Documentary Storytelling for New Medi

PLEASE NOTE: Public Education courses are held contingent on a minimum enrollment, which is determined two business
days prior to a class start date. As a class may be cancelled, we recommend that you do not open or use your materials until
at least two days prior to your class start date. This way you are free to return your merchandise without a problem. Students
will be contacted only if there is a class cancellation or change.
Documentary Storytelling for New Media  Robert Cortlandt
12 Sessions: Wednesdays, January 28-April 22 (no class March 18)
7:30-10:30 pm  MCR & DMS2  $480
You are required to provide your own video and audio equipment, but everything from an iPhone to professional
audio and imaging tools are acceptable. Although computers are available during class time, it is recommended
that you have access to a computer for editing outside of class time.
It will be necessary to bring your own portable storage device (PSD)—such as a large capacity thumb drive or
external hard drive—to class as work cannot be saved on SFAI computers.
800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, CA 94133  415 .749.4554 