CAST SOFTWARE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED LEAVE POLICY APPROVED BY: ARE& RVA Cast Software India Pvt. Ltd Version 1 Company Confidential 1 LEAVE POLICY SCOPE This policy describes the various types of leave and explains guidelines that govern all regular employees of Cast Software India Pvt. Ltd. These procedures also apply for contract tenure. TYPES OF LEAVE There are three types of leaves available for employees, such as: National Holidays Earned Leave Sick Leave Maternity Leave (for women employees only) National Holidays The company declares holidays in line with the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act. The list of holidays is released at the start of the year. Earned Leave Earned Leave begins accruing from the first day of employment but can be availed at the rate of 18 days per year. There are no exceptions to this policy. Earned leaves are accrued on a monthly basis (1.5 days per month). Cast would like all employees to consume their leave in the year it is accrued. Managers and employees need to plan for this ahead of time and in case of exceptions the unused leaves can be carried forward to the following year for a maximum of 18 days . Days in excess will be lost. The management reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time with or without prior notice. Employees need to manage their leaves and the Company recommends the employee to utilize unused earned leaves before the end of the calendar year. Employees should submit a leave requisition in advance so that co-workers and management can plan for an employee’s absence. Earned leave should be taken at times that are mutually convenient for the Company and employee. Public holidays during the period of leave are not considered part of the leave. Public holidays before or after the leave period are also not considered part of the leave. Contract (Probationary) period is taken into account to compute holiday leave. Sick Leave Employees can avail a maximum of seven paid sick leave during the calendar year. Sick leave is a benefit and not part of the salary or wages to which an employee is entitled. No more than 2 Cast Software India Pvt. Ltd Version 1 Company Confidential 1 days of sick leave can be taken in a sequence. It is not payable on termination. Sick leaves are accrued on a monthly basis. They cannot be carried forward and expire at the end of December. Sick leaves should be utilized only if any employee is sick. Managers have the principal responsibility to guard against abuse of the sick leave policy. Abuse of this benefit can seriously impact the morale and effectiveness of team members. Sick leaves of December can be utilized only until January of the next calendar year. Maternity Leave Full-time female employees can avail twelve weeks of maternity leave according to the Maternity Benefit Act. A Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner confirming the pregnancy and the expected date of confinement should be produced to the HR Manager. When an employee has exhausted the maternity leave, she can make a request for additional leave without pay, which is sanctioned at the discretion of the management. PROCEDURES, ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Applying for Leave Employees need to submit leave requisitions Earned Leave (PTO) through an e-mail specifying the type of leave, and duly approved by the concerned Manager with a CC to HR Department. For starters/leavers (during the leave year) leave entitlements are calculated on a pro rata basis, please contact your Manager or HR. If an employee takes leaves in excess than the accrued leave entitlement, the excess leaves will be deducted from your salary. Notification of Absence Employees should notify their manager and HR Department on the first day of absence as a result of illness to earn paid sick leave. Medical Certification The HR Department can ask the employee to produce the Registered Medical Officer certificates on case to case basis when required. The manager is responsible for the collection of and submits them to HR Department for the employee to be paid full Sick Leave entitlements. Encashment of Earned Leave Cast Software India Pvt. Ltd Version 1 Company Confidential 1 Earned leave can only be encashed upon termination of employment. If an employee terminates employment, leave that is accrued until the last day at work is encashed up to a maximum of 18 days. Amount of Earned Leave Earned leave is accrued (1.5 per month) on a monthly basis, starting with the first month of continuous employment. Employees may request to use only earned-to-date earned leave at any time and advances are not possible. Earned leave does not accrue during unpaid leave. Other leave (for example, sick leave) cannot be applied for during an Earned leave. Scheduling Earned Leave Managers are responsible for coordinating and approving earned leave schedules as requested by employees when work schedules permit. The amount of earned leave required at any time should be notified in advance to the manager, to enable planning. It is also the responsibility of the Manager to check if the employee has sufficient leaves before approving the leaves for their respective team. Employee Roles and Responsibilities The employee is responsible for applying for sanction of leave and obtaining due approval from the concerned Manager. The employee is responsible for submitting the approved leave to the HR department before availing leave (e-mail approval would be fine). If leave has availed without submission of the leave requisition, the Management has the right to convert them into loss of pay & take discriminatory action against the employee. Every employee need to badge there in time & out time every time they enter & leave the office. Proxy attendance will not be accepted. In case you forget your card, please inform the Admin regarding your in time & out time. Please contact the Admin in case you lost your card. The Company reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time with or without prior notice. LEAVE BALANCES To obtain your accrued annual leave balance, please contact your Manager who will be able to share your leave balance at the end of every month or you can also reach Ashwini Shankarappa: [email protected] Cast Software India Pvt. Ltd Version 1 Company Confidential 1
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