CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Transporting Systems SAFMEA Qualitative method for risk analysis Jan Michek [email protected] 2/4/2014 K620ARR 1 Introduction One of universal methods used for assistance with decision making can be risk analysis. The risk means presumable loss value created by realization of danger and expressed in money or another units. Domain of risk analysis, as a part of risk engineering, is the most elaborated in the banking and insurance business. There are used methods like FMEA (multi-criterion analysis of trouble process and failure consequences) or UMRA (working with general-purpose risk matrix). 2/4/2014 K620ARR 2 Introduction Process of risk analysis run in several steps: Identification of danger (project segments and sources of peril, which menace them) Risk qualification (risk differentiate according to their importance) Risk quantification (loss frequency and importance expressed e.g. in money, fatalities etc.) Expert methods take advantage of experts’ experiences or entire expert team’s knowledge. Expression of estimated danger and risks can be: verbal (arbiter gains colorful set of information) numerical (arbiter obtains unambiguous base; is allows comparison for several project alternatives) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 3 Terminology Expert Judgment – a group of experts assesses certain risk. Quality of this assessment depends on their experiences and ability to deduce relevant conclusions from their evaluation Qualitative Risk Analysis – suite of methods for safety assessment, which uses verbal assessment of reasons and results Quantitative Risk Analysis – systematic attitude for prediction of accident frequency and impacts on facilities or system functions Check List – qualitative tool used to prior specified equipment evaluation and condition reviewing 2/4/2014 K620ARR 4 FMEA = Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Basic method for qualitative analysis based on experts’ experiences For the first time used in 1949 in US Army directive Mil-Std-1629 for risks related to military systems malfunctions In ‘60 used by NASA in Program Apollo It is implemented in many standards (QS-9000-1998, ISO/TS 16949:2002, ČSN IEC 812, 1992) This method has two phases: Verbal – identification of risk possible genesis and consequences, based on brainstorming or experts’ correspondence Numerical – for individual risks perform experts numerical estimation of their parameters and they express it in relative integer scale 2/4/2014 K620ARR 5 FMEA For danger impact of assessment of ith project segment there is a relative coefficient RPNi RPN Sv Lk RPN - Risk Priority Number Sv – danger importance (Severity) Lk – probability of danger realization (Likelihood) Sum for partial RPN hasn’t any factual meaning, but it is possible to use it while more alternatives of one project are compared Coefficient RPN can be generalized with information about failure observability, however it is very poorly detectable in practice Dt – failure observability (Detection) RPN Sv Lk Dt 2/4/2014 K620ARR 6 SAFMEA = Statistically Adjusted Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Classic FMEA method advanced in statistical interpreting of numerical assessments RPN – it takes random variability of experts’ assessments into consideration. In contrast to FMEA, there is for each row in form determined ne expert values of RPN index, from which the mean value and standard deviation of variance are calculated. Maximal deviations in expert assessments are reviewed in detail or simply ignored. Example – risk evaluation of 3 project alternatives of communication construction 2/4/2014 Alternative Description V1 Surface communication construction V2 Surface construction combined with tunnel V3 Fully tunneled alternative K620ARR 7 SAFMEA I Stage 1 – Preparation Risk analytic selects project aspects for which risk rate will be evaluated. Expert team is putted together from experts coming from a lot for diverse branches. For a bigger group there is a smaller statistical deviation. Minimal number of team members is ne = 3, optimal number is ne > 5. The best would be if the domain of risk engineering is well-known to the risk analytic and if he/she is informed about project issues. Risk analytic ensures coordination for team activities. In each project stage it is possible to use another expert team (e.g. one team for a form creation and the second one and bigger for filling the form in) Example – choice of expert team members 2/4/2014 Organization Abbreviation Name Email CTU Faculty of Transportation Sciences FD prof. Ing Pavel Přibyl, CSc. [email protected] CTU Faculty of Transportation Sciences FD Ing. Jan Michek [email protected] K620ARR 8 SAFMEA II Stage 2 – Risk segments and risk factors definition Experts select project segments, which can be menaced by some risk (e.g. construction, financing, safety etc.) Fro individual segments concrete risk factors (RF) are determined (e.g. finishing project after deadline, exceeding planned budget, etc.). The output of the expert team cooperation is a form. Example – definition of one project segment and its risk factors 2/4/2014 Segment Influence on vicinity and construction duration RF1 Increased costs for environment and residence function protection RF2 Noise and vibration exposure during construction RF3 Atmosphere pollution during construction K620ARR 9 SAFMEA III Stage 3 – Expert assessment of risk factors Risk analytic suggests a metric for risk factors evaluation and supplements columns for parameters of severity Sv and likelihood Lk of its emergence into the form. The scales for individual parameters (Sv, Lk) can varies, in order to retain risk weight contained in RPN index while multiplying them to each other. Experts perform evaluation of individual risk factors according to their opinion and a in compliance with their importance and probability of occurrence assign a value from matching scale to the parameters. A part of the form is also an instruction how to fill it in: if the expert doesn’t understand definition of risk factor or he/she isn’t sure about the answer, he/she must skip evaluation of this point. 2/4/2014 K620ARR 10 SAFMEA III Example – severity evaluation scale Sv – Risk importance Impact on project Numerical evaluation unimportant for construction and performance insignificant 1 delay of deadlines, financial requirements increase and environmental impacts are minimal small 2 delay of deadlines, financial requirements increase and environmental impacts are around 10 percents big 8 incurred damages affect construction and performance radically critical 16 Example – likelihood evaluation scale 2/4/2014 Numerical evaluation Lk – Risk likelihood Occurrence probability cannot expect improbable 1 very small little probable 2 can expect very probable 3 arise sure 4 K620ARR 11 SAFMEA IV Stage 4 – RPN index interpretation For each row j (RF) we obtain ne expert values Sv and Lk from forms filled by all k experts. From this values final RPN indexes are calculated RPN Ejk Sv Ejk Lk Ejk For each RF the mean value is calculated ne mRPN Ej RPN k 1 E jk ne If ne > 5 we can determine the standard deviation of variance sRPN Ej 1 E E 2 RPN mRPN jk j ne 1 k It is also suitable to compute estimated distribution quantile, which gives imagine about index randomness qRPN Ej mRPN Ej sRPN Ej 2/4/2014 K620ARR 12 SAFMEA IV The maximum value of risk severity maxSvEjk for expert k is found, because the most important risks would be omitted. The reason to do this is that the most serious accidents are very little probably and in RPN index these don’t occur as very risky events. Example – railroad train derail on the bridge is very little probably (Lk = 1), but very serious (Sv = 16). The resulting RPN is 16, which isn’t any extreme value of risk. 2/4/2014 K620ARR 13 SAFMEA V Stage 5 – Manners and consequences assessment Final mathematical assessment is ordered by mean value mRPNEj descending. It is important to show standard deviation and number of assessing experts. Thus ordered rows are used to suggest steps to overall risk reduction. Project component Failure type Failure consequences activity item downfall into tunnel access lane traffic halt activity terrorist attack in tunnel (set a tire on fire) person suicidal behavior 2/4/2014 mRPN sRPN qRPN n 20 15,33 35,53 8 damage of tunnel technology 17,43 16,52 33,95 7 crash with vehicle 17,33 5,47 22,8 8 K620ARR 14 SAFMEA V Example – mean values mRPN for 69 risk factors –––– mRPN > 16 … RF evaluated as conditionally acceptable –––– mRPN > 32 … RF evaluated as critical danger Example – mean values mRPN for 69 RF ordered descending. There is visible in the chart, approximately 1/3 RF are risky and around 1/3 RF are critical for project success. 2/4/2014 K620ARR 15 SAFMEA V Example – list of risk factors (tunnel construction project) Risk of incongruity with municipal plan Risk of danger for cultural/natural sights Risk of increased noise and vibration exposure during the construction Risk of increased noise and vibration during performance Risk of traffic safety for drivers Risk of tailback formation Danger of accidents Possibility of fire Risk of construction costs increase Risk of shift of start operation date Risk of operating costs increase Risk of technical viability of plan 2/4/2014 K620ARR 16 SAFMEA VI Stage 6 – Closing assessment Performed by risk analytic on acquired and evaluated data basis Domains of risk acceptability are selected on mRPN criterion basis Risk evaluation Event formation likelihood Lk Event severity Sv 1 2 3 4 16 16 32 48 64 mRPN Risk significance 1-8 Risk is acceptable 8 8 16 24 32 16 - 24 2 2 4 6 8 32 - 64 1 1 2 3 4 Risk is conditionally acceptable Risk is unacceptable If the scale is linear, risk factor with big probability of occurrence but with minor impact (4x1) would be assessed equally as factor with improbable occurrence but with critical consequences (1x4). 2/4/2014 K620ARR 17 SAFMEA VI Example – 3 RF evaluation for 3 project’s alternatives Risk evaluation Event formation likelihood Lk Event severity Sv 1 2 3 16 V1/RF2; V3/RF3 V3/RF2 V3/RF1 V1/RF3 V2/RF1; V2/RF3 V2/RF2 4 8 2 1 V1/RF1 Example – commented rating Alternative Comment Result V1 Building the route as surface communication is conditionally risky just in case of noise and vibration exposure to vicinity suit V2 For alternative, where the route goes through the tunnel in the area of housing development, no factors are risky suit V3 For the tunnel alternatives all risk factors are risky, 2 of them even critically doesn’t suit Conclusion – alternatives 1 and 2 seem to be acceptable 2/4/2014 K620ARR 18 Imperfections of SAFMEA Inaccurate assignment Effort to supply identically structured and detailed input data Lack of information It is possible to put forward comments and questions on the first meeting Incorrect or misleading information Following communication is under correspondence way (due to influence) Uncertainty of results For a bigger expert team there is a smaller statistical deviation One-sidedness of view on project There must be represented different branches in the expert team Evaluator’s irresoluteness Experts must not assess risk factors, in which they don’t understand assignment or they haven’t enough experiences 2/4/2014 K620ARR 19 UMRA = Universal Matrix of Risk Analysis Verbal phase – initial matrix form with endangered parts of project and danger sources Numerical phase – estimations of danger importance using logicalnumerical scale are filled into initial matrix form Expert matrix – initial matrix form with severity coefficients Sv filled by one expert Final matrix – calculated from evaluation from all experts matrices and it express information about individual risk factors dangerousness 2/4/2014 K620ARR 20 Conclusion SAFMEA method allows qualitative comparison of more project alternatives using one measured variable – the risk. The risk means presumable loss value created by realization of danger and expressed in money or another units. According to analysis results it is also possible to find the most risky factors for the given alternative and focus on reducing of potential danger for this factors. 2/4/2014 K620ARR 21 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka – Balabenka (Risk factors) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 22 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 1) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 23 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 1) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 24 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 2) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 25 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 2) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 26 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 3) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 27 Example: City Bypass Pelc Tyrolka - Balabenka (alternative 3) 2/4/2014 K620ARR 28 Sources Přibyl P., Neubergová K., Čarská Z.: Analýza rizik vedení městského okruhu a Libeňské spojky, ČVUT 2009 Karásková S.: Risk Analysis in Traffic Engineering Thank You for Your attention 2/4/2014 K620ARR 29
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