© Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard GmbH – Peter Mattei HP Storage Er flash storage fremtiden? Kompetera SolutionsDay 2014 John Klingenberg Storage Solution Architect Storage Ambassador [email protected] © Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Disclosure Reminder The following information is “HP Confidential” and intended for HP internal personnel with a “need to know” (i.e., HP Storage field sales). This information may only be shared verbally with HP external customers and/or partners under NDA, and only with appropriate HP Storage Division approval. This document is NOT to be used as a “leave behind”, and therefore, should not be distributed/released in either hard-copy or electronic format. The information contained is to be handled accordingly with HP’s policy for handling this classification of information. http://legal.hp.com/legal/pages/labels.aspx New Business Requirements create new Storage Challenges Performance Different applications have very different workloads, Especially when virtualized the sum of these demands becomes unpredictable and is always mixed Scalability & Agility Data grows rapidly and at unpredictable rates Storage needs to be able to adapt to changes quickly and in any direction Availability Similar Requirements from SMB to Enterprise Management Capacity growth and virtualization requires the same staff to manage more with less 4 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. High availability is a requirement for customers of any size 24x7 business doesn’t allow backup or maintenance windows anymore Efficiency Storage capacity costs dilute savings for server virtualization Unpredictability drives overprovisioning HP 3PAR Industry Leadership Best storage technology in the market – built for virtual environments 3PAR Federation Technologies 3PAR Flash Optimization 3PAR Optimization Technologies 3PAR Thin Technologies 3PAR Persistent Technologies 3PAR Mesh-Active Architecture 5 A peak under the HP 3PAR hood © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Legacy vs. HP 3PAR Hardware Architecture Traditional Tradeoffs HP 3PAR Architecture Traditional Modular Storage Cost-efficient usually active/passive or active/optimized … … but dual-controller design limits scalability and resiliency. Traditional Monolithic Storage Host Connectivity Scalable, resilient and active-active … … but complex, costly, static and inflexible. 7 Data Cache Drive Connectivity Matrix switches Cost-effective, scalable, resilient, meshed, active-active … … and meets cloud-computing requirements for efficiency, multi-tenancy and autonomic management. HP 3PAR ASIC The Heart of Every 3PAR Built-in Zero Detection – All IO goes through the ASIC NEW! Hardware based deduplication for flash Fast RAID 10, 50 & 60 Tightly-Coupled Clustering Rapid RAID Rebuild Integrated XOR Engine High Bandwidth, Low Latency Interconnect Mixed Workload & CPU Offload Independent Metadata and Data Processing 8 HP 3PAR ASIC It makes the difference in real-world environments RAID Rebuilds RAID Rebuilds Snapshots Snapshots Thin Reclamation Thin Reclamation Sub-LUN Tiering Sub-LUN Tiering Data Deduplication Data Deduplication Mixed Workload Mixed Workload Thin Provisioning Thin Provisioning Replication Replication RAID Calculations RAID Calculations Inter-Node & Cache IO Inter-Node & Cache IO Any Processors Most Arrays 9 Intel x64 Processors + 3PAR Gen4 ASIC HP 3PAR Eliminating distinctions between Midrange and Tier 1 Polymorphic Simplicity – Storage without Boundaries 1 ONE Architecture from Midrange to High-end • Midrange – Flash – High-end • Common Tier-1 Feature Set • Interoperability end-to-end Only HP 7450 7400 7200 When Value matters 7200 starting at $25k 10 10800 10400 When Scale matters 10800 with up to 3.2 PB When Performance matters 7450 All Flash Array with over 900K IOPS @ <.7 ms latency HP 3PAR Thin Technologies © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. HP 3PAR Thin Technologies Leadership Overview TCO and space efficiency without compromise Start Thin with Thin Provisioning Traditional Provisioning Get Thin with Thin Conversion 3PAR Thin Provisioning 4TB 4TB 4TB 4TB 1TB 2TB 1TB 2TB After Fast Buffer 2 x 4TB Presented 2 x 4TB 2 x 4TB Consumed 1TB + 2TB + Buffer Buy up to 50% less storage capacity * * See HP’s Get Thin Guarantee on http://www.hp.com/storage/getthin 12 Before Stay Thin with Thin Persistence Linux Reduce Tech Refresh Costs by up to 50% * Thin 3PAR volumes stay thin over time Policy-based Provisioning 3PAR Atonomic RAID Level Set Size Drive Type RAID 1 1+1 2+1 3+1 … 7+1 8+1 4+2 6+2 8+2 10+2 14+2 SSD RAID 5 RAID 5 RAID 6 13 User Drive Size Availability 100GB Platinum 200GB FC/SAS 300GB Cage 450GB 900GB NL/SATA Policy 2TB 4TB Gold Silver Magazine Bronze Powerful, effective, efficient Tiering Dynamic Optimization Adaptive Optimization 3-Tiers 2-Tiers LUN Tier 0 LUN e.g. SSD Tier 1 LUN LUN e.g. Fast Class Tier 2 e.g. Nearline Online LUN movement between Tiers and/or RAID Levels 14 Online sub-LUN block movements between Tiers Flash Optimized © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Flash enables new possibilities and breaks old designs What could a business do if it could process 500% more transactions per second on 90% fewer disks? Performance HDDs Flash Media Design Implication Latency Milliseconds Microseconds Cache to flash management IOPS Density 0.2 IOPS/GB 100 IOPS/GB Bottleneck shifts to controller HDDs Flash Media Design Implication Cost / GB $1 / GB $10 / GB Compaction: Thin, Dedupe Media Write Cycle 100’s of millions 5 to 10 thousand writes Media wear handling Efficiency 16 Adaptive Technologies for Flash optimization Adaptive read/write Increased granularity of reads into cache and writes from cache Adaptive cache offload Autonomic cache-to-flash flushing based on utilization rate Adaptive I/O Processing Adapts back-end I/O size to deliver low latency, multi-tenant performance Adaptive Sparing Lowers Flash $/GB while maintain high endurance Adaptive Flash Cache Autonomic sub-LUN tiering optimizes $/IOP and $/GB Adaptive Optimization Autonomic sub-LUN tiering optimizes $/IOP and $/GB 17 3PAR Approach to Working with Flash Cache Management Performance Scalability Efficiency & Wear Handling Failure Handling 18 Adaptive Read Adaptive Write Autonomic Cache Offload Multi-tenant I/O Processing 3PAR ASIC Controller Scalability System-wide Striping Quality of Service 3PAR Thin Zero Detect Adaptive Sparing System-wide Striping Step Size Optimization System Wide Sparing 3PAR Adaptive Read and Write Optimization between Flash and Cache Hosts • Granular cache page size of 16KB 16KB • 3PAR keeps a bitmap for each page and writes only the dirty part of the Cache page is written to Flash 8KB • For a 4KB r/w IO, only 4KB are transferred between Cache and Flash 4KB • sub-16KB reads and writes IOs do sub-16KB transfers • Reduces latency and backend load by avoiding unnecessary data transfers • For R1 volumes, adapting writes to match IOs avoids latency penalties associated with read-modify-write sequences 19 16.8KB* 8.4KB* Cache 16KB pages 4.2KB* • Extends flash life by avoiding unnecessary data writes Read / Write IO Flash HP 3PAR * Extra bytes for DIF Backend HP 3PAR Adaptive Sparing Optimizing SSD capacity and wear-out • • • 20 Adaptive Sparing leverages HP 3PAR chunklet virtualization technology to extend the overprovisioning pool of flash media and enable greater longevity of the flash media SSD Spare Space is returned to the SSD Data pool so it can be used for wear leveling. Spare Space will be claimed back when spare capacity is needed Standard SSD deployment 3PAR Adaptive Sparing Internal fixed Overprovisioning Internal fixed Overprovisioning Label, TOC , etc. Label, TOC , etc. Spare Space Overprovisioned User Data Space Combined overprovisioned User Data and Spare Space Diags Diags Thin Dedupe Thin Clones © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Thin Deduplication on HP 3PAR StoreServ Uniquely delivers efficiency AND performance INLINE • No post processing ever PERFORMING • Only solution in the industry to use hardware acceleration with the Gen4 ASIC EXPRESS INDEXING • Allows dedupe without capacity compromise EFFICIENT • 4:1 to 10:1 savings with Thin Dedupe and Thin Clones 0001100 0001101 0001100 0001101 0001100 1111100 0001101 0001100 1111100 1111100 0001100 Only unique data is written to disk 0001101 Note: 3PAR Thin Deduplication and 3PAR Thin Clones software for 3PAR StoreServ is available starting with 3PAR OS3.2.1 as part of the 3PAR OS suite at no additional charge and is currently only supported for Flash/SSD in all 7000 and 10000 systems 22 3PAR Thin deduplication Accelerated by the ASIC and Express Indexing 1. Host Write 3 1 000..1101 Write Cache 5b 000..1101 2 LBA 000..1101 3. ASIC computes hash xxx..yyyy 4. ASIC performs fast metadata lookup with Express Indexing 5a 4 aaa bbb ccc Hash L1 2. Write Acknowledge to host 5. Match? a) Yes – Read data from backend and XOR with new host write data to prevent any hash collision If XOR result = 0 just update metadata If XOR result ≠ 0 write new host data to backend b) No - Write new host data to the backend L1 TableHash L2 L2 TableHash L3 L3 Table Note: The flow shows a Cache miss situation 23 3PAR Thin Deduplication at work Mirror of Data at the File System layer from a TPVV to a TDVV # showvv -showsysobjs|grep -v vmfarm|grep -v fsvvthin|grep -v admin|grep -v srdata ----Rsvd(MB)----- --(MB)--Id Name Prov Type CopyOf BsId Rd -Detailed_StateAdm Snp Usr VSize 5 .sysvv_0fscpg dds base --5 RW normal 33280 0 124544 67108864 3 .sysvv_0usrcpg dds base --3 RW normal 12800 0 16384 67108864 6 fsvv tdvv base --6 RW normal 1024 0 2048 2097152 8 fsvvmirror tpvv base --8 RW normal 768 0 1055104 2097152 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 total 49152 0 1427712 144797696 # df -h /dedup Filesystem dedup size 2.0T used 1021G avail capacity 979G 52% Mounted on /dedup 9:1 Dedupe Ratio 1.200.000 MiB 1.000.000 800.000 600.000 400.000 200.000 0 FS written 24 3PAR VV Written DDS written tpvv Thin Provisioned Virtual Volume tdvv Thin Deduplicated Virtual Volume dds Dedup Store Automatically created when first TDVV is configured in a CPG 3PAR Thin Deduplication at work Effects of cloning vSphere VMs with and without 3PAR Thin Dedup on a 7450 Dedupe VM0 Normal VM0 Dedupe VM0 Normal VM0 VV: vmware_dedupe VV: vmware_normal CPG: Dedupe_SSD_R1 CPG: Normal_SSD_R1 44GB provisioned storage on LUN vmware_dedupe holding a 39.8TB Windows 2008 partition SSD StoreServ 7450 25 44GB provisioned storage on LUN vmware_normal holding a 39.8TB Windows 2008 partition 3PAR Thin Deduplication at work Effects of cloning vSphere VMs with and without 3PAR Thin Dedup on a 7450 Dedupe DedupeVM2 Dedupe VM1 VM0 Normal VM0 Normal VM1 1. Initial space consumption Dedupe CPG Normal CPG Normal Normal VM1 VM0 Dedupe VM0 VV: vmware_dedupe VV: vmware_normal CPG: Dedupe_SSD_R1 CPG: Normal_SSD_R1 SSD StoreServ 7450 26 16GB 40GB 2. Space consumption after cloning both VMs Dedupe CPG Normal CPG still 16GB grew to 80GB 3. Space consumption after cloning dedupe_VM0 again Dedupe CPG still 16GB HP 3PAR Thin Clones Host assisted by VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VM cloning leverages Virtual Copy and xCOPY and ODX VM VM VM VM Hypervisor VM VM VM VM • • • • • Integration with HP 3PAR Inline Deduplication Works on VMware vSphere and Hyper-V Leverages HP 3PAR Reservation-less Snapshot technology Clones are created on-the fly without preallocating any storage. New Data is deduplicated leveraging inline dedupe solution. 3PAR Thin Deduplication and 3PAR Thin Clones software for 3PAR StoreServ 7000 is expected to begin shipping as part of the 3PAR Operating System Software Suite in September 2014 at no additional charge 27 Flash Scale and Guaranteed 6-Nines Availability Flash at the same price as high performing spinning disk, petabyte scale and zero RPO The most scalable all-flash array in the industry • Patented Express Indexing for deduplication at scale. Enables 460TB raw and over 1.3 PB of usable all-flash capacity HP 3PAR $/GB w/ cMLC SSD Proven to meet mission-critical recovery point objectives • Zero RPO: Synchronous remote replication • Zero RPO & Low RTO: Synchronous long distance 3-site replication • Zero RPO & Zero RTO: Peer Persistence – VMware/Windows stretch cluster Assure productivity with proven tier-1 resiliency • Unconditional 5 year warranty on newer SSD media (incl. cMLC) • 99.9999% data availability guarantee 28 Read the Edison whitepaper on Thin Dedup: http://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=4AA5-3223ENW Block-Zero Dedupe Adaptive Sparing Thin Deduplication Thin Clones $/GB 15K SAS HDD VV Conversion from Thin-to-Dedupe Provide customers the ability to provision Thick or Thin Volumes and convert them online and nondisruptively, on-demand to deduplicated volumes on an SSD tier. Thick to Thin Thin to Dedupe Enables customers to purchase systems with HDDs and move workloads to SSDs when ready Thick Allow customer to revert if they want 29 Thin Thin to Thick Dedupe Rehydration to Thin How HP 3PAR addresses new storage requirements Performance • Scale-out architecture • SSD optimized – 900.000 IOPS < 0.7 ms latency Scalability & Agility 99.9999% Guarantee • One architecture and OS for all • Multi-level virtualization HP 3PAR StoreServ • Federated storage • Adaptive and Dynamic Optimization Management • Persistent Cache • Persistent Ports • Peer Persistence Efficiency • Tier 1 capabilities with midrange simplicity • Thin Technologies 50%+ savings • Autonomic • ASIC extreme consolidation • 90% less time needed 44 • Clustered node architecture HP 3PAR StoreServ Awards and Recognitions Scale: 10000 Speed: 7450 Value: 7400 Flash Memory Storage Array InfoWorld Recommended Technology of the Year HP 3PAR StoreServ 7450 HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 Link to the report Link to the report Midrange Array Best-in-Class HP 3PAR StoreServ 7400 Link to the report Making the right flash memory storage array buying decision: 7450 Link to the report Cost: 7200 • IT-as-a-Service leadership • Proven Flash-optimized • Disruptive Tier 1 midrange 46 Gartner Critical Systems Capabilities #1 Mid Range Overall Use Case HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Link to the report Gartner Critical Systems Capabilities #3 High End Overall Use Case HP 3PAR StoreServ 10000 Link to the report Sprøgsmål ? • Service Refined • Software Defined • Server Refined Flash Convergence Object © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All cats look grey at night ... Me too, Me too!! I am Efficient, Autonomic and Resilient 48 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. But when you turn on the lights ... Uuups! HP 3PAR StoreServ 49 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Thank you © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
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