LOW DIMENSIONAL SIMULATOR FOR CARBON BASED DEVICES NG CHIN LIN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA LOW DIMENSIONAL SIMULATOR FOR CARBON BASED DEVICES NG CHIN LIN A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical-Microelectronics) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2014 iii Dedicated to my supervisor Dr Michael Tan Loong Peng, my fellow friends and my endless support family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to pass my gratefulness to my project supervisor, Dr. Michael Tan Loong Peng for his endless guidance and supervision throughout the project period. Secondly, I would like to thank my family especially my parents who always give me their support either mentally or financial aspect throughout this whole year. Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude for those who has directly and indirectly in lend me a hand during this project. NG CHIN LIN, Skudai v ABSTRACT Carbon-based devices such as carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene nanoribbon (GNR) have been explored rigorously as the potential successor to conventional metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor (MOSFET). The limitation of the silicon-based devices catalyst the break through research on carbonbased devices. In this research, a comprehensive quantum simulation tool based on carbon devices is developed as graphical user interface (GUI) using MATLAB. In particular, the quantum simulator is can be used for quasi-one-dimensional structure namely CNT and GNR. The characteristic of the both carbon-based device is written as MATLAB m-script file. The modeling approach is based on the work carried out in Stanford University and the formalism is established on the top-of the barrier approach from Purdue University. The interface of the GUI simulator is generated using Graphical User Interface Development Environment (GUIDE) in MATLAB with additional plug in. This simulation tool allows the user to trade off between precision and time as it provide impromptu analysis either by graph or direct calculation value. Furthermore, this simulator creates new platform for researchers to assess the outcome of the carbon-based devices by either selecting their own specifications or the default values. In addition, a reset action is provided to reduce the time constraint for continuous benchmarking. Another features of this simulator is the auto generation of the voltage transfer characteristic graph from the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) drain characteristics. This simulator can operates as standalone purpose software that is capable to function independently without the installation of MATLAB. Nevertheless, this simulator is still at the preliminary stage and it can be further improved by increasing its functionality and portability. This work is as an ongoing development of the carbon-based device simulator in UTM. vi ABSTRAK Peranti-peranti berasaskan karbon seperti karbon nanotube (CNT) dan graphene nanoribbon (GNR) telah diterokai secara berterusan sebagai pengganti berpotensi untuk metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor (MOSFET). Peranti berasaskan carbon diberikan keyakinan yang tinggi untuk mengatasi limit peranti berasaskan silicon. Dalam kajian ini, alat simulasi kuantum yang komprehensif untuk peranti berasaskan karbon akan direkakan dalam bentuk permukaan pengguna grafik dengan mengunakan MATLAB. Khususnya, alat simulasi kuantum ini boleh digunakan untuk kuasi satu dimensi struktur iaitu CNT dan GNR. Ciri-ciri kedua-dua peranti yang berasaskan karbon akan dikodkan sebagai fail m-skrip dalam MATLAB. Pendekatan model adalah berdasarkan kerja-kerja yang dijalankan di Universiti Stanford dan formalism yang diwujudkan di bahagian atas di pendekatan halangan dari University Purdue. Permukaan GUI simulator yang dihasilkan menggunakan muka pengguna grafik persekitaran pembangunan (GUIDE) dalam MATLAB. Alat simulasi ini membolehkan pengguna untuk mempertimbangkan di antara ketepatan dan masa kerana ia menyediakan analisis secara langsung dengan graf atau jawapan pengiraan secara langsung. Tambahan pula, simulator ini mewujudkan platform baru bagi penyelidik untuk menilai hasil daripada peranti yang berasaskan karbon dan ciri-cirinya dengan memilih sama ada spesifikasi mereka sendiri atau nilai lalai. Di samping itu, tindakan set semula disediakan untuk mengurangkan kekangan masa untuk penandaarasan secara berterusan. Ciri-ciri lain simulasi ini adalah dalam penjanaan graf ciri-ciri pemindahan voltan secara auto daripada semikonduktor oksida logam pelengkap (CMOS) drain characteristik. Alat simulasi ini boleh beroperasi sebagai perisian bebas yang mampu berfungsi secara bebas tanpa pemasangan MATLAB. Walau bagaimanapun, alat ini adalah masih di peringkat awal dan ia boleh lagi diperbaiki dengan meningkatkan fungsi dan kemudahannya. Kerja-kerja ini adalah sebagai satu pembangunan yang berterusan daripada peranti berasaskan karbon simulasi di UTM. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF APPENDICES 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Research Scope 1.5 Market Analysis 1.6 Contribution 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Fundamental of MOSFET 2.1.1 Basic of MOSFET 2.1.2 Structure of MOSFET 2.1.3 Operation of MOSFET 2.1.4 Liner mode 2.1.5 Saturation Mode 2.1.6 Velocity Saturation 2.1.7 Limitation of Silicon Technology PAGE ii iii iv v vi vii x xi xiv xvi xvii 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 viii 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Graphene 2.2.1 Graphene Nano Ribbon (GNR) Carbon Nanotube (CNT) 2.3.1 Operation of CNTFET Device Model 2.4.1 Non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) 2.4.2 Top-of-the-barrier (TOB) Existing Simulator 2.5.1 NEMO-VN1 2.5.2 Quantum Wise 2.5.3 Purdue Nano-hub (FETToy) 12 12 14 15 16 16 17 21 21 22 22 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Methology Work Flow 3.3 Device Modeling 3.4 MATLAB 3.4.1 MATLAB GUIDE 24 24 25 26 26 26 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 4.2 LODISI 4.2.1 LODISI Function Button 4.2.2 Graph Option and Metric Performance Drain Current versus Drain Voltage Characteristic Drain Current versus Gate Voltage Characteristic Mobile Charge versus Gate Voltage Graph Average Velocity versus Gate Voltage Graph Mobile Charge versus Drain Voltage Graph Quantum Capacitance versus Gate voltage Graph 28 28 28 31 32 33 35 37 37 38 39 ix 4.2.3 4.2.4 Nmos-Pmos Field-effect Transistor Plot (NP-FET) Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) LODISI GNR Standalone Software 40 42 44 45 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Project Schedule 5.3 Cost Estimation 46 46 46 48 6 CONCLUSION 6.1 Future Work 49 49 REFERENCES Appendices A – B 50 53 – 54 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 TITLE The input parameter and default value for the LODISI CNT and LODISI GNR List of plot options and metric performance of LODISI Project Gantt Chart (Semester One) Project Gantt Chart (Semester Two) PAGE 31 33 47 47 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.17 TITLE Research and technology development schedule proposed for carbon based nanoelectronic to impact industry’s timetable (Taken from ITRS 2009) Percentage of simulation user for FETToy from 2003 until 2013 (Taken from [1]) The MOSFET structure (Taken from [2]) The front view MOSFET structure (Taken from [2]) Transistor level and front view of the PMOS and NMOS (Taken from [3]) Liner mode (Taken from [4]) Saturation mode (Taken from [4] ) Velocity Saturation (Taken from [4]) Graphene able to construct three different carbon allotropes which are buckyball, carbon nanotube and graphite(Taken from [5]) Armchair and zigzag GNRs with lines N and width W (Taken from [6]) Proposed GNRFET structure Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) with three shells The three configuration of CNT: (a) armchair (b) zigzag (c) chirality Schcottky barrier CNTFETs (Taken from [6]) General matrix model for nanoscale device connected to two contacts.(Taken from [6]) Population of k-states at equilibrium at the top-of-the-barrier (Taken from [6]) Population of k-states at non-equilibrium at the top-of-thebarrier (Taken from [6]) PAGE 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 xii 2.16 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 A generic circuit model for ballistic transistor (Taken from [6]) Self consistent solution for USC and carrier density N (Taken from [6]) Therefore, top-of-the-barrier approach is much easier compare the NEGF method The layout of the CNT simulator of NEMO-VN1 (Taken from [7]) Atomistix ToolKit(ATK) (Taken from [8] ) FETToy simulator layout for Silicon Nanowire MOSFET (Taken from [1]) The flow chart of the project The main interface of LODISI The interface for the LODISI CNT The simulator window for LODISI GNR Drain current versus drain voltage of a n-type CNTFET using the default parameter in tabulated in Table 4.1 Drain current versus drain voltage of a p-type CNTFET using the default parameter in tabulated in Table 4.1 Drain current versus gate voltage for n-type GNRFET with default parameters Semilog plot of drain current, IDS against gate voltage, VG for the default parameters of n-type GNRFET Mobile charge versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Average velocity versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Mobile charge versus drain voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Quantum capacitance versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters I-V characteristics for n-type (green line) and p-type (blue line) CNTFET for VG = 0 V to 1 V (bottom up) in 0.0526 V spacing. The red dashed line represents the drain current in the CNT-based CMOS inverter I-V characteristics for n-type (green line) and p-type (blue line) GNRFET for VG = 0 V to 1 V (bottom up) in 0.0909 V spacing. The red dashed line represents the drain current in the GNR-based CMOS inverter 19 20 21 22 23 25 29 30 30 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 xiii 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 Voltage transfer characteristic for an almost symmetrical IV for n-type and p-type CNTFET with source fermi energy, EF = -0.32 eV (n-type) and 0.32 eV (p-type) The VTC graph of asymmetrical I-V for n-type CNTFET with EF =-0.32 eV and p-type CNTFET with EF =0.64 eV PMOS “Wrong Chirality number. Now it is metallic” will be shown in the warning panel when the wrong chirality number inserted LODISI window standalone application 43 44 45 45 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CNT – Carbon Nanotube GNR – Graphene Nanoribbon MOSFET – Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor CNTFET – Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor GNRFET – Graphene Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistor LODISI – LOw DImensional SImulator GUIDE – Graphical User Interface Deveplopment Environment CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor UTM – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MATLAB – Matrix Laboratory GUI – Graphical User Interface Q1D – Quasi One Dimensional VTC – Voltage Transfer Characteristic NMOS – n-channel MOSFET PMOS – p-channel MOSFET MOS – Metal Oxide Semiconductor AGNR – Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon ZGNR – Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon 2D – Two Dimensional 1D – One Dimensional 3D – Three Dimensional SWNT – Single-wall carbon nanotubes MWNT – Multi-wall carbon nanotubes SB-CNTFET – Schottky-barrier Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor NEGF – Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function FETToy – Field Effect Transistor Toy NP-FET – NMOS-PMOS field-effect transistor I-V – Current Voltage xv SS – Subthreshold Swing DIBL – Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering – xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS = – Fermi Dirac integral Function p+ – High Positively doping n+ – High Negatively doping SiO2 – Silicon oxide VG – Gate Voltage VGS – Gate-Source Voltage VT H – Threshold Voltage VT – Threshold Voltage VDS – Drain-Source Voltage ID – Drain Current VDS(SAT ) – Saturation Drain-Source Voltage VS – Source Voltage VG P – Gate Voltage n – Self-energy matrix VSC – Sefl-consistent Voltage VL – Low potential VP – Barrier potential IDS – Dain-Source current GON – ON-conductance EF – Fermi Energy KB – Bolztman constant T – Temperature q – Electron ION – On current IOF F – Off current – xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A B TITLE NP-FET VTC PAGE 53 54 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In twenty-first century, electron gadgets have become part and parcel in human life. The performance and functionality of the electronic gadgets required by people increase from time to time. Everything has its own limitation including the silicon based transistor. The limitation of the silicon based transistor technology is hard to fulfil people’s requirement for the coming future. Hence, a better material based transistor needed to replace the current technology. In 2004, a miracle material which can revolutionize the entire electronic technology had came to the world. Two great physicist Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselow won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics after discovered this substance [9]. It was graphene - a one atom thin substance with superior electrical properties. After this great discovery, scientist around the world profusely carried out the research on this material and keep on researching its possibility to break through the limit of silicon based transistor. The discovery of graphene has climbed into new level in advanced technology which enables scientists and engineers to expand their innovation and create new products. Since graphene has been introduced into semiconductor industry, it gives significant contribution to the CMOS architecture and other devices. Graphene forms graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in which both of the allotropes give promising electronic and thermal properties in CMOS architecture especially in gate channel. Thus, this new material enables CMOS to push its technology beyond limits. Hence, carbon based device transistors-carbon nanotube and graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor were created. Nevertheless, these devices still require ample of research to make it possible in commercialise product. 2 Therefore, a comprehensive and simple simulation tools is essential to boost up the speed of research for carbon based device. An accurate and easy to use simulation tools will help those scientists and researchers on their finding. Indirectly, this can help on the development of carbon based devices in the CMOS architecture. This research is on a quantum simulation tools for carbon based devices. The graphical user interface (GUI) simulator is designed by using MATLAB and m-script file. The quantum simulator tools include the graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotube field-effect transistor. This quantum simulator allow the user to trade-off between accuracy and speed. With this simulation tools, researcher can predict, project and benchmark their model by inserting their own specification in this GUI simulator. 1.2 Problem Statement Common MOSFET will reach its physical limits soon when the channel length reached to about 10nm. As the matter of fact, conventional MOSFET is no longer be used to develop future electronic devices. Therefore, to study the capabilities and investigate the electrical properties of a quasi one-dimensional (Q1D) nanostructure of carbon based devices, a simulation tools is one of the key factor for this development. As silicon-based will soon face its limit due to Moore’s Law. As a results, an easyto-use device simulator with good accuracy is significant for fast computation and projection will be developed in MATLAB. A simulation tool is needed for researcher to predict, project and benchmark their model by inserting their specification input in a GUI simulator to generate a wide of electrical properties such as drain and gate characteristics. 1.3 Objectives This project objective is to create a graphical user interface simulation tools to study the electrical properties for graphene nanoribbon and carbon nanotube fieldeffect transistor. • To create a new platform to investigate the electrical properties of a quasi one-dimensional (Q1D) nanostructure for carbon-based devices namely carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene nanoribbon (GNR) field-effect transistor (FET). 3 • To create a user friendly graphical user interface simulator in MATLAB that enable parameter entry, calculation control, graphical result display for data projection and on the spot analysis. • To compute drain-induced barrier lowering, sub threshold swing and on-off current ratio from the gate characteristic of these model instantly. 1.4 Research Scope This simulation tool is designed by using MATLAB GUI with the top-of-the barrier approach. MATLAB GUIDE is used to design the interface of the simulator and interconnect with the created algorithm in the m-script file. Some additional plug-in for the MATLAB GUIDE are consider to improve the visual appearance of the simulator. Currently, this simulator only function for graphene nanoribbon and carbon nanotube field-effect transistor. The circuit performance of these carbon based devices will simulated in graph impromptu when user inserting the parameters like channel length, gate thickness and others. Furthermore, the simulator tools act as a computational calculator to calculate the threshold voltage, sub-threshold swing and ION ratio instantly. IOF F 1.5 Market Analysis Undoubtedly, there is always got people one step ahead us. There is a few simulators available in the market but not all of it are open source and free. Hence, a good and free simulator is essential for the postgraduate researchers to reduce the cost of research. Figure1.1 show the research and technology development schedule proposed for carbon based nanoelectronic to impact industry’s timetable by International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor in 2009. From Figure 1.1, carbon based devices still need a massive research to explore it capabilities to enter industry production for coming years. Figure 1.2 is the percentage of the online user against year for one of the simulation tools in the market. It showed the simulator users are increasing gradually from years to years when carbon base device become more and more vital for future electronic improvement. 4 Figure 1.1: Research and technology development schedule proposed for carbon based nanoelectronic to impact industry’s timetable (Taken from ITRS 2009) Figure 1.2: Percentage of simulation user for FETToy from 2003 until 2013 (Taken from [1]) 5 1.6 Contribution Once ready, this simulator can be access for free and download by UTM student. It can be used as standalone software without the installation of MATLAB so that user can use it for their research or classroom teaching. Besides that, the simulator also offer a simple way to generate voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) graph directly from the I-V characteristic graph of PMOS and NMOS. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Fundamental of MOSFET 2.1.1 Basic of MOSFET In 1959, John Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs had successfully overcome the problem of "surface states" that blocked electric fields from penetrating into the semiconductor material and the first insulated-gate field-effect transistor (FET) was invented. These "surface states" can be reduced at the interface between the silicon and its oxide in a sandwich comprising layers of metal (M - gate), oxide (O - insulation), and silicon (S – semiconductor). Hence, the name, ‘MOSFET’ is obtained [10]. After years, MOSFET play an important role in computational and electronic field. The MOSFET is used intensively and heavily in digital circuit applications and due to its small sizes, millions of devices can be fabricated in a single integrated circuit. Nowadays, MOSFET scaling has reach deep into sub 100nm barrier. MOSFET can be categorized into two types, which are p-type and n-type MOSFETs or also known as PMOS and NMOS respectively [4]. Electronic circuit design becomes versatile and comprehensive when the two types of devices are used in the same circuit and referred as complementary MOS (CMOS) circuits. Figure 2.1 shows the structure of the MOSFET and Figure 2.2 shows the front view of the MOSFET. 7 Figure 2.1: The MOSFET structure (Taken from [2]) Figure 2.2: The front view MOSFET structure (Taken from [2]) 2.1.2 Structure of MOSFET MOSFET is a voltage-controlled power device and it has four terminals which are drain (D), gate (G), source (S) and bulk (B) [4]. In general, there are two types of MOSFET which is NMOS and PMOS. NMOS is a transistor with n+ in drain and source regions embedded in p+ substrate where the current is carried by electrons flow from drain to source. On the other hand, PMOS is a transistor with p+ in drain and source regions embedded in n+ substrate where the current is carried by holes flow from source to drain. The transistor level and front view of the PMOS and NMOS are shown in Figure 2.3. 8 Figure 2.3: Transistor level and front view of the PMOS and NMOS (Taken from [3]) 2.1.3 Operation of MOSFET The heart of the MOSFET device is MOS capacitor. Basically, a capacitor is formed when an insulator exist between the two voltage plate. In MOSFET, the insulator is normally form by silicon oxide,SiO2 and the two voltage plate is the top metal gate and semiconductor substrate. The following description is based on the NMOS [4]. When a small gate voltage VG is applied (positive voltage at the gate terminal while negative voltage at the source terminal), a depletion region is formed due to the majority carriers (holes) in the p-type substrate are repelled with the positive charge on the gate terminal. When the gate-source voltage (VGS ) is increasing, the thickness of the depletion region is also increasing. This will cause the electric field become stronger and start to attract the electrons. As VGS increases further, the number of electrons under the depletion region is increased. This layer of electrons is called an inversion layer. It will produce a channel between the source terminal and the drain terminal which allow the current to flow through it. As long as the VGS is greater than the threshold voltage, VT H , there is always a current flow through it. The same principle is applied to the PMOS. 2.1.4 Liner mode Linear mode will only occur when the gate-source voltage VGS is greater than the threshold voltage (VT ) and small voltage (VDS ) is applied, a drain current (ID ) will flow between drain and source. A channel inversion charge will formed. Figure 2.4 shows the linear mode around the MOS capacitor. When drain voltage keep on 9 increasing till VDS >VGS -VT , the MOS capacitor will enter saturation mode instead of linear mode. Figure 2.4: Liner mode (Taken from [4]) 2.1.5 Saturation Mode When the gate-source voltage (VGS ) is increasing to point where its value same with the value of gate-source voltage minus the threshold voltage, VDS ≥VGS -VT , the channel at the drain terminal will reduced and become (pinch-off) and the channel inversion charge become zero. The current condition of the MOSFET is in saturation mode since the drain current (ID ) will remain constant. Figure 2.5 illustrates the codition of the saturation mode of MOS capacitor. 10 Figure 2.5: Saturation mode (Taken from [4] ) 2.1.6 Velocity Saturation Velocity saturation occured when VDS > VDS (sat), the pinch-off point will move closer to the source terminal. In this situation, electrons enter the channel at the source, move along the channel toward the drain, then at the point where the charge goes to zero, electric field force will pull the electron into the space charge region. However, the electric field increase with gate voltage, the velocity of the carries also increased. At higher field strength, the carriers fail to follow this principle. The velocity of the carries tends to saturate due to the collision between the carries. This phenomenon named as scattering effect. 11 Figure 2.6: Velocity Saturation (Taken from [4]) 2.1.7 Limitation of Silicon Technology According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors that can be integrated on a single die will be doubled in every two years [11]. A process called shrinking has allowed this trend to be continued in these years. When the density of the silicon transistor in an integrated chip increases to fulfil people’s demands. Many problems will occur and inevitably it will reach its fundamental limitation of the silicon. Thus, these limitations are bringing the life of silicon-based technology comes to the end. Scaling down factor is the common way used by integrated chip manufacturer to increase the functionality and performance. However, when the silicon technology approach to Nano-level, the short channel effect is unavoidable. Function of transistor in the integrated chip is act as a switch. When millions of the transistor in a single chip function in a same time, the heat dissipation produced by them is uncontrollable. Hence, the power consumption and the heat dissipation become major circumstances in designing the silicon-made transistors. Speed and density of the complex chips consume more power and at the same time dissipate more heat. The complexity of the chips improves the chips’ performances as well as the cost of the production will increase too. Therefore, there is a need of searching a new material to overcome the limitations for silicon-based technology while CNT and GNR field-effect transistor look promising for the future technology. 12 2.2 Graphene Graphene was introduced to the world by the two physicist Andre Geim and Novoselov in 2004. This material own a name of miracle material when it show the unbelievable characteristic. Graphene is a flat monolayer of carbon atoms that tightly packed into a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice. The greatness of graphene is that it can forms into 3 carbon allotropes type: zero-dimensional (0D), fullerenes/buckyballs, one dimensional (1D) carbon nanotube and three dimensional (3D) graphite as shown in the Figure 2.7 [12]. Figure 2.7: Graphene able to construct three different carbon allotropes which are buckyball, carbon nanotube and graphite(Taken from [5]) 2.2.1 Graphene Nano Ribbon (GNR) GNR or also known as nano-graphene ribbons are ultrathin oblong shape obtained from graphene sheets which measured around nanometres in width. GNRs were discovered by Mitsutaka Fujita and co-authors as theoretical model [13]. GNRs are divided into two categories depending on the arrangement of the carbon atoms which are armchair GNR (AGNR) and zigzag GNR (ZGNR). The differences between these two GNR can be shown in Figure 2.8. By referring on Figure 2.8, armchair 13 cross-section on the edge in AGNR whereas ZGNR have zigzag cross-section on the edge of the ribbons. Figure 2.8 also showed the calculation of armchair chain (Na) and zigzag chain (Nz) in which the key point to determine the width of the ribbons. Figure 2.8: Armchair and zigzag GNRs with lines N and width W (Taken from [6]) Figure 2.9: Proposed GNRFET structure Graphene major drawback is that it is a zero bandgap material although it is one of best alternative materials for nanoscale electronic applications and ballistic electronics at room temperature. It causes the graphene to remain as metallic at charge neutrality point which affects its usefulness in field-effect transistors. There is various approaches which have been proven that graphene can open up its bandgap. One 14 of the approaches is partial hydrogenation of graphene towards fully hydrogenated. Besides that, there is a direct approach in which the basal interaction of graphene with substrate. Nevertheless, the bandgap produced by these techniques are so weak to gain the substantial conductivity modulation. However, there is better approach to open up the bandgap which is cutting the graphene sheet into stripes of GNRs. Figure 2.9 shows the structure of the graphene. 2.3 Carbon Nanotube (CNT) A CNT can be considered as a graphene sheet that has been rolled up to form a hollow cylinder [14]. Basically, there are two forms of CNT which are single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT). The Figure 2.10 is SWNT and MWNT is as shown in Figure 2.11. Basically there are three types of SWCNT: chiral CNT, armchair CNT and zigzag CNT. Figure 2.12 shows the three types of CNT. Figure 2.10: Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) Figure 2.11: Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNT) with three shells 15 Figure 2.12: The three configuration of CNT: (a) armchair (b) zigzag (c) chirality 2.3.1 Operation of CNTFET The Schottky barrier CNTFET shown in Figure 2.13 works on the principle of direct tunneling through the Schottky barrier and thermionic emission over the barrier at the source-channel junction as shown in Figure 2.13. Electron tunneling is the penetration of electrons through a potential barrier which they would not be succeed to cross according to classical mechanics but still can be explained in quantum mechanics. The barrier width is altered by the application of gate voltage. Therefore, the transconductance of the device is rely on the gate voltage. The carrier transport of a SB-CNTFET is via thermionic emissionand quantum tunneling at the conduction and valence band resulting in a lower ON state current and limited conductance [6]. 16 Figure 2.13: Schcottky barrier CNTFETs (Taken from [6]) 2.4 Device Model Basically, there is few types of device models for CNT and GNR FETs. The most commonly use method are non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) and topof-the-barrier method. 2.4.1 Non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) Non-equilibrium Green’s function is based on the transport theories which developed by Lundstrom and Datta [15]. NEGF is the quantum transport device modeling solution to the Schrödinger wave equation with open boundary conditions. It is suitable for mesosopic device modeling as it is used based on bottom up simulation. The Green’s function included Hamiltonian matrix (N ×N) based on a discrete lattice with N grid points [16]. This calculation method is more precise as it will calculate P P P each the N grid point of the lattice. Furthermore, self-energy matrices 1 , 2 and s respectively as illustrated in Figure 2.4.1. It describes the influence of scattering into the source and drain contact as well as scattering within the channel. Nevertheless, this method will be complex to obtain a closed form of analytical model when the device model consist huge N grid point. In addition, it will be costly in term of time and money [6]. 17 Figure 2.14: General matrix model for nanoscale device connected to two contacts.(Taken from [6]) 2.4.2 Top-of-the-barrier (TOB) Top-of-the-barrier method is another alternative device modelling method. It is a easier ballistic model that able to capture and solve the device physics efficiently and effectively for analog or digital application. This method is originating from the anylytical MATLAB script codenamed FETToy proposed by Rahman [1, 17] for ballistic CNTFET transistor. Unlike Green’s function, TOB does not require every single calculation for each lattice in the device to obtain the self-energy matrices. In steady state, the number of carriers populating at the negative and positive velocity (or momentum) vectors filled from the source and drain respectively are the same. Hence, this will giving a zero drift velocity as demonstrated in Figure 2.4.2 [6]. 18 Figure 2.15: Population of k-states at equilibrium at the top-of-the-barrier (Taken from [6]) When an electric field (drain voltage applied) is applied across the channel from the drain and source terminal, non-equilibrium mobile charge is be produced. Datta introduced self-consistent voltage VSC formalism to calculate the voltage potential at the top-of-the-barrier along the channel [18]. VSC is also known as the channel surface potential. When gate and drain voltage is applied, the barrier voltage in the deviceis pushed down and is described by VL . However, the charge brought by the additional electron shifts the potential up by VP . A parasitic capacitance circuit model with self consistent voltage at the top-of-the-barrier with grounded source and substrate is illustrated in Figure 2.16 [6]. The carriers occupying the negative velocity k-states are reduced by qVd when low drain bias is applied as illustrated in Figure 2.17. In large drain bias, all the carriers will swift along the positive velocity k-states. 19 Figure 2.17: Population of k-states at non-equilibrium at the top-of-the-barrier (Taken from [6]) Figure 2.16: A generic circuit model for ballistic transistor (Taken from [6]) 20 Figure 2.18: Self consistent solution for USC and carrier density N (Taken from [6]) Therefore, top-of-the-barrier approach is much easier compare the NEGF method The net current is given as the difference between the positive and negative currents based on the Landauer-Buttiker formalism is show in the equation 2.1. [19]. Ids = GON Ids (VG , Vd , VS ) GON = GON USF UDF KB T [=0 ( ) − =0 ( )] q KB T KB T (2.1) q(EF − VSC (VG , Vd , VS )) KB T [log(1 + exp( )]− q KB T KB T q(EF − VSC (VG , Vd , VS ) − Vd − VS ) [log(1 + exp( )] q KB T (2.2) Equation 2.1 can be rewritten as 2.2 in the function of the drain voltage, source voltage and gate voltage coefficient [6] where GON is the ON-conductance and =0 is the Fermi-Dirac integral function [20, 21]. The quantum conductance limit of a ballistic 2 2 SWCNT and GNR is GON = 4qh and GON = 42q respectively [22]. h The drain current, Ids computation requires self consistent solution shown in Figure 2.18. Initially, a random value of N is assigned to yield an arbitrary potential called USC . A converged N and USC will be reached when few iterations are performed. Consequently, we can calculate the injected current from the source and drain ( I + and I − ) for a fixed gate and drain voltage bias. 21 Figure 2.19: The layout of the CNT simulator of NEMO-VN1 (Taken from [7]) 2.5 Existing Simulator There is a few simulation tools that available in the market such as FETToy, NEMO-VN1 and Quantum Wise. These simulation tools allow the users to insert their desired parameters to observe the simulation result and on spot analysis. 2.5.1 NEMO-VN1 NEMO-VN1 is a quantum simulator released in 2009 by a group of Vietnamese researchers. This simulator is using non-equilibrium Green’s function for all the simulation. Besides that, this simulator did not include GNR which is the limitless for those research works on the carbon based devices. In addition, this simulator has limited functionality that restrict the user to calculate the essential electrical characteristic of the device as shown in Figure below. This simulator is not a free and open source software and hence difficult to access [7]. 22 Figure 2.20: Atomistix ToolKit(ATK) (Taken from [8] ) 2.5.2 Quantum Wise Quantum Wise is a well known software company for producing simulation tools. Its commercialize software product Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) consist of a lot of functionality either in atomic-scale modelling and electronic characteristic computational. It used non-equilibrium Green’s function method for the CNT and GNR simulation. Besides that, it has a nice graphical user interface for the simulation users which is user friendly and attractive. Nevertheless, this simulator is very expensive as its was commercialise products with multi functionalities [8]. 2.5.3 Purdue Nano-hub (FETToy) FETToy is a simulation tools launch by few scientists from different universities. FETToy actually is the free online simulation tools but it require an user id for log in prupose. This simulator using the top-of-the-barrier approach instead of NEGF method. Although it has nice graphical user interface, the functionality of FETToy is still restricited to a few devices such carbon nanotube, silicon nanowire MOSFET and double gate MOSFET [1]. 23 Figure 2.21: FETToy simulator layout for Silicon Nanowire MOSFET (Taken from [1]) CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This project is mainly create a simlation tools for the carbon based devices GNR and CNT FETs to allow the users to bench mark and on spot analyse the simulation result. This project will combine all the MATLAB script code from previous findings of Tan [6] and compromise together in the MATLAB GUI. Besides that, the simulator will work in a standalone software and include some features for users to trade off between speed and accuracy. Consequently, the research of this project are shown as below: 1. Literature review of journals, books, internet and conference papers on GNR and CNT characteristics. 2. Research on the simulation tools available in the market and their pros and cons. 3. Understand the matlab code by previos finding and combine them in MATLAB GUI. 4. A comprehensive graphical user interface will designed for the simulator and new algorithm to auto generate VTC graph was created. 5. Testing the accuracy of the simulation result and working on standalone availability. 25 28 3.2 Methology Work Flow 3.1 Methology Work Flow This project follows the work flow as design at Figure 3.1. Literature review Understand the characteristic for carbon base device Create the algorithm in m-script file for device simulation Master the MATLAB GUI concept Design the interface layout for the simulator Executing the simulator as a standalone software Figure 3.1: The flow chart of the project 26 3.3 Device Modeling This simulation tools will using the top-of-the-barrier approach method for GNR and CNT. The complexity of this method is less compare to the non-equilibirum Green’s function. This model is a simpler ballistic approach compare to NEGF modeling. 3.4 MATLAB MATLAB is calculation software used to solve complex equations, data analysis and comparing the developed model with published models for this project. Moreover, it is interactive and integrated environment software as well for symbolic computation, numerical computations and scientific visualization. This software was created by a numerical analyst, Cleve Moler of the Mathworks, thus, it operates for Matrix Laboratory in 1970. MATLAB is popular and welcome by most researcher because it is able to simplify tedious works related with solving problem numerically. MATLAB contributes convenient way for its user to deliberate and analyze frequently. This means that its program operates in interpreted and respected algorithm. Besides that, this software use automotive memory management which is more convenient as it does not require any array declaration. Below is the list of other advantages: • It has powerful operation in which utilizes only one or two commands. • It has own set of function for certain applications which can be developed. • It has best graphic facilities to view. 3.4.1 MATLAB GUIDE A graphical user interface (GUI) is a graphical display in one or more windows containing controls, called components, that enable a user to perform interactive tasks. The user of the GUI does not have to create a script or type commands at the command line to accomplish the tasks. Unlike coding programs to accomplish tasks, the user of a GUI need not understand the details of how the tasks are performed. 27 MATLAB Graphical User Interface Deveplopment Environment (GUIDE) is the GUI software that provided with MATLAB application. It is used to design the for this simulation tools because it is object oriented programming software. Object oriented softare will auto generate a MATLAB code for controlling the way the GUI works. Therefore, it is easier and faster for programmers to create a nice interface. Besides that, GUIs created by using MATLAB GUIDE can also perform any type of computation, read and write data files, communicate with other GUIs, and display data as tables or as plots. This will allow programmer to design their simulation flow with existing script file. In addition, MathWorks Inc released MATLAB GUI user guide for novice programmer to study the function of it [23]. CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction A new simulation tool, LODISI (LOw DImensional SImulator) was successfully created by using MATLAB GUIDE. MATLAB GUIDE is the software used to design the interface of the LODISI. The device modelling of this simulator is based on top-of-the-barrier method which is originated from the framework of the FETToy of the Purdue Univeristy. LODISI is comprehensive and user friendly graphical user interface with its editable input parameters, ajustable sliders and plenty type of graphs provided for analysis. 4.2 LODISI LODISI offers two different types of simulation for the users to access, carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene nanoribbon (GNR). LODISI for both type of simulations can be accessed by a main user’s interface. The main user’s interface is a graphical user interface that allow users to choose the desired simulation by clicking the repective buttons. To increase the accessibility of this simulator, both LODISI are design to work simutaneously at the same time. The main interface for the LODISI showed in below Figure 4.1. Users are given the options to choose between CNT and GNR by clicking the button in the window respectively as illustrated in Figure 4.1. 29 Figure 4.1: The main interface of LODISI The atomic sturcture for CNT and GNR also included and place above their buttons in order to help users in choosing the simulation types. Once the button of CNT is pressed, a new simulator window for CNT will popup automatically as shown in Figure 4.2, and the same goes to the GNR as shown in Figure 4.3. 30 Figure 4.2: The interface for the LODISI CNT Figure 4.3: The simulator window for LODISI GNR The difference between the LODISI GNR and LODISI CNT is their input parameter. LODISI CNT need diameter value for the simulation as CNT is a hollow tube field-effect transistor. While LODISI GNR need the chirality number to determine the width of the graphen nanoribbon instead of diameter as its not a tube shape channel length. The input parameters for CNT and GNR are shown in the Table 4.1. 31 Table 4.1: The input parameter and default value for the LODISI CNT and LODISI GNR Parameter Symbol EF Fermi Energy (Source) Gate control alphag Drain control alphad Gate insulator thickness Gate Oxide thickness (m) Gate insulator dielectric constant epsr Diameter (CNT only) diameter Chirality (GNR only) chirality Temperature temperature No of bias point NV Initial voltage VI Final voltage VF 4.2.1 Default Value Default Value CNT GNR n-type p-type n-type p-type -0.32 0.32 -0.22 0.22 0.88 0.88 0.032 0.035 -8 -9 1.0 × 10 25 -9 1.5437 × 10 300 20 0 1 -1 2.0 × 10 25 19 300 20 0 1 -1 LODISI Function Button A few buttons added into the user interface to increase the functionality of LODISI: • Default button A default button is set in both LODISI to automatic insert the default parameters into the simulator that preset in the algorithm. This button function aim to reduce the burden of changing input parameters repeatedly when benchmarking projects. The default value for each parameter for CNT and GNR are show in the Table 4.1. • Reset button Reset button is a inevitably button that needed for every simulation tools. Reset button will reset all the input parameters that allow users to restart a new simulation. • Run button Run button is the most important button in LODISI. Run button must be pressed every time in order to get the simulation result after insert all the input parameters. After the 32 run button was click, the value for DIBL and SS will be calculated automatically and displayed at the bottom part of the axes. • VTC button This button is the unique button for the LODISI. Whenever this button is pressed, it will automatically display the voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) graph in the axes. At the same time, the gain for the CMOS inverter will be calculated and show at the GAIN editbox. • Close button Close button is the normally seen button that will quits the simulation of LODISI but will not close the main interface of the LODISI. 4.2.2 Graph Option and Metric Performance LODISI provides few graph options and metric performance for users to study the electrical characteristic of CNT and GNR. The option of graphs include I-V characteristic graph, NMOS-PMOS field-effect transistor (NP-FET) and Voltage transfer characteristic graph (VTC). These graphs will be display at the axes area as users choose the options in the n-type and p-type popup menu bar. LODISI only allow users to choose one type of graph to display after user make their choice. The graph types that included in LODISI shows at the Table 4.2. The important I-V characteristic graphs is drain current versus drain voltage graph and drain current versus gate voltage graph. Based on the I-V characteristic graphs, the performance of a transistor could be easily predict and conclude. In addition, the meteric parameter such as DIBL and SS can be analyzed through these graph. Others than the I-V characteristic graph, LODISI also include quantum physic graph such as mobile charge against gate voltage graph, average velocity against gate voltage graph, mobile charge against drain voltage graph and quantum capacitance against gate voltage graph. 33 Table 4.2: List of plot options and metric performance of LODISI Type of Graph Drain Current vs Drain voltage Drain Current vs Gate voltage Drain Current vs Gate voltage(semilog) Mobile Charge vs Gate voltage Average velocity vs Gate voltage Mobile Charge vs Drain voltage(semilog) Mobile charge vs Drain voltage Quantum Capacitance vs Gate voltage NP-FET List of Metric Performance DIBL SS GAIN Drain Current versus Drain Voltage Characteristic The relationship of the drain current of a ballistic carbon nanostructure is vital to measure the drive strength of a transistor for a higher or reduced performance. The drain current as a function of drain voltage (I-V) for a wide range of gate voltage for n-type CNTFET is shown in Figure 4.4, for p-type in Figure 4.5. From the plot, the drain current increase gradually with drain voltage and remain constant after reach saturation. Hence, we can obtain the saturation drain voltage VDSAT that cause the saturation current at different gate voltage. VDSAT is important metric performance in CMOS analog design. 34 7 x 10 -5 Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs 6 Drain Current IDS (A) 5 4 3 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 0.0526 0.105 0.158 0.211 0.263 0.316 0.368 0.421 0.474 0.526 0.579 0.632 0.684 0.737 0.789 0.842 0.895 0.947 1 2 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Drain Voltage VD (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.4: Drain current versus drain voltage of a n-type CNTFET using the default parameter in tabulated in Table 4.1 35 x 10 7 -5 6 4 3 2 | Drain Current IDS (A) | 5 Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 -0.0526 -0.105 -0.158 -0.211 -0.263 -0.316 -0.368 -0.421 -0.474 -0.526 -0.579 -0.632 -0.684 -0.737 -0.789 -0.842 -0.895 -0.947 -1 1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 Drain Voltage VD (V) -0.2 0 0 Figure 4.5: Drain current versus drain voltage of a p-type CNTFET using the default parameter in tabulated in Table 4.1 Drain Current versus Gate Voltage Characteristic Drain current versus gate voltage for n-type GNRFET depicted in Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 are another important plot for further analysis of a nanotransistor. It provides the value of threshold voltage point for the transistor to turn on at different drain voltages. From the drain current against gate voltage graph, the current on/off ON ratio) and SS can be calculated. Semilog graph of drain current versus gate ( IIOF F ON voltage are to ease the calculation of IIOF ratio by deduct the highest current to the F lowest current. Subthreshold swing can be obtain by calculating the reciprocal of the slope of the drain current versus gate voltage. The metric performance is vital to design a good transistor. 36 2.5 x 10 -5 VDs=0.0909 VDs=1 Drain Current IDS (A) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.6: Drain current versus gate voltage for n-type GNRFET with default parameters -4 10 VDs=0.0909 VDs=1 -5 10 -6 Drain Current IDS (A) 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.7: Semilog plot of drain current, IDS against gate voltage, VG for the default parameters of n-type GNRFET 37 Mobile Charge versus Gate Voltage Graph In microelectronic, when the gate voltage increase it will cause some effect to the electron mobility in the channel length. This graph mean to study the relationship between the electron mobility and the gate voltage. Figure 4.8 illustrated the plot of mobile charge against gate voltage for n-type CNTFET. 16 x 10 -11 VDs=0.0526 VDs=1 14 12 Mobile Charge (C/m) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Votlage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.8: Mobile charge versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Average Velocity versus Gate Voltage Graph Average electron velocity against gate voltage is another graph study of the ballistic transistor on the movement of the electron. Since, the carbon based device transistor are ballistic transistor, the average velocity of the transistor will increase when the gate voltage increase as the electron gain more energy and move faster. The plot of average electron velocity against gate voltage as shown at Figure 4.9. 38 6.5 x 10 5 6 5.5 Average Velocity (m/s) 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.9: Average velocity versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Mobile Charge versus Drain Voltage Graph Figure 4.10 shows the relationship between the drain voltage and the mobile charge. The mobile charge of the transistor all to a constant value at a certain value for every gate voltages. 39 16 x 10 -11 Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs Vgs 14 12 Mobile Charge (C/m) 10 8 6 4 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 0.0526 0.105 0.158 0.211 0.263 0.316 0.368 0.421 0.474 0.526 0.579 0.632 0.684 0.737 0.789 0.842 0.895 0.947 1 2 0 -2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Drain Voltage VD (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.10: Mobile charge versus drain voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Quantum Capacitance versus Gate voltage Graph Figure 4.11 depicts relationship between the quantum capacitance and gate voltage in the CNT/GNR FET. When the gate voltage increase, the electric field will increase, the parasitic capacitance of the transistor will increase as well. 40 6 x 10 -10 Quantum Capacitance (F/m) 5 4 3 2 1 VDs=0.0526 VDs=1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.11: Quantum capacitance versus gate voltage for the n-type CNTFET with default parameters Nmos-Pmos Field-effect Transistor Plot (NP-FET) NP-FET graph is one of the special features of the LODISI. NP-FET will shows drain characteristics by two different types of CNT or GNR plot simultaneously. The graph is plotted by inverting the PMOS graph result in a mirror image of the drain characteristics. An algorithm created to detect the interception point of n-type and p-type for each gate voltage. The algorithm is modify based on the exchange file named “interception” by Douglas M. Schwarz [24]. The interception point will be marked as the red dashed line. In Figure 4.12, the red dashed line represents the CMOS voltage transfer characteristic (VTC) for different gate voltages. This curve is then reused to plot the voltage transfer characteristics curve. In order to generate this graph, the number of bias points must be equal for both transistors. The NP-FET graph for GNRFET is shown in Figure 4.13. 41 Figure 4.12: I-V characteristics for n-type (green line) and p-type (blue line) CNTFET for VG = 0 V to 1 V (bottom up) in 0.0526 V spacing. The red dashed line represents the drain current in the CNT-based CMOS inverter 42 Figure 4.13: I-V characteristics for n-type (green line) and p-type (blue line) GNRFET for VG = 0 V to 1 V (bottom up) in 0.0909 V spacing. The red dashed line represents the drain current in the GNR-based CMOS inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) • Default value The voltage transfer characteristic graph will be automatically generated when the VTC button is pressed. The data is retrieved from the red dashed line in the NPFET graph. A new source code created to re-plot the red dashed line by changing the x-axis to its gate voltage values and the y-axis to its drain voltage values. From the VTC curve, gain is calculated by the gradient of the steepest slope of the curve. Figure 4.14 show the VTC graph for the default value for CNTFET. 43 1 0.9 0.8 Drain Voltage VD (V) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.14: Voltage transfer characteristic for an almost symmetrical I-V for n-type and p-type CNTFET with source fermi energy, EF = -0.32 eV (n-type) and 0.32 eV (p-type) • Different values of source fermi level energy LODISI also accept the simulation of CMOS-like CNT with different source Fermi energy for n-type and p-type CNTFET as shown in Figure 4.15. Compared to Figure 4.14, the VTC gradient is shifted toward the left of the x-axis, implying an earlier saturation of p-type CNT and a much higher mobility for n-type CNT. 44 1 0.9 0.8 Drain Voltage VD (V) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Gate Voltage VG (V) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.15: The VTC graph of asymmetrical I-V for n-type CNTFET with EF =-0.32 eV and p-type CNTFET with EF =0.64 eV PMOS 4.2.3 LODISI GNR LODISI-GNR is a bit different than LODISI-CNT although the source code is almost the same for both of them. Basically, both LODISI are using the top-ofthe-barrier approach. The different between them was the GNRFET requires chirality number in the drain current calculation instead of diameter. According to their findings [25, 26], the energy dispersion in GNR is depending on the chirality number. With different chirality number, the GNR will induced different energy dispersion will cause it in semiconductor or metallic. Based on the CNT and GNR bandgap calculation Table [6], an algorithm created to differentiate the type of GNR with different chirality number. LODISI-GNR will include a warning panel at the left top of the LODISI’s interface. LODISI will remind the users when they insert wrong chirality number that will induce a metallic GNRFET as shown at Figure 4.16. Besides, LODISI will not functioning when wrong chirality number is inserted. 45 Figure 4.16: “Wrong Chirality number. Now it is metallic” will be shown in the warning panel when the wrong chirality number inserted 4.2.4 Standalone Software LODISI successfully changed to a window standalone application which do not require the users to install MATLAB for it. This is done by using the deploytool function in MATLAB. Deploytool function will include all the MATLAB m script file to a single EXE file as show at Figure 4.17. However, users need to install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (RMC) file for it to run succesfully. Because lot of the MATLAB m scirpt file in LODISI, LODISI standalone application require 437MB. The size of the application can be reduced in future by restructure the LODISI’s m script file. Since the size of this application is big, it need few minutes for the LODISI interface to popup after double click it. Figure 4.17: LODISI window standalone application CHAPTER 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5.1 Introduction A good project management is the key to success a project efficiently and effectively. The objective of project management is to achieve all project goals with effective project planning, organizing, and controlling resource within a specified time period. The primary constraints in this project are the research scope, research time, research budget and human resource to perform the required activity. Gantt chart is the tabulated project schedule which become the guideline to accomplish this project by time. In addition, cost estimation on the components is taking into consideration to ensure minimal project cost while keeping project to achieve the required requirement. Therefore, project management is essential for every project in order to reduce unnecessary time and money. 5.2 Project Schedule Table 5.1 shows project Gantt chart of semester one. From Table 5.1 shows that there is a delay in the commencement of the research work due to the late final year project seminar. At the meantime, student also took longer time when choosing their respective research topic and scope. After project title selection and submission, literature review is carried out. Nevertheless, the actual planning took more time than originally planned considering the new findings in microelectronics. Learning to use MATLAB is also time consuming as the author did not have any knowledge of basic MATLAB programming and GUI. 47 Table 5.1: Project Gantt Chart (Semester One) Sep-13 1 2 Oct-13 3 4 5 6 Nov-13 7 8 9 Project Proposal Planned Actual Literature Review 10 Dec-13 11 12 13 14 15 16 Semester Break Month Week Activities Project Course Background Study Determine the title of the project MATLAB Learning Courses Preparation for Presention FYP1 FYP1 Report Writing Table 5.2 shows the project Gantt chart of semester two. In contrast to Gantt chart semester one, Gantt chart in second semester shows an unexpected long delay in some task at end of the project schedule. The delay in designing graphical user interface is MATLAB GUIDE does not consist tab-function. Hence, time used up to find an alternative way to create tab function in the graphical user interface. Because of this, other task such as create the m-script code for VTC and standalone application are postponed. Table 5.2: Project Gantt Chart (Semester Two) Month Week Activities Feb-14 1 2 3 Mar-14 4 5 6 7 PLANNED ACTUAL Apr-14 8 9 10 Short Sem Break Thesis writing 19 - - - Break ECEX Exhibition preparation 18 Semester Learning the MATLAB GUIDE Designing the graphical user interface Create the m-script code and standalone application Final checking on the simulation result Jan-14 17 11 May-13 12 13 14 15 16 48 5.3 Cost Estimation This project is cost effective because it is software based and no expenditure is required. The MATLAB software is free which can be downloaded UTM website. Therefore, this project does not require any cost. In future, there may be additional cost incurred for the commercialization of LODISI as a quantum-one-dimensional software. Some MATLAB courses need to attend to increase the functionality of the LODISI. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION The time for carbon based device transistor is around the corner when silicon based transistor has reach its’ limit. Undoubtedly, LODISI will be one of the comprehensive software that prepare the ground for the development of the electronic technology. Based on the modelling framework of top-of-the-barrier approach, LODISI were successfully created by using MATLAB GUIDE with attractive interfaces. From result and discussion, LODISI show the ability to predict and display the correct electrical characteristic for both type of transistors. LODISI is different than others software is it has various functionalities as it included both type of carbon based devices. Besides that, the main differences between LODISI and other simulations tools are that LODISI includes unique features such as a VTC graph, autocalculating DIBL, SS and Gain. Hence, LODISI become a better platform for users to benchmark their project and design verification. 6.1 Future Work Future work for this project is to improve the functionality of the LODISI to include non-idealities cases such as phonon scattering and benchmarking against Predictive Technology Model (PTM) of short channel MOSFET of various technology. Furthermore, LODISI can be add in some plugin to make it more portable and attractive interface. This can be done by transplant the MATLAB algorithm to different software such as Microsoft Visual Studio. The algorithm of the LODISI can be improved further by shorten and restructure the m script file which will result a small size application. REFERENCES 1. Rahman, A., Wang, J., Guo, J., Hasan, M. S., Liu, Y., Matsudaira, A., Ahmed, S. S., Datta, S. and Lundstrom, M. FETToy. Internet:https://nanohub.org/resources/220, 2011. Retrieved March 25, 2014, from https://nanohub.org/resources/220. 2. L.H.LU. 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APPENDIX A NP-FET Coding in the matlab m-script Ipn= f l i p l r ( Ip ) ; Ipn_n= f l i p u d ( Ipn ) ; h1= p l o t ( h a n d l e s . a x e s 1 , V, I , ’ − g ’ , V, Ipn_n , ’ − b ’ ) ; string_matrix =[]; f o r m= 1 :NV string_matrix = s t r v c a t ( s t r i n g _ m a t r i x , [ ’ Vgs = ’ , n u m 2 s t r (V(m ) , 3 ) ] ) ; end f o r kVg = 1 :NV [A ( : , kVg ) , B ( : , kVg ) ] = i n t e r s e c t i o n s (V, I ( : , kVg ) , V, I p n _ n ( : , kVg ) ) ; end h o l d on ; h1= p l o t ( h a n d l e s . a x e s 1 , A, B,’−− r ’ , ’ L i n e w i d t h ’ , 3 . 0 ) ; hold off ; x l a b e l ( ’V_D [ V o l t ] ’ ) ; y l a b e l ( ’ I _ {DS} [A ] ’ ) ; t i t l e ( ’ Graph o f I _ {DS} v e r s u s V_D f o r N−t y p e and P−t y p e ’ ) ; APPENDIX B VTC Coding in the matlab m-script Ipn= f l i p l r ( Ip ) ; Ipn_n= f l i p u d ( Ipn ) ; f o r kVg = 1 :NV [A ( : , kVg ) , B ( : , kVg ) ] = i n t e r s e c t i o n s (V, I ( : , kVg ) , V, I p n _ n ( : , kVg ) ) ; end d o u b l e tem2 ; VA= l i n s p a c e ( 0 , 1 ,NV) ; h1= p l o t ( h a n d l e s . a x e s 1 , VA, A , ’ − r ’ ) ; m i d d l e = r o u n d (NV / 2 ) ; g e t x = [ VA( m i d d l e ) VA( m i d d l e + 1 ) ] ; g e t y = [ A( m i d d l e ) A( m i d d l e + 1 ) ] ; GAIN = p o l y f i t ( g e t x , g e t y , 1 ) ; % Gain i n t h e f i r s t number g a i n = GAIN ; set ( handles . edit28 , ’ String ’ , gain ( : , 1 ) ) ; xlim ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) ; ylim ( [ − 0 . 0 5 , 1 . 0 5 ] ) ; x l a b e l ( ’V_G [ V o l t ] ’ ) ; y l a b e l ( ’V_D [ V o l t ] ’ ) ; t i t l e ( ’ Graph o f V_D v e r s u s V_G ’ ) ;
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