MIXED DESIGN MIXDES 2013, 20th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", June 20-22, 2013, Gdynia, Poland Wide-Frequency-Range Low-Power Variable-Length Ring Oscillator in UMC CMOS 0.18 Pm Maciej Frankiewicz, Andrzej Kos AGH University of Science and Technology Department of Electronics Kraków, Poland [email protected], [email protected] Abstract—The paper describes structure and simulation results of the novel ring oscillator designed in UMC CMOS 0.18 Pm (1.8 V). Frequency generated by the oscillator is tuned by scaling the supply voltage, additionally ring length is digitally controlled. Presented ring oscillator has very wide tuning range (250 MHz-2.1 GHz) with small current consumption (34-689 PA). Index Terms—VCO, ring oscillator, low-power, CMOS I. INTRODUCTION Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) are commonly used circuits in modern electronics and have many different applications, for example in PLLs (Phase-Locked Loops) or DPM (Dynamic Power Management) systems such as DFS (Dynamic Frequency Scaling). Growing requirements of these applications result with need of power-efficient oscillators with very wide tuning range and possibly small phase noise [1-3]. The paper describes structure and presents some simulation results of voltage-controlled ring oscillator with variable ring length. The circuit was designed in UMC CMOS 0.18 Pm technology using full-custom technique and has very wide tuning range and small current consumption. II. RELATED WORKS In modern microelectronics the oscillator circuits are present in almost every project. There is plenty of applications for such circuits. Microprocessors and other digital circuits which are designed nowadays contain built-in PLLs. Radio transmitters and receivers for portable devices, which are becoming important part of the market of electronics, are also based on generators. As a result a lot of researcher’s attention has been put to design low-power and wide-frequency-range oscillators in late years. The most popular choices of circuit structures with examples of applications will be shortly described in this section. Very frequently used structure of generator is resonant cross-coupled circuit [1][2]. Popularity of this type of circuit comes from the fact, that it is very well-known and it is quite easy to obtain high frequency of oscillations. What is additional advantage – LC circuit should produce accurate sinusoidal wave which means very low phase noise [3]. Usage of varactors in resonant circuit results with extremely easy control of the generated frequency by scaling voltage connected between the diodes. Unfortunately, this favourable at first glance structure has some features which disqualify for some specified applications. In CMOS technologies resonant elements cover quite big area which cannot be used by other elements. Capacitors are usually realized as poly-poly or metalmetal structures while inductors are metal spiral or round geometries. Consequently capacitances and inductances have very low values. That results with very high frequencies in range of few GHz (which sometimes is advantage) and necessity to use large elements. Other very important disadvantages are low accuracy of resonant elements fabrication (which leads to uncertainty of frequency of generated sine) and quite big power consumption (which can be a serious problem for portable devices and other applications which require low power dissipation). Another popular structure of generator is a ring-oscillator [4][5]. The basic idea is to connect an odd number of delay stages with a feedback loop to obtain constant change of their outputs. Propagation time of single delay stage is very short so total generated frequency is quite high, which is feature similar to previously described resonant circuits. Great advantage of ring oscillator structure is much smaller area used by the elements and much smaller power consumption – in comparison to resonant circuits. The problem in designing VCOs with ring oscillator is how to control the frequency. Several different approaches can be mentioned here: control of the supply, including additional delay stages or usage CurrentControlled Oscillators (CCOs) and elements which transfer control voltage into current (in that case the time of switching single stage is proportional to the control current). Next issue is quite big phase noise and malformed shape of wave as a result of quite big rise/fall times in comparison to period of the oscillator wave. There are also some attempts to design other oscillator structures, like multivibrator-based oscillators [6]. In this work an example of ring-oscillator dedicated for a dynamic power management system will presented. III. RING OSCILLATOR STRUCTURE Ring oscillator is a generator consisting of odd number (2N-1) of inverters in series, as shown in Fig. 1. Such circuit generates oscillations with frequency described by (1) where n is number of inverters in ring and tP is a propagation time of single inverter. *QTv`B;?i Ü kyRj #v .2T`iK2Mi Q7 JB+`Q2H2+i`QMB+b *QKTmi2` a+B2M+2- GQ/x lMBp2`bBiv Q7 h2+?MQHQ;v kNR decrease of current consumption. Additionally such circuit propagation time can be controlled by change of supply voltage value. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To verify assumptions described in previous section a ring oscillator consisting of 3 to 7 inverters tuned by supply voltage have been designed in UMC CMOS 0.18 Pm (1.8 V) technology and tested in Spectre simulator. f0 1 2nt P (1) Equation (1) means that generated frequency can be tuned by controlling inverters propagation times. Such effect is often used and can be achieved by including some additional delay stages. More interesting approach is direct control of inverters tP for example by controlling their supply voltage. When supply voltage is lowered the internal capacitances of the circuit are reloaded slower what affects the propagation time. Such approach will be presented in this paper. Obviously, another inverter with constant supply is needed as an output buffer to ensure constant amplitude of the oscillations. Another way to tune the oscillator frequency can be change of number of inverters in series. For that reason some transmission gates have been included in the ring oscillator structure. By enabling one of the transmission gates ring can be shortened and variable length of the ring can be achieved resulting with much wider tuning range. Presented structure is ring oscillator with length of 3, 5 or 7 inverters. For that three transmission gates are necessary and 3-bit signal is needed to control the transmission gates. Additionally, by disabling all the gates the ring can be opened to stop the oscillations. Tested circuit generated oscillations when was supplied with 0.8 to 1.8 V. Tuning characteristic for different lengths of the ring is shown in Fig. 3. Presented structure has very large tuning range of 250 MHz to 2.1 GHz which is about 88.1% compared to the maximum frequency. Fig. 4 shows maximum current consumption of the ring oscillator in dependence of the control voltage for different ring lengths. The circuit consumes very small amount of current of 34 to 689 PA for different cases, although the maximum value is consumed only at short peaks and for most of the time current consumption is much smaller. 2.2 2 n=3 n=5 n=7 1.8 Generated frequency [GHz] Figure 1. Block diagram of the basic ring oscillator. 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Control voltage [V] 1.6 1.8 Figure 3. Tuning characteristic of the ring oscillator for different ring lengths. 700 Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the CMOS XNOR gate as inverter. CMOS inverters seem a good choice as a delay stage for ring oscillator from power-efficiency point of view since they consume current only when changing the output state. Unfortunately, when circuit works as oscillator inverters are continuously toggled and more power saving cell than simple inverter is needed. The solution can be CMOS XNOR gate shown in Fig. 2 [4]. After shortening one of the inputs to the ground the XNOR gate would operate similar to the CMOS inverter cell but in presented circuit structure there is no direct path between supply voltage and ground resulting with kNk Current consumption [uA] 600 n=3 n=5 n=7 500 400 300 200 100 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Control voltage [V] 1.6 1.8 Figure 4. Maximum current consumption of the ring oscillator for different ring lengths. Another important issue for circuit work is change of the ring length which should be made on the edge of the generated signal. If controlled properly presented ring oscillator generates square wave with digitally controlled frequency, as shown in Fig. 5 from spectre simulator. In the figure the VCO is controlled by constant supply voltage of 1.8 V. At first part of the figure below there are 3 inverters in the ring (2.1 GHz), at about 7 ns the ring is switched to 5 inverters (1.34 GHz) and finally at about 12 ns there are 7 inverters in the ring (1.07 GHz). At the end the ring is opened and oscillations stop. V. CONCLUSIONS The paper presented structure and simulation results of XNOR-based ring oscillator. Presented circuit produces a wide range of frequencies from 250 MHz to 2.1 GHz and consumes extremely small amount of current – respectively from 34 to 689 PA at peaks. Presented structure has also an option of opening the ring to stop the oscillations. Presented circuit is a part of the Dynamic Power Management system designed by authors of the paper but can be used to any other application which requires wide range of generated frequency with small power consumption. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by polish National Centre of Science (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) (grant NCN N N515 500340). REFERENCES [1] Figure 5. Transient response of the ring oscillator for different ring lengths with 1.8 V control voltage. Table 1 compares tuning ranges and current consumption of presented circuit with some latest papers. Extremely wide tuning range and very small current consumption of presented work are clearly visible what makes described circuit very useful for implementation in different applications. TABLE I. COMPARISON OF PARAMETERS OF DIFFERENT VOLTAGECONTROLLED OSCILLATORS. Paper Tuning range [GHz] Tuning range [%] Current consumption Technology [nm] [7] 3.15-4.6 33.7 8.5 mA 130 [8] 0.68-1.65 58.8 2 mA 65 [9] 0.62-1.5 58.7 22.8 mA 180 [10] 0.96-1.9 0.58-1.15 49.5 49.6 9.2-279 PA 15.3-164 PA 180 This work 0.25-2.1 88.1 34-689 PA 180 As can be clearly seen from the table above, the LC structures [8][9] have much greater power consumption than presented circuit. Power saving can be achieved by usage of ring oscillator [10]. Power consumption of circuit presented in this work is slightly greater than in case of [10] but here the maximum (peak, not mean) values are given. 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