Software Defined Systems: from SDN to SDI ZKI Herbsttagung 24. September, 2014 Kaiserslautern Paul Mueller Integrated Communication Systems Lab Dept. of Computer Science University of Kaiserslautern Paul Ehrlich Bld. 34, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Tel.+49 631 205 2263, Fax. +49 631 205 3056 Content what we are talking about the promise ACI-REF Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 2 we are talking about systems … 1 ! A system is a set of interacting components forming an integrated whole of elements/components and relationships. ! Common characteristics are: - A system has a structure, it contains parts (or components) that are related to each other; - A system has a behavior, it exhibits processes that fulfill its function or purpose; - A system has interconnectivity: the parts and processes are connected by relationships. ! CS has to investigate the abstract properties of systems matter and organization, looking for concepts and principles that are independent of domain, substance, type, or temporal scale. 1 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern adopted from wikipedia 3 we are talking about systems … 1 ! A system is a set of interacting components forming an integrated whole of elements/components and relationships. ! Common characteristics are: - A system has a structure, it contains parts (or components) that are related to each other; - A system has a behavior, it exhibits processes that fulfill its function or purpose; - A system has interconnectivity: the parts and processes are connected by relationships. Software)Defined.Systems. ! CS has to investigate the abstract properties of systems matter and organization, looking for concepts and principles that are independent of domain, substance, type, or temporal scale. 1 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern adopted from wikipedia 4 demands especially about IT-systems … what is the right glue ? eMail Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern capabilities WWW 5 what does it mean? ! Application was integral part of resource - Hard wired ! Front end was separated from backend Separation of GUI and hardware / logic (MVC) ! Client / Server - N-tier modells ! SDN/OpenFlow - Separation of data and control plane Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 6 what does it mean? ! Application was integral part of resource - Hard wired ! Front end was separated from backend Separation of GUI and hardware / logic (MVC) Separation.of.concerns. ! Client / Server (Edsger W. Dijkstra – 1974). - N-tier modells ! SDN/OpenFlow - Separation of data and control plane Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 7 more abstract ... ! Applications - - - - Facebook, Twitter, ... SaaS, ..., IaaS Industry Cloud Application / Services / Processes - Hard wired - MVC - Client/server, … ! Infrastructure - - - - X hard wired ! Control Control SDMVC client/server ... Infrastructure Compute Storage Network Instruments Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 8 more abstract ... ! Applications - - - - Facebook, Twitter, ... SaaS, ..., IaaS Industry Cloud - - - - Compute Storage Network Instruments Application / Services / Processes Software)Defined.Systems. hard wired ! Control Control SDMVC - Hard wired - MVC client/server ... to.abstract.from.application. - Client/server, … and.infrastructure. ! Infrastructure Infrastructure Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern X 9 what have we learned from ... ! GRID computing: - coordinates resources not subject to centralized control using standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces to deliver nontrivial qualities of service. - GLOBUS toolkit, WSRF - FutureGrid (NSF project) ! Cloud computing: - - - - Virtualization Hypervisor OpenStack Middleware (like Eucalyptus) ! Service-oriented computing: - Resource description - Resource discovery - Resource binding Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 10 1 Software-Defined Exchanges (SDXs) " “Near-term” SDX – pure connectvity/ROUTING Layer 3 (IP) – e.g., connect AS’s Layer 2 (Ethernet) – e.g., multi domain circuits SDN - connect SDN islands " “Advanced” SDX – with compute/storage (infrastructure) Connect SDI island Compute / storage / network / instruments (industrial robots) Extend this idea to general systems G-Lab / FIRE / GENI / ... as early instances 1 adopted from Workshop on Prototyping and Deploying Experimental SDXs, Washington DC, June 2014 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 11 What does SDX exchange? ! Application data? IP Packets? Virtual topologies? …. ! While SDX’s can be defined broadly (everything under the sun!) ! At the base level, SDX is a more intelligent IP exchange ! At the sophisticated level, SDX is a virtualized, application-specific exchange ! Building the right framework for an exchange will be critical to support all definitions 1 adopted from Workshop on Prototyping and Deploying Experimental SDXs, Washington DC, June 2014 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 12 SDX ? ! A place where peering domains come together based on SDX-defined rules of engagement ! Supports establishment of inter-domain connectivity/routing and/or SDSs by applications – supports exchange of information needed to achieve these ! Enforcer of individual domain policies but not itself a policy definer (with exceptions) ! A broker of inter-- domain and inter-- SRP trust ! A marketplace for services – local and remote ! Peering domains need not be physically connected ! Variation/differentiation among SDX’s is useful, but some common services are necessary ! Increasing complexity of global multi-- domain computing / communications environments ! New paradigms such as SDN, SDI, (distributed) clouds, virtualization/ slicing, big data ! Applications that need to utilize resources in multiple domains - Science requirements from different discipline groups – workflow, requirements, and network needs for these - For R&E, end to end is important – e.g., “hand fashioned circuits for astronomy” ! Declarative control of inter-domain path end to end – BGP doesn’t do this ! Potential to leverage awareness of multi-domain network conditions ! Security included in the infrastructure ! Rich environment for researchers to control their experimental infrastructure needs 1 adopted from Workshop on Prototyping and Deploying Experimental SDXs, Washington DC, June 2014 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 13 SDN stiching 1 adopted from Workshop on Prototyping and Deploying Experimental SDXs, Washington DC, June 2014 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 14 SDN stiching Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 15 The Project: ACI-REF ! Based on OpenGeni racks - - - - DELL Omnibond (spinoff University Clemson) GENI project office (GPO) NSF project ACI-REF • Advanced Cyberinfrastructure – Research and Educational Facilitation: Campus-Based Computational Research Support ! Service registration and discovery (what we have learned from SOA) ! Plug-in services - - - - Data transfer node, high throughput storage Application specific services (e.g. agents installed and launched on-thefly applications) Authentication software Relocation tranparency of VMs ! Interfaces for ... - Applications to inquire and specify resources ! Marketplace of SDX services - Self-service, on-demand services instantiated by applications ! Deployment - Software installation on GENI racks - Network configuration across campuses, regional, national, international ! Bring up specific pilot applications - Can be partly manual - Identify resource and attributes - Identify policies (with network operators) - Multi-domain provisioning and policy enforcement ! Integrate core services - Service registration & discovery - AAA ! Self service interface to push button deploy services into SDX ! Analyze trust/security issues at various levels of SDX hierarchy • Push button deployment • Application registration & discovery (incl. authentication and ...) Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 16 ACI-REF: KL – Clemson SDX Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 17 ACI-REF: KL – Clemson SDX Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 18 KL – Clemson SDX: DELL OpenGeni Rack ! OpenGENI™ Network Connectivity - - - - - - The OpenGENI rack implements physically separate network planes to improve system reliability, enhancereproducibility, and segregate experimental and management traffic. Control Plane: OpenFlow and GRAM commands are passed between the Controller and Compute nodes on this network. This is not controlled by OpenFlow and has its own internal IP addresses for each node. Data Plane: The OpenFlow-controlled network and associated interfaces between the VM’s representing the requested compute/network resource topology. External Plane: This network connects the Head node and switches to the external internet. Management Network: This network enables SSH entry and between the created VM’s. This is not controlled by OpenFlow. iDRAC: Integrated Dell Remote Access Control. iDRAC helps to deploy, update, monitor and maintain Dell servers. Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 19 ACI-REF: KL – Clemson SDX ! What have we learned from distributed systems? - Migration transparency - Relocation transparency • Relocation of VMs SDX Kaiserslautern X Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern Clemson … other CPU, RAM, I/O 20 ACI-REF: KL – Clemson SDX - Where is my virtual machine? - Can I move my environment variables (like IP, MAC, QoS, ...) also? - are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. SDX Kaiserslautern X Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern Clemson … other CPU, RAM, I/O 21 Conclusion ! What is missing for realizing the vision of SDS/SDI? ! Need of a new layer - of abstraction above hardware resources (southbound API) • e.g. OpenFlow - of abstraction below application layer (northbound API) ! Layer allows to empower application to define their IT demands / environment - so that sufficient capacity to fulfill QoS/QoE appropriately - based on performance, security and availability requirements ! Possible solution for this layer - use SOA paradigm - all infrastructure is virtualized and is delivered as a service. - connecting applications with infrastructure elements is completely automated by software ! Need for adjusting paradigm - new languages for describing service and service contracts - new technologies for accessing services ! ACI-REF across Germany, Europe, … Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 22 demands what we are talking about … eMail Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern capabilities WWW 23 Prof. Dr. Paul Mueller Integrated Communication Systems ICSY University of Kaiserslautern Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 3049 D-67653 Kaiserslautern Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern Phone: Fax: +49 (0)631 205-2263 +49 (0)631 205-30 56 Email: Internet: [email protected] Literature ! [1] Paul Müller, Bernd Reuther: Future Internet Architecture - A Service Oriented Approach. In: it - Information Technology, Jahrgang 50 (2008) Heft 6, S. 383-389 6/2008 Link: ! [2] Dennis Schwerdel, Zornitsa Dimitrova, Abbas Siddiqui, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller: Composition of Self Descriptive Protocols for Future Network Architectures. In: 35th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Patras, Greece, September 2009, p. 585-591, Link: ! [3] Dennis Schwerdel, Daniel Günther, Robert Henjes, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller: German-Lab Experimental Facility. Future Internet - FIS 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6369, 2010, Link: ! [4] M. Rahamatullah Khondoker, Bernd Reuther, Dennis Schwerdel, Abbas Siddiqui, Paul Müller: Describing and Selecting Communication Services in a Service Oriented Network Architecture. In: In Proceedings of the ITU-T Kaleidoscope event, Pune, India, 13-15 Dec 2010, Link: ! [5] M. Rahamatullah Khondoker, Eric Veith, Paul Müller: A Description Language for Communication Services of Future Network Architectures. In: Proceedings of „Network of Future“ (NoF), Paris, France, 2011 (nominated for best paper award), Link: ! [6] Khondoker, M. Rahamatullah, S. M. Taslim Arif, Nathan Kerr, and Dennis Schwerdel. Self-organizing communication services in future network architectures. In Fifth Internationl Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS 2011), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 2011, Link: ! [7] Dennis Schwerdel, Daniel Günther, Khondoker, M. Rahamatullah, Bernd Reuther, and Paul Müller. A building block interaction model for flexible future internet architectures. In 7th EURO-NF CONFERENCE ON NEXT GENERATION INTERNET, June 2011, Link: ! [8] Dennis Schwerdel, David Hock, Daniel Günther, Bernd Reuther, Phuoc Tran-Gia, Paul Müller: ToMaTo - a network experimentation tool. 7th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities TridentCom 2011, Link: ! [9] M. Rahamatullah Khondoker, Abbas Siddiqui, Bernd Reuther, and Paul Müller. Service orientation paradigm in future network architectures. In Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2012), July 2012, Link: ! [10] Daniel Günther, Dennis Schwerdel, Abbas Siddiqui, M. Rahamatullah Khondoker, Bernd Reuther, Paul Müller: Selecting and Composing Requirement Aware Protocol Graphs with SONATE, 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2012), Link: ! [11] Dennis Schwerdel, Bernd Reuther, Thomas Zinner, Paul Müller and Phuoc Tran-Gia. Future Internet research and experimentation: The G-Lab approach. In Computer Networks, Available online 8 January 2014, ISSN 1389-1286 ! [12] Paul Müller, Dennis Schwerdel and Justin Cappos. ToMaTo a Virtual Research Environment for Large Scale Distributed Systems Research. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, Available online 25 January 2014 Paul Mueller, University of Kaiserslautern 25
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