ST. PAUL A. A.M.E. CHURCH E-NEWS Website: E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: St. Paul AME, Chapel Hill 18641864-2014 St. Paul A.M.E.: 150 Years of Abiding in the Vine Great is God’s Faithfulness: Gratitude for Our Past, Joy in Our Present and Faith for Our Future”. Lamentations 3: 23 and 1Thessalonians 5:165:16-18 OCTOBER IS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION MONTH OCTOBER IS BREAST CANCER AND BREAST HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH OCTOBER 26, 2014 LAY DAY Theme: “Laity Fulfilling the Commission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church” Guest Speaker: Matthew Douglas Lay President of Washington Annual Conference Second Episcopal District Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 THERE WILL NOT BE ANY 8:00 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES SERVICES DURING NOVEMBER (picture of some of the 2013 St. Paul Team) 2014 Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes Saturday, November 8 on Dorothea Dix Campus, Raleigh The St. Paul Village walking team is looking for participants. Last year the team had 25 walkers. We are striving for 35 this year. There is no registration fee, but donations can be given to the American Diabetes Association. If you have not donated or you plan to register to walk, please do so. Contact Anissa (Niecy) McLendon as soon as possible. CHURCH DIRECTORY Sister Dianne Pledger will be taking photos for the Church Directory immediately after church this Sunday (11/2). This is your last opportunity to have picture taken for directory. UPCOMING EVENTS DAY DATE SPEAKER Sunday November 2 Rev. Thomas O. Nixon Wednesday November 5 Rev. Nate Davis, Jr. World Overcomers, Durham Sunday November 9 Bishop William P. Deveaux, Sr. Wednesday November 12 Rev. Richard Edens United Church of Chapel Hill Sunday November 16 Rev. Mary Jane Palmer Sunday November 23 Rev. Dr. Constance Wheeler-Evans St. Paul AMEC, Washington DC Sunday November 30 Evangelist Janie Castle District Missionary Church of God in Christ (COGIC) St. Paul – Our Service continues! The Women’s Ministry of St. Paul will be collecting cans of chicken noodle soup each Sunday during November. They will donate the soup collected to TABLE, a non –profit organization whose mission is to provide healthy emergency food aid every week to elementary age children living in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Please drop your cans of chicken noodle soup in the basket in the vestibule labeled TABLE and in the boxes that will be placed by the alter. Let’s make a difference in the lives of the 250 children TABLE supports weekly. OUR GOAL IS TO COLLECT 500 CANS OF SOUP. A representative from Table will be at St. Paul on Sunday, November 30 to accept our donation. If you have questions, please contact Sisters Sharon Davis or Joi Ponder. INTER FAITH COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE NEWS PANTRY SHOPPING LIST Help us help others by including these essential food items on your next shopping trip and donating to IFC. Canned meats/tuna Rice Canned vegetables Peanut Butter Pasta and pasta sauce Cereal Grits Soups Any personal care items Canned or Dried Beans (pinto and Paper bags with handles black most requested) Canned fruit These are staple items that they aim to keep in stock at all times, but other donations are welcome. Please bring donations to St. Paul or you may deliver yourself to IFC’s Food Pantry, 310 W. Main Street, Carrboro 919-929-6380 ext 41 Hours: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. IFC COMMUNTIY HOUSE SHOPPING LIST • • • • • Canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, any other non-perishable tomato products Sugar Olive oil Spices (of any kind) Butter • • • • Milk Men’s trousers, mostly large sizes Men’s socks, all sizes (new- medium and large sizes) Men’s briefs or boxers (must be new, sizes M, L, XL) IFC HOMESTART SHOPPING LIST o Women’s underwear (must be new, sizes S-XL) o Children’s underwear (2T up to junior large) Drop Community House and Homestart donations at: 100 W. Rosemary Street, Chapel Hill 919-967-0643 Let’s have a goal that each member brings at least one item per month. Imagine how many of our needy neighbors could be helped. Thanks from IFC clients. We sincerely appreciate your prayers, participation and patronage! Please save the dates of Our Annual Seasonal Carol Services, bring your family and friends and Join us! th 24 Annual Thanksgiving Carol Service Monday, November 24 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 38th Annual Christmas Cantata & Holiday Reception Sunday, December 14 4:00 p.m. ON GOING ANNOUNCEMENTS BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please have all announcements and bulletin requests in to the Secretary by Wednesday night. If you have inserts for the Sunday Bulletin you must get them to Ms. Gentry by Wednesday of the week you want to be distributed. If you bring inserts on a Sunday morning you will need to get them to ushers on duty by 9:30am. If later than that they may not be inserted unless you do the task. There are several duties that ushers must do before church starts and may not have time to place inserts in bulletin. SOUVENIR JOURNAL The date for distribution of the souvenir journal has changed. Sorry for the delay. The new date will be announced as soon as they arrive. If you have questions feel free to contact a member of the committee: Sisters Glenda Harris, Robin Arnette, Angeline Warren, Catherine DeBose, Cora Keels or Brother Al Green. KEYS There are a number of keys located on the bulletin board in the Anvil Room, please look and see if any of these lost keys may be yours. ST. PAUL MARTIAL ARTS FITNESS CLASS The class will be led by Brother Blackwell who is trained in the Shorin Ryi (pronounced “show rin-ree-u” style of karate. Martial Arts fitness is for people of all ages and fitness levels and will help with mobility of joints, flexibility and strength and endurance. To be healthy you have to move your body so come and join us on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. at St. Paul. SPECIAL NOTICE Prior to scheduling all meetings at St. Paul, please call Mrs. Sandra Gentry to make sure that there’s no conflict in scheduling. STUDY HIS WORD All officers and members are encouraged to study God’s Word during Bible Study on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. or Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and receive the many blessings that God has in store for those of us who diligently seek HIS knowledge through HIS Word. REMINDER All Auxiliary leaders are asked and encouraged to check your organizations mailbox located beside the Pastor’s office for mail on a regular basis. You may be missing some important mail. MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT Please continue to contribute monthly to assist with the mortgage payment for land for new St. Paul Village. The monthly mortgage payment is $6,500. The suggested amount is at least $25+ from each member each month. If each member pays this amount the mortgage will be covered each month. THANK YOU to those members who are already donating!! PULPIT FLOWERS Would you like to honor someone on their birthday? Honor memory of a friend or relative? You can sponsor the Pulpit Flowers on a Sunday that you select. The cost is only $55.00 and you can have the flowers after the service. Please provide the funds for the flowers to Mrs. Gentry at least two weeks before the Sunday you select along with wording for bulletin acknowledging the person. The dates are given on a first come basis. ST. PAUL COMMUNITY VILLAGE PROJECT SACRIFICIAL OFFERING The Capital Campaign fund will be doing a sacrificial offering every 3rd Sunday to raise money for the St. Paul Village. We will be envelopes for this special campaign; please let them hear from you about your personal sacrifice. GOSPEL BAND The Gospel Band are in need of new members ages 10-80 and will meet at 1:00 p.m. on the first, third and fourth Saturdays. Free tutoring is offered. The Gospel Band is also in need of instruments for members to play. Please contact Marvin Bynum (919)644-6147 or (919)8014179 (cell) if you would like to donate an instrument for members to play. ST. PAUL COMMUNITY VILLAGE PROJECT “2014 Super Sacrificial Giving requires Steadfast Stewardship” Please write a separate check when giving to the St. Paul Community Village Project. Please make the check payable to “St. Paul AME Community Village Project”. Place your envelope in the collection plate. Ushers will have Project envelopes if they are not in the pew holders or in the holders in the foyer. RIDES TO CHURCH Anyone needing a ride to and from church on Sunday should call the church office at 967-3961 between hours of 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. on weekdays or leave a voice mail message. Please check with driver about pick up time especially if you plan to attend Sunday School so you will be there on time. Many thanks to Joal Broun and Leon Bumphus who serve as primary volunteer van drivers so their church family can get to church. Back up drivers are needed. If you can drive, please contact Brother Bumphus or Sister Broun. REMEMBER OUR RECOVERING SAINTS “When I was Sick, Ye Visited Me” Lillie Mae Bailey – Chapel Hill Rehabilitation Center 967-1418 Pervarice Blue 919-478-3294 Dottie Bobo – Carolina House Anne Boothe – Chapel Hill Rehabilitation Center 967-1418 Nellie Carver – 919-942-0316 Doris Cotton – 919-933-8098 {contact Jackie Parker} Ethel Jean Jackson – 919-929-4527 Loy Long – UNC Rehabilitation Center Toni Pendergraft – 942-8894 William Perry - 919-968-5361 Velma Perry – Carolina House If you know of a member who should be on the list or removed from list, please tell a member of WMS. MEMBERS WITH A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK 11/1 11/2 11/4 Henry Frierson Frierson Curtis Little Samuel Johnson CONTACT INFORMATION St. Paul Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Pastor’s Drop in Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Consultations by appointment) Senior Pastor Rev. Thomas O. Nixon 919-967-3961 Associate Pastor Rev. Mary Jane Palmer 919-493-8626 Assistant Pastor Rev. Beverly M. Solomon 919-544-4910 CALENDAR OF EVENTS AND MEETINGS DAY/DATE TIME EVENT/MEETING ND Thursday WNCC hosting 2 EPISCOPAL DISTRICT’S MID-YEAR November 6 CONFERENCE, North Raleigh Hilton Hotel, Raleigh – Saturday St. Paul’s Delegate: Carlotta Armstrong Young November 8 Saturday 9:00 a.m. November 8 Tuesday WALK TO STOP DIABETES sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, Dorothea Dix’ Campus, Raleigh ALL DAY November 11 RSVVP (Dine out and Fight Hunger) List of Restaurants on IFC website at Monday 7:30 p.m. – ANNUAL THANKSGIVING CAROL SERVICE at St. Paul November 24 8:30 p.m. Sunday 4:00 p.m. – ST. PAUL SENIOR CHOIR 38th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS December 14 5:30 p.m. CANTATA AND HOLIDAY RECEPTION Wednesday 7:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS PLAY December 17 January 17, WOMEN MISSIONARY SOCIETY WINTER INSTITUTE 2015 Mount Zion AMEC, Hillsborough. There is a registration fee. SECOND EPISCOPAL DISTRICT FOUNDERS’ DAY February (tentatively) Washington DC area, Reid Temple AMEC as host 2015 church and Washington Conference as Host Conference St. Paul Delegate: Theresa Watson Saturday 7:30 a.m. ST. PAUL VILLAGE COMMUNITY 5K, McDougle School 2:30 p.m. CHAPEL HILL – CARRBORO CROP HUNGER WALK, Carrboro March 7, 2015 Sunday April 19, Town Commons. St. Paul’s Team Captain for 2014: Joi Ponder. 2015 For information www.ifcweb,org/events/crop-walk June 9 – WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE ANNUAL June 12, CONFERENCE, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Research Triangle 2015 Park St. Paul Delegate: Brother Earl Bynum St. Paul Alternate Delegate: Sister Linda Bynum OCTOBER 2014 INCOME Am I Giving God’s Way? “Bring the full tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in My House and thereby put Me to the test” says the Lord of Host, “if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it” Malachi 3:10 Monthly Projected Income $34,350.00 Income for October $20,241.00 AMOUNT NEEDED TO REACH MONTHLY GOAL $14,580.00 God’s Way to give is to tithe. (Malachi 3:10) What is yours? What I gave, I have; what I spent, I had; what I kept, I lost." ~ ~ Unknown ~ ~
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