Curriculum vitae Current Employers:

Curriculum vitae
Name: Pasquale Palmieri
Date and place of birth: 12-23-1978, Caserta, Italy.
Nationality: Italian
Marital status: Unmarried
Address: Caserta, via Parravano n° 25 (Cap. 81100), Italy.
cell phone: (+39) 3485232632
E Mail: [email protected]
Current Employers:
- California State University – Long Beach - Visiting professor (Fulbright
Scholar in Residence)
- “Federico II” University of Naples – Department of Humanities – Teaching
- Dec. 2013: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (National Scientific
Qualification) Italian Ministry of Education – Associate professor of Early
Modern History
Academic referees:
1 – prof. Anna Maria Rao
Professor of Early Modern History, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
[email protected] phone: (+39)0812526311
2 – prof. Gigliola Fragnito
Professor of Early Modern History, University of Parma, Italy
[email protected] phone: (+39)0521032248
3 – prof. John A. Davis
Professor of Italian History and European History, Editor - Journal of Modern Italian History University of Connecticut
[email protected] phone: (860) 486-2752
4 - prof. John Marino
Professor of History, University of California - San Diego
[email protected] phone: (858) 534-3041
5 - prof. Clorinda Donato
The George L. Graziadio Chair of Italian Studies - California State University, Long Beach
Phone: 562 985-4621 Fax: 562 985-4259
[email protected]
Education and qualifications:
1997-2003: Degree in Medieval and Modern Italian Literature (“Federico II” University of Naples 07/09/2003); final mark: 110 e lode.
Final dissertation title: (tutors: prof. Anna Maria Rao, prof. Giovanni Romeo): Matrimoni di antico
regime nella diocesi di Caserta.
2003-2004 / 2007-2008: MA Spec. in Italian Literature, Latin Literature and History teaching
tecniques, (S.I.C.S.I. (Scuola Interuniversitaria Campana di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento “Federico II” University of Naples – 06/04/2008)” – final mark: 100/100.
2004-2007: PHD in History of European Society (“Federico II” University of Naples 03/06/2008)
PHD thesis title (tutor: prof. Anna Maria Rao): The land of Obedience. Aspiring saints and political
power in the Kingdom of Naples during the Eighteenth century.
2008-2010: Post-doctoral Fellow (Early modern history) – SUM (Institute of Human Sciences,
Florence, Italy)
Title of the research proposal: Aspiring saints and political power in Italy during the Eighteenth
Tutor: prof. Gigliola Fragnito
Nov – Dic 2009: Visiting Scholar – Yale University – Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
(fin. aid: SUM).
2011-2012: First Level MA in "The teaching function: methodology, statistical tools and
docimology" (“Unitelma Sapienza” University, Rome - 07/03/2012); final mark: 110/110
2012-2013: Research Fellow - “Federico II” University of Naples – Department of Humanities
2013 (June): Visiting professor – CESA (European Centre for the Study of Hagiography – Rieti –
July 2014: Visiting Scholar - American Academy – Rome
2014-2015: Visiting Scholar – Johns Hopkins University - German and Romance Languages
and Literatures - Italian Program (declined)
August 2014-July-2015: Visiting professor (Fulbright Scholar in Residence) –
California State University – Long Beach
Courses: Italian Literature – Italian History – European History – Italian Language
Main Scholarships and Grants:
- 2004-2007: PHD Fellowship in History of European Society (“Federico II”
University of Naples)
- 2008-2010: Post-doctoral Fellowship (Early modern history) – SUM (Institute
of Human Sciences, Florence, Italy)
- 2012-2013: Research Fellowship - “Federico II” University of Naples –
Department of Humanities
- 2014-2015: Visiting Scholar – Johns Hopkins University - German and
Romance Languages and Literatures - Italian Program (declined)
- August 2014-July-2015: Fulbright Scholar in Residence – California State
University – Long Beach
Main Skills
- Record of success in attracting funding by public Institutions, private and
public Foundations
- Maximum flexibility (courses in Italian language, culture and literature, European
History and World History)
- High-quality research project (for European Research Council - other public or private
Memberships and affiliations:
Since 2005: Member of the SISSD (Italian s. of the European and the International
Society for Eighteenth Century Studies)
Since 2010: Member of the SISEM (Italian Society for the History of the Early
Modern Age)
Since 2010: member of 'A.I.S.S.C.A. (Italian Society for the Study of Holiness, Cults
and Hagiography)
English - Certification: TOEFL - IBT: 10/09/2010
Main research contributions:
- I taumaturghi della società. Santi e potere politico nel secolo dei Lumi, Rome, Viella, 2010,
ISBN 978-88-8334-437-4
- La santa, i miracoli e la Rivoluzione. Una storia di politica e devozione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.
ISBN 978-88-15-24107-8
Essays, critical interventions and contributions in collective volumes: - Gli sposi della libertà. Il sacramento del matrimonio durante la Rivoluzione napoletana del 1799,
in «Studi storici», 2/2006, pp. 557-585. ISSN-0039-3037
- Da Padre Pio a Giovanni Paolo II. Verità storiche e verità canoniche, in «Studi storici», 1/2009,
pp. 57-83. ISSN-0039-3037
- Da Madrid al Purgatorio, da Cuba all’eternità. Un dialogo con Carlos Eire, in «Studi Storici»,
1/2010, pp. 91-111. ISSN-0039-3037
- Il lento tramonto del Sant’Uffizio. La giustizia ecclesiastica nel Regno di Napoli durante il secolo
XVIII, in «Rivista storica italiana», 1/2011, pp. 26-70. ISSN 0035-7073
- Morire da santi in età napoleonica, in Stato e Chiesa nel decennio francese, edited by Costanza
D’Elia, Naples, Giannini, 2011, pp. 527-547. ISBN 978-887-431-4997
- Medicina e religione nella “Dissertazione sopra i vampiri” di Giuseppe Davanzati, in
Antropologia e scienze a Napoli in età moderna (1734-1815), edited by Roberto Mazzola, Naples,
Aracne, 2012, pp. 37-54. ISBN 978-88-548-4665-4
- Felicità terrena e felicità celeste. Gli “elogi storici” dei santi nel secolo dei Lumi, in Felicità
pubblica e felicità privata nel secolo XVIII, edited by Anna Maria Rao, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e
Letteratura, 2012, pp. 311-332. ISBN 978-88-6372-461-5
- Gli itinerari della devozione nell’Italia del Settecento, in Movimenti e confini. Spazi mobili
nell’Italia preunitaria, edited by L. Di Fiore e M. Meriggi, Rome, Viella, 2013, pp. 10-30. ISBN
- Il cadavere dei miracoli. Un processo di canonizzazione del XVIII secolo, in «Quaerite», 2012, pp.
263-269 ISSN 2038-2022
- La beatificazione di Giovanni Paolo II fra innovazione e tradizione. Il ruolo dei rotocalchi e della
stampa quotidiana, in «Quaerite», 2013, pp. 227-243 ISSN 2038-2022
- Firenze sacra. Culti cittadini e culti dinastici nel secolo XVIII, in La città del Settecento: saperi e
rappresentazioni, edited by Marina Formica and Andrea Merlotti, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e
Letteratura, 2014 ISBN 978-886-372-5742
- Dal terremoto aretino alle eruzioni vesuviane: letture religiose della catastrofe fra XVIII e XIX
secolo, in «Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica», Rome, Carocci, 2014, pp. 225-250. ISSN
- I Turchi, gli Ebrei e il mare. La rappresentazione dell’«infedele» nelle agiografie napoletane del
Settecento, in Napoli e il Mediterraneo, edited by Anna Maria Rao (in press, Napoli, Giannini)
- Political Mediation and Religious Conflict. The Representation of the Muslim World in the
Catholic Devotional Books of the Eighteenth Century, in «The Journal of cultural mediation», 2013
- Raccontare Padre Pio e Giovanni Paolo II. Agiografia e rotocalchi in Italia fra XX e XXI secolo,
in «California Italian Studies Journal», 2014 (accepted)
Editing and translations:
- J.A. Davis, Naples and Napoleon. Southern Italy and the European Revolutions 1780-1860,
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006. Italian title: Napoli e Napoleone. L’Italia meridionale e le
Rivoluzioni Europee (1780-1860), ed. and transl. by Pasquale Palmieri, afterword by Pasquale
Palmieri, Soveria Monelli, Rubbettino, 2014. ISBN 978-884-983-9692
Divulgative Articles:
Ma era una santa o un vampiro?, in «Storia in rete», 90, April 2013, pp. 70-75
National and international conferences:
- International conference organized by the S.I.S.S.D.
Felicità pubblica e felicità privata. (Anacapri, 05/26-28/2008).
Title: Felicità terrena e felicità celeste. L’opera agiografica di Pietro Degli Onofri.
- International conference
State and Church in Italy during the Napoleonic Age (Naples, Castelnuovo, 05/29-30/2008).
Title: Aspiring saints in Naples during the Napoleonic Age
- International conference organized by the S.I.S.S.D.
The city life in the Eighteenth century (Torino, Venaria Reale, 05/28-29/2010)
Title: Sacred Florence. The representation of the urban space in the hagiographic and devotional
- Naples crucible of the world (London, 10/29-30/2010)
Title: Politics and religion in the lives of saints (18th century).
- Attraverso la Storia. Seminario SISEM di giovani studiosi e studiose di Storia dell’Età Moderna
(Arezzo, 09/23-24/2010);
Title: La giustizia ecclesiastica nel Regno di Napoli in Età moderna.
- Scienze nel Regno di Napoli (1734-1815): International Conference organized by the “Istituto per la
Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico Moderno del C.N.R. di Napoli” (Naples, 05/26/2011)
Title: Medicina e religione nella “Dissertazione sopra i vampiri” di Giuseppe Davanzati.
- Attraverso la Storia. Seminario SISEM di giovani studiosi e studiose di Storia dell’Età Moderna
(Verona, 01/25-27/2012);
Title: Le eruzioni del Vesuvio nella letteratura agiografica a devozionale
- Seminario: Prima della nazione, oltre lo Stato. Gli spazi mobili nella penisola italiana tra la fine
del ‘700 e l’unità, organized by M. Meriggi and L. Di Fiore, “Federico II” University of Naples
(Naples, 05/24/2012);
Title: Gli spazi mobili della devozione nell’Italia del Settecento
- Seminar: Il sistema urbano in Campania: gerarchia e funzioni nel lungo periodo, organized by
Francesco Aceto and Bianca de Divitiis (European Reaserch Council/HistAntArtSI) (Naples,
Title: Vita religiosa a Capua nel XVIII secolo
- International Conference: Il Mediterraneo nel Settecento. Scambi, immagini, culture, organized by
Anna Maria Rao, (Naples, 16-18/05/2012)
Title: Culti anti-islamici e antiebraici a Napoli nel Settecento
- International Conference: Maschile e femminile nel Settecento, organized by the SISSD
Title: Simulazione di santità e profetismo femminile nell’Italia del Settecento
- International Conference: Comparing Eighteenth-Century British and Italian Narratives,
Fourth Anglo-Italian Conference on Eighteenth Century Studies. Viterbo, Università della
Tuscia, 5-7 settembre 2013
Title: Lives of saints. Fiction and Reality in the Hagiography of the Eighteenth century.
Teaching experience certified by the Italian Ministry of Education:
2005-2014: University of Naples "Federico II", Department of History "Ettore Lepore", Assistant
professor, in collaboration with Anna Maria Rao, full professor of Early Modern History.
Early modern History courses – Italian Language Courses addressed to Erasmus Students,
coming from European countries.
Research proposal
Fiction and Reality, Fusion and Confusion.
The Diffusion of Reports in Italy during the Early Modern Age
During the Ancient Regime, the reports of events of public interest were often suspended between
reality and fiction. The dividing line between the actual event and its representation was really weak
and undefined. The authors were used to pursuing different purposes and used different means, in
order to meet alternatively the taste of the receivers, the needs of the printers, the requirements of
their patrons, the purposes of propaganda of secular and religious powers. For all these reasons,
these primary sources are very difficult to be analyzed by historians and experts in literature.
This research intends to focus on the so called “relazioni” or “ragguagli” circulating in the Italian
States from the Sixteenth century until the early Nineteenth century. They are considered as
instruments of interest in the book market and in the market of information. They deal with natural
disasters, battles, wars, discoveries of new lands, religious missions, supposed miracles,
unexplained healings, murders and executions.
Being written by “ordinary” people from different social environments (priests, artisans,
lawyers, soldiers, bureaucrats or “professional” writers), these documents are relevant for various
areas within the Humanities and the Social Science, because they reveal the richness of a world
permeable to the circulation of conflicting beliefs and ideas on the events of public interest, and
testify the movement of words, metaphors, themes, images, and cultural practices which shift from
the elite to popular culture and viceversa.
Taking into account the exchanges between high and low culture, it is possible to find continuities,
discontinuities, and overlapping in the perception and representation of reality. Therefore the
project aims at moving from texts to society and from society to texts.
Statement of teaching interest
Areas of teaching interest:
- Italian Language (basic – intermediate – upper level)
- Italian Culture
- Italian Literature
- Italian History
- European History
-­‐ Transnational History
- World History
- European politics
Main courses offered
- Early Modern Europe
- Early Modern Italy
- Italian Literature
- European politics and government
Special Topics
- Politics and religion in Italy (Early Modern Age)
- Politics and religion in Europe (Early Modern Age)
- Pretense of holiness and Inquisition (1542-1815)
- Dante’s Divine Comedy
- History of books (15th-19th century)
- The idea of epic (Italy, Early Modern Age)
- European gothic novel (18th-19th century)
- Italian romances – Italian novels (17th -18th century )
- Early Modern Naples
- Media, communication and politics