European Curriculum Vitae Format - Template

/Name, Surname
House number, street name,
postcode, city, country
Paolo Zanardi
746 Parkman Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026
+1(213) 740-4649
+1(213) 740-6653
Place and Date of birth
[email protected]
Modena (Italy), July 11 1966
02/01/13–05/31/13 Visiting Research Professor at the National University
of Singapore, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore
12/15/11— Full Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles (CA) USA
01/01/07–12/15/11 Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (CA) USA
07/08/05 –07/09/05 JSPS Visiting Scientist at the Kinki University, Osaka
01/11/04 – 30/11/04 Appointment as Visiting Professor at the Perimeter
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo ON (Canada)
01/10/04 – 31/10/04 Appointment as Visiting Scientist (CMI fellow) at the
Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA (USA).
1/03 – 12/03 Appointment as Visiting Scientist (CMI fellow) at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA (USA).
[1/01 –12/06] ISI Foundation (Torino, Italy), Scientific Leader of the
Quantum Information Theory group
[1/97–12/00] ISI Foundation, Torino, Postdoctoral fellowship on Quantum
1/96–12/96 ISI Foundation , Torino, Research fellowship Quantum
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di Paolo Zanardi
10/92–10/95 PhD fellowship at the Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
5/92–9/92 INFM grant for scientific collaboration at the Universit`a di
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484
Higher Education institution
Full Professor of Physics
Research, teaching, fund raising
1992–1995 PhD in Physics: Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Linearization schemes for strongly correlated systems of lattice fermions .
Supervisor: Prof. Mario Rasetti (Politecnico of Torino)
1986–1992 M.D. in Physics Universit`a degli Studi di Modena: Dynamical
aspects of the atom-surface interaction . Advisor: C. Calandra (Final mark:
110/110 cum laude).
Research sectors
• Theoretical condensed matter
• Quantum Information Processing (QIP)
• Decoherence control
• Physical Implementation of QIP devices
• Geometric and topological QIP
• Quantum entanglement in interacting in many-body systems
• Quantum Phase Transitions
Recent Scientific Activities.
Strong research activity in the above mentioned fields. Over the last five
years I published more than 30 research papers (attache below) and given more than 20 invited talks in
USA, Europe and Asia.
1) According to the ISI Web Of Knowledge overall my work collected about 6,300 citations, the most
cited paper being above 780 and h-index=40.
According to Google Scholar so far I have gathered about 8800 citations, most cited paper more than
1100 citations and my h-index is 49.
2) I have been ranked among the {\em top 20 authors world-wide} in the field of Quantum Computation
in the decade 1999-2009 [see], moreover My paper
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di Paolo Zanardi
Holonomic Quantum Computation ranks 13th in most cited paper in the same decade [see]
3) In 2011 I have been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (Group Quantum
Information) with the citation: ``For his profound theoretical contributions at the interface of quantum
information processing and condensed matter physics, in particular his pioneering work on noiseless
subspaces, holonomic quantum computation, and the fidelity approach to quantum phase transitions.”
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Articles (last five years)
1) D. F. Abasto, P. Zanardi, Thermal states of the Kitaev Honeycomb
model: a Bures metric analysis, Phys. Rev. A 79, 012321 (2009) LANL Eprint Archive: arXiv:0809.4740
2) S. Garnerone, N. T. Jacobson, S. Haas, P. Zanardi, Fidelity approach to
the disor- dered quantum XY model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 057205 (2009)
LANL E-print Archive: arXiv:0808.4140
3) L. Campos Venuti, H. Saleur, P. Zanardi, Universal sub-leading terms in
ground state fidelity, Phys. Rev. B 79, 092405 (2009) LANL E-print Archive:
4) S. Garnerone, D. Abasto, S. Haas, P. Zanardi, Fidelity in topological
quantum phases of matter, Phys. Rev. A 79, 032302 2009 LANL E-print
Archive: arXiv:0901.3807
5) N. T. Jacobson, S. Garnerone, S. Haas, P. Zanardi, Scaling of the
fidelity suscepti- bility in a disordered quantum spin chain; Phys. Rev. B 79,
184427 (2009) LANL E-print Archive: arXiv:0903.2069
6) A.T. Rezakhani, W.-J. Kuo, A. Hamma, D.A. Lidar, P. Zanardi, Quantum
adia- batic brachistochrone, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 080502 (2009) E-print
Archive: arXiv:0905.2376
7) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Unitary equilibrations: probability
distribution of the Loschmidt echo, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022113 (2010) E-print
Archive arXiv:0907.0683
8) P. Giorda, P. Zanardi, Quantum chaos and operator fidelity metric, Phys.
Rev. E 81, 017203 (2010)
E-print Archive: arXiv:0903.1262
9) S. Garnerone, T. R. de Oliveria, P. Zanardi, Typicality in random matrix
product states, Phys. Rev. A 81, 032336 (2010) E-print Archive:
10) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Universality in the equilibration of
quantum systems after a small quench, Phys. Rev. A 81, 032113 (2010) Eprint Archive: arXiv:0912.3357
11) A. T. Rezakhani, D. F. Abasto, D. A. Lidar, P. Zanardi, Intrinsic
geometry of quantum adiabatic evolution and quantum phase transitions,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 012321 (2010) E-print Archive: arXiv:1004.0509
12) S. Garnerone, T. R. de Oliveria, S. Haas, P. Zanardi, Statistical
properties of ran- dom matrix product states, Phys. Rev. A 82, 052312
(2010) E-print Archive: arXiv:1003.5253
13) M. Diez, N. Chancellor, S. Haas, L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Local
quenches in frustrated quantum spin chains: Global versus subsystem
equilibration, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032113 (2010) E-print Archive:
14) N. T. Jacobson, P. Giorda, and P. Zanardi, Transition to chaos of
coupled oscilla- tors: An operator fidelity susceptibility study, Phys. Rev. E
82, 056204 (2010) E-print Archive: arXiv:1005.0642
15) L. Campos Venuti, N. T. Jacobson, S. Santra, P. Zanardi, Exact
infinite-time statistics of the Loschmidt echo for a quantum quench, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 107, 010403 (2011) E-print Archive: arXiv:1104.3232
16) N. T. Jacobson, L. Campos Venuti, and P. Zanardi, Unitary
equilibration after a quantum quench of a thermal state, Phys. Rev. A 84,
022115 (2011) E-print Archive: arXiv:1106.2177
17) D. F. Abasto, M. Mohseni, S. Lloyd, P. Zanardi, Excitonic diffusion
length in complex quantum systems: The effects of disorder and
environmental fluctuations on symmetry-enhanced supertransfer , Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. A 13, vol. 370 no. 1972 3750-3770 (2012)
E-print archive:
18) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Excitation transfer through open
quantum networks: a few basic mechanisms, Phys. Rev. B 84, 134206
(2011), E-print Archive: arXiv:1101.4808.
19) S. Garnerone, P. Giorda, P. Zanardi, Bipartite quantum states and
random complex networks, New J. Phys. 14 (2012) 013011 E-print Archive:
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20) S. Garnerone, P. Zanardi, D. A. Lidar, Adiabatic quantum algorithm for
search engine ranking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 230506 (2012) E-print
Archive: arXiv:1109.6546
21) A. Hamma, S. Santra, P. Zanardi, Quantum entanglement in random
physical states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 040502 (2012) E-print Archive:
22) A. Hamma, S. Santra, P. Zanardi, Ensembles of physical states and
random quan- tum circuits on graphs, Phys. Rev. A 86, 052324 (2012) Eprint Archive:arXiv:1204.0288
23) T. Albash, S. Boixo, D. A. Lidar, P. Zanardi, Quantum adiabatic
markovian master equations, New J. Phys. 14 (2012) 123016 E-print
Archive arXiv:1206.4197
24) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Gaussian equilibration, Phys. Rev. E 87,
012106 (2013)
E-print Archive:arXiv:1208.1121
25) P. Zanardi, L. Campos Venuti, Entanglement susceptibility: Area laws
and beyond, J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P04023 E-print Archive:arXiv:1205.2507
26) A. Hamma, L. Cincio, S. Santra, P. Zanardi, L. Amico, Local response
of topological order to an external perturbation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110,
210602 (2013) E-print Archive:arXiv:1211.4538
27) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Probability density of quantum
expectation values, Phys. Lett. A, 377, 1854 (2013) E-print Archive
28) T. Albash, D. A. Lidar, M. Marvian, P. Zanardi, Fluctuation theorems for
quantum processes, Phys. Rev. E (2013) E-print Archive arXiv:1212.6589
29) F. Troiani, P. Zanardi, On the size of linear superpositions in molecular
nanomagnets , Phys. Rev. B 88, 094413 (2013) E-print Archive
30) L. Campos Venuti, P. Zanardi, Universal time-fluctuations in nearcritical out-of- equilibrium quantum dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 89 022101
(2014) E-print Archive arXiv:1306.6934
31) L. Banchi, P. Giorda, P. Zanardi, Quantum information-geometry of
dissipative quantum phase transitions, Phys. Rev. E 89, 022102 (2014)
E-print Archive arXiv:1305.4527
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di Paolo Zanardi
Il D.Lgs. 30/6/2003, n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” regola il
trattamento dei dati personali, con particolare riferimento alla riservatezza, all’identità personale
e al diritto di protezione dei dati personali; l’interessato deve essere previamente informato del
trattamento .
La norma in considerazione intende come “trattamento” qualunque operazione o complesso di
operazioni concernenti la raccolta, la registrazione, l’organizzazione, la conservazione, la
consultazione, l’elaborazione, la modifica, la selezione, l’estrazione, il raffronto, l’utilizzo,
l’interconnessione, il blocco, la comunicazione, la diffusione, la cancellazione e la distruzione di
dati, anche se non registrati in una banca dati.
In relazione a quanto riportato, autorizzo il CNR al trattamento dei dati contenuti nel presente
curriculum vitae e nella documentazione della quale fa parte integrante, sollevandolo da ogni
responsabilità e autorizzandolo alla pubblicazione, nel sito web del CNR, della relazione
inerente alle proprie ricerche svolte durante il soggiorno finanziato dal CNR nell’ambito del
Programma STM . Inoltre acconsento all’aggiornamento delle informazioni intranet che mi
riguardano sia relative le pubblicazioni sia alle ricerche svolte.
( barrare la casella)
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