PROGRAMME Date 2014-12-09 The Swedish Chemicals Agency Endocrine Disruptors Network Workshop on emerging trends in methods to identify endocrine disruptors Venue: Biovation Park, Västra Mälarehamnen 9, Södertälje, (GPS coordinates: Latitude: 59.201906 Longitude: 17.623060). How to get to the meeting by foot or by bus. Date: December 9 2014. The workshop is organized by Swetox and the Swedish Chemicals Agency. Programme Moderator: Mattias Öberg, Swetox 09:30-10:00 Registration and coffee 10:00-10:10 Welcome! Lisa Anfält, Head of unit, EU Co-ordination, the Swedish Chemicals Agency Åke Bergman, Head of Swetox 10:10-10:40 Adverse effects of EDCs on aquatic animals Mall-id: MAG-0001, 2014-10-21 Leif Norrgren is Head of Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU. Currently engaged in around ten international projects, provides his expertise advice to the Swedish Chemicals Agency and OECD, and in the development of models to validate the impact of endocrine disruptors on aquatic organisms. 10:40-11:05 On the Use of In Silico Tools for Prioritising Toxicity Testing of the Low-Volume Industrial Chemicals in relation to EDCs Patrik Andersson is an environmental chemist who studies fate and effects of environmental pollutants by performing experiments designed to aid in the development of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models. Patrik is also involved in MISSE Kemikalieinspektionen Postadress Besök & leverans Faktureringsadress Telefon & fax Internet Org nr Box 2 172 13 Sundbyberg Esplanaden 3A 172 67 Sundbyberg FE 124 838 80 Frösön Telefon 08-519 41 100 Fax 08-735 76 98 [email protected] 202100-3880 PROGRAMME Date 2014-12-09 The Swedish Chemicals Agency Endocrine Disruptors Network “Mixture assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC) with emphasis on thyroidogenicity – using cats as model for human indoor exposure” 11:05-11:30 Characterizing EDCs using in silico methods for regulatory purposes Ulf Norinder is a specialist in computational toxicology at Swetox and responsible for the development and implementation of statistical models for systematic reviews and Weigh of Evidence in relation to EDCs. 11:30-12:00 Update on OECD method development, and current regulatory situation under certain chemical regulations in the EU. Yvonne Andersson is an ecotoxicologist and senior scientific officer at the Swedish Chemicals Agency who has been involved for many years in regulatory work on endocrine disruptors. For example, as an national coordinator for the OECD Test Guidelines Programme, expert in the OECD Endocrine Disruptors Testing and Assessment Advisory Group and in the EU ED Expert Advisory Group. 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:45 Long-term effects of early life exposure to environmental chemicals on obesity development. What can be learnt from different types of models? Juliette Legler, Professor and Deputy Head, Department of Chemistry and Biology, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University (VU) Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on determining molecular mechanisms of toxicity of chemicals and their effects on humans and the environment. She is a coordinator of projects related to possible links between early life stage exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and the development of obesity later in life. 2 (4) PROGRAMME Date 2014-12-09 The Swedish Chemicals Agency Endocrine Disruptors Network 13:45-14:10 Epigenetic Effects of Endocrine Disruptors: How EDCs leave marks throughout life and generations Joelle Rüegg is senior research fellow at Swetox performing studies related to hormonal receptors and their effect on methylation patterns of genes. Now the question arises – can these changes influence human health? 14:10-14:20 Introduction to group discussion The European Commission is currently working on a proposal for scientific criteria for the identification of endocrine disruptors, as required in the Plant Protection Products Regulation and the Biocide Products Regulation. Defining criteria, why do we need them? What should they include? Åke Bergman, head of Swetox and editor of the WHO/UNEP latest state-of-the- science report on EDCs will introduce the discussion. 14:20-15:10 Coffee and group discussion (prepared questions and rapporteurs) 15:10-15:50 Reports of group discussions 15:50-16:00 Concluding remarks 16:15 Bus to Swetox (Astraallén, Gärtuna) 16:30-18:30 Mingle at Swetox 3 (4) PROGRAMME Date 2014-12-09 The Swedish Chemicals Agency Endocrine Disruptors Network Workshop om hormonstörande ämnen Kemikalieinspektionen arrangerar tillsammans med Swetox (Svenskt centrum för toxikologiska vetenskaper) en workshop om nya metoder för att bedöma hormonstörande ämnen. Emerging trends in methods to identify endocrine disruptors Workshopen riktar sig till forskare och myndigheter i ”Nätverket för hormonstörande ämnen”. Vi kommer bland annat att diskutera hur nya ickedjurbaserade metoder och datorberäkningar kan användas för att bedöma riskerna med hormonstörande ämnen. Var står vi idag, och vart går vi? En av talarna är Juliette Legler, Professor vid Vrije Universitet i Amsterdam, som kommer att tala om vilka metoder som använts för att studera samband mellan tidig exponering och fetma. Ladda ner hela programmet här [pdf-länk]. Workshopen hålls på engelska. Direkt efter workshopen har ni möjlighet att följa med på mingel och visning av Swetox nyinvigda lokaler i Gärtuna. Meddela om ni vill följa med när ni anmäler er. Lunch och busstur till Swetox ingår utan extra kostnad. Begränsat antal deltagare. Bakgrund Inom EU och OECD pågår arbete med att utveckla metoder för att fylla kunskapsluckorna om kemikaliers hormonstörande egenskaper. Samtidigt pågår diskussioner om teststrategier och vägledning för sammanvägd bedömning baserad på all tillgänglig information (Weight-of-Evidence). Bakgrundsdokumentation: Institute for Consumer and Health Protection (IHCP) OECD work related to Endocrine disrupters Guidance document on standardized test guidelines for evaluating chemicals for endocrine disruption (GD 150) Detailed review paper on the state of science on novel in vitro and in vivo screening and testing methods and endpoints for evaluating endocrine disrupters (DRP 178) Chemical Watch 22 Oct 2014 4 (4)
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