Robbinsville High School Choral Music Department David Westawski, Director of Choirs 2014-2015 Choral Handbook (Revised 8/28/14) September 4, 2014 Dear Parents and Students, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to Robbinsville High School for the 2014-2015 school year. I look forward to another exciting year working with each of you. It is an honor and a privilege to become a member of the RHS Raven Chorus. Last year, 10 Raven Chorus members were selected to participate in the CJMEA Region II Honors Choir. Five students successfully auditioned into the 2014 NJ All-State Choruses. Additionally, the RHS Raven Chorus ended the year by taking 1st place in our division and the Select Choir won Best Overall High School Choir at a competition held in Hershey, PA. We have a fine reputation of performing the best choral literature to the highest standard. We will continue to build our reputation as we work together to develop a strong and challenging choral music program. The Disney Trip is all set for February 5-9, 2015 and is open to all full-year chorus students. The cost will be approximately $1350 per student. Details will follow later this month after our travel company has a chance to solidify our itinerary and travel costs. Given the current economic climate, we realize that the trip cost may be a great hardship for some families. We will fundraise to help defray the cost (Gertrude Hawk, Cinderella Cheesecakes, and one other to be determined later). In the past, many students have been able to fundraise a majority of the trip cost by working hard. We also have a limited number of partial scholarships available as well as flexible payment plans. Please be sure to check my website often for important trip information. Included in this packet are the General Requirements, Grading Policies, Performance Attendance Requirements, Repertoire Policy, Honors Choirs Information, Spring Musical Information, and an Agreement Form. Please read and discuss this information with your child and return the agreement form no later than Friday, September 12th. Additionally, please submit the online Student Information Sheet located on my website. It is very important that each student and parent accept the responsibilities that are outlined in this packet. The return of this document and completion of the online form will count as a test grade and will help to ensure that the RHS chorus continues to improve and excel. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the choral music program, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at (609) 6320950 ext. 7021. I am looking forward to another successful and musically exciting year. Thank you for your continued support of the RHS Choral Music Department. Sincerely, David Westawski Director of Choirs “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” ― Aristotle RHS Choral Department Repertoire Policy The Raven Chorus performs a variety of musical styles and genres including English madrigals, Broadway, classical, African-American spirituals, South African praise songs, and popular music. Some of these songs utilize what might be considered religious texts. These songs serve an important role in the development of a student's musical understanding and knowledge. It is important to note that the role of sacred music is one of neutrality, neither promoting nor inhibiting religious views. Please visit my website for a link to the policy statement authored by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Course Prerequisites Certain Performing Arts classes have course prerequisites that must be fulfilled before a student can enroll. These are outlined below: Vocal Techniques: three semesters of high school Chorus Select Choir: Vocal Techniques, spring audition, B+ or better in every chorus marking period and exam Musical Theater: Vocal Techniques and Theater I **this class runs every other year** General Requirements 1. Arrive to class on time. All students should be seated in their assigned seats when the bell rings. Please use the restrooms and water fountain before entering the chorus room. Students will be marked late if they arrive after the bell without a pass from another teacher or the office. 2. Attend classes regularly. You are responsible for all work missed/songs learned during your absence. Listening examples must be made up within one week. 3. Keep the classroom clean by placing all paper and trash in the trashcans. I am not your garbage man! 4. Use correct alignment for singing when sitting or standing. You may sit back in your seats if your section is not singing. Failure to do so will result in a lowered weekly participation/effort grade 5. The Clavinova Keyboard and Boston piano are expensive musical instruments. They are not toys! Please do not play the keyboard without permission from the director. Students are not permitted to play the baby grand piano for any reason! 6. Bring the proper required materials to each class meeting: a. b. c. d. Choral folder and music, notebook paper Pencils Any other materials requested by your director Your RHS agenda book 7. Cooperate and focus while in class. Do not talk, write notes, or complete work for other classes during rehearsals. Cell phone use is prohibited during class. Each student is expected to participate fully in each rehearsal, including sectionals in the practice rooms. 8. Refrain from chewing gum, eating, or drinking in the chorus room. The underside of the desks is not the proper place for your gum! 9. Contact the choral director regarding make-up work and assignments. Any work missed during an excused absence can be made up within one week of a student’s return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to seek out the director, not the other way around! 10. Printed music is expensive and must be treated with care. All music will be marked with your folder number. If your music is lost or damaged, you are responsible for the full cost plus shipping and handling. Use only pencil to mark your scores. You are expected to mark your music with the rehearsal notes. Failure to do so will result in a lowered grade. 11. All choral students are required to participate in the performances given by the RHS chorus. Since Chorus is a performance-oriented course, attendance at scheduled performances is mandatory. Please see the Performance Grading Policy in the handbook for more information. 12. Permission to attend field trips for other classes will not be granted three classes before a scheduled performance. 13. All choral students are required to arrive at the performance site at the time specified by the director (usually 45 minutes before the scheduled performance). Tardiness will result in a lowered grade. 14. Attendance at evening dress rehearsals (one per concert) is mandatory. Students will be made aware of these rehearsals at least three weeks in advance. Tardiness or absence will result in a lowered grade. In order to perform in a concert, students must attend the Thursday night dress rehearsal in its entirety. After school jobs, lessons, sports practices and games, or lack of transportation do not constitute an excused absence! 15. The dress code for performances is included in this handbook and will be posted on Mr. Westawski’s website well in advance of each date. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the prescribed dress code. Failure to do so will result in a lowered performance grade or the student being sent home from the performance. Grading Policy Each student’s grade is determined through earning points in these three areas of evaluation: • Weekly Participation/Effort The participation of each member in any large organization is vital to its success. Such is the case with the RHS choral music program. Students learn to be part of a “team” working towards a common goal. The focus of the Weekly Participation/Effort category is the development of the student’s musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal skills. These skills include the ability to work with others, either as a section leader or as a team member. Also included are the abilities to follow rules and directions, to learn music in a timely fashion, to practice independently, demonstrate effort, observe deadlines, to work towards a common goal (performances), and to adapt to one’s environment (different classes, conductors, or performance/rehearsal spaces). The sense of pride and self-esteem that results from the student’s continued efforts in this area are invaluable. Some of the most common reasons for not earning one’s Weekly Participation/Effort points are: ! Failing to arrive on time to class ! Talking during morning announcements ! Failing to be prepared for class (no folder, music, or pencil) ! Unauthorized cell phone usage during sectionals ! Chewing gum ! Eating or drinking during rehearsal (water is acceptable) ! Failing to mark music during rehearsals ! Failure to use good singing technique ! Sitting on the floor during sectionals ! Disturbing the class or failing to participate fully in rehearsals ! Exhibiting an attitude unbecoming a team player, showing little effort The effectiveness of any music program can be measured by the progress made by each individual musician. Self-control, courtesy, respect and dedication are essential from each participating student in order for the group to attain a level of performance that will be satisfactory for all. Grading Scale for Weekly Participation/Effort: A+= Exemplary Achievement. The pupil has mastered the skills needed to produce a quality choral sound, shows initiative, applies knowledge gained to new situations, consistently shows exceptional effort in class, and always accepts responsibility for learning. A= Outstanding Achievement. The pupil has mastered most of the skills needed to produce a quality choral sound, above average in initiative, application of knowledge, always shows above average effort in class, and accepts responsibility for learning. B = Above Average Achievement. The pupil has mastered most of the skills needed to produce a quality choral sound, generally above average in initiative, application of knowledge, shows above average effort in class most of the time, and accepts responsibility for learning. C = Satisfactory Achievement. The pupil has mastered the basic skills needed to produce a quality choral sound and with direction and stimulation by the teacher is progressing in initiative, application of knowledge, effort, and accepting responsibility for learning. D = Below Average (Needs Improvement in) Achievement. The pupil has mastered few of the skills needed to produce a quality choral sound, shows little effort. F = Unsatisfactory Achievement. The pupil has not mastered the basic skills needed to produce a quality vocal sound, shows no effort. • Written/Oral Assessments Periodic evaluations of each student’s progress will be given in the form of oral and written assessments. Criteria for grading will be announced prior to each test or quiz. Some common areas for evaluation include: proper singing tone, correct articulation (style and technique), proper alignment, rhythmic accuracy, correct dynamics, note accuracy, etc. Student’s comprehension of various musical concepts and terminology discussed during rehearsals may also be evaluated. These evaluations may be announced or unannounced and will be varied in length and design. In the event of a student’s absence, the school policy regarding make-up work will apply. • Performances A very important aspect of any music program is concert performance participation. The student’s faithful participation in the group as well as his/her growth as a young musician are realized in a successful concert performance. The overall success of the organization relies on the respective and collective efforts of each individual. Therefore: Participation in all performances is mandatory. Any unexcused absence from a performance will result in the student’s quarter grade being lowered to a grade no higher than a “C”. All absences will be considered unexcused unless written notice is submitted and approved by the director at least three weeks before the performance date. It is important to note that the director may not approve every request. Piano lessons, sports tryouts, after school employment, trips, vacations, parties, and other activities do not constitute an excused absence! In the case of an excused missed performance, students must complete a written assignment that will take the place of the performance. This 4-5 paged, doublespaced paper must be on a choral topic chosen by the student and approved by Mr. Westawski. If a student is ill for a performance and has a signed doctor’s note, the absence will be considered excused. Medically excused absences still require the make-up assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to see Mr. Westawski for paper guidelines and a due date after your excused absence from a performance. Thursday After School Rehearsals Full Chorus rehearsals are held every Thursday after school from 2:10-2:50pm. This is an opportunity for students to come in for extra help and for all three sections of the chorus to rehearse together. While these rehearsals are not mandatory for members of the Raven Chorus, attendance is strongly encouraged, especially in advance of performance assessments or if a student is struggling in class. Tri-M Music Honor Society The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership. Through more than 5,500 chartered chapters, Tri-M has helped thousands of young people provide years of service through music in schools throughout the world. Candidates for this honor society must have been enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble for at least one semester each academic year. After induction, members must continue to be enrolled in a least one semester of an approved music ensemble. New Jersey Region and All-State Honors Choirs RHS Chorus students enrolled in full year chorus may audition for the Central Jersey Music Educators’ Association Region II Honors Choirs in December, 2014 and the New Jersey Music Educators’ Association All-State Honors Choirs in April, 2015. These elite ensembles are highly competitive and bring together the best high school singers in the state of New Jersey. Audition information will be posted on Mr. Westawski’s website as soon as it becomes available. RHS Spring Musical Many RHS Chorus students choose to participate in the annual spring musical. This year’s musical will be performed on March 20, 21, and 22, 2015. Important information regarding rehearsals and the time commitment required of cast members is already available on Mr. Westawski’s website. Voice Lessons and Summer Programs Students who would like to further their vocal studies beyond the choral curriculum are encouraged to study with a quality private instructor. Mr. Westawski can supply a list of teachers in the area. Additionally, summer programs such as the High School Vocal Institute held each year at Westminster Choir College in Princeton provide excellent opportunities for musical growth and vocal development. Scholarships are available for first time students, exceptional students, and those who have a financial need. Concert Dress Code Boys: Solid black dress pants (no pin stripes); black belt; solid black sports jacket (no pin stripes); collared, button down, long sleeved dress shirt; black tie; black socks; black dress shoes Girls: Solid black dress pants (no pin stripes; yoga or other stretch pants are not permitted!) or tea-length solid black dress (hem line must be to mid calf); solid colored dress shirt or blouse; black socks/stockings; black dress shoes, no stiletto heels or platform shoes (heel must be less than two inches) Dress Shirt Colors: December Concert: red, blue or green March Concert: white May Concert: spring colors: blue, pink, green, red, etc. **If a student is having difficulty purchasing concert dress, he/she should contact Mr. Westawski immediately so that arrangements can be made. ** Robbinsville High School Raven Chorus 2014-2015 Performance Dates (As of September 1, 2014) Fall Semester Performances (Sept-Jan) REF Holiday Bazaar Sunday, November 23, 2014 11:30am Robbinsville Twp Tree and Menorah Lighting Tuesday, December 2, 2014 6:00pm Holiday Concert Dress Rehearsal Sunday, December 14, 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 3:00pm 6:00-8:30pm Roma Bank Holiday Festival Wednesday, December 10, 2014 6:00pm Senior Center Performance Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:00am RHS Chorus Fundraiser Saturday, December 20, 2014 7:00pm MIOSM Concert Dress Rehearsal March 8, 2015 March 5, 2015 3:00pm 6:00-8:30pm Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal Sunday, May 3, 2015 Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:00pm 6:00-8:30pm Spring Semester (Jan-June) Law Enforcement Memorial Service Ocean Grove Auditorium Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:00am Robbinsville Choir Festival 12-8pm Wednesday, May 20, 2015 **Additional performances and/or competitions will be added at the discretion of the director. Chorus members will have at least three weeks notice for any and all changes or additions, and are fully expected to attend the performances** Non-Mandatory Dates CJMEA Region II Honors Choir Auditions Saturday, December 13, 2014 Chorus Trip to Disney! Thursday, February 5-Monday, February 11, 2015 NJ All-State Chorus Auditions Saturday, April 18, 2015 TBD TBD RHS Choral Department 2014-2015 Student Agreement Form We have read the general guidelines and grading policy for the RHS chorus program and agree to abide by the policies therein. We understand that failure to do so will result in a lowered grade. My child has also completed the online Student Information Sheet. ________________________________________ Student Signature ______________ Date ________________________________________ Parent Signature ______________ Date Return the signed Agreement Form and complete the online Student Information Sheet no later than Friday, September 12, 2014.
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