THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE’S RISING STAR PROJECT PROUDLY PRESENTED BY THE SHERI AND LES BILLER FAMILY FOUNDATION RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL ALL-STUDENT PRODUCTION SPRING 2015 AN IMMERSION INTO PROFESSIONAL THEATER PRODUCING | DEVELOPMENT | MARKETING | COSTUMES STAGE MANAGEMENT | TECHNICAL THEATER | PERFORMANCE as APPLY NOW THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE’S RISING STAR PROJECT PROUDLY PRESENTED BY THE SHERI AND LES BILLER FAMILY FOUNDATION RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL In February 2015, The 5th Avenue Theatre main stage season will present the muchloved musical Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel. In March, following the professional production, local students (ages 14-19) will work together to mount an allstudent production of Carousel on the 5th Avenue stage using the same staging, props, set and costumes as the professional production. The Rising Star Project production will be entirely student-performed, including a student cast and student orchestra, and will be run by a student technical crew under the mentorship and guidance of theater professionals. The production will be coordinated, marketed, developed and produced by a student administrative team under the coaching of 5th Avenue Theatre staff. Students will be immersed in authentic experiences, gain an appreciation for collaboration, and will develop realworld skills used by theater professionals. IMPORTANT DATES (subject to change) Rehearsals and work sessions will be scheduled on weekdays and weekends, with minimal commitments during the school day. See the attached PRELIMINARY REHEARSAL SCHEDULE for details. September 5, 2014 Application deadline for all teams except Performers Producing, Development, Marketing & Communications, Stage Management, Stage Crew, Costumes &Wardrobe, Hair & Makeup September 15-19, 2014 Interviews for All Teams except Performers Producing, Development, Marketing & Communications, Stage Management, Stage Crew, Costumes &Wardrobe, Hair & Makeup Sept/Oct 2014 Students meet 5th Avenue mentors and plan work schedules October 15-29, 2014 Auditions and Performer Application deadline (Dates subject to change) Please see attached AUDITION SHEET for detailed information. November 3, 2014 All Student Cabaret #1 December 10, 2014 Technical Teams Orientation February 2, 2015 Parent Meeting February 4, 2015 All Student Meet and Greet Pizza Party February 7, 2015 Rehearsals begin February 9, 2015 All Student Cabaret #2 February 13, 2015 First Read/Sing All students are required to attend. March 12-13, 2015 Performances (Thursday, March 12 7pm invited dress rehearsal, Friday, March 13 10am student matinee and 7pm evening performance. All students must be available all day on Thursday, March 12 and Friday, March 13.) THE SHERI AND LES BILLER FAMILY FOUNDATION PROUDLY PRESENT THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE’S RISING STAR PROJECT RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL Students (ages 14-19) have the opportunity to audition or apply for a number of positions. All positions represent the many areas of producing a show and are crucial to the success of the production. ADMINISTRATIVE TEAMS THE PRODUCING TEAM will be led by the Associate Production Manager and will work with the Company Manager, Production and Casting Assistant, Education and Artistic staff. Duties will include casting support, rehearsal support, production paperwork, producing the student cabaret events, managing the project budget and providing cast and company management. THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM will work with The 5th Avenue Development department to raise funds for the production. Students on the development team will gain first-hand experience in fundraising for a national leader among non-profit theaters. THE MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS TEAM will develop marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, and promotional events for the production. Students on the Marketing & Communications team will learn to write press releases as well as design all the marketing collateral for the production. This team will work closely with 5th Avenue staff to ensure that the production has an audience. Students interested in graphic design and digital and video production are encouraged to apply. TECHNICAL TEAMS THE STAGE MANAGEMENT TEAM will work with 5th Avenue stage managers and assist during rehearsal preparation, rehearsals, tech and performances. Duties will include rehearsal set-up and strike, taking blocking notes, tracking paperwork, and running shows. THE STAGE CREW will work with the professional 5th Avenue technical crew. Mentors will teach the students industry safety standards, best practices and how to run the show. Technical team positions include props, deck carpenters, flymen, automation, light board, spot operator, electrics, sound, and sound board, THE COSTUMES & WARDROBE TEAM will work with The 5th Avenue Theatre professionals and learn how to fit costumes on actors, alter pieces and “rig” them for quick changes as well as have the opportunity to analyze costume designs and learn about the design process. Students will also iron and prep costumes for the show and run the show backstage during performances, including helping with quick changes. THE HAIR & MAKEUP TEAM will work with The 5th Avenue Theatre professionals. and will learn essential skills for hair/wigs and makeup. In addition, Hair & Makeup students will put wigs and makeup on actors and perform changes during performances. PERFORMANCE TEAMS CAST Auditions will be held for student performers (actors and dancers) October 6-15. Please see attached AUDITION SHEET for more details. ORCHESTRA Selection will be by invitation, and based on teacher recommendation. Interested students should speak with their instructors and/or school’s Music or Band Director and have them contact The 5th Avenue Theatre’s Music Department. THE SHERI AND LES BILLER FAMILY FOUNDATION PROUDLY PRESENT THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE’S RISING STAR PROJECT RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL MISSION The 5th Avenue Theatre acknowledges that the richest learning experiences occur when students are challenged by authentic projects relevant to their unique interests. By mounting the Rising Star Project, The 5th Avenue endeavors to: 1. help students develop pre-professional skills that build upon existing talents and are relevant to respective interests and future career goals; 2. support the interdisciplinary academic growth that is demonstrated to occur when students are involved in theater; 3. expose students to viable careers in the fields of technical theater, performance, business-arts, and arts-administration; 4. foster an enthusiasm for collaboration with peers and across disciplines; and 5. present American musicals to students as vehicles for self-expression while reinforcing the cultural significance of these works as consummate achievements in American theater and as unique reflections of our nation’s history and heritage. CONTACT US If you have further questions, please contact a member of the 5th Avenue Theatre’s Education and Outreach team: Anya Rudnick Connie Corrick Mathew Wright Lauren Ruhl [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 206/ 260 2134 206/ 260 2106 206/ 260-2104 206/ 436 5803 SPRING 2015: RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL RISING STAR PROJECT GENERAL APPLICATION APPLICATION DEADLINES: SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 ALL TEAMS EXCEPT PERFORMERS OCTOBER 15-29, 2014* STUDENT PERFORMERS (due at audition) * Dates subject to change. STUDENT NAME GRADE SCHOOL DOB AGE (14-19 only) GENDER M PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME HOME ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP HOME PHONE PARENT/GUARDIAN PHONE MOBILE or WORK (circle one) PARENT/GUARDIAN E-MAIL FOR WHICH TEAM(S) ARE YOU APPLYING? Please review team descriptions on previous pages. ADMINISTRATIVE TEAMS TECHNICAL TEAMS □ PRODUCING TEAM □ STAGE MANAGEMENT □ DEVELOPMENT TEAM □ MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS TEAM PERFORMANCE TEAMS APPLICATION DUE AT AUDITION □ COSTUMES AND WARDROBE □ HAIR AND MAKEUP □ STAGE CREW □ CAST (Actors and Dancers) □ ORCHESTRA PLEASE NOTE: ACTORS and DANCERS must also complete the attached AUDITION SHEET. Please also include a current headshot. Students should bring complete application to their scheduled audition. APPLICATION CHECKLIST TO COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: □ LETTER OF INTEREST □ GENERAL APPLICATION □ SCHEDULING CONFLICTS AND RELEASE WAIVER □ AUDITION SHEET (Actors and Dancers only) □ UPDATED RESUME □ LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION written by an adult who is not related to you (teacher, employer, school advisor, etc). SEND APPLICATIONS TO: THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE Attn: RISING STAR PROJECT 1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 735 Seattle, WA 98101 FAX: 206/ 292-9610 Questions or concerns? Please feel free to contact us at 206/ 625-1418 or [email protected] F SPRING 2015: RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL RISING STAR PROJECT SCHEDULING CONFLICTS and RELEASE WAIVER PRODUCTION/REHEARSAL/SHOW SCHEDULE: The Rising Star Project production of Carousel will run at the 5th Avenue Theatre March 12-13. The Student Administrative Teams will be required to meet with their Team Mentors 8-12 hours per week September 2014-March 2015, excluding any major holidays or school breaks. The Student Technical Team will be required to meet with their Team Mentors 8-12 hours per week October 2014-March 2015, excluding any major holidays or school breaks. The Student Performance and Stage Management Teams will be required to attend evening and weekend rehearsals February 7 through March 12. Please find a preliminary schedule attached. Any potential conflicts should be listed in the box below. Only approved, pre-arranged conflicts during will be accepted. Applicants with conflicts during performances will not be considered. List conflicts in space provided. STUDENT NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN HOME PHONE PARENT/GUARDIAN PHONE MOBILE or WORK (circle one) PARENT/GUARDIAN E-MAIL PLEASE LIST ANY KNOWN SCHEDULING CONFLICTS BELOW. Please include any potential scheduling conflicts between September 2014 and March 13, 2015. We will do our best to accommodate conflicts, however, applicants with conflicts during performances will not be considered. Only approved, prearranged conflicts will be accepted. RELEASE WAIVER PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING WAIVER AND SIGN BELOW: I, ___________________________________ choose to participate in The 5th Avenue Theatre’s RISING STAR PROJECT: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel By signing this waiver, I am stating that I will not hold The 5th Avenue Theatre responsible for any injury that may occur from participation in this program. Furthermore by signing this waiver, I am also accepting that any photos or video footage taken during the duration of the program are the sole property of The 5th Avenue Theatre and can be used in marketing or publicity without my further consent. PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE [IF UNDER 18] DATE Questions or concerns? Please feel free to contact us at 206/ 625-1418 or [email protected] SPRING 2015: CAROUSEL RISING STAR PROJECT AUDITION SHEET (Actors and Dancers only) Auditioning students should bring a completed copy of this form and the GENERAL APPLICATION and SCHEDULING CONFLICTS AND RELEASE WAIVER. Students interested in auditioning for the Rising Star Project must sign up for an appointment beginning September 22, 2014. To schedule an appointment call the 5th Avenue Theatre’s Audition Hotline at (206) 625-1418 ext. 722, Monday through Friday, between 3:30-6:30pm. Calls will not be accepted before September 22, 2014. AUDITIONS will be held October 15, 16 and 17, 3:30-9:30pm*. The audition location will be confirmed by a staff member upon signing up for an individual audition time. Students are required to attend a dance audition from 7:30-9:30 on October 15, 16 and 17 regardless of whether or not they consider themselves to be dancers. Individual auditions will be scheduled from 3:30-7:30pm on October 15, 16, and 17. Callbacks will take place October 27-29, actual times TBD* * All audition dates subject to change. INDIVIDUAL AUDITION GUIDELINES: Students auditioning should prepare 32 bars (max) of two contrasting musical theater songs showcasing the student’s voice and personality. At least one song should be from the Golden Age of musical theater (such as Rodgers and Hammerstein, Gershwin, Porter, Berlin, Lerner and Loewe, or anything written before 1960.). Additionally, students should prepare a monologue no longer than one minute in length. Bring sheet music in your correct key, an accompanist will be provided. NO singing a cappella or recorded accompaniment. Please also bring a headshot or school photo and a resume listing any performance experience, classes, or private lessons. STUDENT NAME AGE (14-19 only) GENDER HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR M F EYE COLOR SCHOOL/GRADE PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: HOME ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP HOME PHONE PARENT/GUARDIAN PHONE MOBILE or WORK (circle one) PARENT/GUARDIAN E-MAIL REHEARSAL/SHOW SCHEDULE: The Rising Star Project: Carousel will run at the 5th Avenue Theatre March 1213. The student cast will be asked to attend evening and weekend rehearsals February 7 through March 12. Please find a preliminary rehearsal schedule attached. Any potential conflicts should be listed on the Scheduling Conflicts and Release Waiver form. Only approved, pre-arranged conflicts during rehearsals are accepted. Applicants with conflicts during performances will not be considered. PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT: As a parent or guardian you are responsible for dropping off and picking up your child from rehearsals and performances. The 5th Avenue Theatre will provide a chaperone for your child during rehearsals and performances. By signing below you agree to the terms mentioned above. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE [IF UNDER 18] DATE THE SHERI AND LES BILLER FAMILY FOUNDATION PROUDLY PRESENT THE 5TH AVENUE THEATRE’S RISING STAR PROJECT RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL PROJECTED SCHEDULE This schedule is provided to illustrate the time commitment that will be required of participating students. EXACT DATES AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. In addition to the dates listed below, All Technical Team and Performance Team students will be required to shadow the cast, orchestra and technical crew during one performance of the professional production of Carousel. ADMIN. TEAMS CAST & STAGE STAGE CREW MANAGEMENT* SEP – MAR Admin Teams work with 5th Avenue Staff. Schedules TBD by mentors and students on an individual basis HAIR & MAKEUP COSTUMES & WARDROBE ORCHESTRA SEP—JAN Tech Teams, Hair & Makeup and Costumes & Wardrobe Teams work with 5th Avenue Staff. Schedules TBD by mentors and students on an individual basis NOV 3, 2014 Times TBD- ALL STUDENTS invited to participate in ALL STUDENT CABARET #1 note: any students performing at the cabaret will have additional rehearsals TBD. As scheduled JAN 30 Stage Management Students begin work with 5th Avenue Stage Managers. Schedule TBD. DEC 10, 3:30 pm-5:30pm ORIENTATION For Stage Crew, Hair & Makeup, Costumes & Wardrobe JAN 31-FEB 3 Students will attend a professional tech rehearsal of CAROUSEL For Stage Crew, Hair & Makeup, Costumes & Wardrobe FEB 2, 2015 5-7pm – Parent meeting for ALL TEAMS FEB 4, 2015 6-11pm - ALL STUDENTS invited to participate in a Meet and Greet pizza party before attending The 5th Avenue Theatre’s production of RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN’S CAROUSEL later that evening. As scheduled FEB 7 10am-6pm FEB 8 12pm-6pm FEB 9, 2015 Times TBD- ALL STUDENTS invited to participate in ALL STUDENT CABARET #2 As scheduled FEB 10 4pm-9pm FEB 11 4pm-9pm FEB 12 4pm-9pm FEB 13 – MAR 1 Tech Teams will shadow a ADMIN. TEAMS CAST & STAGE STAGE CREW MANAGEMENT* FEB 13 4pm-9pm FEB 14 10am-6pm FEB 15 12pm-6pm HAIR & MAKEUP COSTUMES & WARDROBE ORCHESTRA professional crew member during one CAROUSEL performance. ** FEB 13, 2015 6pm-9pm- ALL STUDENTS are required to attend read/sing. FEB 17 4pm-9pm FEB 18 4pm-9pm As scheduled FEB 19 4pm-9pm FEB 20 4pm-9pm FEB 13 – MAR 1 Tech Teams Shadowing (cont.) FEB 21 10am-6pm FEB 22 12pm-6pm FEB 18 – MAR 14 Hair/Makeup students will be needed 3 days per week, 3 hours a day. FEB 17- FEB 27 Costumes/Wardrobe students will be needed 3 days per week, 3 hours a day FEB 23 6pm9pm FEB 24 4pm-9pm FEB 28, 3pm6pm or MAR 1, 5pm-8pm Watch runthru of RSP CAROUSEL FEB 25 4pm-9pm FEB 26 4pm-9pm FEB 13 – MAR 1 Tech Students shadowing (cont.) FEB 27 4pm-9pm FEB 28 10am-6pm MAR 1 12pm-6pm FEB 18 – MAR 14 3 days per week, 3 hours a day FEB 17- FEB 27 3 days per week, 3 hours a day FEB 28, 3pm-6pm or MAR 1, 5pm-8pm Watch run-thru of RSP CAROUSEL TECH REHEARSAL SCHEDULE ADMIN. TEAMS CAST & STAGE TECH CREW MANAGEMENT* HAIR & MAKEUP COSTUMES & WARDROBE ORCHESTRA MAR 2 6pm9pm MAR 3 4pm-9pm MAR 4 4pm-9pm MAR 5 4pm-9pm As scheduled As scheduled MAR 6 4pm-9pm (Wigs crew called at 3pm) MAR 7 10am-6pm MAR 7 times TBD MAR 8 12pm-9pm (Breaks included) Sitzprobe, 6pm-9pm MAR 8 6pm9pm (Sitzprobe) MAR 10 4pm-9pm TECH REHEARSAL MAR 11 4pm-9pm TECH REHEARSAL MAR 12 12pm PIANO DRESS REHEARSAL (all students called at 11am) 7pm INVITED ORCHESTRA DRESS REHEARSAL (all students called at 6pm) MAR 13 10am STUDENT MATINEE (all students called at 9am) 7pm PUBLIC PERFORMANCE (all students called at 6pm) * Stage Management students should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled rehearsal time and stay 30-60 minutes after rehearsal ends.
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