PART - II PriceRs.40/- * 243 MEMORANDUMFOR ENTREPRENEURS SETTINGUP MICRO,SMALLORMEDruM ENTERPRISE GeneralInstructions asthecasemay istobefiledwittrttreDistictIndustiesCente*byaMcro, SmallorMediumEnterprises, 1. Memorandum (MSMED) Development Act,2006. (l) of Section 8 of ttreMcro, SmallandMediumEnterprises be,underSubsection shouldbefiled. 2. FourcopiesoftheMemorandum ttreMemorandun. 3. Thereisnofeeforprocessing 4. Existingunitushouldfill uponlypart II ofttreMemorandum. to Distict informthedetailswittrinthreemontlrs in *re informatiorlat anypointof timg please 5. In caseof anychange IndrsfiesCente. inblock(capital)letters. 6. WriterType 7. Leaveoneblankboxaftereachword. is applicable. 8. Fill upwhichever than 9. AII codesother PIN Codeshallbefilledby theoffice. byttreDistict IndustiesCente. numbered 10.Formwill bemachine to besubmittd Documents l. 2. 3. 4. 5. (EM)Part-Icompletely filled. Memorandum forEntepreneurs' Application (ELP)Part'II to LocalPersons FormatforEmployment IndstialEstate fromMIDC authorities/Co-operative sublettingpermission offerletter/plot receipt/plot Plotpossession in casetheplotis obtained bytansfer. IndustialEstate letterfromMIDC autlroritieVCo-operative Plottmnsfer local bodies/munici. certificate fiom objection location clearances/No obtain is to Theapplicantunit supposed of enterprise to Also,it is theresponsibility pal counciUmunicipal corporationto set-upand run theenterprise. from State Government/Cenhal run the enterprise to setup and necessary obtainall permissionflicences/registations authorities. Govemment/ottrer Codesfor Unit of Quantity STANDSFOR ABBREVIATIONS Metue MI KIVI SQM tt CIJM T KG NO 1}INO PR TTIPR GROSS Kilomehe Sq.Meue Lifre CubicMete Tonno Kilogram Number Number Thousand Pairs Pain Thousand Gross ABBREVIATIONS TTIGR RM TTIBO LAKHNO DOZ GRMS TTIMT KWH MCC CR NS STANDSFOR ThouandGoss Ream Thousand Boxes LakhNumber Dozen Gram Thousand Mete KilowattHour Mllion CubicCentimete Carat Not Specified II Schedule Procedurcoffiling ofEntrcpreneursMemorandumandothermatters,incidentalthereto fromtlre of whichcanbeobtained fiomtheinteme!theaddress canbedownloaded Memorandum l. FormoftlreEntepreneurs or ttrehard or theUnionTenitories of theStateGovemment dealingwittrMicrq SmallandMediumEnterprises Direptorate fromtlreSmall Centes.Thisformcanalsobedownloaded copiesof thesamecanbe obtainedfromtheDistict Indusnies or . IndusfiiesDevelopment websitei.e. Organisation in providing engaged or a mediumenterprise athisdiscretion; a miuo or smallenterprise, to establish 2. Anypnon whointends of goodsshall or production in themanufacture engaged or a mediumenterpdse may,at hisdiscretion of servic,es or rendering Cente of its areawith DistrictIndusfiies of ltrficro,Smallor asttrecasemaybe,of MediumEnterprise file theMemorandum afterallotting andissueanacknowledgement in theformof theMemorandum Centre shallfill all thecodes 3. TheDisfiictIndustries of theunitwithinfive daysof thereceiptof theformof number, dateof issueandcategory Memorandum anEntrepreneurs aswellasonline. in person is submitted day,if theformof Memorandum Memorandum by post0r same and in all respect shallmakesurethattheformis complete Centres theDistrictIndustries 4, Beforeissuing theacknowledgement, Memorandum. whichis a partof theformof Entrepreneurs withanundertaking, particularly andis accompanied theformis signed of micro,smalland sofiledin respect Memorandum recordof all theEnhepren€urs shallmaintain Centre 5. TheDi$rictIndustries a copyoftheEntrepreneun shallforward Industries Centres services. District in providing andrendering medium enterprises engaged of theirStateor Service Institutes allotted to theSmallIndushies number Memorandum Memorandum sofiledwithEntepreneurs theirJurisdiction. of medium enterprises sofiledin respect Memorandum of all theEntrepreneurs Cenhe shallmainhinrecord 6. TheDi$rictIndustries with Enhepreneur Memorandum onecopyeachof theEntrepreneurs of products andforward engaged in producion ormanufacturing or Jurisdiction andto lointDevelopment State their Institutes of their Service to SmallIndustries number allotted Memorandum (SmallScale Indu$ries). Commissioner intheOfficeof theDevelopment (Micro,SmallandMedium Policy) Enterprise Commissioner in engaged enterprise a micro,smallor medium whointends to establish is in two puts.Anyperson 7. Theformof Memorandum intheproduction ormanufacture engaged medium enterprise providing mayfile orthosewhowantto establish of services orrendering Centre. to DistrictIndushies Memorandum of produch shallfile PartI of theEntrepreneurs services, theyshallfile PartII of theEntrepreneurs or rendering or startproviding startproduction 8. 0ncetheaboveenterprises Centre. Memorandum to DistrictIndustries (PartD withintwoyearsof thefilingof PartI, theMemorandum Memorandum of PartII of theEntrepreneurs 9. In caseof non-filing will become invalid. filedbytheentrepreneur filedEntrepreneurs whohavealready theenterprises or in equipment, in plantandmachinery in theinvestment 10.In caseof change change in invesfinent. writing within three months of the in of thesame Centre informtheDishictIndustries Memorandum should whichhavealready filed theenterprises or services, or addition in products of products andthatof services ll. In caseof change of thechange. in writingwithinthreemonths of thesame Cenfie shallinformtheDistrictIndustries Enbepreneun Memorandum oncomputer. records electronically in writing,shallalsomaintain a record, of keeping shall,in addition Centre 12.TheDishictIndushies for morethan6 in casetheunitis foundclosed shallbeliableto becancelled Memorandum Entrepreneurs' 13. TheAcknowledged atserialnumber filedor didnotfollowtheinstructions Memorandum in theEntrepreneurs' or fumished wronginformation months under anofficialnotbelowtheauthority byanenquiry in writingfollowed based onanycomplaint to beinitiated l0 of thisSchedule (3) 8 of thesaidAct. of subsectionsand(4)of section under theprovisions Memorandum theEntrepreneurs' notified for accepting changes frommicroto the$atusof theenterprise in case, PartII again, Memorandum hasto file theEntrepreneurs' 14 Theenterprise In in plantandmachinery/equipments. in theinvestment or vicevers4asa resultof enhancement/decrease smallor smallto medium with the of the along copy andtheletterof cancellation issued earlierneedto becancelled suchcases' theacknowledgement periodof that if for it may take benefrt, any, so that (certified) provided to the industrialist be acknowtedgement should cancelled functioning. ( bothmanufacturing and filedby theMicroandSmallenterprises Memorandum of theEntrepreneurs, 15 Outof thethreecopies with Entrepreneurs, Memorandum totheEnterprise second retumed Centre, bytheDistrictIndustries service), firstshould beretained Institute concerned. Enterprises Development to Micro,SmallandMedium beforuarded No.allotted, andthirdshould (bothmanufacturing first andservice), enterprises filedbythemedium Memorandum of theEntrepreneurs' 16.Outof thefourcopies Memorandum No. withEntrepreneurs' returned to theEnterprises second Centre, shouldberetained bytheDistrictIndustries concerned andfourthcopyshouldbe Institute Development Enterprises to Mlcro,SmallandMedium threeforwarded allotted, (Micro,Smalland Commissioner of theDevelopment PolicyDivision Enterprises to theMicro,SmallandMedium forwarded NewDelhi. Enterprises), 7thFloor,A Wing,NirmanBhavan, Medium of name thechange (l of 1956) firmsandtrusts, cooperative/partnership Act,1956, in Companies asdefined 17.In caseof companies for filing or notified or theauthority Centre DistrictIndustries Manager, to General if any,should beinformed of theenterprise, firms,thesameshouldbe In caseof ownership of change. withinthreemonths in theStateAJT Memorandum Entrepreneurs' in namealongwithanaffidavit. of effecingthechange withinthreemonths communicated bespecific. ofProduct should 18.Deatils Form No. PART II (To be filled up andsubmittedto the Dishict IndustriesCentreafter commencement of productivity/activity) I\IEEDTO BEFILLED ONLYTO TIIE EXTEM TIIAI THE GHE ROWSWHICII HAVEBEENREPREATED VARYFROMTHOSEIN PARTT) ACTUALDETAILSON COMMENCEMENT (PartI) Number Memorandum L Entrepreneurs W l-o l-tfol tI D D M MY Y tr. Dateof Issue M M Itr. Month of Commencementof Production/activitv l. Name ofApplicant 2. a) Addressof Communication PIN i) TelephoneNumber ii) Fax Number iii) Cell PhoneNumber iv) E-mail V) Web-site b) PermanentResidentialAddress (Main Applicant) PIN i) TelephoneNumber ii) FaxNumber iii) Cell PhoneNumber Y b iv) E-mail V) Web-site 3. Name of Enterprise 4. Locationof Enterprises i) Village/ Town Village/Town Code ii) Tehsil/Taluka/I4andal Tehsil/Taluka/MandalCode iii) District N A S H K District Code iv) State M A H A R A S H T R A StateCode v) PIN Code vi) Area(Rural-1,Urban-2) 5. Categoryof Enterprise (Micro-1, Small-2,Medium-3) 6. Natureof Activity [Tick AppropriateBox(es)] i) Manufacture ii) Service T r T T l 7. Nahueof Operation Casual-3) l, Seasonal-2, @erennial8. Whethertheunit is an ancillary (Ycs-1, No-2) T M M 9. Monthof Installationof PlantandMachinery 10. Whetherthe Unit is registeredunderFactoryAct (UnderSection 2m(i/2m(ii)'1,85(iy85(ii!2,notregistercd-3) 11.Typeof Organisation Co-operative'4, Parfirership'3, Family-2, (Proprietoryl, HinduUndivided Others-8.) Group-7, Self-Help PublicLimitedCompany-6, LimitedCompany-5, Private 12. Y Y Y Y I l Activity a) Main Manufachring/Service Name Code(NIC 98*) to be provided b) Productsto be Manufactured/Service i) Name Code(ASICC2000*) ii) Name Code(ASICC2000'I) iii) Name Code(ASICC2000*) iv) Name Code(ASICC2000*) v) Name Code(ASICC2000{') as per classificationspecifiedfrom time to time by office of (*) Codesfor activitiesand productVservices (SmallScaleIndusnies),to be filled in by the Distict IndustiesCente or the Commissioner theDevelopment officewheretheEntepreneurs'Memorandumis submitted' (Add Additionalsheetfor nore pnoducts) 13. (A) Investnentin fixed assets[Rupeesin tak]tl i) Land(Owned4l rRented-02/Leased-03) Value* ii) Building (Owned-0I /Rented-02/Leased-03) Value* iii) Plantand Machinery Value* Qncaseof mantrfacturingenterprise) Value* iv) Equipment (ln caseof serviceenterPrise) v) ForeignEquitY,if anY Value* 10laktrsit shouldbewrittenas rightside,e.g.if thevalueisRupees [*Thevaluein theboxesshouldbefilledin fiomthe etc.,to begivenl number, alsoapplytoallotheritems(rowOwherequantity, ffirf.Thiswill 14. InstalledCaPacitYPeranilrm' Qty. (iii) PlantA Product Product Product Product ' (iv) PlantB Qty. Product Product Product Product 15. PowerLoadH.P./K.W. 16. (a) i) Othersourceof Energy/Power TTTT [If required] PetoleumGas-4' iNo po*"t needed'I, Coal'2,Oil-3,Liquid Non ConventionalEnergy-7' it..iririty from Grid-S,Elecfricityfrom Generator-6, TraditionalEnergYffirewood-8) ii) If no powerrequired,speciff reasons; (b) Indicateannualrequirement Unit Sourceof EnergY 17. EmploYment i) Managementand Office Staff ii) SuPervisory iii) Workers Qty. (in Rs.) Tumover 18. TotalAnnual (If lessthanoneyearof operation, thenexpected tumover) 19. Export(in any)(in Rs.) (of all Parfrrers/Directors of theorganisation. Useseparate sheets, if needed) 20. Entrepreneurs'Profile a) Name f f i) Male(M) /Female(F) (5) Challenged ii) SC(l) / ST/ (2)OBC(3)/ Others(4)Physically Level iii) Knowledge 1,Management Graduate-2, PostGraduate-3, Graduate[Technical AnyotherLower-6] Under-Graduate-5, otherGraduate-4, (in Rupees) iv) Equityparticipation (In Percentage of totalequity) (Yes-l,No-2) Enterprises v) Stakein otherManufacturing (AddAdditionalSheet, If needed) T rtr r D D M M Y Y Y Y of Production/Activitv 2I. Dateof Commencement Date: Place: of theApplicant/Authorised PenonJ [Signature Director] lNarneof theProprietorlPartner/lvlanagement Resolutior/Society Resolutioqwhercver applicable, while copyof Powerof AttomeylBoard a) Enclose a self-certified Person. DirectororAuthorised siglingasPartrrer/Itdanaging Deed/Memorandum ofAssociatior/Articles ofAssociation in case copyof ttreParfirership b) Enclose a certified/notariznd ofMediumEnterprises. Undertaking in FormNo. ............. in thememorandum Fueand furnished Thisis to certifythattheinformation approval/ consent / License/ permitfrom andbelief.I / Wehaveobtained conectto thebestof my knowledge / IIf Administration asstatutory / StateGovemment of Cental Government Ministry/ Department theconcerned requirements. Date: Place: of theApplicant/AuthorisedPenon] [Signature FormNo. DISTRICT INDUSTRIESCENTRE,NASHIK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (PART-II) 1. : hasfiled memorandumfor a (Manufacturing/service) Enterpriseattheaddress forthe item/items PIN indicatedbelow & activity has corlmenced from the date 2: Sr. No. asstatedin FormNo. MemorandumNo. asbelow :' & allocatedEntrepreneurs' to beprovided Detdilsof item/itemsto be manufactured/service Items of manufacture/tYPe of Service to be rendered Capacify in case of manufacture Initial date of production/ commencement of service I 2. 3. +. 5. (Add additionalsheetif required) Detailsof Plant& Machineryasper date-wiseinvestment Investmentin Plant & MachinerylEquipments Sr. No. I J. Dateof Investment 2. J.: 4. ). 6 4. 5. doesnot bestowanylegalright.The enterpriseis requiredto seek Note : Theissueof this acknowledgement requiredunderstatutoryobligationstipulatedunderthe lawsof Cental requisiteclearance4icence/permit GovemmenustateGovemment/LlTAdministation/Courtorders.DDMMyyyy Dateof changeof Categoryfrom Micro/Smallto Small/\4ediumor Vice Versa M 6. Dateof Issue 7. Natureof Activity (Manufacnring-1, Services-2) Categoryof EnterPrise (Micro-l, Small-2,Medium-3) 8. 9. Entrepreneur'sMemorandumNumber F ftrl W T n tI Pafl il boxesarefor Tenitorycode,nexttlueeboxesarefor Districtcode,sixtttandseventh (Firsttwo boxesarefor StateAlnion or serviceandseventhbox for indicatingmicroor smallor (sixttrbox for indicatingmanufacturing categoryof enterprise number) Memorandum tneaium)andlasifiveboxesarefor Entepreneurs' Date: Place: Signature With OfftceSeal FormNo. PART II (To be filled up andsubmittedto the District krdustriesCentreafter commencement of productivity/activity) I\IEEDTO BEFILLED ONLYTO TI{E EXTEM THAI TIIE GHE ROWSWHICHHAYEBEENREPREATED VARY FROMTHOSEIN PARI T) DETAILS ON COMMENCEMENT ACTUAL (Part I) Memorandum Number L Entrepreneurs W to l-tfol m D D M M Y Y Y Y II. Date of Issue M M IIL Month of Commencementof Production/activity 1. Name of Applicant 2. a) Addressof Communication PIN i) TelephoneNumber ii) Fax Number iii) Cell PhoneNumber iv) E-mail V) Web-site b) PermanentResidentialAddress(Main Applicant) PIN i) TelephoneNumber ii) FaxNumber iii) Cell PhoneNumber Y b iv) E-mail V) Web-site 3. Name of Enterprise 4. Locationof Enterprises i) Village/ Town Village/TownCode ii) Tehsil/Taluka/\dandal Tehsil/Taluka/Ivlandal Code iii) District N A S H K District Code iv) State M A H A R A S H T R A StateCode v) PIN Code vi) Area(Rural-1,Urban-2) 5. Categoryof Enterprise (Micro-l, Small-2,Medium-3) 6. Natureof Activity [Tick AppropriateBox(es)] i) Manufacture ii) Service r l T T 7. Natureof Operation Casual-3) 1, Seasonal-2, @erennial8. Whethertheunit is an ancillarY (Ycs-l,No-2) 9. Month of Installationof Plant andMachinery T T M M 10. WhethertheUnit is registeredunderFactoryAct 2m(i/2m(iill, 85(iy85(ii!2,notregistered-3) (UnderSection of Organisation 11.Tpe -(ProprietoryCooperative'4, Partrership-3, Family-2, 1,HinduUndivided Others'8.) privateLimitedCompany-5, Self'HelpGroup-7, PublicLimitedCompany-6, 12. Y Y Y Y n l Activity a) Main Manufacturing/Service Code(NIC 98*) to be provided to be Manufactured/Service b).Products i) Name Code(ASICC2000*) ii) Name Code(ASICC2000*) iii) Name Code(ASICC2000*) iv) Name Code(ASICC2000*) v) Name Code(ASICC2000*) as per classificationqpecifiedfrom time to time by ofnce of (*) Codesfor activitiesand productVservices or the commissioner(SmallScaleIndusties),to be filled in by the Disrict IndustiesCente theDevelopment officewherettreEntepreneurs'Memorandumis submitted' (Add Additional sheetfor morc products) 13. (A) Invesfrnentin fixed assets[Rupeesin Lakh] i) Land(Owned4llRented-02/Leased-03) Value* ii) Building(Owned-01/Rented-02/Leased-03) Value* iii) PlantandMachinery Value* (In caseof manufacturingenterprise) (in Rs.) Tumover 18. TotalAnnual (If lessthanoneyearof operation, tumover) thenexpected 19. Export(in any)(in Rs.) (of all Parfrrers/Directors if needed) Useseparate sheets, of theorganisation. 20. Enhepreneurs'Profile a) Name f, i) Male(M)/Female(F) I (5) (4)Physically Challenged ii) SC(l) / ST/ (2)OBC(3)/ Others f, Level iii) Knowledge PostGraduate-3, Graduate-2, 1,Management Graduate[Technical AnyotherLower-6] Under-Graduate-5, otherGraduate-4, 'iv) (in Rupees) Equityparticipation (In Percentage of totalequity) [] (Yes-l,No-2) Enterprises v) Stakein otherManufacturing (AddAdditionalSheet, If needed) T D D M M Y Y Y Y of Production/Activity 21. Dateof Commencement Date: Place: of theApplicant/Authorised Penon] [Signature Director] lNameof theProprietor/Partnerfvlanagement wherever while ResolutiorL applicablg Resolutior/Society copyof Powerof AttomeyiBoard a self-certified a) Enclose Penon. DirectororAuttrorised sigringasPartrer/lvlanaging in case ofAssociation ofAssociation/futicles Deed/lvlemorandum copyof thePartrership a certified/notariznd b) Enclose of MediumEnterprises. Undertaking frueand in FormNo. ............. in thememorandum fumished Thisis to certiffthattheinformation / License/ pennitfrom approval/ consent andbelief.I / Wehaveobtained conectto thebestof my knowledge asstratutory / tn Administration / Strate Government of CentralGovernment Ministry/ Department theconcerned requirements. Date: Place: of theApplicant/AuthorisedPerson] [Signature FormNo. DISTRICTINDUSTRIESCDNT}D,N AS}IIK (PART-Ir) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT l. 1 lWs. for a hasfiled memorandum (Manufacturing/service) Enterpriseattheaddress forthe item/items indicatedbelow&actMtyhascorlmencedfromthedate No. asbelow : & allocated.Entrepreneurs'Memorandum to beprovided Detailsof item/itemsto be manufactured/service Items of manufactu asstatedinFormNo. Capacityin case of manufacture Initial date of production/ commencement of sewice (Add additionalsheetif required) Detailsof Plant& Machineryasper date-wiseinvestrnent Investmentin Plant & MachinerylEquipments Sr.No. 1. Dateof Investment 2. J.: 4. ). 6 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. doesnot bestowanylegalright.Theenterpriseis requiredto seek Note: Theissueof this acknowledgement requisiteclearance/licencdermitrequiredunderstatutoryobligationstipulatedunderthe lawsof Cental y Y Y Govemment/StateGovemmentruTAdministation/courtorders. D DMMy Dateof changeof Categoryfrom Micro/Smallto Small/Mediumor Vice Versa M Dateof Issue T T Natureof Activity 1, Services-2) (ManufacturingCategoryof Enterprise (Micro-l, Small-2,Medium-3) Entrepreneur'sMemorandumNumber f0 [tr] W m Paxl II boxesarefor Tenitorycode,nextthreeboxesarefor Distict code,sixthandseventh (Firstnvoboxesarefor StateA]nion or smallor micro indicating or serviceandseventhbox for (sixttrbox for indicatingmanufacturing categoryof enterprise number) *.aiut) andlastfive boxesarefor Entepreneurs'Memorandum Date: Place: Signature With OffrceSeal wrrdt-t (ErJ - D sdsr{iqrdrrdrq Er6cqv.nm, S *erfuFffi*marrfiq,rrqrGr$ rgfuiqetqrilr{r **eTRsrilsr*r*f TrE:drrsqoqi+qdFrfirqufrq.{rffn+ d*aio:k*r* q) sifdfuTan+riq t) Tin 'flE/116{ 6ilrrf-${ il6fr r) v) q) qtcdffiftlqiqrsolqtrd (q) *rscqn (r) ilqnc*,R (r) Irrorfid*n (v) qil{qfrsq'qifu (q) urqrfrqqiRfi (q) qRTrmqqffu (s) qFffi (c) {n( q) qrgqr/ qnrqr ffFr* trtlsid +fitrcfr ttuflqr qfun ard / s{ntrfiq€nefiT{rqftffirt ttmre eflfro 5d / *6 awquntFnfr{' / pttF*,TqqTtard sTrt. fr{/ {rfr \9) mrenrerftftqr€rditefrsrdsiltflq ? cl qrtrdTrq,rqilffiflefrsnBm? . (er) R{ndsutrrErdFr' (q) fr*gdrtfErd,-6r'\'r (m) (s) ($ sqsg}rtq-e6I EIswrEre5, gwva)trrm 'tsrfta ard qrersrefqA qr€ilqffid +fr rr.a;{wtrgrcsG stxfrarfifr. t5,$qqFfr eilt. *r,sfyfrff;q,swfl+ cilErdsqE€ qDffiKr<n*iertrtrdrsT{natd+qrtr9fd-{Fiard{FS * * *sTr{frtqd nfr . wM li+di6 tfri srqrIK(qlqr#Fro swqi* rTqqqF{r \) FrflTi sTlrqrsfrdfusErsqTqdqqrqt . Qo iTFT . q{hrft q. sr&ffi+tfiFl: w{ wT oantrEw(q) qgqqt+,( (q) :F{rfrf,FnftoEqqil*dwl (q,) qurvitecenFo Eqffifr effi e. {FrRo mfu*srffi- (q) q{uri}o,t (q) FTrtrfierrfrfi erd$d'Eql (rr) q{ordfrq{Rrfts qd*'rffi {o. */ qTstsr+fur +frfr, eilmerfrrugesasrtE}fusvr,flilfurq<fi+<iltrlsffiwqil *uet *'9u66 yM n* Cffi qfudnsgqmqrt$r / *g,,l*qr qt$ilqr,Rlqsrffii gR|Eur ffi sr&$w+ ilqRffiqsiilqrqr{rdls+€Rtrrfu qffi r* g|f Eqtqrftgffqr id oq ifi / +s. *tt.(eT)r{ffiqssarrqenqilEafrfrffis$TqfuslF6ff*EffieoawiElqiltrsr*qwrq{h+q ffiIfrqTwT rfirfftrirpnfiffidrqi*yqm\oasiglqrrtrsr*. ffiF6r/ qrqrensnqfiq3TlB. I gTlqEqT'q?rq,rqt} zffi fEtregflsnil'rr$: crcfs ronrqnffiffi (t) r4ffiq z* (?) arEetrq{reqfrfrm e*, (t) qwr .: z* ffr(ffi frtrcyqpndqwflrqwfrSqfrKffirttcre|ffisTrtc. (urarroorrerr#arqtilq{ qKsfi+') A \. \ . +rqrqrrdqrecaqr*mcrffi qtFriq'dil+drdffir}itrql Fflftout*i{rffi {m) Btrarrrunfr qTt.(ertq{ffiercenstrrarT{tE(T{EErfl +.) fi ffi .qldq{ft 6crffi (s) frfrcrqpndEf*'rrrnmftar{Errynrflqr€BqftTtl6rail*ttiqrrr4{rfrr{qxc4. (q) * q?. fr / an41q* ftrq{t*fr, qqrqTsnery1.aTs1ffi/+s$xqfr fisrfrelft15rtfrrsn'fr qreerlfr6 \ ryffifrtqsl*,a.qqrilt$s. kopr: ftsir: *{t *qt dqtq-sI ;rqsnr€srluretrT rgEa*{Rrtr€ol*rannfr q'{+€n*{qvd(*ondFrlfu Htfihfruffi Ts*\c T4cqffifrslrIfi *6161qiltltrdld. .' sg{r+qftrqrtqmdqrqirft Frfrsurdqffidr(tarln0. ! .
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