1 Ph : 0661 – 6536027 9238103679 Fax-0661-2400096 E-mail: [email protected] EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION MODEL HOSPITAL, ROURKELA, ODISHA 769004 TENDER FORM For Supply of X-Ray films, X-Ray Chemicals etc. 2 Ph : 0661 – 6536027,9238103679, Fax-0661-2400096, E-mail: [email protected] EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION MODEL HOSPITAL, ROURKELA::ORISSA 769004 No. – 442-U-16/27/5/MH/RKL-2011 Date-------------------- Sub: Tender Enquiry for Supply of X-Ray films, X-Ray Chemicals etc. to ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4. (NOTE: The envelope containing the tender as well as subsequent communications should be addressed and delivered to ‘The Medical Superintendent’, ESIC Model Hospital, Jail Road, (Near Govt. ITI), Rourkela (Orissa) 769004. All communications must be addressed to the officer named above by title only and not by name.) Schedule dates for Tender: 1. Issue of Tender documents : From 24.11.2014 to 15.12.2014 2. Last Date for submission of Tender/ quotation up to : 16.12.2014, 2.00 P.M. 3. Opening of Quotations at : 16.12.2014, 2.30 P.M. From, The Medical Superintendent ESIC Model Hospital Jail Road, (Near Govt. ITI) Rourkela (Orissa) 769004. Cont… 3 No. – 442-U-16/27/5/MH/RKL-2011 Date-------------------- To ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. Sub: Tender Enquiry for Supply of X-Ray films, X-Ray Chemicals etc. to ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4. Sir/Madam, The Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4 invites sealed tenders in Two Bids from the suppliers / dealers / manufactures for supply of the X-Ray Films, X-Ray Chemicals etc, as per the specification and quantity detailed in the schedule attached, for a period of six months (which may be further extended for six months), as per the following terms and conditions. The requirements as calculated for the period of six months, will be purchased initially in bulk and only sparingly afterwards as per need. The shelf life of the supplied item should not have passed more than One sixth (1/6th) of its shelf life from the date of manufacture at the time of supply. If you are in a position to quote for supply in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule. Please submit your quotation to the Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4. Each and every page of the tender document should be serially numbered and duly signed by the tenderer with stamp and returned in original and intact in the Tech. Bid. Cont… 4 The Tender/ contract will be governed as per following Terms and Conditions. 1. Issue of Tender Paper: The Terms and Conditions of the Tender are given in the Tender document, which may be obtained from the office of the Medical Superintendent in person by bonafide applicant or their authorized representatives by applying in their letterhead during working hour with in the specified date. The tender documents can also be downloaded from the website www.esic.nic.in. In such a case the same may be signed and submitted on or before the closing time as per the procedure mentioned herein after. Tender Documents/ forms are not transferable. 2. Preparation of Tender: a) Tenderers are requested that, before quoting their rates or sending tender, the tender form may please be readout thoroughly( line by line ) so as to have a clear knowledge of the requirement contained therein, otherwise purchaser will not be held responsible for any error/over sight of his own. b) The tenderer are advised to submit the tender in two bids viz. Techno-commercial bid and Price Bid separately under Two – Bids system The Technical Bid and the Price Bid are to be submitted in separate closed covers super-scribed Price Bid/Technical Bid and the Tender enquiry No. with Date. c) Both the Price Bid & Technical Bid envelopes be put again in an outer envelope superscribing, “Quotation for X-Ray films & XRay Chemicals,” the Tender Enquiry No. with date and the last due date for submission and addressed to the Medical Superintendent , ESIC Model Hospital, Jail Road, (Near Govt. ITI), Rourkela (Orissa) 769004. Cont… 5 d) The original quotation call letter containing the Terms and condition and the annexures should be returned in original, intact, after filling up and signing in full on each page, whether you are quoting for any item or not. If any item in the schedule is not being tendered for or any information or document not submitted the corresponding space against the item should be defaced by some such words as ‘not quoting’ or ‘not submitted’ or ‘not mentioned’. e) In the event of the space on the schedule form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each such additional page must be numbered consecutively, bearing the tender No. and be duly signed by the tenderer and references to the additional page must be made in the Tender Form. f) Each and every page /pages of tender documents should be serially numbered and duly signed by the tenderer with stamp. 3. Earnest Money Deposit: The tender(s) shall have to deposit an amount of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only), by way of Demand Draft, drawn in favour of ESI Fund A/c No. -1, ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4 as Earnest Money Deposit with their tender and is to be submitted in the Technical Bid. Tender without EMD, will not be considered in any case. No previously submitted EMD or Security Deposit or Any other fund kept with this Institution including pending Bill for payment will not be considered against EMD of this Tender. Cont… 6 In the event of withdrawal / revocation of tender before the date specified for acceptance, the EMD will be forfeited. In the event of acceptance of the tender the EMD will be released without interest, after submission of requisite Security Deposit. However, the EMD will be refunded without interest, in case of unsuccessful tenderer(s). 4. Signing of tender: a) The tender is liable to be ignored, if incomplete information is given therein or documents (if any) asked for in the tender are not duly filled or not furnished. b) The individual signing the tender or other documents connected with the contract must specify whether, i. Sole proprietor of the firm or his attorney? ii. Register active partner of the firm or his attorney? iii. Per procreation? iv. Manager of the Firm ? In case of point No.-(ii) above, the photocopy of the documents empowering him to do so should be attached. 5. Delivery of tender: The tenders duly complete in all aspect must be submitted in double covers as per two bid system superscribing as per point No.-2 above and addressed to the Medical superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4 on or before the closing date mentioned elsewhere, in person or by registered post only. In the event the date being declared a closed holiday for Govt. Offices, the closing date will be the next full working day, 2-00 PM (excluding Saturday which is half day.) Cont… 7 All tenders must reach this office not later than the date and time notified in the Tender Notice/ stated in the Tender Document. Any Tender received after that shall be ignored/ rejected. 6. Period for which the offer will remain open: This contract will be valid for a period of six month from the date of award of contract (unless short closed before that, by the Medical Superintendent) and may be further extended for six months on satisfactory performance of contract and at the discretion of the Medical Superintendent on the same Terms & Conditions. 7. Opening of Tenders: Technical Bids of Tenders are to be opened on the date specified in the schedule, in the conference hall of this Hospital. If the date is declared as Holiday, the quotations will be opened at the same time on next full working day (excluding Saturday which is half day.) All tenderers or their authorized representative(s), if they desire, may be present at opening of the Tender. Date and time of the opening of the Price Bids will be intimated to the Technically qualified Bidders in due course. 8. Acceptance of the Tender: Acceptance of the tender will normally be on the basis of minimum quoted rate inclusive of all Taxes. The quotationers may be asked to give Sample of their quoted item for demonstration and use, prior to selection. On finalization of the tender the selected tender(s) will be communicated by a letter of offer/Approval Letter. 9. Security Deposit/ Performance Security: The EMD of the successful Tenderer will be released after submission of Security Deposit by way of Demand Draft, drawn in favour of ESI Fund A/c No. -1, ESIC Model Hospital, Rourkela-4, which is likely to be 5% of the total approximate order value. The Security Deposit Cont... 8 will be kept with the hospital throughout the contract period and will be released without interest, as per rule after completion of the contract period and all contractual obligations. 10. Reservations: i. The Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any or all tender without assigning any reason whatsoever and also reserves the right to award any or part or full contract to any successful agency(ies) at his discretion and this will be binding on the tender. ii. The quantity in the Tender can be increased or decreased to any extend depending upon the actual requirement. 11. Delivery of Supplies: The delivery of items as per Supply Order is to be made within a period of 21 days. In case of failure, the ordered item may be purchased elsewhere and the extra amount involved will be recovered from the approved supplier as Risk Purchase. (Ref. Point No.-13, mentioned herein after). Supplies shall be accepted subject to inspection by the Medical Superintendent or his authorized representative. Any defect found in the supplied material will render the supplies open to rejection and decision of the Medical Superintendent shall be final legally binding. The rejected supplied material shall be returned to the suppliers at their risk and cost. The items to be supplied should be of standard quality and should not have passed more than 1/6th of shelf life from the date of manufacture at the time if supply. 12. Responsibility of the contractor: i. The contractor will be solely responsible for the execution of the contract in all respect in accordance with the terms and conditions. ii. In no case subcontracting is allowed. 13. Risk Purchase & Recovery of sums due: Failure or delay in supply any or all items as per Requisition / Purchase Order, Specification or Brand prescribed in the tender; shall be treated as Cont... 9 ‘non compliance’ or ‘breach of contract’ and the order in part or full be arranged from alternative source(s) at the discretion of the hospital authority and the difference in price has to be paid by the tenderer. The amount will be recovered from any of his subsequent / pending bills or Security Deposit. In case the sum of the above is insufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the contractor shall pay to the purchaser, on demand the remaining balance due. 14.Quality clause: The items to be supplied should be of standard quality. In case any of the items found substandard or of short expiry, the tenderer is liable to make full payment of the entire quantity supplied, irrespective of the fact that part or whole of the supplies may have been consumed. In case of supply of any expired items or spurious items the tenderer is likely to be black-listed for 5 years for future participation in any ESI tender. Besides this, any other legal action deemed fit will be taken. 15. Billing : All delivery challans should bear the MRP, Selling price of the item, Taxes claimed, batch No. of the item, manufacturing date, Expiry date etc, and bills should be submitted with reference to supply Order, in triplicate without claiming instant payment. 16.Payments:Payment will be made preferably through ECS against the bills raised for the items supplied as per Supply Order. Payments of the bills duly complete in all respects and submitted in time will normally be arranged within 10-30 days, from the date of presentations. However, no claim shall be made by the tenderer against ESI Corporation in respect of interest or damage in case the payment is delayed for any reason beyond the control of ESI Corporation. Cont… 10 17. Arbitration: In case of any dispute between the purchaser and the tenderer, arising under the contract or in regard to the interpretation of the terms and conditions of the contract, decision of the Medical Superintendent or any other officer nominated by him to act as arbitrator in the disputes, shall be final and binding on both the parties of this contract. In case of any disputes all the legal matters will be settled under the jurisdiction of the court of Rourkela. Medical Superintendent 11 Annexure-I Sl No. Particular 1. Name and Address of the tenderer with Telephone No. and e-mail ID EMD Name of Bank 2. Detail Amount Detail of EMD 3. 4. TIN/SRIN/CST Certificate (Enclose self attested Photocopy) Registration No. Valid VAT Clearance Certificate/ Equivalent certificate along with Photocopy of VAT Receipt for quarter ending 31.03.2014 (Enclose self attested Photocopy) Date of issue Validity 5. 6. PAN/TAN (Enclose self attested Photocopy) PAN No./TAN No. Detail of individual signing the i. Sole proprietor of the tender or other document firm or his attorney? connected with the contract (Tick in appropriate Box) ii. Register active partner of NB: the firm or his attorney? (In case of point No. ii above, self attested photocopy of Partnership Deed and other documents iii. Per procreation? empowering him to do so, should be attached.) iii. Manager of the firm? Signature of the quotationer with Date and stamp 12 No. – 442-U-16/27/5/MH/RKL-2013 Date-------------------- Annexure-II Detail of the item Sl. No. (1) 1. Name of the item (2) Approximate quantity to be procured in 1st Supply Order (3) X- Ray Film 14”x17” ( 50 sheets Pack) Green 08 Pkts. 2. X- Ray Film 15”x12” ( 100 sheets Pack) Green 15 Pkts. 3. X- Ray Film 12”x12” (100 sheets Pack) Green 10 Pkts. 4. X- Ray Film 12”x10” (100 sheets Pack) Green 10 Pkts. 5. X- Ray Film 8”x10” (100 sheets Pack) Green 10 Pkts. 6. X- Ray Film 6 ½”x 8½” (100 sheets Pack) Green 10 Pkts. 7. 8. 9. Dental X-Ray Film (150s’ pack) Green X-Ray Developer Power (9Lit.) X-Ray Fixer Power (9Lit.) Brand (4) Quoted Rate (Inclusive of all Taxes) (5) (This column only to be filled in Price Bid) In figures In words 5 Pkts. 12 Pkts. 12 Pkts. Signature of the quotationer with date and stamp NB: 1. Annexure II, to be submitted in Technical bid with filling of column 1, 2 , 3 & 4 only. 2. In Price Bid, Photocopy of Annexure II submitted in Tech. Bid to be used with mention of Quoted Prices (column No. 5). 13 CHECK LIST (To be submitted in Tech. Bid) Sl. No Particular Submitted ( ) or Not ( X ) 1. Submission of Quotation as per Two Bid System 2. Original Quotation Call letter with all the schedules duly signed and stamped with date to be submitted in Tech. Bid. 3. EMD of Rs 10,000/- in Technical Bid 4. Photocopy of Certificate assigning TIN/SRIN/CST duly attested. 5. Photocopy of valid VAT clearance certificateVAT/ Tax receipt for quarter ending 31.03.2014, duly attested. 6. Photocopy PAN/TAN Card duly attested. 7. Photocopy of documents related to point No.-5 of Annexure-I, duly attested 8. Extra documents enclosed (if any) 9. Check List in Technical Bid 1. 2. Signature of the quotationer with date and stamp
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