Outside Scholarships / Loans / Resources The information below has been submitted by outside sources. New listings are in red. General Financial Aid and Scholarship Information Finaid.org: A useful financial aid and scholarship resource: http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/ Financial Aid Path: Another useful site including information on types of scholarships and financial aid tips: http://www.financialaidpath.com/. NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators) Parent and Student Resource Center: Resources on different topics, links to financial aid videos, tips and more: http://www.nasfaa.org/students/About_Financial_Aid.aspx Student scholarship search e-book: A very helpful site for scholarship search information and scholarship listings: http://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/ebook StudentScholarships.org: Tips and scholarship listing at www.studentscholarships.org. New scholarships are posted regularly Education Portal: Website with information about careers and scholarships http://education-portal.com/index.html. Student Finance Domain: Website with helpful, easy to read information about financial aid and finances http://www.studentfinancedomain.com/. NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System): Tracks federal grants and loans for all students. Access information using your FAFSA PIN. www.nslds.ed.gov. Very useful for tracking amounts of loans and who holds them. SallieMae Scholarship Search: Register to be matched with personalized scholarship options: https://www.salliemae.com/plan-for-college/scholarships/scholarship-search. Pickett & Hatcher Educational Fund, Inc.: Low-interest loan (2% in-school and 6% repayment rate) for up to $10,000 per academic year. Loans also available for summer school. Undergraduate students in 4-year liberal arts college. Must be a U.S. citizen. Details: http://www.phef.org/. Fastweb.com: A general scholarship search website: www.fastweb.com . Scholarships for ‘average’ students: http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/average.phtml. Scholarshipexperts.com: A scholarship matching service with over 2.4 million scholarships. Many scholarships have deadlines throughout the year and summer. Visit www.scholarshipexperts.com for details. December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office Scholarshippoints.com: Online scholarship drawing program offering monthly awards of up to $10,000, available to high school seniors and currently enrolled college students. Details: http://www.scholarshippoints.com/. SchoolSoup: A large scholarship directory offering scholarships based on city, specific population, religious affiliation, disability, etc. Details: http://www.schoolsoup.com/scholarship-directory. ‘Prestigious’ Scholarships: A database of several outside scholarships: www.finaid.org/scholarships/prestigious.phtml. College Scholarships—Getting matched to scholarships you qualify for: A list of various scholarships specific to your major, ethnicity, club, etc: www.collegescholarships.com and www.scholarships.com. Resources and Scholarships for Specific Populations Scholarships for students with disabilities: http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/disabled.phtml Traumatic Brain Injury Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student with a documented diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury. Essay, transcript, and application required. Details: http://www.bressmanlaw.com/scholarship. Deadline: January 31, 2015. Native American Students: The website of the American Indian Graduate Center: http://www.aigc.com. Also: www.finaid.org/otheraid/natamind.phtml has links to other resources. Cancer Scholarship: Cancer patients and cancer survivors searching for scholarships, www.finaid.org/otheraid/cancer.phtml. College Assistance Migrant Program: A grant for migrant and seasonal farmworkers (or their children) to support completion of the first year of study in post-secondary education. Details: www.ed.gov/programs/camp/index.html. Hispanic College Fund: Undergraduate students from Hispanic background with 3.0 GPA, US citizens or permanent resident with financial need. Details: www.hispanicfund.org. Latino College Dollars: Scholarships for America’s Latino students. Award amounts, deadlines, and requirements vary. Visit www.latinocollegedollars.org for more information and applications. Black Excel: Hundreds of scholarships listed for African American students. Details: http://www.blackexcel.org. The Korean American Scholarship Foundation: A scholarship for students of Korean heritage studying in the US. Details: http://www.kasf.org. December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office IACAC Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a high school student graduating from an Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling member school. Must have at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate involvement in high school, community, or service to others. Details: http://www.iacac.org/scholarship. Deadline: February 20, 2015. Resources and Scholarships for Specific Majors, Future Careers, or Interests National Research Council Associateship Programs: Funding and opportunities available for Ph.D., Sc.D, and M.D. scientists and engineers interested in performing research with a sponsoring laboratory. Details: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/rap/. Annual deadlines throughout the year. F.C. Tucker Scholarship: A $1,500 scholarship for a student who demonstrates the values and principles crucial to running a successful business. Essay and personal statement required. Details: http://www.talktotucker.com/talk/spring-2015-scholarship. Deadline: December 15, 2014. Price Benowitz Social Justice Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student who has proven interest in furthering social justice through past educational, professional, and volunteer work experiences. Minimum GPA of 3.0. Details: http://pricebenowitzlaw.com/opportunities. Deadline: December 15, 2014. Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship: $10,000 or $5,000 scholarships for students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, or a related life science field. GPA > 3.0 and transcript required. Resume, recommendations, and projects/posters optional. Details: http://www.pierce-antibodies.com/PierceScholarship/index.cfm. Deadline: December 29, 2014. Military College Scholarship: A $2,500 scholarship for a deserving military student (child of a parent serving in the U.S. Armed Forces welcome to apply). Application required. Details: http://www.lowvarates.com/scholarship. Deadline: December 31, 2014. Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers: A $2,000 grant to encourage students seeking a career in the crushed stone, sand and gravel mining industry. Students must be majoring in, or intend to major in, a curriculum that will be compatible with a career in the aggregates industry such as (but not limited to) Engineering, Environmental Science, or Geology. Minimum GPA of a “B”. For application and details: http://www.iaap-aggregates.org/education.htm. Deadline (must be received by mail prior to): February 20, 2015. GreenPal Scholarship: A $2,000 scholarship for a student who is currently running a small business while in college or is planning to (if a high school senior). Must be majoring or minoring in business, economics, or finance. GPA of at least 3.0 required. Details: http://www.yourgreenpal.com/scholarship. Deadline: February 28, 2014 December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office Marketing Edge Scholarships: Various scholarships available to an undergraduate student interested in marketing. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA and must have taken two or more college level marketing courses. Deadline: April 15, 2015. Details: http://www.marketingedge.org/students/marketing-scholarships. Doctor on Demand Scholarship: A $5,000 scholarship for an exceptional student enrolled in a health-related field. Cover letter and survey required. Details: http://www.doctorondemand.com/scholarships. Deadline: July 31, 2015. Outside Scholarships, Some with Specific Deadlines Sussle Scholarship: A unique $1,000 scholarship for a student who contributes to Sussle’s encyclopedia. Scholarships awarded every month. Details: http://sussle.org/scholarship. Scholarships and awards for community service and volunteering: www.finaid.org/otheraid/service.phtml. Grasshopper Entrepreneur Scholarship: A $5,000 scholarship for those interested in entrepreneurship. Essay detailing your vision for entrepreneurship and your contribution, required. Details: http://grasshopper.com/entrepreneur-scholarship. Institute for Humane Studies Scholarships: Scholarships for students passionate about the ideas of liberty. Various amounts offered. Details: www.theihs.org. Deadlines vary. Young Christian Leaders Scholarship: $1,000 awarded monthly to one student who is from New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut. Details: http://www.yclscholarship.org. Deadline: Ongoing. Software Providers Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student who writes an essay on software innovation. Details: https://softwareproviders.com/scholarship. Deadlines vary: January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15, 2015. College Fitness Scholarship: a $700 Scholarship Award for any student that has been accepted or plans to attend a community college, technical/ trade college or university that has a fitness center. Two easy ways to apply. For more details: http://www.ecollegefitness.com/scholarshipawards2.html. Deadline: December 8th, 2014. Century Link Quote Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student who writes on the question, do you think we need gigabit internet speed? Why or why not? Details: http://www.centurylinkquote.com/scholarship. Deadline: December 15th, 2014. Scholarship America Dream Award: A $5,000 to $15,000 scholarship for students who demonstrate need in order to complete their associate’s or bachelor’s degree. Must have completed one year of postsecondary education by June 2015 to apply. Details: http://scholarshipamerica.org/dream_award.php. Deadline: December 15, 2014 December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office Best Price Nutrition and Health Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student who fills out a survey related to his/her health and fitness goals and an essay question. Details: http://www.bestpricenutrition.com/scholarship.html. Deadline: December 31, 2014. Home Insurance Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for a student who writes an essay on risk or natural disasters, as outlined in the essay prompt. Details: https://homeinsurance.com/home-insurance-scholarship.html. Deadline: December 31, 2014. Global English Editing Scholarship: A $1500 scholarship to a student with at least a 3.5 GPA who intends to make a contribution to America’s future. Details: http://geediting.com/about/scholarship-program. Deadline: December 31, 2014. I’m In Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for any undergraduate or graduate student who answers the question, “Do coupons influence your purchasing decisions…Why or why not?” Details: http://www.imin.com/college-scholarship/. Deadline: December 31, 2014. Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship: A $10,000 scholarship for students enrolled in high school, college, university or homeschool who submit an original photo, artwork, or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card. Details: http://www.gallerycollection.com/greetingcardscontests.htm. Deadline: February 18, 2015. Credit Repair Scholarships: Scholarships in the amount of $500-$3,000 for a student who writes an essay (and possibly makes a video) explaining how their credit report will positively or negatively affect their lives and how they can improve their credit score. Details: https://www.creditrepair.com/#scholarship. Deadline: February 28, 2015. Interior Deluxe Scholarship: A $1,500 scholarship for an undergraduate or graduate student who shows enthusiasm for using your college degree to impact your life. Article on your favorite lights used on their website required as part of the application. Details: http://www.interior-deluxe.com/content/58-scholarship-form. Deadline: April 15, 2015. B. Davis Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for students who write an essay about the three characteristics of leadership that they value most. Details: http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm. Deadline: May 25, 2015. Abbott and Fenner Scholarship: A $1,000 scholarship for high school juniors or seniors and college students. Essay describing your educational career and life goals required. Details: http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm. Deadline: June 15, 2015. December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office BigSun Scholarship: A $500 scholarship for student athletes. Must be involved at some sport at your institution (for high school seniors and college students) and write a short essay on how your participation in high school sports influenced you. Details: http://www.bigsunathletics.com . Deadline to apply: June 19, 2015. Study Abroad Scholarships Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship – a scholarship based on the financial aid one is already receiving (must be a recipient of the Federal Pell Grant) and the location of the study abroad program. Details: http://www.iie.org/en/Programs/GilmanScholarship-Program. Deadlines vary per semester. Freeman-Asia Grant – Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) is designed to support American undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East or Southeast Asia. Details: www.iie.org/freemanasia. NSEP – the National Security Education Program provides a unique funding opportunity for U.S. students to study in world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America & the Caribbean, and the Middle East). Recipients of this scholarship commit to seek careers in the federal government. Details: http://www.nsep.gov. CIEE Global Access Initiative (GAIN) – The GAIN Scholarship was developed to aid in diversifying study abroad by providing opportunities for students who are economically challenged, from diverse backgrounds or underrepresented fields of study. Details: http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/scholarships/gain/. Deadlines vary per semester. BUTEX North American Scholarships – Eight $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year to currently registered students at US universities who will study abroad at a BUTEX member institution in the UK. Details: http://www.butex.ac.uk/?q=node/12. DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service - association of the institutions of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany, whose goal is to promote closer international relations among universities and other institutions of higher education, especially through the exchange of individual students and scholars. Details: http://www.daad.org/. Rotary Foundation Scholarships - the Ambassadorial Scholarships Program of The Rotary Foundation is the world's largest privately funded international scholarships program. Details: https://www.rotary.org/. December 4, 2014 Wheaton College, Illinois - Financial Aid Office
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