Alternates Saveria Colonna (Paris-8 – UMR 7023 SFL), Sarah Schimke (U. Münster), Barbara Hemforth (CNRS – UMR 7110 LLF), Juhani Järvikivi (University of Alberta) & Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Quels indices les enfants de 4 ans utilisent-ils pour interpréter un pronom anaphorique ? Enregistrement des mouvements oculaires pendant la présentation visuelle des référents RALFe 2014 Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin (CNRS – UMR 7110 LLF), Emilia Ellsiepen (U. Frankfurt) & Barbara Hemforth (CNRS – UMR 7110 LLF) Distributivity, plural Marta Donazzan (U. Cologne) & Ana Müller (São Paulo). Reduplication and distributivity in two numberless languages Patty Garet gation in- [ able. Philip Miller (Paris 7 – UMR 7110 LLF). Against Remnant Raising Analyses of Pseudogapping Waltraud Paul (CRLAO, CNRS-EHESS-INALCO). Why cross-categorial harmony is not a principle of UG : Evidence from Chinese jeudi 9 - vendredi 10 oct 2014 3èmes Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique formelle : Langage, Langues et Cognition Vers Paris AMPHIS X, Y Vers Pier refitte BATIMENT A BATIMENT G Language(s) and Cognition MAISONDE L’ETUDIANT BIBLIOTHEQUE HALL D’EXPO BATIMENT C BATIMENT B BATIMENT D Salle D 143 CROUS ENTRÉE DE L’UNIVERSITÉ Salle B 106 3rd Fall meeting on Formal Linguistics: JEUDI 9 OCTOBRE / THUR 9 OCT 2014 09:00 09:20 Accueil / Registration / Welcome Conférencier invité / invited speaker RICARDO BERMÚDEZ-OTERO (University of Manchester) The diachronic rise and synchronic representation of phonological opacity : a case study 10:20 L AURENCE VOELTZEL (U. Nantes) 10:50 Pause café / coffee break 11:05 MOUNIR JOUINI (Université of Jendouba, Tunisia) 11:35 Glide “Insertion” in Faroese Tunisian Arabic superheavy syllable, an OT approach VENDREDI 10 OCTOBRE / FRI 10 OCT 2014 09:30 Linguistic Alternatives and Pragmatic Inference in Language Acquisition 10:30 CARMEN DOBROVIE-SORIN (CNRS – UMR 7110 LLF) 11:00 Pause café / coffee break 11:20 OLAF KOENEMAN (Nijmegen) & HEDDE ZEIJLSTRA (Göttingen) 11:50 AURÉLIE GUERRERO & FABIO MONTERMINI (CLLE - ERSS, CNRS & U. Toulouse) 12:20 LYN TIEU (ENS), JACOPO ROMOLI (U. of Ulster), EVA POORTMAN (Utrecht), YOAD WINTER (Utrecht) & STEPHEN CRAIN (Macquarie University) MATHILDE HUTIN (U. Paris-8) How Loanwords are shaped by Phonology, how Phonology’s shaped by Loanwords 12:05 GUILLAUME ENGUEHARD (Paris 7) 12:35 Déjeuner / lunch 14:00 Conférencière invitée / invited speaker La proéminence accentuelle : types, variations et représentation JENNY DOETJES (Leiden) Determiners in classifier languages 15:00 CARLA UMBACH (ZAS – Berlin) 15:30 15:50 Pause café / coffee break 16:20 Demonstratives generating ad-hoc kinds Two types of MOST and distributive vs. collective readings Irregular verbal inflection and Do-support in English Are there gender morphemes in Catalan adjectives ? Boolean and non-boolean conjunction in acquisition 12:50 Déjeuner / lunch 14:00 Conférencière invitée / invited speaker MARIA POLINSKY (Harvard) URTZI ETXEBERRIA (CNRS- IKER) AND ANASTASIA GIANNAKIDOU (U. of Chicago) Subject preference under ergativity : syntactic explanations and real-time phenomena Illusory specificity with Spanish algunos ELITZUR BAR-A SHER SIEGAL AND NORA BONEH (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Conférencier invité / invited speaker DAVID BARNER (University of California, San Diego) 15:00 DALINA K ALLULLI (U. Vienna) & SABINE L ASZAKOVITS (U. Connecticut) 15:30 Pause café / coffee break Towards a unified account of the ser/estar alternation with adjectives and participles 15:50 NICOLAS GUILLIOT & SAMANTHA BECERRA-ZITA (U. Nantes) 17:20 Pause café / coffee break 16:20 17:30 LUCIA TOVENA AND XIAOQIAN ZHANG (U. Sorbonne Paris Cité - Paris VII) 18:00 CLAIRE BEYSSADE (CNRS – Jean Nicod) AND CRISTEL PORTES (U. Aix-Marseille – LPL) 16:50 Affected Datives in Modern Hebrew M.J. ARCHE (U. Greenwich), ANTONIO FÁBREGAS (IS-Universitetet i Tromsø) AND R AFAEL MARÍN (CNRS – UMR 8163 STL) Preverbal temporal phrases in Mandarin Chinese Toward a compositional analysis of the meaning of intonation in French C-ing is believing : “relative pronouns” as agreeing complementizers Reconstruction in sharing constructions : a dynamic perspective NINO GRILLO & OANA LUNGU (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Investigating Locality : lessons from PR-availability 16:50 MAGDA OIRY (UMass Amherst) 17:20 clôture / closing Movement all the way : French embedded «clefts»
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