RCM ANNUAL CONFERENCE 11-12 NOVEMBER 2014 Better Births: United in Excellence Book your place at: rcmconference.org.uk/nov14 or call: 020 7880 6225 Telford International Centre West Midlands RCM ANNUAL CONFERENCE Better Births: United in Excellence 11-12 November 2014 Our two-day RCM Annual Conference has something for everyone. Returning to the West Midlands, the conference showcases the best of midwifery practice in the UK and tackles issues that matter to you. TOPICS INCLUDE: • • • • • Postnatal care Early years agenda Midwifery regulation Continuity of care Perineal care and repair FGM This year’s conference theme is Better Births: United in Excellence. Whether you are a practising midwife, researcher or educationalist, we want to inspire and motivate you, so you return to the workplace with an armoury of new ideas and innovations. The conference gives you the opportunity to be a part of the big debates and issues affecting and relating to your profession. With three specifically designed programmes featuring a mix of hands-on workshops, concurrent sessions and project presentations, you can tailor the two-day conference programme to suit your professional interests and development needs. WHY ATTEND? • Update your knowledge and be inspired by the latest innovations • Network with midwives and professionals from across the country • Gain an even greater insight into your profession • Share your views and debate on key topics important to you SPEAKERS INCLUDE Dr Ed Coats Obstetrician, gynaecologist and adventurer Yvonne Coghill OBE NHS Leadership Academy Professor Helen Cheyne University of Stirling and an RCM professor of midwifery Polly Neate Chief executive Women’s Aid Conference party Don’t miss the social event of the year! The evening will start with a welcome drinks reception, followed by a three-course dinner with wine, entertainment and your chance to take to the dance floor! We have a limited number of discounted tickets for the conference party on 11 November – book early to avoid disappointment. Conference party tickets are only £25 +VAT (total inc. VAT = £30) for the first 150 attendees (£60 +VAT thereafter). RCMCONFERENCE.ORG.UK/NOV14 #RCMConf14 STUDENT MIDWIVES’ CONFERENCE Better Births: United in Excellence 11 November 2014 This year’s Student Midwives’ Conference will bring together speakers from across the UK to discuss and debate the issues that matter to you. With record numbers set to attend, make sure you are a part of the only UK conference run by student midwives for student midwives. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Dr Michel Odent The first day of the UK’s leading midwifery conference will see a programme of dedicated sessions for students. Explore, debate and be at the heart of innovative discussions around the future of your profession. Stay on for Day 2 of the main conference to network and explore topical issues in midwifery today – with a plethora of sessions recommended for students to join. TOPICS INCLUDE: • Midwifery in a modern world • Understanding women’s experience through social media • Developing cultural competence • Resilience and stress management • Top tips for your first job • Your 90-second ideas Find out how to gain the edge in your transition to your first job after qualifying. For more information, visit: rcmconference.org.uk/nov14 PRICES: Student Midwives’ Conference - RCM student member rate (11 November): ONLY £49 +VAT (Total inc. VAT = £58.80) This year we will be highlighting sessions on Day 2 that are particularly useful for students; don’t miss your opportunity to get the most out of the RCM Annual Conference 2014: Two-day RCM student member place (includes Student Midwives’ Conference 11 November and main conference 12 November): £90 +VAT (Total inc. VAT = £108) Group rates: Interested in booking five or more places at the conference? Call: 020 7880 6225 CONTACT US ON: 020 7880 6225 OR EMAIL: [email protected] PROGRAMME - TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 08:30 REGISTRATION AND EXHIBITION 4A 09:30 OPENING ADDRESS Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, chief executive, Royal College of Midwives In her chief executive’s address, Cathy will discuss the challenges and future direction for maternity services and the vision and campaigning agenda of the RCM as the trade union and professional organisation for midwives, student midwives and MSWs. 10:00 H IGH PERFORMANCE: EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS Dr Ed Coats, obstetrician, gynaecologist and adventurer Our keynote speaker is no stranger to tough environments and rapidly changing scenarios. As a polar explorer (and obstetrician), he knows the power of team and individual contributions to high performance. 12:15 POSTNATAL CARE: MOVING OUT OF THE SHADOWS Professor Helen Cheyne, University of Stirling and an RCM professor of midwifery Professor Debra Bick, professor of evidence-based midwifery, King’s College London The RCM has identified postnatal care as one of the key ‘pressure points’ within maternity care and has made raising its profile and significance its campaigning objective for 2014. This session focuses on giving a new family the best start in life and why postnatal care should be a fundamental priority for the NHS. LUNCH, EXHIBITION AND NETWORKING S PONSORED LUNCHTIME SESSION Sponsored by JOHNSON’S® Baby 13:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1A M 2A C 3A L 5B M 6B C L 8B R 9B C betwhoose folloeen the ses wing optiosion ns NEGOTIATING WITH INTEGRITY Dave Thornton, consultant Paul Taylor, head of engagement for Midlands and East, NHS Employers MAXIMISING VBAC Ann Lilley and Kim Sheppard Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (Evidence Based Midwifery Journal Award Winners for Promoting Normality) MANAGING ILL HEALTH AND MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS IN CHILDBIRTH More details coming soon. MATERNAL PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH Dr Alain Gregoire, consultant psychiatrist, Perinatal Mental Health Service, Hampshire Partnership Trust Grace Thomas, professional head of midwifery and lead midwife for education/associate director of student experience and academic standards, Cardiff University/Aneurin Bevan Health Board SUPPORTING BREASTFEEDING IN HARD TO REACH GROUPS Jane Goodwin, breastfeeding support midwife, North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust supported by Philips AVENT 16:00 NETWORKING BREAK C betwhoose folloeen the ses wing optiosion ns REACH FOR THE SKY: FROM WARD TO BOARD Karen Baker, chief executive, Isle of Wight NHS Trust Professor Dame Donna Kinnair, chief nurse, South East London NHS PREVENTING STILLBIRTH Professor Jason Gardosi, NHS Perinatal Institute Sara Butcher and Kathy Hobson, supervisor of midwives team, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (shortlisted for The President’s Award for Supervisors of Midwives) LEARNING FROM WHEN THINGS GO WRONG Dr Celia Burrell, consultant obstetrician and obstetric lead for risk management, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust Gavin Knox, senior solicitor, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership RCMCONFERENCE.ORG.UK/NOV14 15:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 7B 10:45 NETWORKING BREAK 11:15 R FGM Efua Dorkenoo OBE, senior FGM advisor for Equality Now/programme director of the End FGM/C Social Change Campaign Juliet Albert, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Alimatu Dimonekene, FGM facilitator 16:30 THE EARLY YEARS AGENDA Polly Neate, chief executive, Women’s Aid Tam Baillie, commissioner for children and young people, Scotland Midwifery care marks the beginning of a journey to health and wellbeing and maternity services are increasingly engaging with others championing the ‘early years agenda’. Our speakers will explore how effective care at the start of life is continued into support through childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. 17:30 DRINKS RECEPTION 20:00 CONFERENCE PARTY Don’t miss the social event of the year! Your evening will commence with a drinks reception, followed by a three-course meal including wine and will conclude with after dinner entertainment. The evening is your chance to network and celebrate with fellow midwives. #RCMConf14 PROGRAMME - WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER 08:30 REGISTRATION AND EXHIBITION 16D 09:00 ALL CHANGE FOR MIDWIFERY REGULATION Jackie Smith, chief executive, NMC Kate Chamberlain, chief executive, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales In a relaxed interview style, RCM chief executive Cathy Warwick will pose questions to Jackie Smith and Kate Chamberlain about the future of midwifery regulation and the issues around supervision and revalidation. 10:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 10C M 11C C 12C L 13C R 14C C betwhoose folloeen the ses wing optiosion ns MANAGING SERVICE CHANGE Fionnula McCluskey, head of midwifery, Downpatrick Community Midwifery Unit (Maternity Service of the Year Award Winner 2014) Gillian Morton, head of midwifery, NHS Forth Valley (Maternity Service of the Year Award Winner 2014) Anita Fleming, head of midwifery, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (Maternity Service of the Year Award Winner 2014) CONTINUITY OF CARE More information coming soon. LEARNING FROM WOMEN Kath Evans, head of patient experience, NHS England Katie O’Donovan, head of communications and partnership, Mumsnet SUPPORTING VULNERABLE WOMEN Elizabeth Noonan and Hannah Jones, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust (Team of the Year Award Winners 2014) Anne Allen and Julie Middlehurst, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust (RCM MSW Award Winners 2014) ERINEAL ASSESSMENT AND REPAIR P LONGITUDINAL STUDY (PEARLS): A MATCHED-PAIR CLUSTER RANDOMISED TRIAL – THE RESULTS Professor Chris Kettle, professor of women’s health, Staffordshire University and University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust Professor Debra Bick, professor of evidence-based midwifery, King’s College London Professor Khaled Ismail, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Birmingham Women’s Hospital Sue Macdonald, midwife consultant and educationalist Sue Tohill, senior programme research midwife, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 11:00 NETWORKING BREAK 11:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 15D M SAFE STAFFING AND DEPLOYMENT More information coming soon. C betwhoose folloeen the ses wing optiosion ns C 17D L 18D R PERINEAL CARE AND THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SECOND STAGE More information coming soon. RECORD KEEPING Jean Watson and Pauline Creaney, NHS Lanarkshire/ West of England Supervision Team (Supervision Award Winners 2014) EQUALITIES IN THE NHS – HARD-TOREACH GROUPS Yvonne Coghill OBE, NHS Leadership Academy Kath Jones MBE, midwife, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board 12:45 LUNCH EXHIBITION AND NETWORKING 13:45 QUESTION TIME: ARE MATERNITY SERVICES SAFE IN THEIR HANDS? Denis Campbell, session chair and journalist, The Guardian Paul Nowak, assistant general secretary, TUC Zoe Williams, journalist, The Guardian Margot James, MP (Conservative) for Stourbridge Six months ahead of the 2015 UK general election, the panel of speakers from the UK major political parties, media and think tanks will respond to questions from the audience on what their policy position would mean for women, families, and delegates as NHS staff. This lively and interactive session will bring together the full conference audience, including RCM workplace representatives, to challenge the pundits, commentators and policy-formers. 15:00 NETWORKING BREAK 15:30 CLOSING PLENARY – BETTER BIRTHS This session led by Professor Soo Downe, University of Central Lancashire and Professor Denis Walsh, University of Nottingham, will share the findings from an RCM colloquium which explored how evidence around continuity of care is being implemented. 16:30 CONFERENCE CLOSES M CONTENT KEY Management, policy, system and structure C Clinical excellence L Learning from practice R Midwifery’s wider reach These sessions have been recommended for student midwives by the RCM Student Midwives Forum Recommended for workplace representatives CONTACT US ON: 020 7880 6225 OR EMAIL: [email protected] WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVES’ CONFERENCE Better Births: United in Excellence 12 November 2014 BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW FREE TO ATTEND A dedicated day of trade union training sessions, which are FREE to attend. Meet other activists from across the UK and rekindle your confidence and motivation, while enhancing your skills. Returning to the Internatonal Centre Telford on 12 November, join us on Day 2 of conference for your unique programme and trade union training sessions, exploring the wider context for trade unions today with top guest speakers. TOPICS INCLUDE: • Organising for health and wellbeing at work • Supporting members through disciplinaries, supervision and capability management • Building a stronger trade union Join the main conference for Question Time: Are maternity services safe in their hands? Your chance to challenge politicians and opinion formers on the issues that matter. WHO CAN ATTEND? The Workplace Representatives’ Conference is FREE to attend for accredited RCM stewards, health and safety representatives, learning representatives and RCM branch chairs, secretaries and treasurers. You are eligible for time off for trade union training as part of your development programme. There is also the opportunity to participate in main conference sessions focused on this year’s theme Better Births: United in Excellence. BOOKINGS: The Workplace Representatives’ Conference is FREE to attend if you meet the criteria above. The RCM funds your place as part as of our programme for learning. Attend Day 1 of the main conference and enjoy a range of additional sessions highlighted for particular interest to activists, including sessions on leadership and negotiating and your clinical updates, at our special discounted rate of just £99 +VAT (total inc. VAT = £118.80). #RCMConf14 To register Please complete all relevant sections of this form and either fax 020 7880 7691 or post to RCM Conference 2014, Redactive Events Ltd, 17 Britton Street, London EC1M 5TP. Fees include all day access to the event, available conference papers, buffet lunch and refreshments, for registered delegates only. Fees do not include travel or accommodation. Shared places are not permitted. Both days Tuesday 11 Nov Wednesday 12 Nov Early Bird RCM member midwife □ £250 (£300 inc VAT) □ N/A □ N/A RCM member midwife □ □ □ £350 (£420 inc VAT) □ □ □ £200 (£240 inc VAT) □ □ □ £200 (£240 inc VAT) □ □ □ □ £110 (£132 inc VAT) £60 (£72 inc VAT) £499 (£598.80 inc VAT) □ □ □ □ N/A £630 (£756 inc VAT) □ □ □ □ Offer valid until 16 July 2014 Non RCM member midwife RCM member student midwife Non RCM member student midwife RCM member MSW Public sector Commercial rate £395 (£474 inc VAT) £90 (£108 inc VAT) £90 (£108 inc VAT) £470 (£564 inc VAT) £250 (£300 inc VAT) £49 (£58.80 inc VAT) £49 (£58.80 inc VAT) £379 (£454.80 inc VAT) £250 (£300 inc VAT) N/A £49 (£58.80 inc VAT) £379 (£454.80 inc VAT) £499 (£598.80 inc VAT) Supported rate (third sector, unions etc) □ £399 (£478.80 inc VAT) □ £240 (£288 inc VAT) □ £240 (£288 inc VAT) Conference party □ N/A □ £60 (£72 inc VAT) □ N/A RCM workplace reps (RCM accredited stewards, learning reps, health and safety reps and branch officers) I am an RCM workplace rep and would like to attend the FREE RCM Workplace Representatives’ Conference, Wednesday 12 November I am an RCM workplace rep and would also like to register for the RCM Annual Conference, Tuesday 11 November at a discounted rate of £99 (£118.80 inc VAT) I am an RCM workplace rep and DO NOT want to attend the RCM Workplace Representatives’ Conference, but would like to attend both days of the main RCM Annual Conference at the discounted rate of £179 (£214.80 inc VAT) □ □ □ Delegate information First name: How to pay Credit card. Please debit £_____________ Surname: from my Mastercard/Eurocard/Visa/Switch/Delta Job title: Card number: Organisation: Expiry: Email: Name as on card: Address: / Issue (Switch): Issuing bank: Postcode: Security No: Postcode: Signature: Tel no: Please send an invoice to: If you have any additional requirements, please describe them here: Purchase order number (if relevant) I enclose a cheque for £______________ Made payable to Redactive Events Ltd I have read and agree to the terms and conditions below. Signature: Regulations, policies and cancellations Your booking is guaranteed on completion of the booking form and is subject to the below cancellation policy. Payment must be received prior to the event and we reserve the right to prevent admittance if payment has not been made. All invoices are payable within 30 days (or prior to the event if the invoice is dated fewer than 30 days before the event date). Cancellation terms • 100% refund if cancellation is made by the 10 August 2014 • 50% refund if cancellation is made by the 10 October 2014 • No refund will be given for cancellations made after the 11 October 2014 or for nonattendance on the day. Written notification of intent to cancel must be sent to Redactive Events Limited by recorded delivery. Substitutions may be made at any time, free of charge. Redactive Events and the RCM reserve the right to change the programme at any time. CONTACT US ON: 020 7880 6225 OR EMAIL: [email protected] Telford International Centre – West Midlands This year’s event brings your conference sessions, accommodation and social event to a state-of-the-art venue with excellent transport connections and free parking for all. The International Centre Telford in the West Midlands couldn’t be easier to reach by rail, road or air, whichever direction you come from. BOOK NOW EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT #RCMConf14 For more details, or to book your place, call: 020 7880 6225 or visit: rcmconference.org.uk/nov14
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