V60 i-line porcelain furnace

V60 i-line porcelain furnace
Advantage (특별한 장점)
1. The VITA V60 is the ideal solution for work in extreme environments
and extraordinary situations. (극지와 오지에서도 사용하는 좋은 furnace.)
전세계 모든 고객이 어떤 날씨와 고도에서 문제 없이 사용하는 장비를, VITA 는
VITA V60 i-line furnace를 개발하여 지금부터 공급합니다.
2. 첨단의 touch interface이 장착되어 있으며, 다방면의 시도와 오랜 시험에
성공한 VITA Silica quartz firing muffle은 최고의 소성결과를 보장합니다.
금상첨화인 점은 튼튼하게 제작했습니다;
VITA V60를 말끔하고 군더더기 없이 설계하여 극한 환경에서 일주일 내내
쉬지 않고 사용해도 언제나 좋은 소성 결과를 드립니다.
전세계의 고객들에게 얻은 조언들과 수 십 년의 전문적인 경험과 기술을 통해,
VITA는 이제 모든 고객이 모든 조건에서 사용하는 제품개발에 성공했습니다.
Technical feature (기술적인 특징)
기술적인 특징
– 모든 dental ceramic 수복물을 소성할 수 있습니다.
– 다양한 service 와 programs을 확인할 수 있습니다.
e.g. program 시작 전에, 온도를 자동으로 맞춰주고
온도와 진공을 control 하고, muffle을 사용한 시간을 기록합니다.
– 전원 공급이 중단될 때 보호하는 system을 갖추었습니다.
– pre vacuum과 main vacuum을 설정하고 조절할 수 있습니다.
– Lift의 움직임을 관찰할 수 있습니다.
– pre-drying과 slow cooling 에서 리프트의 위치를 개별적으로
조정할 수 있습니다.
– Fast cooling 기능을 사용하면 standby 온도로 신속히 떨어집니다.
Technical data (기술사양)
폭 (넓이)
260 mm
420 mm
570 mm
18 Kg
Chamber 직경
90 mm
Chamber 높이
55 mm
Max. 1200’C
전원 공급
220VAC 50Hz/60Hz
1.5 KW
Benefit (특징.이점)
1. 튼튼한 furnace : 일주일 내내 쉬지 않고 사용해도 고장이 없습니다.
대단히 견고하고 튼튼하게 제작되었으며 퓨즈가 없이도 불규칙하게
들어오는 전류의 불안정을 극복합니다. (전기가 불안정한 한국에 최적)
2. 모든 환경에서 사용 : VITA V60 i-Line 전세계의 오지에서 실제 시험하고
어디서나 사용하도록 설계하였습니다. 추운 극지나 더운 열대에서 모두
안심하고 사용합니다.
3. 사용자의 편리성 : 척 보면 쉽게 사용방법을 알 수 있는 간단한
터치 스크린과 프로그램 설정. 간단한 작동 방법으로 원하는 기능을
작동하도록 하고 사용자의 입장에 초점을 맞추어 사용자의 필요에
맞도록 제작했습니다.
4. 손쉬운 사용 : 장비를 이곳 저곳 만지지 않고, 간단히 plug만 꽂으면
바로 사용이 가능합니다.
Benefit (특징.이점)
5. 수리도 간편히 : 주요부를 조립식으로 제작한 덕분에 부품 교체가
전 수리 부품도 쉽게 구하고 각각이 간편하게 교체됩니다.
6. Made in Germany : 최고의 기술과 최상의 품질은 가장 좋은
결과를 보증합니다.
7. 고객이 참여한 계발 : 폭넓은 시장의 연구와 전세계 고객과 함께
현장에서 시험하여 VITA V60 i-Line이 탄생하였습니다.
그 결과 모든 기후에도 견디고 고객의 요구에 잘 맞는 최적의
furnace를 공급합니다.
8. VITA 회사가 드리는 품질 : 외관과 절연 재 까지 모두 일 등급 입니다.
V60 i-line porcelain furnace (영업에서 장점)
설명하면 경쟁사에게 반드시 이길 수 있는 내용 :
1. 어느 조건에서도 (기온, 고도) 안전하고 튼튼하며 일주일 내내
매일 24시간 사용해도 언제나 올바른 작업과 최상의 결과를 줍니다.
2. 전원 차단되면 보호 system 가동 : 경쟁사는 10초인 반면 VITA는 2분
퓨즈교체나 기능을 회복하여 다시 시작할 시간적 여유가 충분합니다.
3. program 시작 전에 자동으로 온도를 맞추는 기능이 있습니다.
4. Muffle : VITA (Kanthal special alloy with silica quartz), insulation technology
경쟁사 (kanthal wire with quartz glass tube), SiC bottom reflector
(VITA : 4,000 시간. 1년, others : 1,500 시간.1/2년 보증)
5. 조립식 구조로 수리가 간편합니다.
6. VITA made, Germany quality
VITA V60 i-Line
Heating coil material
Heating coil lagging
Special heating features /
heating quality
"QTK2 muffle technology with SiC
bottom reflector"
Special heat conduction alloy
Silica quartz
New high-tech materials in the firing
chamber, tailored to suit the proven
high-quality silica quartz muffle for
considerably more homogenous
heat distribution to the fired object.
Competitor system
Kanthal wire®
Quartz glass tube
QTK muffle technology enables
extremely homogenous temperature
distribution in the firing chamber
The muffle used by the competition has already been used by VITA since 1986,
with VITA crucially involved in its development. From VITA's perspective, the
SiC (silicon carbide) bottom reflector does not offer any substantial benefit in
terms of homogenous temperature distribution, as the warmth is only reflected
in one direction, effectively working in the same way as an electric hob. The
improvement that this offers in terms of homogenous temperature distribution in
a closed firing chamber is not significant enough for it to be considered an
actual advantage compared with the insulation technology provided by VITA
furnaces (determined internally by VITA during test operation in 2008).
In terms of the life span of the muffle, the competition mentions approx. 1500
operating hours, while VITA offers approx. 4000 operating hours in this case.
VITA continues to offer a 2-year warranty on the entire furnace including the
muffle and other wear parts. The competition has always excluded this from the
VITA V60 i-Line
Temperature calibration
Type of temperature calibration
Using a silver test
"ATK2 - temperature calibration"
Firing quality
Firing reliability
Competitor system
Using a silver test (temperature control
set 2)
The ATK2 kit is sold by the competition as an accessory set as part of a trial
and a "full version". It enables automatic, self-adjusting calibration by sampling
the temperature at two different locations.
For calibration, VITA continues to use the integrated temperature sensor as well
as the conventional silver test, as it is proven in practice and included
as standard in the training of dental technicians.
QTK-2 muffle technology enables
Proven silica quartz muffle, new firing
optimum firing results thanks to the
chamber materials
combination of a long-lasting muffle
and SiC bottom reflectors
Temperature sensor monitoring;
Double-valve vacuum technology;
Temperature monitoring; Vacuum
Power fail-safe system;
monitoring; Power failure protection
Thermal shock protection (TSP)
VITA V60 i-Line
"Double-valve vacuum technology"
Quality verification
Max. temperature
Competitor system
The noise reduction as a result of the technology used by the competition
cannot be evaluated due to the fact that it has not been confirmed by external
sources. As the acoustics within enclosed spaces largely depend on the
structure of the room, the perception of the "volume" of the pump is very
The competition uses the same pump technology as VITA; the pumps are
insulated and thus offer construction-related noise optimization.
VITA has had its low-noise furnace technology confirmed externally by the TÜ V
Rheinland certification body. In accordance with VDI guideline 2058 (Part 3), the
level of noise pollution at workstations where primarily mechanized office duties
are carried out should not exceed 70 dB(A). During operation, the VITA unit
does not exceed a level of 53 dB(A), a value that is in the same range as that of
laser printers. The competitor function of discharging damp out of the firing
chamber via the vacuum pump, which is linked to the double-valve vacuum
technology, can adversely affect the performance of the pump in the long term.
Here, VITA utilizes an evaporation process in which the damp escapes into the
air in the room when the firing chamber is open, thus protecting the vacuum
Production monitoring via ISO
Through manual silver test calibration
of the firing chamber
VITA V60 i-Line
"Thermal shock protection (TSP)"
Software update
Competitor system
VITA V60 i-Line and the competitor furnace offer an integrated thermal shock
protection function; in the case of VITA, this function is not provided as a
separate technology due to the optimized program sequence. Only the
functionality is different.
The VITA furnace dries the fired objects when the furnace is open; the lift does
not move into the firing chamber until the corresponding pre-drying time has
been completed. This function is included as standard in all programs. As a
result, the introduction of damp and/or changes to the surface during firing can
be prevented. The competition also dries the fired objects by not closing the
furnace head from above until a corresponding drying time has been completed.
The TSP also prevents closure from being carried out too quickly.
When opened, the furnace head is not positioned horizontally with regard to the
fired objects in the competitor furnace, but is instead at a slight angle,
increasing from the back towards the front (due to the chosen mounting of the
furnace head). VITA consciously selected a lift mechanism that guarantees that
the furnace head / firing chamber is always stationed horizontally with regard to
the firing tray, ensuring that warmth is evenly distributed thus enabling optimum
pre-drying. From VITA's perspective, this does not really appear to be possible
with the competitor furnaces.
Via a USB flash drive directly on the
Updates can be transferred in a single unit (no PC/laptop required); via USB
step to the unit via a USB flash drive;
cable via a PC/laptop; software can be
current updates can be downloaded
downloaded free of charge from the
from the VITA homepage
homepage; via remote maintenance
VITA V60 i-Line
Mains buffering in the case of
power failure
Power-save function
Power outage protection; mains buffering for up to 2 minutes, the program
is then resumed
Yes, standby mode can be activated,
permanent standby: 200°C, variable
standby : 200-800°C
The touch screen is operated using the
touch-sensitive surface of the screen.
In order to activate a function, the
corresponding button must be
pressed. Pressing a button lightly with
your finger will first cause the button to
change color (the button becomes
darker). Lifting your finger from the
button then activates the selected
Competitor system
Mains buffering for up to 10 seconds.
Prevents program cancellation as a
result of temporary power failure
Yes, the competition uses power
saving technology that they have
certified themselves
Color touch display plus membrane
key pad
VITA V60 i-Line
Special features of the furnace
Heavy duty: The product is
considered robust, indestructible, and
suitable for any mains network and
fluctuations; the furnace for 24/7
operation. Tested for the tropics:
Can be used anywhere in the world.
Be it deepest Siberia or in the tropics,
this furnace can do it. And it has been
tested. Plug & play: It's that easy.
Simply plug in the furnace and get
started. It works immediately, and the
user can operate the unit intuitively
straight a-way using the touch
function. Easy to use: Thanks to its
minimalist appearance, the user can
immediately concentrate on what's
important. And of course, the menu
can be operated at the "touch" of a
button. The latest in state of the art.
Made in Germany: 3 words that stand
for quality. Simple service: Device
parts can be replaced thanks to the
modular design. Entire components
can be exchanged and shipped.
Competitor system
Competitor programs plus 300 custom
programs; three operating modes
(normal, protected and production
mode); QTK 2 muffle that lasts for at
least 3000 operating hours; Vacuum
pump control with double-valve
technology; SIC firing table improves
ho-mogeneity; remote diagnosis via
data file (USB and Ethernet); power
saving technology.
VITA V60 i-Line
"Remote diagnosis via Internet via
Competitor system
The competition gives its customers the option of automatically generating a
remote diagnosis log and forwarding it to the service department. For this
purpo-se, the corresponding furnace must be integrated in a network so that
communi-cation is possible via the Internet. This is why the competition also
initially chose to transfer the log using a USB flash drive.
VITA also gives its customers the option of generating a log that can then be
used via a USB stick on a corresponding device that is connected to the
Internet. From the point of view of VITA, using this functionality initially allows
any inter-face-related difficulties between the furnace and the existing network
to be avoided.