Mensi Massimo

Date of birth
Mensi Massimo
7TH JUNE 1970
• January 2014 – current
• Name and address of
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
November 2013 - current
• Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro
• Tipo di azienda o settore
• Tipo di impiego
FILCAMS CGIL Nazionale, Rome
National Trade Union
Policy Officer
Member of the national officers for FILCAMS CGIL Nazionale concerning training
and educational subjects.
International Policies regarding the Professionals and Managerial Staff workers;
Project management; Societas Europea internal expertise.
Eurocadres, The Council of European Professional and Managerial Staff, Brussels
European Trade Union
Vice president
• April 2013 - current
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
UNI Europa P&M (Professionals and Managers), Brussels
European Union Federations
Member of the Steering Committee
• March 2013 - current
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
Agenquadri CGIL Nazionale, Rome
National Trade Union
Member of the National Executive Committee
• January 2012 – Dicember 2013
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
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Massimo Mensi
Via Pedrotti 5, TORINO
Trade Union
Managerial staff with competence for FILCAMS CGIL Piemonte in local activities for the
international policies and innovation technology.
• Main activities and responsibilities
• October 2010 – December 2011
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• September 2009 – December
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• October 2009 – May 2010
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
• September 1995
– August 2009
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and responsibilities
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Massimo Mensi
Person in charge of UNI Europe and UNI Global P&M relationships for FILCAMS CGIL
Nazionale. Cooperation with the FILCAMS CGIL International Policy Department regarding the
Professional and Managerial Staff policies; member of the International Policy staff for the EU
projects; Researcher for a FILCAMS CGIL national project concerning Multinational
Corporations and P&Ms focusing on EWC. Societas Europea internal expertise for Filcams
CGIL nazionale.
Member of the national officers for FILCAMS CGIL Nazionale concerning training and
educational subjects.
Via Serra 31, Roma
Trade Union
Person in charge of UNI Europe and UNI Global P&M Relationships
Cooperation with the FILCAMS CGIL International Policy Department regarding the
Professional and Managerial Staff policies
Energia e Territorio SpA – Spalto Marengo 44
15121 Alessandria - Italy
TLC – ICT sector – Public society controlled by Provincia di Alessandria
Managerial staff
Business Development and Management Consultant
Temporary management for the start up projects by Energia e Territorio SpA.
SiWeb Srl – Via Al Sant. N. S. della Guardia 22
16162 Genova - Italy
Management in the TLC sector; Budgeting and Controlling.
CNA - Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa Associazione
Provinciale di Alessandria
(National Confederation of the Craft Sector and Small and Medium Enterprises)
Via Trotti 77
15100 Alessandria - Italy
CNA, the National Confederation of the Craft Sector and Small and Medium Enterprises, has
been representing and protecting the interests of craft companies, SMEs, and all forms of selfemployed workers for over sixty years.
CNA is member of UEAPME, the employers’ organisation representing the interests of
European crafts, trades and SMEs at EU level.
Managerial staff
- Director of the branch in Valenza (AL)
- Project manager for “”, e-shop property of CNA and Consorzio Unione
Artigiani in Valenza, Ecommerce project regarding the jewellery sector;
- Quality auditor for Consorzio Unione Artigiani di Valenza (UNI EN ISO 9001:2000)
- Regional director in Pedmont of Artistico - CNA Piemonte, Federazione di Mestiere
dell’Artigianato Artistico Tradizionale (1997 – 2005), part of the CNA network.
- Coordinator for educational and training policies of CNA and its members.
• 2002 - 2006
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
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Massimo Mensi
Università del Piemonte Orientale in Alessandria, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Classe di
Scienze sociologiche - “Servizi alle Imprese e alle Organizzazioni”
(Political Sciences, Sociology class)
Psychology, Sociology,
Law, Statistics,
Marketing,Methodology of Social Sciences, Intercultural Relations, Organizational sciences,
Industrial Relations, European Social Model
University degree
110/110 Summa cum laude
Acquired in the course of life and career
but not necessarily covered by formal
certificates and diplomas.
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
very good
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
Living and working with other people, in
multicultural environments, in positions
where communication is important and
situations where teamwork is essential
(for example culture and sports), etc.
Coordination and administration of
people, projects and budgets; at work, in
voluntary work (for example culture and
sports) and at home, etc.
With computers, specific kinds of
equipment, machinery, etc.
Excellent communication skills and empathy as natural character developed in the
workplace and during my various volunteer activities carried out in my lifetime.
Open Mind.
Readiness to travel within Europe (alredy part of my last professional tasks).
High communication levels and skill of synthesis, high sociability, ability to work as a team
and management of a functional leadership.
Capacity and skills developed in the course of my professional life and during the exercise of
political activities.
During my past experience as CEO and in the last three years I could improve my
organizational skills (Budget management, Controlling, HR Management).
Very good computer
skills operating on Windows platforms, Windows Mobile and Linux software; Very good
knowledgement of Microsoft Office Suite, Publisher, Internet Browsers, HTML,Frontpage and
various programs of basic graphics and music.
Very good use of web 2.0 tools and social networking platforms.
Very good use of E-learning Platform MOODLE.
Advanced PDA and tablet - Pocket PC Windows Mobile or Android based user;
Beta testers and translater (Italian localization) of several international softwarehouses for
PDA and Smartphone;
Knowledge and use of SPSS software for statistical analysis;
Very good knowledge of the European Union and the European institutions;
Very good knowledge of the European Trade Unions.
Italian driving licence AB (motorbike and cars)
Nautical Licence (motor and sailing, over 12 miles)
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Massimo Mensi
December 2013: MOODLE E-learning Platform training course;
December 2013: Search Engine Optimization training course;
February 2013, Sasso Marconi (BO), Training course, ETUI Education/FILCAMS CGIL “Project
management for Union Representatives”
November 2012, Esher (UK), Training course, ETUI Education/UNI Europa “Building trade union
alliances in multinational companies’
November 2012, Bruxelles, Seminar, ETUI, “How to monitor and influence the EU decision making
process from a Trade union perspective: new ETUI activity in Brussels”
June 2012: Bruxelles, Seminar, ETUI “Sustainability: what does it mean for worker representatives
and working conditions in retail?”
January – April 2012, Rome, FILCAMS CGIL, Training for national FILCAMS CGIL trainers and
education officers;
February 2012, Bruxelles, ETUI European Trade Union Institute, Training on Budget Lines 2012 for
European Social Dialogue;
September 2011, Milano, Istituto Tech (QUADRIFOR) “NPL Techniques for communications and
September 2011, Milano, AGSG (QUADRIFOR)
business with Excell advanced tools”
“Analyzing data, Budgeting and Reporting for
May 2011, Milano, Istituto Tech (QUADRIFOR) “Peak Conversation – Communicate in Crucial
Conversation ”
October 2010 – Feb 2011: FILCAMS CGIL International department “International policies: Union
activities and EU Budget Lines”
September – October 2010, Milano Cegos Italia SpA (QUADRIFOR) “Budgeting and Controlling”
May 2010, Bologna, GESA Srl (QUADRIFOR ) “budget and controlling: reading and analyze”
March – June 2009: Milano, Fondazione ItalianiEuropei, workshops “Crisis and the new global
3/5/10 May 2011: relator for the course “From the Facebook blog, new tools for governing the streaming
of information: Web 2.0 and its use in emergency situations”, second edition, organized by the Italian
Red Cross, Alessandria
14/19/21 April 2010: relator for the course “From the Facebook blog, new tools for governing the
streaming of information: Web 2.0 and its use in emergency situations”, first edition, organized by the
Italian Red
Cross, Alessandria
April 2005 – July 2009:
For the City Council of Valenza (over 21.000 inhabitants), assessor with competence in Economy,
Labor, Commerce, Urban Planning, Promotion and local development.
23 may 2006: for the Class of Organization and Marketing for no profit, Università del Piemonte
Orientale “A. Avogadro”, Prof. Bulsei
Relator "CNA Etica e Solidale: how to combine work and social values “.
Further information and references about me could be found on my LinkedIn pages at the following
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Massimo Mensi
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Massimo Mensi