UEM 2014 Art, Culture & Revolution ULB Bruxelles UEM 2014 L’UEM 2014 est organisée à l’ULB dans le cadre des activités du Pôle Bernheim, avec le soutien financier de la Fondation Bernheim : Les partenaires de l’UEM 2014 : L’Atelier Cinéma de l’UEM est organisé en collaboration avec ULB-‐Culture, et son Atelier Cinéma : Avec également le soutien financier du Centre d’action laïque et du Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie-‐Bruxelles : Contact : Leila Mouhib -‐ Coordinatrice scientifique de l’UEM IEE Avenue FD Roosevelt 39 CP172 B -‐ 1050 Bruxelles 02/650.30.76 [email protected] Sunday, August 3 Keynote Conference Conference program "The Activist Imagination: Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization" Lieven De Cauter (KUL-‐Leuven) IEE Monday, August 4 "Cultural and artistic dynamics of the revolution" Solvay R42 5503 Chair of session Kmar Bendana (University of Manouba) 9 30 General Introduction Jihane Sfeir (ULB-‐Brussels) 10h "Revolutions ... as an artistic experience" Andrea Urlberger (National University of Architecture of Toulouse) 10:40 Debate 11h Coffee break 11:20 "Art, citizenship and protest in Italy" Angela Delli Paoli and Stefania Leone (University of Salerno, Salerno) 12 "Art, Artists in the time of social and political mobilization” Philippe Droz-‐Vincent (IEP Grenoble) 24:40-‐13h Debate 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Workshop (IEE or -‐Salle Delvaux) Tuesday, August 5 Art as a weapon of protest Solvay R42 5503 Session Chair: John Brueker (Action Lay-‐Brussels Centre) 9 "The artistic expressions of Palestinian artists in public space" Abaher El Sakka (University of Birzeit-‐Ramallah) 9:40 "Poetic and body politics in contemporary dance” Nedjma Hadj (Curator and architect Brussels) 10:20 Debate 10:40 Coffee Break 11h "Urban Art: fashion or society phenomenon? " Tarek Ben Yakhlef (Artist, writer and historian Nantes) 11:40 "The walls of Cairo as a place of expression in a unofficial history of the revolution" Chaymaa Hassabo (Collège de France, Paris) 24:20-‐13h Debate 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Workshop (IEE or -‐Salle Delvaux) Wednesday, August 6 Communicating, broadcasting and filming the revolution Solvay R42 5503 Session Chair: Philippe Droz-‐Vincent (IEP Grenoble) 9 "The Tunisian cinema, 3 years after 2011" Kmar Bendana (University of Manouba, Tunisia) 9:40 "Between the artistic images and the media representation, study of three works of the immediate post-‐war in Lebanon" Ghada Sayegh (Saint-‐Joseph University in Beirut) 10h 20 Debate 10h 40 Coffee break 11h "The Arab Spring and the Arab media: new media at the service of democracy? " Tourya Guaaybess (Blaise Pascal Clermont-‐Ferrand University) 11:40 "Art, social media and revolution" Jihane Sfeir (ULB-‐Brussels) 24:20-‐13h Debate 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Workshop (IEE or -‐Salle Delvaux) Thursday, August 7 Excursion in Brussels Friday, August 8th Literature in the Arab Spring Solvay R42 5503 Chairperson: Abaher el Sakka (Bir Zeit University, Ramallah) 9:30 "Ibrahim al-‐Kuni: a Libyan writer facing the Arab Spring" Xavier Luffin (ULB-‐Brussels) 10:15 "Writing in times of war or revolution" Maha Hassan (Novelist and journalist Syria) 11h Debate 11:20 Coffee Break 11:40 "Violence and trauma in the literature Lebanese emigration" Dima Samaha (Université Saint-‐Joseph) 12 Reading with Haifa BIttar 12:30 General conclusion 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Workshop (IEE or -‐Salle Delvaux) 18h-‐20h Restitution work (Solvay R42 5503)
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