTK-fr-booklet-A5-cover.indd 2-3 1/27/14 1:58 PM The New Covenant The Church Needs to Know L’église doit savoir Cat no: 11-G-012-900062 Cat no: 11-G-012-800004 Cat no: 11-G-012-900503 Il y a tant de choses pour lesquelles nous pouvons remercier le Seigneur, Chrétien, tu es libre ! Chrétien, tu es libre ! mais l’une des plus grandes est bien notre liberté sous la Nouvelle Chrétien, tu es LIBRE ! Pourquoi s’enfermer dans des obligations et des interdits, alors qu’en Christ nous sommes parfaitement libres ? Alliance. Pourtant, souvent, croyant bien faire, nous nous efforçons de vivre en nous conformant aux impératifs de l’Ancien Testament qui ne nous concernent pas, ou bien à des règles que l’église nous impose ou que nous nous imposons nous-mêmes. J’espère que ce livre pourra vous éclairer sur les conséquences de cette compréhension erronée. Je suis convaincu que si, désormais, nous vivons vraiment dans la liberté que Christ nous a acquise, nous verrons un grand changement dans nos vies et serons débarrassés de nombreux fardeaux qui nous écrasent. Chérissons ce don précieux et aspirons à être réellement libres ! Miki Hardy Miki Hardy Cat Nº: 09-G-012-900625 6 UFUCP-french-booklet-cover-final.indd 2-3 Les cinq ministères Cat no: 11-G-012-900504 091402 812388 4/30/13 7:52 PM couv3.indd 2-3 Une famille unie, c’est possible ! 6 091402 Miki Hardy 814085 4/15/14 12:05 PM 8/11/14 4:48 PM Chrétien, tu es libre ! Cat no: 09-G-012-900625 Cat no: 09-G-012-800005 Page 7 MUSIQUE MUSIC AUDREY HARDY 1. BE GLAD IN THE LORD 2. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Be glad in the Lord and rejoice O you righteous, O you righteous Be glad in the Lord and rejoice Praise His name Is there anything too hard or too wonderful for the Lord? Anything too hard or too wonderful for the Lord? For He spoke and it was done He commanded and it came to pass For with God all things are possible Yes, with God all things are possible Clap for joy, clap for joy All you upright in heart Clap for joy, clap for joy For God is on your side Be glad in the Lord and rejoice O you righteous, O you righteous Be glad in the Lord and rejoice Praise His name N THE LORD RE POSSIBLE D OF MY LIFE OR THIS DAY SET ME FREE IS HIS NAME YOUR LOVE ORSHIP YOU O THE LORD U ARE JESUS uéri(e) auvé(e) possible à Toi loire CHORUS He healed the sick (all things are possible) He raised the dead (all things are possible) He made the lame to walk, he made the blind to see Today He’ll do the same for you and me. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice O you righteous, O you righteous Be glad in the Lord and rejoice Praise His name CHORUS Sing for joy, sing for joy All you, upright in heart Sing for joy, sing for joy For God is on your side 3. YOU ARE THE LORD OF MY LIFE Possible, all things are possible You are the Lord of my life You are the Lord of my day 4/21/14 9:12 AM With God All Things Are Possible by Audrey Hardy No Longer Foreigners by Eugene Nyathi I Worship You by Audrey Hardy 1. OH COME LET US ADORE THEE Unknown Author 1. x2 3. TODAY I CHOOSE HALLELUJAH TO MY KING x2 GUÉRIS-MOI ON 8. x2 10. 11. 12. we are going to see the King x 3 We’re going to see the King SERVITER Hallelujah! What a Saviour! I owe everything to Him Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Hallelujah to my King Hallelujah, Hallelujah to my King x 4 HOSANNA As for me and my house We will serve You As for me and my house We will spend our lives on You TU ES CELUI HOSANNA (PRAISE IS RISING) TODAY AMAZING GRACE MY CHAINS ARE GONE By Your Grace by Eugene Nyathi Oh, how great the kindness our God has shown We were strangers, now we’re called His own His grace has welcomed the sinner home Tender mercies, lead us to the Throne Today I choose to follow You Today I choose to give my ‘yes’ to You Today I choose to hear Your voice and live Today I choose to follow You OPEN YOUR EYES 9. e are going to see the King x 3 We’re going to see the King we are going to see the King x 3 We’re going to see the King Hallelujah! What a Saviour! I owe everything to Him Hallelujah! What a Saviour! Hallelujah to my King 2. TODAY I CHOOSE © Brian Doerksen SOON AND VERY SOON 7. Oh how strong the power of Jesus’ name! It is stronger than any other name How sweet the victory that bore my shame Took the burden of my sin away x2 We’ll give you all the glory x 3 Christ the Lord PERSÉVÈRE 4. 5. 6. x2 For He alone is worthy x 3 Christ the Lord Mon Berger by Audrey Hardy 3. HALLELUJAH TO MY KING © Paul Baloche O come let us adore Him x 3 Christ the Lord OH COME LET US ADORE THEE 2. de mon âme t Toi mon Roi les eaux et les flammes sur moi changé(e) nctifié(e) qui me retient e Ta face He opened up the waters of the Red Sea He gave his people water from the rock When they were hungry, he gave them manna He’s still the God of miracles today Shout for joy, shout for joy All you, upright in heart Shout for joy, shout for joy For God is on your side I CHO O SE x2 Oh, what peace the Spirit of Jesus brings Through the trials He will carry me One day, in Heaven, our eyes will meet Filled with wonder, all the saints will sing Today Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting Father Eternal King, Lord of hosts Willingly we follow Today I Choose by Pure Heart Commandez les CD, DVD ou publications de messages, d’enseignements et de louange de CTMI sur Order CTMI messages, teachings and worship music on CD, DVD, as well as printed materials, at Church Team Ministries International Association le Témoignage Trianon, Mauritius (230) 403 4500 • [email protected] 22 rue Sadi Carnot 92 000 Nanterre France +33 (0)6 28 05 67 89 • [email protected]
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