Nebraska Section News – Nov 25, 2014 Attention All: For the moment if you have any inquiries please direct them to [email protected] I will be working on getting my forwarded to this email. Net managers, please also CC me at this email address so I can post accurately your reports on the site. 73's Matt KAØBOJ Description: Happy Thanksgiving to all. I must apologize for not keeping up with the Nebraska ARRL Newsletter. A few announcements to make. Our current PIO Roxanne Baxter AA7RX will be QRV and will have a new QTH in Hawaii. Maybe she'll trade in her call for a KH6!. So , I know that Roxanne has been looking for her replacement and I am also soliciting those who might be interested. If so, please e-mail me at [email protected] With the upcoming Holidays, please take time to check on weather if you are travelling. And as always, plan ahead, and let someone know when you are leaving and when they should expect you. None of us want to make the news, for all the wrong reasons. The 2015 Nebraska ARRL Convention has been set for March 21st, at the Lancaster Convention Center in Lincoln, Nebraska. It will be held from 8:30am till 2:30pm. You can go to the website for additional information. Skywarn Recognition Day Skywarn Recognition Day 2014 is set for Dec. 6, 2014. The event starts at 00Z on Dec 6 (6 PM CST Dec. 5th) and runs 24 hours. Skywarn Recognition Day was developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and the ARRL in 1999. This is the 15th year that this event has been held. The Valley NWS office and local HAMS have participated in every one of these events. This event celebrates the contributions that volunteer Skywarn Amateur Radio operators make to the National Weather Service. During this event, local amateur radio volunteer spotters and net control personnel operate several radio stations at the NWS office. They make contact with other NWS offices, and thousands of other amateur radio operators around the U.S. and world. Details of this event can be found at We would like another good turnout for this event. TLast year we had quite a few people visit the office and get on the radios to try yo make contacts. We have an HF radio here as well as 2 meter and 440 MHz, APRS radios. If you want, you can bring your own HF unit out here. If you have an antenna, that would be great too as we can set you up in our conference room. The address is 6707 N. 288th Street, Valley NE. Just take highway 275 to the Highway 64 Valley Exit (The one that goes to Leshara). Head west until you get to the building next to the radar (Looks like a big volleyball on a tower). Thanks much and 73 , Brian S. (KB0QXF) Brian E. Smith Warning Coordination Meteorologist National Weather Service Omaha/Valley, NE 402-359-5166, X726 [email protected] That's it for now. Be looking here and your e-mail for a special announcement coming soon. 73's KAØBOJ Nebraska Section Manager Section Traffic Manager and Section Emergency Coordinator Net Reports - April 2013 Nebraska 40 Meter Net, Sessions 20, QNI 220, QTC 0, Reported by KW0R Cornhusker Net, Sessions 30, QNI 377, QTC 4, Reported by K0CWW Nebraska CW Net, no report Nebraska Morning Phone Net, Sessions 30, QNI 1673, QTC 54, Reported by KA0DOC Nebraska Storm Net, Sessions 30, QNI 1528, QTC 6, Reported by AG0L One Sixty Meter Weather Net, no report West Nebraska Net, Sessions 26, QNI 1352, QTC 234, Reported by K0RRL Buffalo County ARES, Sessions 4, QNI 59, QTC 0, Reported by WA0LST Dodge County ARES, Sessions 4, QNI 29, QTC 1, Reported by KC0KKE Eastern Nebraska ARES Net, Sessions 30, QNI 839, QTC 0, Reported by KN0RKY Mid-Nebraska ARES Net, Sessions 13, QNI 102, QTC 1, Reported by KC0MWM NPPARC, Sessions 5, QNI 37, QTC 0, Reported by WD0D Platte Valley 2-Meter Net, Sessions 4, QNI 36, QTC 0, Reported by KW0R W0IRZ Memorial ARES Net, Sessions 4, QNI 58, QTC 4, Reported by W0WHY Elkhorn Valley ARC, Sessions 5, QNI 25, QTC 5, Reported by KD0JE * Net Report Legend: Sessions=Number of times net called, QNI=Number of Station Check-ins, QTC=Formal Traffic Count Traffic Totals Traffic Count: K0PTK: 303 PSHR Total = 115 Traffic Count: WA4STO: 1582 PSHR Total = 140 WA4STO: DRS: Rcvd: 230, Sent: 942 for Total of 1172 WA4STO: BPL = YES, Orig: 327: Rcvd: 252; Sent: 996; Dlvd: 7 for Total of 1582 Public Service Honor Roll (Please visit for more information about the honor roll.) KE6DZD 100 hours KBØZZT WBØWXS 150 hours 26 hours WØHXL 38 hours WBØCMC 25 hours KEØXQ 110 hours ACØDQ 40 hours KAØJTI 30 hours WBØMWB 55 hours NØXY and KB0DNP - no report. Still had a few issues on unlicensed truckers. Net Reports - May 2013 Ashland ARES 2 meter net, Sessions 3, QNI 24, QTC 3 Nebraska 40 Meter Net, Sessions 25, QNI 245, QTC 2, Reported by KW0R Nebraska Cornhusker Net, Sessions 26, QNI 247, QTC 8, Reported by K0CWW Nebraska CW Net, Sessions 23, QNI 51, QTC 22, Reported by AA0W Nebraska Morning Phone Net, Sessions 30, QNI 1695, QTC 39, Reported by KA0DOC Nebraska Storm Net, Sessions 31, QNI 1235, QTC 7, Reported by AG0L One Sixty Meter Weather Net, no report West Nebraska Net, Sessions 27, QNI 1363, QTC 227, Reported by K0RRL Buffalo County ARES, Sessions 3, QNI 27, QTC 0, Reported by WA0LST Dodge County ARES, Sessions 5, QNI 32, QTC 0, Reported by KC0KKE Eastern Nebraska ARES Net, Sessions 31, QNI 970, QTC 0, Reported by KN0RKY Mid-Nebraska ARES Net, Sessions 14, QNI 118, QTC 1, Reported by KC0MWM NPPARC, no report Platte Valley 2-Meter Net, Sessions 4, QNI 24, QTC 0, Reported by KW0R W0IRZ Memorial ARES Net, Sessions 4, QNI 55, QTC 4, Reported by W0WHY Elkhorn Valley ARC, Sessions 4, QNI 16, QTC 4, Reported by KD0JE * Net Report Legend: Sessions=Number of times net called, QNI=Number of Station Check-ins, QTC=Formal Traffic Count Traffic Totals (PSHR: Public Service Honor Roll) K0PTK: 312 PSHR Total = 115 WA4STO: 414 PSHR Total = 140; BPL = YES, Orig: 136: Rcvd: 76; Sent: 200; Dlvd: 2 for Total of 414 Public Service Honor Roll (Please visit for more information about the honor roll.) KAØDBK 81 points KBØYTM 28 points Nebraska Section Nets Net name, frequency, meets, time CDT, time utc 40 Meter Net, 7.282, Daily, 1300, 1800 Cornhusker Net, 3.982, Daily, 1230, 1730 CW Traffic Net, 3.540, M-F, 1900, 0000 Morning Phone Net, 3.982, Daily, 0730, 1230 One Sixty Weather Net, 1.995, Daily, 1930, 0130 Storm Net, 3.982, Daily, 1830, 2330 or 0130 West Nebraska Net, 3.950, M-S, 0700, 1200 Notes from the Section Traffic Manager: Looking for any historical notes you may have about any of the Nebraska Section Net’s. Please send me your articles, stories, remembrances, pictures or anecdotes you may have. We will add to the monthly summaries. Please report your individual traffic monthly totals to me at: [email protected] I also check in to several net’s daily, you can send to me on the net. I welcome your comments and suggestions. Mike, NFØN OFFICIAL OBSERVER REPORTS -April 2013 Hours KE6DZD - 20 WBØMWB - (on vacation) KBØZZT - 100 WBØWXS - 23 WØHXL - 36 WBØCMC - 35 KEØXQ - 100 ACØDQ - 40 KAØJTI - 30 KB0DNP, NØXY - no report -May 2013 Hours KE6DZD - 60 WBØMWB - 17 KBØZZT - 75 WBØWXS - 21 WØHXL - 22 WBØCMC - 35 KEØXQ - 100 ACØDQ - 60 KAØJTI - 20 KB0DNP, NØXY - no report **********SPECIAL EVENTS STATION********** (none listed - please send KØAIZ your announcements!) WEB PAGES AKSARBEN ARC Amateur Radio Association of Nebraska (used to be: Hastings ARC) Ashland ARC Bellevue ARC Boyer Valley Amateur Radio Club (IA) Buffalo County ARES Douglas County ARES Elkhorn Valley ARC Heartland Amateur Radio Association Heartland DX Association Lincoln ARC Midway ARC http://wØ Midwest Home Brewer's & QRP Group Nebraska EMA Pine Ridge ARC Pioneer Amateur Radio Club Strategic Air Command Memorial ARC Quarter Century Wireless Association Society of Wireless Pioneers South East Nebraska Radio Club 1Ø-1Ø International 3900 Club Other Links of Interest ARRL DX Bulletins ARRL Propagation Bulletins ARRL Keplarian Elements ARRL Transmission Schedule ARRL General and Special Bulletins ARRL Emergency Communications SICK CALL These are Amateur Radio Operators who are ill and need our support. Please send get well cards or QSL cards with your best wishes on them as they recover from their illnesses or surgeries. I will post along with their names what they are recovering from only with the permission of the families or the member themselves. SILENT KEYS While we celebrate the friends that they were, it is with sadness that we recognize the loss of these hams from our fold. 2013 WØADK - Lambert (Burm) Burmester WDØFCK - Floyd D. Scholl KFØFO Jim Peterson KØSDG Paul Heiser 2012 WØAEX - Bob Rennolet, Sr. KØAQQ - William Sprout WAØASM - Steve May KAØBTY - Robert Musil KCØEHX - Roger Wilmont WØHNW - Garry (Hoss) Cartwright KØJPP - Berl Damkroger KØKES - Joe Nanos KBØOZD - Tadhg (Tag) Jackson WØQOU - Martin Klein WDØQVX - Henry Missel ex-KAØREX - Claudius Shoniwa KØRPC - Raymond M. Pohl WØRVQ - Verne Voss WØSZF - Verle (Moe) Francis KAØTDN - Glen A. Roberts 2011 KAØFZW - Raymond E. Sheridan WØGFQ - Leo Meyerson WØJCB - William A. Rice WØJCP - Dick Dyas WØJJL - Jim Monk KCØKOG - Jim Nitz WØKQX - Ronald L. Frame KI0KS - Robert Dunn Jr. KAØLAR - Dan Tinkham KBØLLZ - Bud Watson KA2NIC - John Mark KA0S - Doug Mibourn WCØP - Don Duckett KCØQR - Jerry Robb KØTVP - Stanley Prokes KØUDB - Gaylord Ottun KBØWIC - Richard W. Harter NØWWO - James Kuehn KØYAB - Dick Moen KCØYE - Robert M. Hill NØXII - Steve Peterson KCØYFU - Steve Rudolph NØZRV - Vernon (Vern) Berggren WEB RESOURCES ARRL External Noise Handbook HAMFESTS AND CONVENTIONS ARRL Listing Nebraska Section Convention: VE TESTS When attending a VE session, make sure you bring the following: your original license, a photocopy of your original license, 2 forms of identification (one with a photograph of you), any CSCE's and $15.00 cash or check. NEBRASKA Lincoln Amateur Radio Club First Thrusday of every month at 7pm CT, T&R's Garden Restaurant, 5250 Cornhusker Highway, Lincoln. For more information, the club website is IOWA NOTICE You may reprint items from this webpage/newsletter without prior permission if attribution to this source is provided. Matthew N. Anderson ARRL Nebraska Section Manager [email protected]
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