MAY 2014 NEWSLETTER Dear Parents and Carers, You will be aware that in March I wrote to you all with the news that I was leaving Abbey College at the end of the summer term to take up the post of Principal at a large school in Lincolnshire. The timing of my appointment allowed governors a good opportunity to advertise my post nationally and after a rigorous, two day process, Mr Andy Christoforou, one of my current deputies, was unanimously appointed as my successor. I am delighted with the choice governors have made and wish to congratulate Mr Christoforou, firstly on his outstanding contribution as deputy and secondly in securing the Headship of Abbey College. Under Mr Christoforou's leadership, I have every confidence that Abbey will go on from strength to strength and in order to ensure a smooth leadership transition, we have already begun to work closely on strategic plans for next year. Part of this plan is to recruit another Assistant Headteacher and this is something we are finalising this week. Whilst appointments to key posts have and are being made, the rest of the school is in the middle of the examination season and I have been delighted with the way Abbey students have attended the many revision sessions offered by my colleagues. Breakfast and lunchtime clubs have been full of students eager for advice and final tips immediately prior to exams. With this in mind, I would like to thank those parents who have allowed their son/daughter to attend these early sessions and provide transport to school as early as 7.15 am. I'm confident that the combined effort of parents, staff and students will have a very positive outcome on results later this summer. All good wishes, W Birks Wayne Birks Headteacher 26th April 2014 Seventeen-year-old Charlotte Field is a woman driven by a vocation. Unusually, for someone so young, her dream is to become a Church of England vicar. The Alevel student from Bury, near Ramsey, says she was inspired in her choice of career while attending a vocations conference in Ely. She said: “It was a sudden thing, I just felt that my path in life should be going towards the ministry and be a vicar. I have been going to church for seven Continued on Page 2 1 years, I sing in the church choir and I am part of the church’s bell ringing team. I am also a member of the parochial church council for St Thomas A Beckett Parish Church, which is very interesting. It is a good experience learning how to make my views known and I have got used to talking to people much older than myself.” But if that was not enough, Charlotte also combines her studies with a part time job cleaning at her school, Abbey College in Ramsey, for three hours a day, five days week after lessons. A task for which she gets paid. She said: “I just needed a part-time job and saw it advertised and applied. I know I’m busy but that’s how I have always been. I don’t miss out. I don’t want to just sit in front of the television. But I still have time to enjoy myself with my friends.” Now Charlotte has been hailed as a “true inspiration” by one of her teachers and has been nominated for the Young People of the Year (YOPEY) award. She has been nominated by her philosophy and ethics A-level teacher Helen Norris for her ‘can do’ positive approach to everything she does. Mrs Norris said: “Charlotte is a true inspiration and has sustained an incredibly selfless approach to life. She is a brilliant role model at school. She is very active in the sixth form and has raised money for charities such as Cancer Research and Suffolk Horse Society.” Mrs Norris added: “In a quietly confident manner, she has volunteered to come into class every Monday working on a one-to-one basis or with small groups. We have a student who has French as his first language. Charlotte has really boosted his confidence by helping him use improved English. She has a quiet confidence which means that she can win round even the more apathetic students.” Mum Joanne said: “Charlotte’s very dedicated to everything she does and just wants to make people happy. She’s always been like that and is a very smiley girl.” Abbey College Year 7 Football lost 2-1 to Sawtry in the District Football final after a very close contest. Goal scorer was Kyle Rudland. District Football league Sawtry Abbey Longsands Hinchingbrooke St Ivo St Peters Cromwell Ernulf Goals For 23 13 16 6 13 7 2 5 Goals against 9 12 8 4 12 11 7 11 2 Points 15 15 10 5 7 0 0 0 If you are having trouble logging on to Go4schools please email Miss S Bacon, Data Lead, on: [email protected] giving details of the problems that you are experiencing. 3 GOOD LEARNING HABITS UPDATE Well done to all Abbey College students for the excellent effort and attitude they continue to show by demonstrating all of our Good Learning Habits. Once again, we thank our parents for their continued support of Abbey College with helping their son(s) or daughter(s) meet these reasonable expectations. On average, 98% of students at Abbey College perfectly demonstrate the full set of Good Learning Habits: wearing the correct Uniform, not Eating in lessons, having the correct Equipment (2Ps, 2Rs & Exercise book), ABBEY COLLEGE being Punctual to lessons and school, No answering back, being Ontask with their learning and Homework (Part A, is to hand it on -time Good Learning Habits & Part B, the completion of homework to a set expectation). Well done to Curie for continuing to be the leading house, with an average of 89% students demonstrating all our Good Learning Habits on a daily basis since September 2013. Homework club is available to all students every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students attending Homework club are permitted to use the late bus in order to get home. 26th –30th May 17th June 2014 25th June 2014 27th June 2014 27th June 2014 30th June 2014 1-4th July 2014 1st July 2014 2nd July 2014 3rd July 2014 3rd—4th July 2014 10th July 2014 14th July 2014 17th July 2014 18th July 2014 21st July 2014 22nd July 2014 2nd Sept 2014 3rd Sept 2014 27th—31st Oct 19th Dec 2014 6th Jan 2015 7th Jan 2015 16th—20th Feb 2015 27th March 2015 13th April 2015 4th May 2015 25 –29th May 2015 17th July 2015 All Various Y11 Y12/13 Various Y6 Y11 Y11 /Y13 Various Various Y6 All Y6/7 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All No answering back Equipment Wear uniform Homework On-task Punctuality Eating Half term Parents Forum 6-7pm Prom Sixth Form Ball Opening of ‘100th Yr Anniversary of the 1st World War’ Memorial Garden Meet the mentor evening 4.30—6.30pm Sixth Form induction Graduation Evening ASCA Music Concert School Summer Concert Y6 induction days Sports Day Disco Sports Day (Alternate) End of summer term Training Day Training Day Training Day Start of autumn term Half term End of Term Training Day Start of spring term Half term End of term Start of summer term May Day bank holiday (school closed) Half term End of summer term 4 Behaviour and Ethos Welcome to the Behaviour and Ethos section of the newsletter. This has been a short and busy half-term which has seen a non-uniform day coupled with Year 11 examinations, revision session and the appointment of a Headteacher. Our Year 9s and 11s have been preparing for the next stage of their careers at Abbey College by choosing their options and destinations beyond 16. All Year 11s staying on, by now, have had a personal interview with a senior colleague to review their plans for next year and to ensure they feel fully guided in the choices they have made. Events such as the Year 11 and 13 Proms and the Graduation are now being carefully planned by staff and students and more information will be forthcoming in due course. The ethos charter is now in its twenty-third cycle. Mrs Moorhouse and Mrs Davis have been busy working with a group of students to formulate the ‘Exemplary Skills’ curriculum and award, and she will write to you will more information in due course. The programme will be similar in nature to the Records of Achievement certificates that students took with them onto higher education. Good Learning Habits – update We would like to congratulate all students for the excellent effort and attitude they have shown during the first full term of Good Learning Habits. We would also like to thank our parents for their continued support of Abbey College with helping their son(s) or daughter(s) meet these reasonable expectations. It is important that we share the successes of the expectations to date. The Punctuality expectation has reduced lateness to lessons by over 55% in one half-term. In the long run, this should increase the teaching time of our young people and impact on achievement standards across the school. On average, 99.4% of students at Abbey College have demonstrated the first five Good Learning Habits of: wearing the correct Uniform, not Eating in lessons, having the correct Equipment (2Ps & 2Rs), being Punctual to lessons and school and No answering back. In addition, fewer than 10 students per day receive a detention for not having Good Learning Habits (breaking NEWHOPE expectations). Uniform I would like to remind all parents that pupils are not allowed to wear nail varnish, bracelets, bangles and we ask that trousers are parallel. In addition, please can I remind you that hair should be one natural colour. Thank you for your continued support this term as we aim to prepare all students for the end of year assessments. Mr Christoforou Deputy Headteacher 5 HOUSE NEWS We Have Outstanding Outcomes We Have High Expectations We Have High Levels of Self Worth We Celebrate Our Triumphs Together The Curie team continues to support our students. A huge thank you to Miss Smith, Mrs Gawthorpe, Mrs Bramley and all the wonderful Mentors and Co Mentors for all their efforts. I also wish to thank our KS 4 students who continue to support our KS 3 students in Commit time. We will miss the Year 11s when they go on study leave. They have been an integral part of our Curie family for the past few years. There is a challenging period facing our students and we wish them every success as they revise and make every effort to reach their potential. Sporting achievements: Chloe Rimmer has very successfully represented Curie in a variety of sporting activities – congratulations. Our Year 7 and 8 students have played exceptionally well in all their fixtures. Curie students participated in the Sport Relief mile and contributed to the overall school total. Clubs: Our clubs go from strength to strength. We offer Cooking, Art, Photography, Media, Drama, Card club, Board games, Canada Club, Outdoor games (rounders or crazy cricket) and the Fitness suite. May I wish everyone a very happy and relaxed half term. I do hope that the weather improves and that our Year 11s, 12s and 13s make the best use of their time and revise effectively. Mrs Moorhouse - Head of House Miss Smith - House Progress Assistant Mrs Gawthorp – SLT Link 6 We 've only been back a short time but already Edison has sprung into action. Our representatives have taken an active role in the newly formed Student Representative Body and the Edison COMMIT group representatives are currently meeting to discuss plans for Inter House competitions after half-term. The Non-Uniform day was the schools acknowledgement of students looking after the environment both in and out of the classroom and all Edison COMMIT groups contributed to the voluntary fund-raising finishing 2nd overall. We continue to top the Good Choices chart but still look to improve the behaviour of our students in class and the vast majority of Edison students clearly have high standards to maintain. The rest of this term brings us Enterprise Day in July where students will compete to make the most successful stalls and raise as much money for charity as they are able to and, of course, the fabulous Sports Day when House points across the year will culminate in a great sporting extravaganza. Since the first Sports Day we haven't been able to emulate our victory but we're looking to put that right in July. We are all proud of Edison students and as a result we want to wish our Year 11's, 12's and 13's all the best in the coming exams. We will be thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed. We look forward to seeing you happy in June at the Leaver's Ball and ecstatic when you pick up your results in August. Mr R Wilson—Head of Edison The future is bright, the future is EDISON Throughout this half term, although short, there have been many success stories from within Team Mandela. These include, Katie Hole achieving a Bronze Commit Pin for her success in the Abbey College netball team, MRM having the largest number of students that are on target for good choice points within Mandela House and also all COMMIT groups creating Wellness Trees, some of which were displayed in the Ramsey Community. Additionally, I would like to congratulate our team, both staff and students, as we have consistently achieved the highest level of attendance every week since September! Year 11 students are currently in the midst of their GCSE Examinations and are working very hard to ensure they reach their full potential and open every opportunity possible. With Breakfast Revision Groups, after school and holiday sessions, we continue to support them and look forward to seeing the fruits of their hard work in August. As a result of our ‘Traffic Light’ system, we achieved a Charity Non-Uniform day, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Mandela students raised the largest amount of all Houses within Abbey College and I would like to thank all parents and students for their continued support. We have some exciting challenges to look forward to next half term including Enterprise Day, an Inter House Football Challenge and also additional COMMIT time challenges which are already being prepared. Mandela Mentors are currently planning a Fashion Challenge, Spelling Bee, Air Rocket League and a mini Olympics which are all very exciting. I wish you an enjoyable May Spring Bank Holiday and look forward to a sunny and exciting rest of the term. Mrs T Dolby Head of Mandela House 7 A Very Busy Winter Term for NEWTON HOUSE! Newton students have continued to work hard in and out of lessons to set a positive example for all. We have been very busy this term working towards: meeting or exceeding personal minimum expectations in lessons and working on our Newton Challenge. The Newton Challenge for this year is to design and build a ‘100th Anniversary of the start of the First World War Memorial Garden.’ This is part of a global drive for young people to plant poppies. The Newton Committee are now in the final preparation stage for the Grand Opening on June 27th, 2014. Newton Students have been getting stuck in with the actual building and planting of the poppies. Newton students are currently researching World War One poetry and choosing poems to incorporate throughout the Remembrance Garden. We are looking forward to involving the whole school community and local community in commemorating the 100th year anniversary of the beginning of World War One. The winners of the Newton House Competition, to create the best ‘Wellness Tree' for each commit group, are NSD, NAD, NAL! We were very impressed with the creativity and initiatives used by students to create these. Some of the entries are photographed above. We are also very proud of Jack Smith who represented Abbey College on behalf of Newton House at the Ramsey Neighbourhood Trust annual general meeting to explain, the purpose and process of building them, to the community. Newton GCSE students have been working throughout this half term to prepare for their upcoming exams by following their revision timetables and attending revision sessions. I have been very impressed with their motivation and dedication to their academic achievement. Congratulations to the following Newton students for being on target to achieve 9A*-Cs including at least 5 grades being predicted as A/A*: Georgia Bartram, Jessica Graham, Eleanor Hurrell, Oliver Jenkins, Catherine O’Grady, George Pheby, Georgia Plant, Rory Austin, Holly Brooker, Rhys Bunnage, Harry Dorrell, Aaron Horton, Jordan Keilty, Thomas Lee, Samuel Mercer, Harrison O’Connor, Aisling O’Mahoney, Jeremy Purllant and Melissa Woodcock. The vast majority of Newton students regularly demonstrate outstanding dedication to the Commit Values and good learning habits. I would like to congratulate the top students in Newton house for this term: Caitlyn Brown, Jack Smith, Faith Young, Peter Reeve, Louise Upton, Kira Turnbull, Charlie Jenkins, Charis Kilby, Imogen Bacon, Harvey Gibbs, Marcus Gilbey, Jessica Graham, Holly Brooker, Darrian Prendergast, Charis Remzi, Abigail Ewan, Thomas Hodgson, Jordan Keilty, Olivia Bulloch-Lorente, and Rhys Bunnage. Brilliant Job Everyone! I am extremely proud of the following Newton students who have been awarded commit pins; these represent an outstanding contribution to the school and/or wider community. Congratulations to Jack Smith and Shawna Washington who have achieved a Bronze Pin. We would also like to congratulate the following students for achieving a Silver Pin: Mia Scott, Rhys Thomas and Michael Lardner. On behalf of the Newton Team, I would like to wish the whole community a good half term! It is by Working Together in Harmony that Newton House will be the best house at Abbey College. Miss E Ferreira—Head of Newton House 8 TO BE OR NOT TO BE…THAT IS THE QUESTION?’ It has been a very short term; but the ‘Orange Machine’ is rolling on and we are competitive in academic, cultural and extra-curricular activities. We’ve had some real success this term: • 2 of our students were chosen for the Gliding club final round; Jay Coulson and Zoe Anne Parker. • Emma Markland, Charlotte Masterston, Goncalo Martins, Julius Vaitikus and Darren McEnaney leading a commit time club! 11 of our students chosen to represent their groups on the SRB council: • Oliver Hammons- SJF • Joshua Leigh- SJF • Mathew Lister - SAB • Shellie Cooper-SPR • Charlotte Jakes-SJN • Thomas Papworth- SGD • Kieran Judd-SGJ • Allan Logan- SGA • Mason Sims-SNC • Bethany Ciesielski -SNC • Jack Tayor-SLO We are now in fourth position overall for attainment and attendance, but we will always strive to be competitive until end of the year. Our top 5 students on Go4schools points in the different Year groups are; • • • • • Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Logan Allen Isobelle Peck Rory Royall Jay Coulson Shelby Martin 551 472 482 395 396 We have ensured that we provide ‘outstanding’ pastoral care in mentor group with the following built into our mentor program. • • • • • • • • • • • Academic Mentoring Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Literacy, Numeracy and Study Skills Assemblies built around our COMMIT charter Current Affairs House Competitions Work Experience Y10 UCAS application (6th form) Interview feedback Y13 Help with Y11 applications (This term most were completed) More than 16 internal clubs (every fortnight) We want to encourage all parents to make contact with mentors throughout the year and use our Parent Consultation evenings. Parents should also be aware of the Mock Exams, tests & Controlled assessments that most students are involved with in their CORE subjects. Most important, Abbey College is striving to be ‘the best school in Huntingdonshire, by putting students first’. Mr F Nieuwoudt—Head of Shakespeare House 9 ABBEY COLLEGE ADULT LEARNING Do you fancy learning something new, making some friends & generally having a bit of fun? If the answer is yes, then why not join a course in Ramsey? September Courses include: Contact the College for further Creative Sewing, Digital information: Photography, Indian Cookery, 01487 811338 / 811313 or email: Languages, Yoga, Stained Glass, [email protected] Explore the Abbey, Art, Full details are on our website Computing, Mind Chi, Salsa, Opening times: Mon to Thurs 10am-2pm Furniture Restoration. Abbey College is the ideal solution for your wedding reception, social gatherings, dances, parties, to name but a few. Our main halls can accommodate up to 200 guests for a formal dinner with plenty of room left over for dancing. They each take 350 guests seated in theatre style. Want your event out of doors? There is a lawned area that is large enough to house a marquee for 500 guests. Forming an attractive venue for many different types of event, while providing the perfect backdrop for photographs, there are lawns, landscaped gardens, and the magnificent Abbey manor house. Sounds like the ideal place? Then please contact: Lesley Pollard Tel: 01487 812352 Email: [email protected] for more details or to arrange a viewing of our facilities. 10
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