VoIP 미디어 전송기술 (RTP/RTCP) WIZnet 김구환 [email protected] Contents RTP/RTCP AVT-WG RTP RTCP Trends Related URLs -2- VoIP forum AVT-WG RTP/RTCP Audio/Video Transport Working Group specify experimental protocols for real-time transmission of audio and video over UDP and IP multicast RTP Mailing Lists General Discussion:[email protected] To Subscribe: [email protected] Archive: ftp://nic.es.net/pub/mailing-lists/mail-archive/rem-conf -3- VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP RTP goals transmission realtime & not-reliable streaming data focus on both unicast and multicast RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol) RTP is still an application layer protocol end-to-end transport protocol for real-time data (such as audio, video, simulation data) not complete, but common in all real-time applications Provide a suitable framework for any encoding (complete protocol : RTP framework + payload format) Transmission over any network connection protocol-independent not affected by any addressing(one-way RTCP in ADSL) -4- VoIP forum RTP/RTCP Protocol Stack for Multimedia conference APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS Audio AudioConference, Conference,Video VideoConference, Conference,Shared SharedTools, Tools,Session SessionDirectory, Directory,Conference ConferenceControl Control RSVP RTP/RTCP SCCP SIP SCIP SDP SDAP HTTP SMTP UDP UDP TCP TCP IP IP ICMP ICMP IGMP IGMP Integrated Integrated Services Services Forwarding Forwarding -5- VoIP forum RTP - Application RTP/RTCP Configuration for Audio and Video Conference AUDIO VIDEO RTP RT CP RTP RT CP even port odd port even port odd port UDP AUDIO RTP VIDEO RT CP RTP RT CP UDP IP IP -6- VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP Dynamic payload type assignment(= Adaptive encoding) payload type can be changed during transmission Sync various streams not in RTP/RTCP but in application level need playback buffer or additional RTCP-like management stream RTP timestamp RTP uses a linear monotonical clock to provide higher level sync. Higher rate than the smallest block size(Faster than audio sample rate) Flow & Congestion Control by RTCP sender and receiver reports interarrival jitter field in SR measures jitter over a certain interval -> indicate congestion Congestion Control - monitor program ▷ only receive RTCP - sender changes the format/compression or articulations -7- VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP Packet Source Tracing SSRC(Synchronization Source) - 32bit ID network address independent randomly chosen globally unique within a particular RTP session Mixer & Translator Mixer - e.g. mixing of different video streams into one Translator - e.g. network gateway or encoding format changes So, need for tracing the packet sources Use CSRC(Contributing Source ID) in RTP header -8- VoIP forum RTP/RTCP (1)Mixer accepts each 64 Kbps stream ISDN receiver MIXER (2)...and combines all three into a single 64 Kbps stream Mixer lowers bandwidth requirements of overall conference (1) Translator accepts each 1 Mbps stream Frame Relay (1.5Mbps) TRANSLATOR Receiver (2) ...and converts each to a lower quality, 256 kbps stream Translator lowers the bandwidth each source requires -9- VoIP forum RTP/RTCP SSRC: A source A SSRC: A SSRC: B SSRC: C ISDN SSRC: C SSRC: B source B source C MIXER: E SSRC: E CSRC: A,B,C receiver Mixer converts synchronization sources to contributing sources source A SSRC: A Frame Relay SSRC: A SSRC: B SSRC: C SSRC: C SSRC: B source B source C SSRC: A SSRC: B Receiver TRANSLATOR: D SSRC: C Translator preserves the synchronization source ID - 10 - VoIP forum RTP/RTCP Tracing Sources E6 E1 E6: 15 E1:17 M1 M1: 48(1,17) E2:1 T1 M1: 48(1,17) E4: 47 T2 E6: 15 M1: 48(1,17) E4: 47 M3: 89(64,45) E7 E4: 47 E2 E3 E4 E3: 64 M2 M2: 12(64) M3 M3: 89(64,45) E5: 45 source:SSRC(CSRC) E5 - 11 - VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP Reliability RTP is non-reliable protocol Note that RTP itself does not provide any mechanism to ensure timely delivery or provide other quality-of-service guarantees, but relies on lower-layer services to do so. It does not guarantee delivery or prevent out-of-order delivery, nor does it assume that the underlying network is reliable and delivers packets in sequence. RTP’s purpose is NOT to delivery data reliable or in time It’s designed to transmit realtime streams. No error detection or packet ordering RTP usually works on top of UDP ▷ uses UDP’s checksums, multiplexing top of TCP ▷ packet ordering, error free are guaranteed One can choose the under layer protocol for desired application RTP packet loss, out-of-order packets 16bit sequence #(random initial value) RR feedback to sender - packet rate, jitter - 12 - VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP Other Addressing RTP Session=(multicast addr + UDP port, RTP port, RTCP port) Multiplexing done by lower layer RTP level multiplexing is not be supported Security Depends on under layer protocols Confidentiality Authentication and Message Integrity Encryption method for RTP, RTCP packet is provided Compression RTP header can be compressed for low-speed connections - 13 - VoIP forum RTP RTP/RTCP RTP fixed header fields 0 31 IP Header UDP Header Sequence Number Timestamp Synchronization Source ID (first) Contributing Source ID … . (last) Contributing Source ID V P X CC M PT V :Version=2 (2bit) P : Padding (1bit) X : Extension (1bit) CC: Contributor Count (4bit) M :Marker (1bit) PT:Payload Type (7bit) Application Data - 14 - VoIP forum RTP Payload Types PT Payload 0 PCMU audio 1016 audio G721 audio GSM audio Unsassigned audio DV14 audio (8 Khz) DV14 audio (16 Khz) LPC audio PCMA audio G722 audio L16 audio (stereo) L16 audio (mono) TPS0 audio VSC audio MPA audio G728 audio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PT RTP/RTCP Payload 16-22 Unassigned audio 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-71 72-76 77-95 96-127 - 15 - RGB8 video HDCC video CelB video JPEG video CUSM video Nv video PicW video CPV video H261 video MPV video MP2T video Unassigned video Reserved Unassigned dynamic VoIP forum RTP/RTCP 0 31 IP Header IP Header UDP Header UDP Header RTP Header Sequence Number Timestamp Synchronization Source ID V P X CC M PT SBIT EBIT I V GOBN H.261 Message MBAP QUANT HMVD VMVD H.261 Stream H.261 streams build on the basic RTP header - 16 - VoIP forum RTP - Header Extension RTP/RTCP if X bit is set variable-length header extension is appended to the RTP header first 16-bits of header extension are left open for distinguishing ID or parameters for profile length counts the # of 15 32-bit words in the extension 31 defined by profile length header extension ... RTP header extension format - 17 - VoIP forum RTCP RTP/RTCP Real-time Transport Control Protocol RTCP can be optional extension of RTP periodic transmission of control packets to all participants Exchanges QoS informations (lost packet, jitter, delay,...) ▷ Adaptive encoding by application RTCP Functions QoS monitoring used for adaptive encoding, and third party monitoring carry a persistent transport level ID for an RTP source, CNAME since SSRC may be changed(when SSRC conflict or program is restarted), receiver require CNAME to keep track of each participant control rate : scale up to a large # of participants convey minimal session control information - loosely controlled - 18 - VoIP forum RTCP - Packets RTP/RTCP RTCP Packet Format Packet Type Name of packet Functions 200 Sender Report(SR) Tx and Rx statistics from active senders 201 Receiver Report(RR) Rx statistic from not active senders 202 Source Description(SDES) Source description items(CNAME) 203 Bye(BYE) indicate end of participation 204 Application Specific(APP) for application specific function - 19 - VoIP forum RTCP - Transmission Interval & Bandwidth RTP/RTCP Goal : scale automatically over session size Rules keep the overall traffic requirements for RTCP packets roughly since all RTCP is sent via multicast, every system can keep track as total # of systems increase, the frequency of report messages has to be decreased report generation is randomness if reports are synchronized ▷ heavy peak load each sender randomizes the calculated interval(> 5sec) Interval between RTCP packets varies [1/2, 3/2] * interval RTCP bandwidth < 5% of session bandwidth - 20 - VoIP forum RTCP - Transmission Interval RTP/RTCP Rules cont’d Senders are collectively allocated at least 1/4 of the control traffic bandwidth▷newly joining participants will quickly receive CNAME for senders RTCP packet interval > 5 sec Maintaining the Number of Session Members Add valid list if multiple packets carry new SSRC are received RTCP BYE packet or 30 minutes inactive ▷ Delete All sites calculate RTCP report interval roughly if no RTP, RTCP is received for 5*interval, then mark inactive(if valid) or delete it(if not yet valid) participant marked inactive will be counted until timeout 30 minutes - 21 - VoIP forum RTCP - Transmission Interval RTP/RTCP Allocation of Source description bandwidth SDES can slow down the rate SDES : mandatory CNAME item + several SDES items recommended that no more than 20% of the RTCP bandwidth allocated to a single participant be used to carry the additional information SDES items are optional(except CNAME) - 22 - VoIP forum RTCP - SR & RR Message RTP/RTCP Sender Report SR is issued if a site has sent any data packets during the interval since issuing the last report or the previous one, otherwise the RR is issued. Senders in a conference periodically transmit SR no sending data ▷ no SR Receiver Report If conference participant is not sending data itself, there is no need to generate SR Instead, RTCP allows transmitting periodic RR - 23 - VoIP forum RTP/RTCP 0 31 V P 이부분을 제외하면 RTCP receive report(RR) R Cnt Ptype:200 SSRC of Sender Length NTP Timestamp Sender’s Packet Count Sender’sByte Count SSRC of first source % lost Cummulative Packets Lost Extended Highest Sequence Number Received Interarrival Jitter Time of Last Sender Report Time Since Last Sender Report SSRC of second source % lost Cummulative Packets Lost Extended Highest Sequence Number Received Interarrival Jitter Time of Last Sender Report Time Since Last Sender Report Application Data RTCP sender report(SR) - 24 - VoIP forum RTCP - SDES Message RTP/RTCP Source Descriptions(SDES) only source generates SDES three level structure composed of a header, zero or more chunks, and each chunk items source generate SDES periodically 0 V P 31 R Cnt Length Ptype:202 SSRC or CSRC of first Source SDES Items SSRC or CSRC of first Source SDES Items SSRC or CSRC of first Source SDES Items - 25 - VoIP forum RTP/RTCP Source Description Items Val Abbrev. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 END CNAME NAME EMAIL PHONE LOC TOOL NOTE PRIV Name End of SDES list Unique and unambiguous name for the source Real user name of the source Email address Telephone number Geographic location Name of application or tool Notice about the source Private extensions Example of CNAME items 7 CNAME=1 15 length 31 user and domain name .... - 26 - VoIP forum RTP/RTCP Example of SDES CNAME=1 : [email protected] NAME=2 : Kuhwan Kim EMAIL=3 : [email protected] PHONE=4 : +82-2-3453-9473 LOC=5 : Pusan Korea TOOL=6 : Video tool 1.2 NOTE=7 : “My phone out of order !” PRIV=8 : private extension - 27 - VoIP forum APP Message RTP/RTCP Application specific message message for application testing V=2 P subtype PT=204 SSRC/CSRC name(ASCII) length Application-dependent data .... - 28 - VoIP forum BYE Message RTP/RTCP BYE other participants would detect absence eventually without BYE, but BYE tell them quickly 0 31 V P S Cnt Length Ptype:203 SSRC of first Source SSRC of Second Source SSRC of last Source R Length Reason for Leaving - 29 - VoIP forum RTP - Summary RTP/RTCP n RTP over UDP/IP RTP/RTCP functions payload type identification sequence numbering timestamping delivery monitoring multiplexing checksum multicasting RTP does not provide n Usages resource reservation timely delivery guaranteed QoS delivery out-of-order delivery prevention underlying network is reliable - 30 - audio and video conferences distributed simulation modeling real time control and measurement VoIP forum Current Trends RTP/RTCP Current situation ATM based higher performance, but update all existing network TCP/IP based RTP/RSVP use existing network and existing protocol(TCP/IP) Usage router producers implements RSVP RTP over ATM AAL5, IPv6 are in progress WINSOCK 2 supports both ATM & RSVP/RTP Qos schemes RTP is widely used now e.g. Netscape’s LiveMedia plug-ins - 31 - VoIP forum RTP Implementations Audio Free Phone NetMeeting NeVoT RAT vat Video Intel Internet Video Phone IP/TV NeViT vic Web Theater Translator & Mixers RTP/RTCP Internet Phone rtptrans Netscape LiveMedia RTP gateway Microsoft NetMeeting Tools PSTN Interconnection rtpdump rtpmon rtpplay rtpsend Libraries Flashware RADVision H.323 H.323 systems Audio-o n-d e m a n d Other conferencing systems Other older implementations RTP library - 32 - VoIP forum Related URLs RTP/RTCP Audio/Video Transport (avt) Charter http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/html.charters/avt-charter.html RTP http://www.CS.ORST.EDU/~kleinro/nacse/rtp/ About RTP and the AVT WG http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/rtp/ Henning Schulzrinne http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/ Internet KIG, TCP/IP-NG Working Grouphttp://pec.etri.re.kr/tcpip-ng/ Getting RTP Software at IASI http://www.iasi.rm.cnr.it/iasi/netlab/gettingSoftware.html vat, rtptools,RTP Library offer free codes http://www-nrg.ee.lbl.gov/vat/ http://www.iasi.rm.cnr.it/iasi/netlab/rtpReadme.html RFC, ID ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/ ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/ - 33 - VoIP forum
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