REA 9 Database Clean-up Speaker Notes

REA 9 Database Clean-up Speaker Notes
REA 9 Database Clean-up
By Tim Creagh
[email protected] |
REA Webinar
The following are the speaker notes from a webinar given by Tim Creagh, Author of REA (Real
Estate Assistant). The topic of this session was Cleaning up your database – standardizing
entries, locking down fields, checking for duplicates, exporting data to excel for clean-up, using
global replace to fix existing entries and cleaning up import database before it contaminates
your production data...
Garbage in, Garbage Out has become more than a famous saying. It effects most of now as we
add more information to our systems. This class focuses on methods to help you eliminate bad
data and clean up your existing data.
We will focus on 6 levels to help:
Standardizing your data entry
Locking down fields using popup tables
Merging duplicate records
Cleaning up field entries using global replace
Cleaning up import data before you import it
Exporting data to Excel and importing it back into REA 9
Standardizing your data entry
Create rules within you company to standardize the way data is entered. For example come up
with address standards and ask everyone to follow those. You’ll find examples in the REA
Manual and REA Help file under address standards. Keep it simple and create rules for any field
that you use for searches.
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Locking down fields using popup tables
1. Right click on the field you want to lock.
2. Click Properties on the fly-out menu.
3. Check the box labeled “Must use popup table.
a. If you want to allow multiple choices click “Comma-separated values” too.
4. Click OK.
5. In the field click the button with “…” and fill in the default answers.
Merging duplicate records
1. Open the table you want to duplicate check.
2. Set any query you want to limit the check.
3. Click the Lookup menu and select Check for duplicates.
4. Select the field(s) you want to use for the check.
a. It’s best to start with a lot of fields and then remove fields in successive checks.
5. Highlight the fields you have selected and click Fuzzy.
6. Click OK.
7. Pull down the Fields combo box and set the fields you want to see.
8. Click the plus sign to see the duplicates.
9. Drag the record you don’t want and drop it on the record you do want.
Cleaning up field entries using global replace
1. Query your database for the records you want to replace.
2. Click the Lookup menu.
3. Choose Global Replace.
4. Set the field you want to replace
5. Set the value.
6. Click OK
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Cleaning up import data before you import it.
Check your data in Excel before you import it into REA. Never assume the data you are
importing has standards. For the most part data you get from other sources has not been
standardized or if it has the data won’t follow your standards.
1. Use Find and Replace in Excel to replace values in the data with values you use.
2. Use the Sort capability in Excel to view the data in combinations that make it simple to
standardize the information.
3. Remove columns that contain bad data.
Exporting data to Excel and importing it back into REA 9
1. Use Global Replace to create a unique id in your data.
a. Open the table you want to fix
b. Click the Lookup menu and select Global Replace.
c. Field to replace is “Import record”.
d. Click Expression and click the button with “…”.
e. Click Functions.
Click the plus sign in fron of Miscellaneous.
g. Double-Click “NewID()”
h. Click OK
2. List the fields you want to export to Excel.
a. Press F5 to list your data.
b. Click the Fields combo and select the fields you want.
c. MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE “Import record” as one of the fields.
d. Import record will contain a bizarre set of characters that guarantees a unique
identifier for each record. Example 555889b-b444-3dod-a556d-47ceaafil3e39
e. Click the Excel button
Fix your data DO NOT CHANGE the import record field.
3. Import your cleaned up data back into REA.
a. MAKE A BACKUP from the file menu first.
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b. Create your import map from the file menu.
c. Set the key to Import Record and match that field to your database.
d. Set the import to updates existing records “Always”.
Please join us for other Webinars which you can sign up for on our web site at or call us at (858) 729-0154 ext 2 for questions and more information.
Tim Creagh | President
Real Estate Assistant
7863 Girard Ave Suite 303 | San Diego, CA 92037
W 858.729.0154
F 858.777.5737
[email protected] |
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