C O N C E R T AT T I R E Students will purchase a Blue Scullen Music Department polo that will be worn for all concerts. Students will be able to use this polo for Band, Chorus, and/or Orchestra during sixth, seventh, and eighth grades at Scullen. Polos will be ordered during the first few weeks of school. The cost for the 2014-15 school year will be $14.00. If your student does not have a polo, please fill out the order form. Chorus members must provide their own black pants, black socks, and black dress shoes for performances. Please avoid black jeans, black leggings and black gym shoes. A student who is not properly dressed will lose points from his/her Concert Attendance grade. SCULLEN MIDDLE SCHOOL 2815 Mistflower Lane Naperville, IL 60564 Choral Handbook 2014 - 2015 ABOUT THE DIRECT OR Mr. Ferguson joined the Scullen staff and the music department of District 204 in August of 2013, and is very excited to start his second year as a fellow Shark! Mr. Ferguson is a graduate of the University of Illinois, with a Bachelors degree in Comprehensive Music Education and a Masters in Choral Music Education. He has taught choral music at the Jr. High and High School levels in in both Oswego and Bloomington, Illinois. Most recently he was music director at Rosary High School, where he taught Chorus and Orchestra. Mr. Ferguson was the founding director of the Young Men’s Chorus at YNS (Young Naperville Singers), and he has been director of music and arts in churches in the Naperville area as well as Bloomington, Illinois. He is a frequent adjudicator for ICCA Varsity Vocals (a national student a cappella competition) and has a long history of participating in A Cappella Groups. His love of composing children’s music led to a summer working for Veggietales, where he wrote the music for the Veggietales VBS curriculum in 2000, along with Lisa Vischer (aka: Jr. Asparagus). Mr. Ferguson grew up in Oswego, and he and his family live in Plainfield, so he considers himself as a local, remembering when Route 34 was a twolane highway where people would speed 70 miles an hour to the mall. Mr. Michael Ferguson Choral Director, Vocal Instruction 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Chorus Honors Chorus Treble Singers & Bass Ensemble Solo/Ensemble IMEA Festival Spring Musical SCULLEN CHORUSES Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the choral department at Scullen Middle School! With an exciting year of music-making before us, it is important that teacher, parents, and students have a shared awareness and understanding of the Scullen Choral Department policies. This handbook outlines those policies and offers other important information that will help to ensure that the 2013-14 school year is a successful and enjoyable one for your child. Please read the handbook, discuss it with your family, and keep it for reference. Music in District 204 is a vibrant part of the curriculum. In addition to providing music education, our choral program is designed to meet the emotional, social, and cultural needs of every student. Goals for students include: 1. To discover, appreciate, and value their talents, the talents of others, and the beauty of music. 2. To develop the desire to improve their performance as well as increase knowledge of music theory, composition, and mastery of sightreading. 3. To gain a sense of self-fulfillment by striving to reach their full potential. 1. To develop a lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music, and a desire to be lifelong learners - and participants - of the arts. I hope that you will share these goals and help to provide the best possible experience for everyone. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions that you may have. TIPS for SUCCESS Arrive on time to rehearsals and performances. Students who arrive tardy to class will lose half of their participation grade for the day. Chorus members who are late for performances miss out on valuable last minute rehearsal time and may not be able to perform with their classmates. Leave Food, Drinks, and Gum outside of class. To avoid choking hazards and to ensure that students are using the best vocal technique possible, there is no food, drink, or gum allowed in the chorus room besides water. Students chewing gum will lose half of their participation grade for the day. Listen carefully and follow directions. Excessive talking and/or disruptive behavior indicates that a student is not contributing his/her best to the ensemble’s efforts. Respect classmates The music-making of others should be encouraged and celebrated by everyone in the classroom. We all have different abilities and talents to share with each other. Respect classroom and classroom materials We should take good care of the Chorus Room and classroom materials, such as music, chairs, etc. for future music-making at Scullen. PA R E N T VO LU N T E E R S I am looking forward to a great year! Mr. Mike Ferguson Choral Director, Scullen Middle School 630.428.7000 ex 8705 [email protected] Parent support and volunteers are essential for the success of a choral music program. Please either sign up through your son’s or daughter’s online questionnaire, talk to Mr. Ferguson at Curriculum Night (Sept. 9, 11, 15) or contact Mr. Ferguson at (michael_ferguson @ipsd.org). EXTRA & CO-CURRICULAR Scullen Chorus students have the opportunity to audition for several extra and co-curricular activities that include Honor Chorus, ILMEA District IX Junior Chorus, IGSMA Solo & Ensemble, Treble Singers, Bass Ensemble, and the Spring Musical. Honors Chorus (Audition Open to ALL GRADES) 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in the choral department are allowed to audition for Honor Chorus. Students will work on challenging musical repertoire from a wide range of musical genres. The ensemble will rehearse at 6:50 am on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Multiple performances are also required (additional concerts outside of curricular performances). Auditions for Honor Chorus will be held on September 10th, 11th, and 12th after school. ILMEA District IX Junior Chorus (Open to 7th and 8th Grade Students) 7th and 8th grade Chorus students may audition to participate in the Illinois Music Educators’ Association District IX Junior Chorus. During this all-day event, students will work with a guest conductor and perform with students from various area schools. Auditions will take place on October 5th at Yorkville Middle School. Preliminary Auditions will be held simultaneously with Honors Chorus auditions on September 10th, 11th, and 12th. All students that want to audition in October MUST complete a preliminary audition with Mr. Ferguson. Only 30 students from Scullen may audition, according to IMEA policies. IGSMA Solo and Ensemble (Open to ALL GRADES) Illinois Grade School Music Association Solo & Ensemble Contest allows students the opportunity to rehearse and perform a solo (7th or 8th grade) or small group ensemble piece (All grades). Singers will receive scores and feedback from judges at the contest. Singers will rehearse their pieces independently and receive some musical guidance from the director during after -school practice sessions. There is no audition for Solo/Ensemble for the 2013-14 school year. Sign ups will occur in November. There is a small fee. Spring Musical Production (Open to ALL SCULLEN STUDENTS) Each year, Scullen Middle School presents its Spring Musical in April. This year the musical will be held on April 16th and 17th. Students will receive specific information about the spring musical in December. Auditions will be held in January. All rehearsals take place outside of school hours. Treble Singers & Bass Ensemble (Open to ALL SCULLEN STUDENTS) Scullen Choral Department will be offering two extra-curricular choruses this year: Bass Ensemble (boys) & Treble Singers (girls), which will being rehearsals after the first concerts in October. The groups will be singing a variety of styles, including a cappella music, and music from different world cultures. They will be combining forces for several pieces later in the school year as a full mixed chorus, similar to Collage Choir in the previous two years. R E QU I R E D M AT E R I A L S All Scullen Chorus students will need: - 1/2 inch, 3-ring binder (black) - Pencil for each rehearsal GRADING POLICY Students will receive a letter grade each quarter based on the following criteria: 40% Weekly Participation 30% Concert Attendance 30% Written Assignments (In-class assignments, online assignments, homework, quizzes, reflection papers) Weekly Participation grades: Each week, students will receive a score out of a maximum of 5 daily points based on their attitude, effort, behavior, attention, and cooperation in class during that week. Students will not be penalized for absences excused by the Scullen Middle School Main Office. Concert Attendance grades: Each chorus student is expected to attend and participate in all concert performances. Choral performances are mandatory and worth 30% of a student’s quarterly grade. The calendar of this year’s mandatory performances can be found on the back of this handbook. Please mark your calendar with the performance dates as soon as possible. Additional performances or changes may be added with reasonable advanced notice. If your child needs to miss a performance due to an extreme situation, a note signed by a parent must be presented to the director at least 2 weeks prior to the performance. The director will then determine whether or not the absence will be excused. Students with excused absences will complete an alternate assignment. Sickness or family emergences will be handled on an individual basis. An unexcused absence from a performance will result in a loss of credit and a final grade lowered by 30%. Written Assignments grades: In-class assignments, homework, quizzes, reflection papers, and other written work will be assigned at the instructor’s discretion. In all cases, students will have advanced knowledge of quizzes and due dates. 2014-2015 Choral Calendar Date Event Location 9/9,11,15/ 2014 Curriculum Nights (6th, 7th, 8th) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Scullen Middle School 2014-2015 Choral Calendar Date Event Location 12/12/14 CSO trip (7th and 8th grade) Symphony Center 9/10,11,12/ Honors Chorus ILMEA Auditions 2014 (Interested students will sign up for a time slot after school) Scullen Chorus Room 12/16/14 7:30 PM - 8th Grade BCO Concert Scullen Gymnasium 10/03/14 6th grade chorus lunch rehearsal Scullen Chorus Room 2/21/15 IGSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest (Selected Students Only) Still Middle School 10/04/14 IMEA District IX Junior Chorus Auditions Yorkville Middle School, Yorkville 2/28/15 Granger Middle School Fall BCO Demonstration Concerts: 6:30 pm - 6th grade BCO, & JE (no Honors Chorus) 8:00 pm - 7th grade BCO & 8th grade chorus (no 8th grade B/O) Scullen Gymnasium District 204 Chorus Festival (Honors Chorus Only) 3/4/15 Spring Chorus Concerts 6:30 pm - 6th Grade and Honors Chorus 8:00 pm - 7th and 8th Grade Chorus Scullen Gymnasium 11/05/14 Boys Chorus Festival 5:30-7:30 PM WVHS 11/08/14 ILMEA Junior Festival All Day - (Selected Students Only) MVHS 11/12/14 8th Grade Sing and Share (Interested 8th Grade Students) Neuqua Valley (Gold Campus) Honors Chorus Sing and Share 5:30-7:15 PM WVHS 11/21/14 6th grade CSO trip Symphony Center 12/09/14 6th grade chorus lunch rehearsal Chorus Room 12/10/14 6:00 BCO Concert (JB, JE, SS) 7:45 BCO Concert (HC, WE, CS) Scullen Gymnasium 10/06/14 11/18/14 Treble Singers & Bass Ensemble ***Bolded items are required events*** for ALL Scullen Chorus Members 4/16-17/ 2015 MUSICAL 7:00 pm (Thursday and Friday) Scullen Cafeteria 5/06/15 Honors Concert (Honors Chorus, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Strings) Scullen Gymnasium 5/12/15 Funway Trip Funway, Batavia, IL 5/16/15 Fine Arts Festival NVHS (6th, 7th and 8th Grade Choruses only, NO HONORS CHORUS) 5/26/15 Middle School Honor Chorus Concert 7pm (Honor Chorus Only) Neuqua Valley High School Auditorium ***Bolded items are required events *** for ALL Scullen Chorus Members
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